DEO3 said:There is currently no reason to build farms.
Why not? Is the food not helpful?
DEO3 said:There is currently no reason to build farms.
DEO3 said:Yeah it's shit. The fact that the leader AI is completely insane really kills what they were going for with this new diplomatic system. Civ V has made me miss Civ IV's diplomatic modifiers like never before - so good job, Firaxis?
When you liberate a civilization they should practically become your vassal, not hit you up the very next to tell you you're a piece of shit. When you declare war on someone you have a pact of secrecy against, the civilization you have a pact with shouldn't then break it due to your 'warmongering ways'. If you get attacked and then fight back, you shouldn't have to spend the rest of your game being hated by every other civilization in the fucking game.
I love Civ V, but the current diplomatic system is easily the game's biggest disappointment for me. I guess they felt that with City States in the game there was no longer any reason for other civilizations to ever be friendly with the player - since you had city states to ally with. I wish I could edit the game so the only thing that ever came out of the other leader's mouths was FUCK YOU.
Even I've been contemplating not building farms and just spamming TPs except for resources. Plus you can easily just buy Maritime CS influence; that shit is OP since it scales so well as you tech. If you have TPs on tiles being worked that give food, you also get gold. It's so stupid when you think about it.coopolon said:Why not? Is the food not helpful?
coopolon said:Why not? Is the food not helpful?
jepense said:He has very good analytic eye, but he sounds like such a whiner in those articles. Some of his points are accurate and some maybe not. He goes on about the AI, which I think we can agree on, is not that great. But then he also whines about slow production which is obviously like that by design. Interesting to read, anyway.
ZZMitch said:Not if you have a few maritime city state allies
Civfanatics said:Trading Posts vs. Farms
Food comes from maritime city states. It costs 6.25gpt to keep an alliance with a city state with Patronage - this corresponds to just over 3 trading posts worth of gold, and an alliance with a maritime city state will give you +2 food in every city. A farm on the other hand gives you +2 food if you have both Civil Service and Fertilizers. So if you have 4 or more cities, it's more beneficial to build trading posts and get your food from a maritime city state, rather than building farms.
This also doesn't take into account modifiers - markets and banks provide modifiers to gold production, but nothing provides bonuses to food production. A market and a bank in a city will give you +50% gold, which means that a trading post gives you +3gpt instead of +2gpt! In that case, trading posts are cheaper than farms if you have just 3 cities.
The benefit is actually even greater than that, because you have to wait for Civil Service for irrigated farms or Fertilizer for non-irrigated farms if you want +2 food, whereas trading posts give you +2 commerce immediately.
ZZMitch said:Not if you have a few maritime city state allies
dream said:Doesn't that still limit your city growth, giving you fewer citizens to work those trading post tiles?
DEO3 said:I've never had my growth limited by relying on maritime city states to feed my civilization. Happiness limits my growth long before hunger.
I don't really see why lots of gold and science should be bad in any way... And I think lots of buildings are useless because you should specialize your cities. In Civ IV, specialization was forced through national wonders. Here, you specialize by picking only some of the normal buildings in each city.Palmer_v1 said:I agree with his complaints overall though. In particular, the fact that a LOT of buildings are pretty pointless, and that mass gold/science seems to be a great all-around strategy with no downside
RustyO said:Dear NeoGaf... which Civ do I want?
I haven't played a "proper" Civ in quite a long time, but have Civ Rev on XBox and DS. I actually prefer the DS version more, as the XBox one makes me nauseous with all the zipping and zooming on the map after long sessions.
Main complaints with Civ Rev is the AI, end-game micro-management (turns taking ages) and the crippled diplomacy and so on.
So, first off, would I like Civ? Worth getting as a casual Civ Rev player?
Second, trying to decide which one to get...
Civ III is a tasty $5
Civ IV is a respectable $20, or the complete editon for $40 (Pissed I missed the sale)
Civ V is $80
Leaning more to either III or V
spiritfox said:If you don't get Civ V get IV, cause with the expansions it's considered the best of the 3 so far.
DEO3 said:Yeah it's shit. The fact that the leader AI is completely insane really kills what they were going for with this new diplomatic system. Civ V has made me miss Civ IV's diplomatic modifiers like never before - so good job, Firaxis?
When you liberate a civilization they should practically become your vassal, not hit you up the very next to tell you you're a piece of shit. When you declare war on someone you have a pact of secrecy against, the civilization you have a pact with shouldn't then break it due to your 'warmongering ways'. If you get attacked and then fight back, you shouldn't have to spend the rest of your game being hated by every other civilization in the fucking game.
I love Civ V, but the current diplomatic system is easily the game's biggest disappointment for me. I guess they felt that with City States in the game there was no longer any reason for other civilizations to ever be friendly with the player - since you had city states to ally with. I wish I could edit the game so the only thing that ever came out of the other leader's mouths was FUCK YOU.
jepense said:...I don't really see why lots of gold and science should be bad in any way... And I think lots of buildings are useless because you should specialize your cities. In Civ IV, specialization was forced through national wonders. Here, you specialize by picking only some of the normal buildings in each city. ...
Corky said:hooooly what just happened?
Here I am minding my own buisness at like turn 100 or something, nothing special has happened but all of the sudden ALL 3 ( out of 4 players ) Civs declare war on me! And the next turn, ALL the citystates declare war on me! What?!
Gaming Truth said:It's such crap. I -again- try to start a game peacefully and get tag-teamed by my immediate neighbors to the west and south. If it wasn't for the mountains to the west and the city-states to my south, I'm not sure I would have survived. The French had a gigantic army and I didn't even have an archer at the time.
I kill off 'polean, and hold off Bismarck (offered peace several times and finally got it when Napolean's head was on the offer table). I find out later that Bismarck is a crazy warmonger and has pissed off three of his immediate neighbors.
I get a Pact of Secrecy from Ramses, shift my army from south to west, declare war on Bismarck (who was about to finish off my ally Singapore, who I swore to protect, and:
1. Ramses ends our Pact of Secrecy. Maybe that's how it's supposed to work? but ...
2. I'm the only one at war with Bismarck. and ...
3. Immediately, I get messages from the three neighbors. They go like this:
-. "You're too bloodthirsty for our tastes. We're going to have to end our Pact of Cooperation." Finally ...
4. On the diplomacy chart:
Elizabeth - Hostile
(Iroquos) - Hostile
Ramses - Hostile
Bismarck - War!
Napoleon - Dead ...
(Ottomans) - (ok) <-- but then again, I already know everyone universally hates him
That's it. I'm done with this game for a while. I've been the game three times (conquest, cultural, diplo), quit easily six more due to boredom. Every game involves heavy war. I ultimately have to kill everyone on my continent because peace is never possible.
Sending troops overseas is retarded. Yes, units going over on their own seems more realistic, but they move dirt slow. Happiness is broken. You seem to permanently lose happiness for conquering/razing cities. It doesn't seem to ever come back once they're gone.
I'm done with this game. DONE
Gaming Truth said:...Every game involves heavy war. I ultimately have to kill everyone on my continent because peace is never possible.
Sending troops overseas is retarded. Yes, units going over on their own seems more realistic, but they move dirt slow. Happiness is broken. You seem to permanently lose happiness for conquering/razing cities. It doesn't seem to ever come back once they're gone.
Shambles said:Your shit is weak and you're surprised at getting jumped?
BigJonsson said:Any hints for diplo victories on Prince?
Artadius said:Greek, patronage policy track, collect 'em all (City States).
Gaming Truth said:Nah, the diplomatic fallout from responding. It's stupid. Two people bully me. I kill one of them, the other one makes peace (at gunpoint). Everyone hates this other guy, one even offers to "secretly" collude against him. I go after this second guy, everyone hates me.
F you Elizabeth. Your voice irritates me anyway. And you, random native american indian guy who wanted free pearls, you die next.
DurielBlack said:Some of the other stuff is mostly just balancing issues/bugs that could be fixed in a patch. Unfortunately I doubt we will ever see an improvement in the AI. I still can't believe how old Civ is as a series, and yet the AI is still basically just like it was 10 years ago. You'd think there would have been some advancement in this area by now.
BigJonsson said:In regards to the war-mongering
How many states in real life managed to avoid all wars throughout their history? Eventually someone wants something that someone else has or wants more living space for their people, in that sense war is unavoidable
MrMephistoX said:Too bad there isn't an award for political manipulation. I pretty much maneuvered Washington and Napoleon into an armed conflict once the wooden toothed douchebag decided I was too close to his borders and declared war on me with a vastly superior force. I was probably on the verge of invasion from both but our height defficient friend actually agreed to trade for one of my cities just as Washington was about to invade it. Long story short I got nukes and a near science victory )10 turns away grr!) while the two biggest dogs duked it out. I ended up nuking Washington when he sent in a massive invading force into my holdings in North Africa, he never recovered and Napoleon mopped the floor with him.
I lost but it was worth it![]()
Must be. I tried bribing Washington with a nearby city a few turns earlier after I noticed his tone in diplomatic negotiations shifted (which he happily accepted) but I guess he took it as a sign of weakness and blitzkrieged me!BigJonsson said:Napoleon seems easily bribed into war![]()
Hey guys. Just a quick update. Sorry for the recent absence, I've been traveling quite a bit lately.
There are several things which we are looking at improving with Civ 5. Most of my time since getting back has been spent working on the interface, particularly with making more information accessible. These changes will go out with the next big update in a few weeks. The plan is also to make major revisions to the diplomacy system, and while I can't talk about the details yet, I think you all will find them an improvement. That will be added with an update later this year. Also included will be a number of AI upgrades.
Thanks to all who have purchased the game - the plan is definitely to continue improving the experience for everyone playing. The game isn't perfect, but we feel good about the foundation laid so far, and expect Civ 5 will stand up with every other game out there and continue to get better over time. I can ensure that I'll be working on Civ 5 as long as I'm able to.
and then all the conspiracy theorists in CF just came out of the woodwork, lolShalashaska said:There's some news on a couple patches from Jon Shafer. The first one in the next few weeks will be cleaning up some UI stuff and making certain information easier to access. There's another one coming later on this year which will be making changes to diplomacy & AI.
Spire said:If they fix diplomacy, I will be very happy.
It already does if you go to "relationships" tab or something in the expanded diplomacy window - it lists every leader and what you can offer/trade with (e.g. if you and they have the gold it'll list a RP, etc.) but it's really poorly handled. It only lists luxury resources you need in that case.FutureZombie said:I hope the interface change will allow you to see what luxury resources everyone has.
Question: What does a pact of secrecy do? Can you ever truly be friendly with another civ?
It already does if you go to "relationships" tab or something in the expanded diplomacy window - it lists every leader and what you can offer/trade with (e.g. if you and they have the gold it'll list a RP, etc.) but it's really poorly handled. It only lists luxury resources you need in that case.
Pacman2k said:I offer gifting of anything off steam @ US prices for anyone.
Just PM me.
Ask Rez, did it for him last week.
DurielBlack said:Some of the other stuff is mostly just balancing issues/bugs that could be fixed in a patch. Unfortunately I doubt we will ever see an improvement in the AI. I still can't believe how old Civ is as a series, and yet the AI is still basically just like it was 10 years ago. You'd think there would have been some advancement in this area by now.