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Clash Royale |OT| Should I keep playing when I’m full on chests?


My favorite Game of Thrones episode is when John Snow finally defeats House PayToWin.

But really though, when you look at the structure of the game clans and the donations therein are so valuable it only makes sense to have the most active clan possible and if you weren't able to facilitate that then you can't blame people for leaving.

With so few new people coming in we will surely see more mergers before too long. People drop this game like a bad habit (which damn if it isn't).

Anyways, I don't think it's a lack of class. Good on whoever took the initiative to make a more healthy and viable clan going forward.

So lying to co-members saying there is a officially sanctioned merger (when there isn't) is ok in your book?

Machiavellian I guess.

And no sir, you were wrong. It was an active clan before this treachery. I didn't know I was playing Eve Online of clans.

Whatever, moving on.
So lying to co-members saying there is a officially sanctioned merger (when there isn't) is ok in your book?

Machiavellian I guess.

And no sir, you were wrong. It was an active clan before this treachery. I didn't know I was playing Eve Online of clans.

Whatever, moving on.

Looking at NeoGAF #8OJ8RU9 it seems like there are 18 dead accounts in there, that is hardly active. All that dead weight makes a large difference for those trying to donate for gold and XP, not a tough call to leave.

Once people get into A4 Pekka's Purgatory you need to clear out zero donators and it seems like that was not done, unless you are saying this surge of activity is because of the morale hit that came with this insurrection. But there is also 6 open spots so maybe you should join an active clan instead of trying to rebuild.


So lying to co-members saying there is a officially sanctioned merger (when there isn't) is ok in your book?

Machiavellian I guess.

And no sir, you were wrong. It was an active clan before this treachery. I didn't know I was playing Eve Online of clans.

Whatever, moving on.

Not officially sanctioned by who, you? You think because you are the leader of a GAF clan that everyone should just do as you say? It's a GAF clan man, not a dictatorship. This is a huge community, not a WoW guild where there are raid rules to be enforced. If one clan is inactive, there is no reason to stay.

There is very little involved with being a leader of one of these clans anyway. It basically means you started it, or you were promoted there by whoever did start it. Beyond that, it's just a fancy title. They don't owe you or me anything.

As midshipman said, the way this game is constructed you are doing yourself a disservice by being in an inactive clan or having inactive members in your clan. Everyone gets cards and levels faster with 50 active members donating and requesting. If you weren't providing that environment, I can't see why you'd be upset they left unless they were personal friends of yours. I would expect my clan to do the same if our's became inactive.
Dunno. Not part of any GAF clan, but I don't think each clan should be thought to be separate. The only reason there were multiple clans was the 50 player limit. The whole idea was that each GAF clan is a GAF clan, not X's GAF clan or Y's GAF clan. If you move to another GAF clan, it's still GAF clan.

I don't really see the treachery here. Like mentioned, one big community forced to be split just because of player limit.


Exactly. There's now folks from three clans (GAF Royale, NeoGAF Elite, GAF) in two clans. The merge of NeoGAF Elite into GAF Royale also helped fill up GAF. I don't see how that's anything but a good thing. Everyone gets a better experience and better chance to hit donation limits afterwards.

I can't wait till I'm removed for being an a4. :D

You're already dead.jpeg.


Dunno. Not part of any GAF clan, but I don't think each clan should be thought to be separate. The only reason there were multiple clans was the 50 player limit. The whole idea was that each GAF clan is a GAF clan, not X's GAF clan or Y's GAF clan. If you move to another GAF clan, it's still GAF clan.

I don't really see the treachery here. Like mentioned, one big community forced to be split just because of player limit.

Agreed. We're probably the 2nd biggest GAF clan after the GAF Royale merger, but if supercell increased clan size in an update, I'm sure most of us in the clan wouldn't think twice about joining.

I've had a lot of fun with some of the other people on the board here in the tourneys even though we're in different clans and I'd much rather be a member in a clan that has all of them in it than leader of a clan with just a few.

And honestly, rebuilding won't happen unless you just completely open up the clan to non GAF members. This game has become extremely toxic to new players (arena 4 is a living hell), and it's become a bit of a grind for people who've been playing forever. The GAF people leaving the game will outnumber the new GAF people joining and the only way to make up for that is to merge clans.

That being said Rendition, if you do ever feel like you want to join another GAF clan, you're welcome to join us, GAF (#QYYQCQ).

There is very little involved with being a leader of one of these clans anyway. It basically means you started it, or you were promoted there by whoever did start it. Beyond that, it's just a fancy title. They don't owe you or me anything.

Exactly. Literally the only reason I"m the leader of the GAF clan is because the original leader wasn't playing at all, and we needed someone who could increase the trophy requirement (only leaders can do that) since we were getting spammed with invites every 10 mins. I PM'd the leader and he made me co-leader, then made me leader when he finally quit the game. I recently made Nampad co-leader so that I'm not the only one who can change the trophies, and if anyone else in the GAF clan wants to be co-leader/elder, just send me a PM. I tried to bump everyone who I thought was super active up to elder, but if I missed anyone or anyone wants co-leader privileges as well, just send me a PM, I'm happy to share!

Being the leader doesn't make me any better than anyone else in the clan or mean I can order anyone around. It was just a matter of necessity so that clan chat would consist of something other than random invites.


F2P life on my alt is hard. Crawled my way up to Arena 5, around 1500 trophies, solely on the back of giant + junk push. It's hard, but the game is way better at that level without the game breaking legendaries. My tower is still level 5 though - I see mostly 8s where I am now, but I win enough.

Also, your daily reminder -
To incentivize, this is why you should merge if you're on the fence:


Our previous high was like 12,200 pre-merger. Feels good man, very proud of everyone!

GAF clan also has quite a bit of donations and still has room for ~6 people or so if I'm not mistaken. EDIT: NM, it's in the list up there.

I am mad at your timing. I'm generally first or second in our clan. For a while I was messing around with a real low elixir deck, about 2.9. It's not feasible above 3200 or so if you don't have miner, with the proliferation of Ice Wiz and Princess.


I'm not going to name names, but I find it unethical that some people on here told members of the clan I lead that it was officially merging with another clan (both in the clan's chat room and on this Neogaf thread), spurring more than 20 members to leave.

There was no official merger. It was a lie.

Shame on you guys. No class. I didn't know Neogaf clans was going to be like Game of Thrones politics.

Nevertheless, we are going to rebuild and rise again.

Hopefully without this kind of political back-stabbing behavior in the future.

Hi scott(?),

I hope you got a chance to read all of the chat logs that led up to the decision to look for merger.
I personally felt frustrated with the steadily sinking donation-numbers and the fact that multiple card-requests of mine did go unfulfilled.
Because the "clash royale"-community on gaf is shrinking, it did seem obvious to me, that we would not be able to fill the clan back up with new gaffers.
The more active gaf-clans managed to counteract that downward-spiral by consolidating their numbers.

When I asked in clan chat how the others felt about the situation, everyone of the active members in chat agreed that a new merged clan was preferable to slow death we had been experiencing over that past month.
So I made a post here in the OT to ask which clans felt they were in a similar situation.

broz0rs/vinnayyy!, the leader of Neogaf (#Y8CGRR), was very enthusiastic about a merger.
And the fact that we were the two most active of the smaller gaf clans (with 24 and 25 members donating over the past week) made it seem like a ideal match to us.

In the past 4 months I got attached to many of our clan members, but I can not remember ever having any interactions with you or firstadopter.
You guys did not seem to be particular active ingame, the clan chat, or the wider "gaf clash royale"-community.

I assure you, we did not intend to "backstab" you, or try to wrestle any kind of "political" power from you.
We weren't happy with the current situation and we did not want to leave anyone behind. So we made it very clear where we were going and how one could join us.
We still have slots reserved in the new clan for you and and the other 5 guys who had been active in the past week, if you want to join us.

If you think that your clan still has a future as a gaf-only clan, I will gladly make a post in our clan chat.
Telling everyone who made the switch, that you do plan to continue the old clan. And that you will take everyone back, who felt he was deceived into thinking the old clan was no longer viable and would have rather stayed.

If you decide to not follow us to the new clan, I wish you all the best. And I hope you prove us wrong and turn the clan around, but I personally am very happy with our situation in the new clan.



Got my first SMC from a match yesterday. Gemmed the last 12 hours of it because I was so excited. I received 300 zaps (yay!), 19 rages (boo) and my THIRD Lumberjack (wtf)


Murderer's Gut Feeling™
Well....I see there is some discontent among the Gaf clan mergers. If anyone is looking for a great start in a GAF clan we have a few open spots in #20Y9PQ. Active clan with no drama. Feel free to request. Not trying to poach members, just giving options. We have not undergone any mergers or had any problems. All are welcome. We have A 25 donation per week requirement and a rule of no drama or other shenanigans.
Well....I see there is some discontent among the Gaf clan mergers. If anyone is looking for a great start in a GAF clan we have a few open spots in #20Y9PQ. Active clan with no drama. Feel free to request. Not trying to poach members, just giving options. We have not undergone any mergers or had any problems. All are welcome. We have A 25 donation per week requirement and a rule of no drama or other shenanigans.

It's been a great clan to be a part of - I was lucky to join it randomly when I first started the game and it's really helped me get to a7/a8 (so far...one day I'll make it to a9!)


*cue them song melody* CLASH......DRAAAMMAAA!!!

I would understand the drama if like the 10 most active/top members would just leave and leave a number of active but not top players behind. That would somehow be a kind of dick move.

But looking at the numbers of the Neogaf clan yesterday after Rendition's post, there were like 2 merely active members left. It took days until Rendition actually showed up to complain.

In any case, this being about a power play is just hilarious as you gain barely anything from being a clan leader. It's not like you can organize anything because everyone just plays for himself.

I really hope that they will have clan battles in a later update though.

Got my first SMC from a match yesterday. Gemmed the last 12 hours of it because I was so excited. I received 300 zaps (yay!), 19 rages (boo) and my THIRD Lumberjack (wtf)

His time is coming...I hope. Mine is level 2 as well. Feels bad man.

I want him so bad and he isn't even showing up in my store :(
I am sure they will buff him and having a Mini Pekka lite sounds nice too.


We now have 5 open spots left, open to anyone that wants to join.

Please say you are from Neogaf when you apply.

To join, search "Neogaf" on the clan tab and click the Neogaf clan with the blue sword.

All are welcome. Thanks.


In my opinion the merger has been a massive success! Donations are busier than I've ever seen them, ditto for the clan chat

I really don't think there was any ulterior motive to the move, it just made sense from a numbers perspective
A9 is just frustration.
2000-2400 is probably the funnest trophy range because it's not loaded with either: people who downgraded to try to be in TV Royale, and people who spent thousands on payfecta deck.


I've been 'decompressing' after frustrated attempts at 3000 trophies (always bouncing between 2700 and 2950) by having a level 1 account on Bluestacks on my PC. Find myself winning most matches with level 1 cards, but I'm currently at ~600 trophies and I'm facing some level 6 players!

Unfortunately I'm not good enough to overcome level 5 and 6 commons with my level 1s, despite how close it gets. I might upload the matches to YouTube one day (I shadowplay them all).

Reminds me of when I started back in April or whenever it was (shortly after the Bombcast crew started). Throwing arrows at the king tower thinking more damage is better...


We now have 5 open spots left, open to anyone that wants to join.

Please say you are from Neogaf when you apply.

To join, search "Neogaf" on the clan tab and click the Neogaf clan with the blue sword.

All are welcome. Thanks.

Do you still feel betrayed? Like, really? You have over 40 people in there with a weekly donation rate of...350.

Might as well merge.


After months of playing, complaining about legendaries, and general bitching, I hit 3010 trophies.

I think I'll retire on top.


Strange that there were issues with other mergers when ours worked out so well, surely the leader of each clan realises that we're all just GAF and if there was no limit to clans, we'd all be in the same one
A9 is just frustration.
2000-2400 is probably the funnest trophy range because it's not loaded with either: people who downgraded to try to be in TV Royale, and people who spent thousands on payfecta deck.

It's almost impossible to pass 3.5k at tournament level cards without dropping a few hundred dollars.


What decks are everyone using these days? I started using the double PEKKA deck which has been successful, and quite fun to play. I was a huge fan of the PEKKA and it was my go to for quite some time up until about 3 updates ago where it clearly just was not as strong. It's just hilarious to see a PEKKA/Mini Pekka/Dark Prince/Ice Wizard/Princess rolling down a lane. Even if an opponent makes a counter push on the other lane, I let it go because I know they will not have a shot at stopping my push. Also, playing the Dark Prince behind the PEKKA is critical as it will push it to the tower even faster which means your opponents reaction time has to be even more on point.

Going against Miner decks are pretty annoying since I'm trying to use an Elixir Collector to build the advantage. Since Miners are everywhere, I basically won't play it until I have a Mini PEKKA in hand to take care of a potential Miner. Ultimately I let the Miner decks do their thing, then unleash the power with a little over a minute left. Even though most of those decks are cheap, they are using mobs that get one-shotted by the Dark Prince so they become useless very quick. Admittedly it can be a feast or famine type of deck. Typically it is a fairly easy 3 crown victory, but I've had matches I can barely scratch the tower depending on what my opponent does. Thankfully that is fairly rare.

For reference, the deck is:

Ice Wizard
Dark Prince
Elixir Collector
Average Elixir: 4.3

Right now I'm in the 3700 range.


What decks are everyone using these days? I started using the double PEKKA deck which has been successful, and quite fun to play. I was a huge fan of the PEKKA and it was my go to for quite some time up until about 3 updates ago where it clearly just was not as strong. It's just hilarious to see a PEKKA/Mini Pekka/Dark Prince/Ice Wizard/Princess rolling down a lane. Even if an opponent makes a counter push on the other lane, I let it go because I know they will not have a shot at stopping my push. Also, playing the Dark Prince behind the PEKKA is critical as it will push it to the tower even faster which means your opponents reaction time has to be even more on point.

Going against Miner decks are pretty annoying since I'm trying to use an Elixir Collector to build the advantage. Since Miners are everywhere, I basically won't play it until I have a Mini PEKKA in hand to take care of a potential Miner. Ultimately I let the Miner decks do their thing, then unleash the power with a little over a minute left. Even though most of those decks are cheap, they are using mobs that get one-shotted by the Dark Prince so they become useless very quick. Admittedly it can be a feast or famine type of deck. Typically it is a fairly easy 3 crown victory, but I've had matches I can barely scratch the tower depending on what my opponent does. Thankfully that is fairly rare.

For reference, the deck is:

Ice Wizard
Dark Prince
Elixir Collector
Average Elixir: 4.3

Right now I'm in the 3700 range.
I am a F2P and reached almost 2900 with the so called trifect deck: Hog, Princess, Ice Wizard, Inferno Tower, Poison, Zap, Elixir collector and goblins. Then I got bored with playing with the Hog and changed to: Giant, Musk, Ice Wizard, Poison, Zap, Canon, Elixir and Mini-Pekka. Just around 2700 atm but I don't play as much as before. The game meta is still and too much around the RoyalGG and the Hog which makes the game a bit dull as it is.

Ninja Dom

I've just adopted the Royal Giant in my deck. I swapped out the Hog for it.

Royal Giant is almost guaranteed to get two hits on a tower if you drop him off at the bridge.

The frustrating thing for me is that I keep yo-yo-ing between 2400 and 2800 trophies. I just can't seem to push past that, no matter how much I change my deck.

Current deck:

Princess (Lvl 1)
Sparky (Lvl 2)
Royal Giant
Mini Pekka
Elixir Pump

Average Elixir cost 3.9

What do you think of swapping the Elixir Pump for the Hog?


I'm having that same yoyo between 2600-2900

I keep getting to the point where I'm matched into Legendary Arena games, then I get nervous and lose

Ninja Dom

I'm having that same yoyo between 2600-2900

I keep getting to the point where I'm matched into Legendary Arena games, then I get nervous and lose

I've only had one of those "invitational" Legendary Arena games. It ended up a draw and I was matched back in Frozen Peak for my next game. And I had an empty chest slot available too.


I've just adopted the Royal Giant in my deck. I swapped out the Hog for it.

Royal Giant is almost guaranteed to get two hits on a tower if you drop him off at the bridge.

The frustrating thing for me is that I keep yo-yo-ing between 2400 and 2800 trophies. I just can't seem to push past that, no matter how much I change my deck.

Current deck:

Princess (Lvl 1)
Sparky (Lvl 2)
Royal Giant
Mini Pekka
Elixir Pump

Average Elixir cost 3.9

What do you think of swapping the Elixir Pump for the Hog?

The only way I would make that change is if you feel you are having a problem with damage and taking towers down. Looking at your deck, I'm guessing that is not an issue between the Royal Giant/Princess/Mini PEKKA. If I were to make a change, I would probably consider changing the Sparky for something. Perhaps something like Barbarians would provide more value in that spot, and at a cheaper cost. They could be used to protect your RG but also defensively.

The deck seems a bit weak vs. air attacks as well. Maybe Bomber could be switched for Minions (3 elixir version)? At least that could also give some versatility with your Princess to defend against an air-based deck.
I've been 'decompressing' after frustrated attempts at 3000 trophies (always bouncing between 2700 and 2950) by having a level 1 account on Bluestacks on my PC. Find myself winning most matches with level 1 cards, but I'm currently at ~600 trophies and I'm facing some level 6 players!

Unfortunately I'm not good enough to overcome level 5 and 6 commons with my level 1s, despite how close it gets. I might upload the matches to YouTube one day (I shadowplay them all).

Reminds me of when I started back in April or whenever it was (shortly after the Bombcast crew started). Throwing arrows at the king tower thinking more damage is better...
Yeah people really don't know what they're doing at the lower trophy levels. I started a second account too and I pretty regularly beat level 7s while sitting at level 3. I was just in a match where my opponent kept spamming weak ground troops one at a time on top of my bomb tower; after each was killed (instantly) he'd drop another.


What do you think of swapping the Elixir Pump for the Hog?

I know we talked about it a bit in the clan chat. Personally I wouldn't try so hard to make Sparky work. If you're just doing it cause it's one of the legendaries you have, just bench it. It's not going to get you very far past 3k once you get in there anyway. If you're deadset on running it, then it's like folks were talking about in chat. It pairs very well with Giant. The RG + Sparky wombo is devastating, but it is also like putting all your chips, plus your car, plus the deed to your house on the table. It either wins or it loses right there.

Ideally, though, you should probably commit to one or the other and then stick with that deck and learn it. I know it's rough going at the start, but it'll probably bear more fruit. Alternatively you could go back to the deck you were running that got you in the 2800s and keep at it with that.

Overall, I wouldn't suggest running RG without minions. That is the standard combo for RG, just like hogfecta has it's three cards and what not. You could copy Spyder_ur's deck almost card for card (need a replacement for ice wizard) if you want to commit fully to RG and level yours up to 10. 10 RG should get you into 3k reliably.
I've just adopted the Royal Giant in my deck. I swapped out the Hog for it.

Royal Giant is almost guaranteed to get two hits on a tower if you drop him off at the bridge.

The frustrating thing for me is that I keep yo-yo-ing between 2400 and 2800 trophies. I just can't seem to push past that, no matter how much I change my deck.

Current deck:

Princess (Lvl 1)
Sparky (Lvl 2)
Royal Giant
Mini Pekka
Elixir Pump

Average Elixir cost 3.9

What do you think of swapping the Elixir Pump for the Hog?
I think other people are probably right to push you away from Sparky, but as someone who made it to legendary arena with Sparky (and no other legendaries), I may as well share the deck I used.

Fire Spirits
Inferno Tower

Once I got to legendary, I saved up and bought a princess, then swapped her in for fireball. But Giant + Sparky + Wizard is really the key. If your giant and/or wizard aren't leveled I honestly wouldn't bother with Sparky -- just build around your RG.


The people I hate in this game even more than the people who spam emotes are the people who will be about to win with 2 of your towers down, and go out of their way to block you from even taking one tower.

What I mean is they'll have both of your towers down and they have one tower full and one tower with 200hp with about 10 seconds left in the game. Clearly they've won the game. You go for the tower with 200hp, and they'll play an elixir collector in front of it, or play freeze on your troops. Anything to block you from just getting one tower and getting one crown closer to your crown chest.

I hate these people with a passion and if the situation is reversed, I'll go out of my way to give my opponent that tower (as long as there's no way for him to make a comeback).


The people I hate in this game even more than the people who spam emotes are the people who will be about to win with 2 of your towers down, and go out of their way to block you from even taking one tower.

What I mean is they'll have both of your towers down and they have one tower full and one tower with 200hp with about 10 seconds left in the game. Clearly they've won the game. You go for the tower with 200hp, and they'll play an elixir collector in front of it, or play freeze on your troops. Anything to block you from just getting one tower and getting one crown closer to your crown chest.

I hate these people with a passion and if the situation is reversed, I'll go out of my way to give my opponent that tower (as long as there's no way for him to make a comeback).
Yeah I usually give a tower away in that situation. No reason why not to.

I need 8000 coins for level 10 fire spirits, or 4000 for level 7 furnace, furnace gets pretty bad ass at level 7 because the fire spirits don't get 1 shot by a level 9 tower. But I'd have to change my entire deck to use it really, not sure what to do


I wouldn't go all in on furnace til you can get it to level 8 and it can face up to level 10 towers. Anywhere near 3k trophies (probably 2500 and up) you're gonna run into 10's fairly regularly, and even more so past 3k so it's just not worth it. It is great for tournaments at level 7, though.


Yeah I usually give a tower away in that situation. No reason why not to.

I need 8000 coins for level 10 fire spirits, or 4000 for level 7 furnace, furnace gets pretty bad ass at level 7 because the fire spirits don't get 1 shot by a level 9 tower. But I'd have to change my entire deck to use it really, not sure what to do

Like Alur said I definitely wouldn't recommend building a deck around furnace. You need lvl 8 for lvl 10s and then lvl 9 for lvl 11s. But it is great and a lot of fun for tourneys.

It just gets way too expensive to make changes to your deck. In the last 3 months I've only made two changes to my deck and that was to swap in princess and ice wizard after I got them. I've got Royal giant at 12 and all my other commons in the deck at 11 through requests alone, but the cost is all my rares can only be lvled to 6 ( I don't use any except elixir collector).

I've gotten to 3700 trophies simply by focusing on one deck, however if I want to change anything up, it's impossible due to the low lvl of my other cards.


The season is ending and the GAF clan has still 8 open slots. Right now our clan score is around 27.500 and we had over 15.000 donations this week.

If anyone wants to join, please post in advance here so we can lower the trophy requirements and put in the message that you are from GAF.

The clan tag is #QYYQCQ.
The season is ending and the GAF clan has still 8 open slots. Right now our clan score is around 27.500 and we had over 15.000 donations this week.

If anyone wants to join, please post in advance here so we can lower the trophy requirements and put in the message that you are from GAF.

The clan tag is #QYYQCQ.

Hello, i would like to join. I'm currently sitting on 2816 trophies, i don't know if you have to lower trophy requirement. I'll send a request. Same name.


Hello, i would like to join. I'm currently sitting on 2816 trophies, i don't know if you have to lower trophy requirement. I'll send a request. Same name.

Accepted. Welcome!

The trophy requirement is currently at 2800 trophies, which is only to stop us from getting clan requests every 5 mins. If anyone else wants to join and has less trophies than that, just post here and we will lower the trophies for you.


GAF Royale (#Q8C9CY) has one open spot if any GAFers would like to join. We are super active and put up 20800 donations last week.

We lost one of our best and brightest to (apparent) burnout. =/ RIP Naster.


The feels when Naster quit man..don't know how i'm going to get through the day, RIP

Kind of joking, good luck, Hope you come back dude!


Just had someone try a crazy strategy on me. His deck was

Goblin barrel
Inferno tower
Skeleton army
Fire spirits

Instead of going for my crown towers, he went directly for my king tower. Despite his commons being lvl 10 while mine are lvl 11 and 12, he almost beat me. I had about 400 hp on my king tower left when I blew up his king tower.


The people I hate in this game even more than the people who spam emotes are the people who will be about to win with 2 of your towers down, and go out of their way to block you from even taking one tower.

What I mean is they'll have both of your towers down and they have one tower full and one tower with 200hp with about 10 seconds left in the game. Clearly they've won the game. You go for the tower with 200hp, and they'll play an elixir collector in front of it, or play freeze on your troops. Anything to block you from just getting one tower and getting one crown closer to your crown chest.

I hate these people with a passion and if the situation is reversed, I'll go out of my way to give my opponent that tower (as long as there's no way for him to make a comeback).

I always give the other guy a tower in this situation, unless he's been a emote-spamming jackass, in which case I'll devote mighty efforts to stopping him in his tracks.
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