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CIVILIZATION VI |OT| He's Got the Whole World in His Hands



Definitely feels like they decided to ship before all features were done.


Hoping we don't have to wait long for more fixes and teamplay. Great patch, though!

e: and it seems like the crash reporter works more now. Sent off two reports today for the first time.


Glad we can rename cities we have captured now.

It's just much more satisfying when your opponent sees their once great cities renamed to Umadia? and Ohhemadia


Does DX12 support actually improve the graphics in any way??

My anecdotal experience this morning is that it runs smoother on my AMD R9 380. Leader screens are still at a lower FPS when i set the parameters to high. But "playing" the game seems slightly snappy. Not scientific at all and i just did a quick play through this morning.


Other changes:

-Hotkey for toggle yield production on or off (default: Y)
-AMD Radeon logo at start.
-Resource icons now have a color background. Yellow for bonus, red for strategic, purple for luxury.
-New advisors for tech tree, production and I think civics tree.

I like this patch. The city cicling hotkeys is a godsend to me. But it needs one for selecting the capital. And one for toggling the resource icons.


Wow that's a major balance change. Thought they would change it but it's completely gone.

Yep, I agree it needed nerfing but to do away with it all together makes for an unhappy monk; especially as I was gonna abuse the hell out of it as Sycthia in an MP game with my mates! ;-)


Still no fix to fucking tell them to move their GIANT FUCKING ARMY away from my borders or I will war with them? Wow. It happens so frequently too.
What's the reasoning behind not being able to delete damaged units??

I think (although I never checked numbers to confirm) you could avoid war fatigue by deleting units rather than letting enemies kill them.

Yep, I agree it needed nerfing but to do away with it all together makes for an unhappy monk; especially as I was gonna abuse the hell out of it as Sycthia in an MP game with my mates! ;-)

Yeah, I suspect Scythia is the reason they skipped over a 50-75% reduction and zeroed out gold payments.


Oh, another change. It seems the text (and monologue) when you start a new game is different when you resume a game. Just the first paragraph. The part about your chosen leader is always the same.


Yeah, I suspect Scythia is the reason they skipped over a 50-75% reduction and zeroed out gold payments.

Aye likely so, I was still looking forward to exploiting it, especially as my start position was pretty poor. Oh well, looks like I'll just have to conquer everyone, heartbreaking!


Anyone getting flickering terrain shadows when zoomed I'm with this patch? Am running 1070 and was just fine before...

EDIT: Ah! Turning off ambient occlusion fixed it


Still no 1440p ui scaling


this should take them two seconds to fix. are they just not aware of it? wtf is going on?

It might not be an easy fix. I think the reason UI scaling is only available at 4K is because they can simply double the size of a 1080p UI. Very easy. Going to 1440p is trickier and the engine itself could make it hard.

Now, I never in a billion years thought they'd fuck up UI scaling after the excellent solution in Civ 5 but here we are.

In related news, I haven't seen any comment from Firaxis about Civ 6's UI scaling. It's really disappointing.

Madame M

oh cool they rushed the next tile feature in and it's buggy as hell, gotta wait for the next patch for it to work properly! doesn't even show up at all in strategic mode lmao
Man, I just can't get to grips with this game - I'm trying to learn the ropes on settler, but all the AI are complete bastards regardless. Either I'm left alone but advance much slower than everyone else, or they rush me early on. Saladin is entirely untrustworthy, haven't had a single game where he's been anything less than a total arsehole. The Civ placement is pretty shitty as well, I miss being able to load up a huge map and reduce the number of Civs so there's more space to explore and fight over between empires, but Civ 6 seems to cluster Civs fairly close together no matter what.


Does anyone else feel like the religion victory is pretty snowball-y? In 2 of my 3 Emperor games one of the AIs had all civs concerted but 1 (me) by about turn 500-600 (Around late medieval era/I play on Marathon). In my first game I had to go full military and win domination to stop it. Thankfully in this game I have my own religion in can defend my cities properly. It seems like getting a religion is almost mandatory just to protect yourself from losing a religious victory early on because one religion often takes out the neighboring ones and then spreads like wildfire. I wonder if the recent changes which makes religious units more expensive and improves the religious defenses of holy cities will help with that in the future
I kind of feel like you shouldn't have patched in the "Barbarian Spotted Your City!" icon if all it's doing is showing off how utterly and hilariously broken that subsystem is.


Does anyone else feel like the religion victory is pretty snowball-y? In 2 of my 3 Emperor games one of the AIs had all civs concerted but 1 (me) by about turn 500-600 (Around late medieval era/I play on Marathon). In my first game I had to go full military and win domination to stop it. Thankfully in this game I have my own religion in can defend my cities properly. It seems like getting a religion is almost mandatory just to protect yourself from losing a religious victory early on because one religion often takes out the neighboring ones and then spreads like wildfire. I wonder if the recent changes which makes religious units more expensive and improves the religious defenses of holy cities will help with that in the future

I totally agree with this. Friggin Saudi Arabia and Germany are clearly using all of their resources to win a religion victory and I don't know how they are doing it. They are also pumping out military (navy) like all hell as well. How do they even have the gold/time? While ALSO BEING AT WAR with other nations?! The Fuck?
Rushed through another game. CtD on same turn. The game's fucked for me.
Seriously PC games have been shit this year for performance/stability.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Wow that's a major balance change. Thought they would change it but it's completely gone.

Eh I'm actually fine with it gone, I didn't use it anyway as it felt like an exploit from the start.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Large map with 8 civs is the way to go

I really wish they would make it so the create game would keep the same settings as the last game you started. Constantly defaulting to something else is a pain


Rodent Whores
What's the reasoning behind not being able to delete damaged units??

This. It was even more stupid with Scythia too. Notice all the money I get from deleted horsemen.

So I'm playing around with those +100% bonus to specific units policies, and I'm Montezuma, so I have plenty of builders around. I get +100% of the production bonus from clearing forests towards making the unit, and if the unit gets completed by that, the overflow that's left over (which is saved for whatever I build next) is still getting the +100% production bonus, even if it's not the unit type modified by the policy.

If the production cost of the unit is small relative to the production output of the city or the forest clearing, then you can build up a huge amount of production in the city. My whole list of potential wonders to make is at 1 turn remaining lmao.

omg, with the overflow thing, I built 5 wonders in a row on consecutive turns, in the same city lmfaooo

VIdeo's up!



What's the reasoning behind not being able to delete damaged units??

This. It was even more stupid with Scythia too. Notice all the money I get from deleted horsemen.

to prevent people from deleting units to deny their opponents XP from killing them, or to prevent opponents from spreading their religion (if an apostle dies in combat, the winning religion gets a boost and the losing one gets reduced)


Rodent Whores
to prevent people from deleting units to deny their opponents XP from killing them, or to prevent opponents from spreading their religion (if an apostle dies in combat, the winning religion gets a boost and the losing one gets reduced)

The main exploit was to use the +100% production to cavalry bonus, make a horse, then delete it for gold. Combined with the production overflow bug, you could generate way more production than normal, transform that into money, and then buy whatever the hell you want.

...and also build wonders in one turn.
Large map with 8 civs is the way to go

I really wish they would make it so the create game would keep the same settings as the last game you started. Constantly defaulting to something else is a pain

Yeah. This needs to be patched in. Also...it'd be nice if there was an advanced option to have tile yields on by default.


The main exploit was to use the +100% production to cavalry bonus, make a horse, then delete it for gold. Combined with the production overflow bug, you could generate way more production than normal, transform that into money, and then buy whatever the hell you want.

...and also build wonders in one turn.

the exploit you are talking about only refers to gaining gold from deleting units, people were wondering why you couldn't delete damaged units anymore.


Just won a Religious Victory as Saladin on a six-player King difficulty game at turn 232. It was fairly easy if you capture their small cities quickly and then flank the larger ones with your remaining Spread Religion charges. Closing off the Missionary production of your competitors helps you naturally snowball, to where I was just sailing around exploring for the last Civ's cities. Laa ilah il-Allah!

With that, I've seen all of the game's victory endings, except for Score (not sure if it has one). I don't know if I'm ready for Emperor difficulty but I now have a decent handle on how to nail the different victories. Overall, this is more enjoyable to me than what I tried from Civ V. Even the Diplomacy is starting to make a bit more sense now.


What's a good way to turn civs against each other?

Espionage was always my favourite part of civ; e.g. getting the first place civ wrapped up in a war while you blow by them economically and scientifically.

Haven't found an easy way to do this in Civ VI yet.


Yesterday I started my second game, first after patch. I won't start another one until they fix the AI. All AIs have declared surprise wars on me (one was friends with me!) and now they hate me because warmongery. Not that I'm afraid or anything, but I don't enjoy playing such an unrealistic setting.

Then I can't tell them to nit settle nearby or convert my cities. Diplomacy was supposed to be one of the highlights of the game and is worse than ever.
They need to fix the wonder bug. All wonders I start but fail at completing just disappear and there's no production to vacuum up either automatically or by sending a worker to that spot(the way I thought it was in this game).


They need to fix the wonder bug. All wonders I start but fail at completing just disappear and there's no production to vacuum up either automatically or by sending a worker to that spot(the way I thought it was in this game).

Thats not a bug, as far as I know that's how it's supposed to work. Wonders another Civ beats you to give you some gold but no production.


Yesterday I started my second game, first after patch. I won't start another one until they fix the AI. All AIs have declared surprise wars on me (one was friends with me!) and now they hate me because warmongery. Not that I'm afraid or anything, but I don't enjoy playing such an unrealistic setting.

Then I can't tell them to nit settle nearby or convert my cities. Diplomacy was supposed to be one of the highlights of the game and is worse than ever.

How big was your army when they declared a surprise war? It may not be bad AI, you may have just been taught a lesson in trust.
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