All right. 100 turns as Brazil. Some thoughts:
- I really like the color. The borders look nice with the dark green/light green stuff, but the units colors make them look kind of brazilian, yeah.
- Early game with trade route seem a whole new beast to me. So I decided to do a peaceful cultural game, right? What happens, then? Montezuma right next door, obviously. So I'm still building some army, praying not to be attacked, BUT, I also have a trade route with him. So lauinching an early war against a neighbour is not only bad because of the usual reasons, but he will now lose the gold and the science boost. The result is that I have a oddly friendly Montezuma next door. (still building a defensive army, tho.)
- Before building my first trade route, I was getting negative gold, it may be because I suck, it may be the game is balanced like this now (which would make sense); so the early game also puts you this choice: you either trade or you war. Indiference and praying those people don't come pester you don't seem to cut it anymore. A side bonus: you are building trade routes anyway, I guess, so this means that some city state close to you will be your ally. I imagine actually going to war to defend a city-state now, where before I don't think I ever did that outside of strictly trying a diplomacy victory.
- New social tree means more balance in your early social policy choice. Diplomacy victory used to be "have enough gold to bribe everyone" victory, so you would choose the liberty tree to get big and rich. Now that piety is open at the start, I would maybe go that route for diplomacy, to try to win hearts and minds by putting the fear of a hellish afterlife into the souls of my fellow humans.