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Clash Royale |OT| Should I keep playing when I’m full on chests?

This game isn't really very fun. So many of my losses are simply because an opponent's cards outlevel mine and the stamina trade is negative as a result, or they're using cards that I can't even access yet. And running into people who are several levels higher than me, presumably on their way back up the ladder after a clan chest, is never fun because their buildings are impossible to kill and they just spam emotes as they crush their way through the match. Meanwhile I have to endure several minutes of it while I try to get another chest that I wait hours to open.

I've been trying to donate to the clan and contribute what I can to clan chest crowns but the actual game is more obnoxious than actually "fun". Slick UI, though.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
That's why I only play challenge mode. Everything is just about equal, so skill is what matters. I got off the rat race that is ranked.


You know I think I'll be doing the same soon enough. There's not really much of a point grinding the ladder for me since I've got all my cards at tournament cap anyway. I was so focused on keeping the numbers going that I didn't realize that it was pretty futile in a sense to continue raging at the ladder.
I'll give that deck a go.

As for legendary cards, six months ago I went over a two week period where I pulled the Princess, Miner and Lava Hound from free chests. Log came from a Legendary Chest.
Was I imagining things or wasn't tourney mode supposed to change so that cards were also leveled up to standard? I thought I remember reading it somewhere.

Doesn't matter for me because all my cards are tourney level now, but it'd be very nice for people who aren't on the same boat.

I'm now a dirty EB player and somehow I'm winning a lot more. I still use my hut deck, except that I use EB instead of Giant Skeleton. Feels good when my huts are now swarming one lane, but the enemy still has to worry about EB on another lane.

Once EB gets nerfed I'll go back to GS. It's not usable for my deck because it's useless against EB.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
You know I think I'll be doing the same soon enough. There's not really much of a point grinding the ladder for me since I've got all my cards at tournament cap anyway. I was so focused on keeping the numbers going that I didn't realize that it was pretty futile in a sense to continue raging at the ladder.

Logically speaking, I think it's the best way to play and I don't understand the appeal of the ladder once you reach 3k cups. Clan chest is the only exception.


Was I imagining things or wasn't tourney mode supposed to change so that cards were also leveled up to standard? I thought I remember reading it somewhere.

Doesn't matter for me because all my cards are tourney level now, but it'd be very nice for people who aren't on the same boat.
It's something like that I think. At least for friend battles now at least all the levels are equal, which is nice since my friend has her cards leveled higher than mine for the most part. Used to get killed a lot vs her but now it's pretty even.

In other news I'm still enjoying my air/clone deck, straight up just steal 3 crown victories from defeat with last second cloned balloons/other stuff pushes. Super rarely run into other clone users...enough that I'm surprised myself when they use it on me. Got bit the worst by a cloned giant skeleton when I had no defense for it going, the double death damage was brutal.
Started this game awhile back with a friend and we made our own clan..and yeah. Stopped playing but want to get back into it and in need a bigger clan. Any GAF clans open? My trophy level is 1500.

Just requested to join the 40/50 one.
I see everyone complaining about Elite barberians. I usually crush them with ease. Skeleton army, minion horde, rocket and pekka takes care of them easily.

I'm almost at 2500 trophies and the fucking game hasn't given me a legendary card yet!! Why! And no I'm not going to drop money to get one. My friends never did and they got legendary cards.
These two things are related probably. Get into the upper 3000s and people know how to a) play EBs when you're low on elixir, and/or b) pair them with other things to work around your defense. For example, you mention skeleton army but that card is more or less useless against competent EB users at this point. Rocket is a reliable even trade but it doesn't fit into most decks.

I agree with others that the EB era is just not fun. I'm losing interest and playing less. Hopefully the coming rebalance makes for a better meta.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Love the current challenge where you pick 4 cards and your opponent picks 4 cards. Some cards are just really OP though if you aren't lucky enough to get the right counter. Things like gob barrel can do so much work if they don't have the proper counters.
Haha, I just came to post that I really don't like the drafting challenge. I was excited for it because I really like drafting in other games, it was my favorite way to play Magic and Hearthstone. It gets you to use cards you wouldn't normally, and can lead to some interesting situations where a card that is usually considered shit may be awesome if it counters something your opponent is trying to do. The meta goes out the window.

But in Magic and Hearthstone you use enough cards that you can make educated guesses about decisions. If you take a great card early on that costs a lot you can make sure to fill out your deck with a good cost curve. You can be reasonably assured you'll get a decent mix of archetypes, like a direct damage spell, a tank, etc.

But when you're only choosing four cards that's not always the case. It's way to easy to get burnt by an early decision, for example you get a choice between Musketeer and some other card and choose the other, than end up with no anti-air unit. In hindsight it was sort of "fair" since you were offered the Musketeer, but you have no way of knowing whether this is your one and only shot of countering a dragon or minion horde or whatever.

It is still fun to mess around with, playing friendly matches with my clan I've gotten to mess around with a lot of legendaries that I don't own which was cool, and seeing a crazy deck that no one would ever put together under normal circumstances is fun. But a majority of the time it feels like victory is based on who lucks out with their card choice, not skill. Losing is frustrating and winning isn't satisfying.

This game isn't really very fun. So many of my losses are simply because an opponent's cards outlevel mine and the stamina trade is negative as a result, or they're using cards that I can't even access yet. And running into people who are several levels higher than me, presumably on their way back up the ladder after a clan chest, is never fun because their buildings are impossible to kill and they just spam emotes as they crush their way through the match. Meanwhile I have to endure several minutes of it while I try to get another chest that I wait hours to open.

I've been trying to donate to the clan and contribute what I can to clan chest crowns but the actual game is more obnoxious than actually "fun". Slick UI, though.

I'm still having fun but I've hit a wall around 2400 crowns. My highest is a bit above that, and I was right around there for about a week. I started experimenting and took a nose dive down back down to Arena 6, but now I have a deck I like a lot more and I'm almost back up there, around 2300 currently.

But yeah, it is frustrating when half my matches are against people a level or two above me, and if their cards are higher level it's frustrating wondering to what extent they won because they're deck was better and they played better, and how much it came down to their cards just being stronger.

Games like this are really frustrating to think what could have been if they'd been created a decade ago. Imagine if Clash was a DS game more like Advanced Wars, you create a deck from a balanced roster of troops and don't worry about levels or having to collect cards.

It's frustrating as well knowing that there is no incentive for anyone to do that today. Even if someone made a paid game like what I've described and charged $5 or $10 or whatever for it, even if it took off and was wildly popular (which it probably wouldn't) there's just no chance in hell it could remotely approach Clash's profitability.


Man getting to that final stage takes the wind out of your sails. At least for me. I worked and worked toward it and now it feels like I beat this. No other goals to work toward really. In a clan of just me and my wife so no big deal there either.

They sure like to cut you deals on gold and chests though. Finally have the arrow chick that sits far away. But still no motivation to play more.




Note: These changes are not live yet! They're coming on 1/23.

Elite Barbarians: Hitpoints -4%, Damage -4%, Hit Speed to 1.5sec (from 1.4sec)
While these three changes are relatively small on their own, the combined effect should be noticeable and make Elite Barbarians more manageable. We don't want to make them weak, just a bit less powerful.

Zap: Damage -6%
Zap has been one of the most used cards in the game for a long time. This change will stop it from one-shotting equally levelled Goblins - which includes Goblin Barrel Goblins! - and should make other spells, such as Arrows, interesting alternatives.

Electro Wizard: Hitpoints +9%, Spawn Damage -6%
The big news here is that Fireball will no longer take out an equivalently levelled Electro Wizard! Spawn damage reduction is for consistency with the Zap change above.

Mega Minion: Damage -4%, Hit Speed to 1.5sec (from 1.4sec)
Mega Minion is a highly used and very valuable defensive option in need of toning down. Pulling the power from its damage, instead of hitpoints, felt like a better approach and more fitting with his armored theme - he's still a Minion, but a tanky one!

Archers: Hitpoints -4%
Archers are a top tier support card in the current meta. We're looking to pull a little bit of power from them, but also aiming to keep their interactions with Elite Barbarians and Mega Minion the same after the above two changes.

The Log: Damage -4%, knock back effect reduced
Reducing The Log's knock back effect won't change its uniqueness - it'll still be the only card that can knock back ALL troops. Our aim here is to lower how much control and displacement it brings to the Arena. The slight damage reduction will keep its interaction with Archers the same.

Ice Golem: Hitpoints -5%, Death Damage radius and slow duration reduced
Ice Golem is a top tier defensive option and it currently offers too much control and value for 2 Elixir. However, we like the niche he fills as a 2 Elixir tank, so we're tackling this with a hitpoint and control reduction.

Ice Spirit: Damage -10%
Currently a lone Ice Spirit can bring an entire horde of Minions to within one hit each from a Crown Tower! That's a bit too much of a positive Elixir trade for our tastes.

Wizard: Range +0.5
The Wizard's use rate is relatively low overall. A bit more range should make him a more compelling choice when stacked up against the other ranged support options.

Personal thoughts after reading through this:
-Mirrored Goblin Barrels are going to be running rampant after these changes. Zap won't stop them anymore. Personally, I find these decks way more obnoxious than Elite Barbarian decks.
-I suspect there will be more Royal Giant usage. Again, I find RG way more obnoxious to deal with than Elite Barbarians. Fortunately I don't come across Royal Giant too much, but I'm sure it is going to be a pain to deal with at lower levels with people having overleveled RG.
-Elite Barbarian changes seem sensible.
-Electro Wizard becomes an interesting choice. I got one out of a Crown Chest last week and it was in my shop today. I picked one up to get it to Level 2. Not ideal for the level I'm at, but I think it may be an interesting card to use now.
-Mega Minion: Not sure if this will impact usage a whole lot. I think it will still provide decent value.
-Archers: Not entirely sure this was needed.
-The Log: Still will see this used a lot, especially with the Zap nerf.
-Ice Golem: Still will see this used a lot. For 2 Elixir it still will provide good value for distraction.
-Ice Spirit: Don't see this card too much these days, but for 1 Elixir it will still have good value for the right deck.
-Wizard: I don't think the buff is the reason why you will see this card more. With the Zap changes there will probably be more spam decks out there which is in the alley of Wizard. However, the big X factor to the Wizard will be The Executioner coming out this week. If it is as good as it looks then the Wizard will be abandoned yet again.
-With the Zap nerf, I think this is almost an indirect buff to the Tornado. Tornado was quietly starting to make its way into decks, I think this will accelerate that.


Sidhe / PikPok
This round of balance changes is great for me.

I'm running miner, princess, musketeer, valkyrie, giant, fireball, arrows, and minions, so nothing of mine is touched.

The Elite Barbarian nerf will be just enough for me to kill them one hit earlier sometimes, have my giant tank a little longer, and/or have them do less damage if they actually make it to the tower. Exactly what I'd hoped for between the reduced health and attack speed alone.

Zap, Mega Minion, Log, and Ice Golem are cards I come up against with high frequency and usually in combination, so the collective result should be I'll have slightly longer lasting troops and/or dealing with those faster to then get more pressure on the opposition tower.

With princess, arrows, and musketeer in my deck (and fireball as a last resort), I'm not too worried about seeing a surge in goblins or minion horde.

Between this and being on the cusp of leveling my musketeer in the next few days I'm in a pretty good place.


I pretty much hate any deck that relies on slowly whittling down an enemy tower with practically unavoidable damage while setting up the most residentleeper defenses imaginable on your own end.

Anything that actively reduces player interaction like that is the antithesis of fun gameplay and good design.

What I'm saying is that royal giant and goblin barrel should be nuked from orbit. But instead they're both getting indirectly buffed. Fuck this.
I pretty much hate any deck that relies on slowly whittling down an enemy tower with practically unavoidable damage while setting up the most residentleeper defenses imaginable on your own end.

Anything that actively reduces player interaction like that is the antithesis of fun gameplay and good design.

What I'm saying is that royal giant and goblin barrel should be nuked from orbit. But instead they're both getting indirectly buffed. Fuck this.

I feel the same...and yet I hate Hog rider and princess...and then maybe elixer pump third.

EB's are worse at the moment but I have hated hog rider for months....you're right though, the game would be fairly boring without quick counter-strike troops.

I've been playing the same deck for months - I'm hoping if I do it long enough it will get bufed into being the meta at some point, just through chance.
EW is getting a huge buff. Surviving a fireball will make it so much better.

Right, but isn't the spawn damage being reduced? I usually use it on skeletons and flying minions. It pretty much kills them and stuns and damages pretty well against all other foes. But if I read the notes properly I thought the spawn damage was being reduced?


I'm seeing people getting their new decks going at 4k already before patch hits. Hogrider, minion horde, goblin barrel, etc.

I don't even use zap on goblin barrel because I like to use it on offense, but skarmy has always been a great card to use against it.


Sidhe / PikPok
After the balance changes I've punched back up over 4000 again, with a musketeer upgrade within the next few days still to come. Think I'll hit a new trophy high soon.

Still seeing Elite Barbarians after the nerf but generally those that have them still really know how to use them.

Seeing hut decks making a comeback, and a lot of hog decks. And as anticipated by some above, goblin barrel is popular again.


Yeah, they're still super strong.
In upper arenas they're manageable, which is nothing new, but facing decks with lvl 11 EB on Arena 8 with my alt account is fucking disgusting, I just quit as soon as I see them, same with lvl 2 LH decks. Fuck this meta


Should I buy the Arena 7 offer (Magic Chest, 1200 gems, 10k gold), or favor the Arena 8 offer (SUPER Magic Chest, 1200 gems, 100k gold) ?
I've just become level 8, and having a hard time facing people with high level troops ...
Sometimes no matter what I try, I simply get overpowered by sheer resistance/strength.
100k is a lot of gold and will get you through upgrades throughout 3000-4000 easy.

EB is still strong but they're a lot more manageable now. I can feel them get melted by Valks now.
Miner Deck to reach 4k
Hi all, my PB is around 3.9k...but I keep failing to the 3.5k range ith any deck I try.
My PB deck as:

1. Miner Lvl 2
2. Ice wiz lvl2
3. Horde lvl 10
4. Minions lvl 10
5. Bowler lvl 4
6. Skarmy lvl 4
7. Zap lvl 10
8. Dart G lvl 7

I'm willing to entirely change my deck as long as Miner is still in it.

Here are my cards lvl:

Commons: all can be upgraded to lvl 10... rdy for lvl 11 are Barbs + Minions

Rare: all lvl 7 except Fireball is lvl 4, Ice Golem 40/100, none are close to lvl 8....Hog at 60/200...closest 1

Epics: All lvl 4 except clone, none are close to lvl 5, Freeze-Poison-Bowler are 8/20

Legendary: IW 2, Miner 2, LJ 1, Eiz 1

Help me build a new deck.... I prefer commons to rare....( shorter time to upgraded)
F2P, so ill stick with the deck you proposed me.

I'm willing to try any kind of deck with Miner in it. I just loved this card

Thanks in advance


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
IMO the problem with your deck is that if someone can properly counter miner, it'd be really hard to take a tower. I think every deck needs two win conditions, else it is too predictable and easy to defend.

I don't think you need both minons and horde - pick one. I like minions because it's a fast and strong combo with miner. I also don't like bowler AND IW - both are amazing defensive units, but both suck on offense. You only need one. But if you also want to add an EW, then I'm all for it. EW has proven very versatile for me.

I don't think dart is good at all but I haven't used him much.

Cards to try: Hog, furnace, goblin barrel, and, I hate to say, EB. If you want to really annoy people then level up your RG. THe point is is that you need another offensive card or two.

Ninja Dom

This game isn't really very fun. So many of my losses are simply because an opponent's cards outlevel mine and the stamina trade is negative as a result, or they're using cards that I can't even access yet. And running into people who are several levels higher than me, presumably on their way back up the ladder after a clan chest, is never fun because their buildings are impossible to kill and they just spam emotes as they crush their way through the match. Meanwhile I have to endure several minutes of it while I try to get another chest that I wait hours to open.

I've been trying to donate to the clan and contribute what I can to clan chest crowns but the actual game is more obnoxious than actually "fun". Slick UI, though.

I can see exactly where you're coming from.

My alt account is a Level 2 and I'm sitting in Spell Valley. The sheer amount of Level 9's and 10's sitting there easily beating me and spamming emotes is incredible.


I can see exactly where you're coming from.

My alt account is a Level 2 and I'm sitting in Spell Valley. The sheer amount of Level 9's and 10's sitting there easily beating me and spamming emotes is incredible.
Yeah as someone who is fairly new to the game. It's pretty damn irritating. It's not even just account level really, it's unit levels. I don't have a unit past level 7(and that's a common) because I just haven't played long enough and don't have the money. Meanwhile I've seen people with higher level units across the board, in fact I've seen people with levelled up legendaries too.

That's not to say I haven't beaten higher lever people. I have to since I'm almost always against higher level people, even outside of droppers. It just feels like a bit of an uphill struggle sometimes against droppers in particular. They're most likely more experienced, they have access to more cards from the higher tiers, and they have higher unit/account level thus higher attack/hp.


Sidhe / PikPok
Yeah as someone who is fairly new to the game. It's pretty damn irritating. It's not even just account level really, it's unit levels. I don't have a unit past level 7(and that's a common) because I just haven't played long enough and don't have the money. Meanwhile I've seen people with higher level units across the board, in fact I've seen people with levelled up legendaries too.

That's not to say I haven't beaten higher lever people. I have to since I'm almost always against higher level people, even outside of droppers. It just feels like a bit of an uphill struggle sometimes against droppers in particular. They're most likely more experienced, they have access to more cards from the higher tiers, and they have higher unit/account level thus higher attack/hp.

I think the novelty of leveling clan chests will drop off over the next month, so hopefully that means less people dropping down the ladder to farm crowns.
I don't think it's gonna wear off. They need to do stuff discourage it. Some ideas:

1. One less crown for every level difference in level.
If you're a Lv11 player who won against a Lv10, you only get 2 crowns towards the chest for 3 crowning him. If you're fighting a Lv8 player you get nothing towards the chest even after you steamrolled him while spamming emotes.

2. Improve matchmaking by taking levels into the equation.
CoC used to have the same problem. People would intentionally lower their trophies to get easier targets and for better protection. There's generally an expectation of how many trophies you'd have when you reach a certain level. Take that into equation. SC can also do something more complicated by taking the levels of your deck into equation.

3. Crowns don't count if your trophies are too low relative to your personal best.
What if your crowns didn't count if you were 1000 crowns below your personal best? Put that number in a curve depending on trophy ranges.

Honestly the first 3 days are always downright unplayable.


I think #3 would be the simplest to implement and explain as a deterrent to dropping levels intentionally (like drop more than one arena down?), and combine it with some matchmaking magic, like only match up with players that have gotten to the same highest arena and one below.

Hell I guess that matchmaking setup alone would work...they'd be dropping down and still facing the same caliber players. Getting back up would then really suck, but hey that's the punishment for intentionally tanking.


Hell I guess that matchmaking setup alone would work...they'd be dropping down and still facing the same caliber players. Getting back up would then really suck, but hey that's the punishment for intentionally tanking.
I think this is the key. If it sucks to get back up, less likely they'll do it again.


I dropped from 4100 to 3100 to farm the clan chest and the people I faced at that level were usually the same level I was (11, with some 10s mixed in)

Don't feel too bad about it considering the above, and all the free crowns I gave out on the way down


Sidhe / PikPok
I dropped from 4100 to 3100 to farm the clan chest and the people I faced at that level were usually the same level I was (11, with some 10s mixed in)

Don't feel too bad about it considering the above, and all the free crowns I gave out on the way down

I don't care about battling people above me or with stronger cards personally. I enjoy the challenge, and find it satisfying when I can beat someone. And overall, I don't find my battles are consistently like that which means I'm not plummeting down the ladder myself.

However, it IS annoying when somebody of a higher level with higher cards beats you by a hair, you send out a "Good game", and they come back with crying kings.


The latest balance patch rendered my Elite Barbarian deck rather ineffective now (almost got knocked out of Legendary arena), and that was my previous main deck. After some experimenting, I've come up with a new main deck that has so far managed to keep me around my previous trophy level. Nothing too fancy, just a Lavaloon variant:

Lava Hound level 2
Log level 2
Inferno Dragon level 2
Balloon level 4
Guards level 4
Tombstone level 7
Wizard level 7
Arrows level 9

On an unrelated note, my luck with legendaries hasn't really improved. My grand total is now: 2 Lava Hounds, 2 Inferno Dragons, and 6 Logs. I just got another legendary chest and it's in the process of unlocking at the moment, so let's see how this one goes. I still don't regret my decision to not give Supercell any more of my money.


I don't think it's gonna wear off. They need to do stuff discourage it. Some ideas:

1. One less crown for every level difference in level.
If you're a Lv11 player who won against a Lv10, you only get 2 crowns towards the chest for 3 crowning him. If you're fighting a Lv8 player you get nothing towards the chest even after you steamrolled him while spamming emotes.

2. Improve matchmaking by taking levels into the equation.
CoC used to have the same problem. People would intentionally lower their trophies to get easier targets and for better protection. There's generally an expectation of how many trophies you'd have when you reach a certain level. Take that into equation. SC can also do something more complicated by taking the levels of your deck into equation.

3. Crowns don't count if your trophies are too low relative to your personal best.
What if your crowns didn't count if you were 1000 crowns below your personal best? Put that number in a curve depending on trophy ranges.

Honestly the first 3 days are always downright unplayable.
Supercell doesn't give enough of a shit to put work on any complex solution as proven by their lazy attempt of splitting the clan chests and moving them to mon-wed (to boost activity on said days more than any other reason), which did absolutely nothing and ended up making it harder for non cheating players.


Supercell better solve the long term issue. Clan chest looked like it helped but once people started to drop trophies for it, it's worsening the issue.

The main issue is that the above 3000 space is over crowded. Every other week, people get compressed down to 4000 which used to be enough, but not after a year.

It's not difficult to see level 10 common cards in arena 9, for example.

Supercell needs to make more room for all these people with high level cards. Or, people will start to drop out quickly. Many of my friends in low 3000 stopped playing because there is nothing to look forward to.


On an unrelated note, my luck with legendaries hasn't really improved. My grand total is now: 2 Lava Hounds, 2 Inferno Dragons, and 6 Logs. I just got another legendary chest and it's in the process of unlocking at the moment, so let's see how this one goes. I still don't regret my decision to not give Supercell any more of my money.

So guess what I got? Log #7! The grand total is now 11 legendary cards with only 3 of them being unique, and my first 6 legendaries were all Log. Yeah, Supercell definitely doesn't deserve any more of my money. The more time passes, the more I regret spending $5 on this game.


Supercell better solve the long term issue. Clan chest looked like it helped but once people started to drop trophies for it, it's worsening the issue.

The main issue is that the above 3000 space is over crowded. Every other week, people get compressed down to 4000 which used to be enough, but not after a year.

It's not difficult to see level 10 common cards in arena 9, for example.

Supercell needs to make more room for all these people with high level cards. Or, people will start to drop out quickly. Many of my friends in low 3000 stopped playing because there is nothing to look forward to.

With all respects. that's because your friends sucks.

You cant really go to level 3000+ very quickly. you need to be a little OP and you need to actually wait and see what your opponent is going to play first. do not give him a chance to stop your attack and counter it with a strong push and u have nothing to defend .

Right now I am 3200 level. with legendary of every card almost level 2 even ( except for the guy who look like super Vegeta and the log)

This game is very fun if you know what you are doing. and its much more fun than clash of clan. the drop rate in that game is amazing.

I am one of those guys who stopped playing clash of clan after clash royale has been released. I only go to collect elixir now. and was playing that for 2 years
I dropped Clash of Clans because there was no fun in it starting around TH8. I mean:
- You need to play a minimum amount of games in a row to make progress, and you have to wait a fair amount of time between them. If you slack off, you lose all progress. You make zero progress unless you meet the minimum time to spend playing it.
- Clan Wars are strategic, but requires so much coordination between all members.
- Fuck. Walls. I did an experiment where I did NOTHING but be a passive player: collect gold/elixir, donate/request troops, never attack. It took me a year to max TH8 walls

Compared to Clash Royale, I could slack off for a week or two and still be competitive. There's no pressure to keep playing because you don't lose progress. You CAN keep playing if you feel like it and there's no stopping you. There are modes where everything is 100% fair between players. There's really no coordination required between clan mates; just keep playing and donating.
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