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Cloverfield Hype & Movie Thread *Spoilers Ahoy!*

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EviLore said:
I guess directing credit isn't worth much anymore, huh? I don't see any reason for Abrams shouldering all the weight of this film's reception other than people knowing him better than Matt Reeves. Seems the two of them have a strong collaborative history dating back to their teenage years, too.
JJ Abrams is the scapegoat for all the shitty writers at Bad Robot. He gets the blunt end of the blame because he is the most prominent one among them. Besides I had no problem with the directing, the film looked great and the cinematography was excellent.

Spotless Mind said:
I get what The Storyteller is saying. The characters only continue to be in this disastrous situation, because they want to save the love interest. I don't think it is that hard to understand why he'd dislike it, since Rob's motivation was poorly developed and every action he and the other characters make throughout the film directly relates back it. The characters at no point before rescuing her took actions that endeared me to them (Marlena saving Hud, was the only such real incidence). They were basically ciphers rambling through set piece after awesome set piece, because of some character named Beth that i don't care about. They were dimensionless and the film suffered for it.



Spotless Mind said:
The characters only continue to be in this disastrous situation, because they want to save the love interest.
Is it really that much worse than any other contrivance the writers might have come up with, though? If they couldn't escape because the bridges were all taken out or their path was blocked by too much rubble....would it really have improved the film to any significant extent? That's what I was essentially getting at. IMO, one contrivance is pretty much as good as another. And whether they settled on destroyed bridges/tunnels or a romantic angle as the obstacle, your opinion towards the characters would have been pretty much the same. Therefore, the romance (what little there is) isn't really what is bringing the film down. It's just a scapegoat for what you consider to be insufficient character development.
Nutter said:
Just came back after watching it.

One question and/or observation.

At the end when it cuts to rob and beth on the beach, does the monster fall in the ocean in the background? I saw something fall. And also the Monster that killed the camera dude, was that another one or the same one?
From what was presented in the film, you would be lead to believe the monster was what crashed in the water... From what other people here tell me, it is a Tagruato satellite or some such bullshit, that was linked in with the online game! Yes, can you believe it! Something from the final seconds of the film that has a LOT of people wondering, is merely a gimmicky link back to a marketing game. What fantastic writing this is!


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Fucking Awesome movie. DAMN DAMN DAMN! I just came back too and I fucking loved it. God this is the kind of movie why theaters where invented. If you wait until the HD-DVD/BluRay release you will just screw the experience unless your setup can match that of a theater. God I am watching it again tomorrow.


eagerly awaiting an invasion of thick Hispanic cock across his border
I've got a question

When they finally get to Beth's apartment, and she is impaled on the piece of rebar, wouldn't she have bled out when they pulled her off? I thought you were never supposed to remove something that's impaling someone, or they would bleed to death


Skuld said:
I've got a question

When they finally get to Beth's apartment, and she is impaled on the piece of rebar, wouldn't she have bled out when they pulled her off? I thought you were never supposed to remove something that's impaling someone, or they would bleed to death

and to make it more confusing, it looked like it went through her left lung.


Skuld said:
I've got a question

When they finally get to Beth's apartment, and she is impaled on the piece of rebar, wouldn't she have bled out when they pulled her off? I thought you were never supposed to remove something that's impaling someone, or they would bleed to death
they tied something around her to stop (some) of the bleeding. In most circumstances, no, you're not suppose to pull it out. It didn't seem like it punctured her lungs or heart. Just her upper shoulder.
Freaking awesome movie. One of the most intense movies I've seen. Do I want a sequel? No because I think a movie about the same monster, the same attack(if they went with the other perspective thingy), and perhaps the same pov style would be a little boring. Sure I would like some answers about the monster but its not like I ever needed to know. A monster attacked, it was just an event

I think they handled the shaky cam very well. Never did I not understand what was going on.


Phoenix said:
Did everyone get Iron Man and Star Trek trailers in front of their movie?

I didn't get Star Trek, but I did get Iron Man and shitty ass 10,000 BC. Also I got no end credit music, just silence. But I left pretty early into the credits because my GF was feeling sick.

Also am I the only one who never really felt any tension throughout? Other than the last few minutes with the helicopters I felt like I saw everything coming before it happened (save maybe the parasite in the stairwell on the way down the building).


posting on contract only
bluemax said:
I didn't get Star Trek, but I did get Iron Man and shitty ass 10,000 BC. Also I got no end credit music, just silence. But I left pretty early into the credits because my GF was feeling sick.
The music kicks in later in the credits.


bluemax said:
Also I got no end credit music, just silence.
People keep saying this, but did they really stay until the end credits rolled? The first couple minutes are silence, but once the credits actually roll (read: names move upward from the bottom of the screen to the top), there is most definitely music.


border said:
People keep saying this, but did they really stay until the end credits rolled? The first couple minutes are silence, but once the credits actually roll (read: names move upward from the bottom of the screen to the top), there is most definitely music.

I didn't get to stay all the way through the credits, my GF had massive motion sickness. So perhaps that is why.


Did the actor that played Hud also act as the film's camera man? Was he literally the only guy operating the movie's camera?


Scarecrow said:
Did the actor that played Hud also act as the film's camera man? Was he literally the only guy operating the movie's camera?
I doubt it. It's probably cheaper to get a cameraman than it is to get an actor, so chances are they just had some other dude hold the camera for any sequence where Hud wasn't going to be in the scene.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Scarecrow said:
Did the actor that played Hud also act as the film's camera man? Was he literally the only guy operating the movie's camera?

Camera and Electrical Department
Bill Almeida .... rigging gaffer: New York
Robert Reed Altman .... camera operator
John Billeci .... best boy: New York
Joe Buscaglia .... additional first assistant camera
Sean Devine .... camera grip
Matt Guiza .... second assistant camera
Gary Kangrga .... key rigging grip
Clay Liversidge .... gaffer: New York
Chris Shadley .... key video assist
Rick A. West .... gaffer


EviLore said:
Camera and Electrical Department
Bill Almeida .... rigging gaffer: New York
Robert Reed Altman .... camera operator
John Billeci .... best boy: New York
Joe Buscaglia .... additional first assistant camera
Sean Devine .... camera grip
Matt Guiza .... second assistant camera
Gary Kangrga .... key rigging grip
Clay Liversidge .... gaffer: New York
Chris Shadley .... key video assist
Rick A. West .... gaffer
:lol I guess that explains it.

I figured it was profesionally done, but a recent AotS with the movie actors led me to believe that the guy did the filming himself.


And just for the hell of it, before I go to bed I might as well defend against the "Don't care about the characters" angle. While I'd probably agree that everyone in the film is mostly just there as mindless monster-fodder, I do feel like there's several moments where you can connect with them.

1.) Rob on the phone, having to tell his mother that her son is dead.

2.) Rob explains to Lily that his brother's death is "different" for her than Beth's hypothetical death because his brother "knew that [Lily] loved him". He feels like he can't let the situation go unresolved, and while some people will probably never buy into Rob's motivation, there's at least that way to explain it.

3.) Hud thanks Marlena for saving his life, in a kind of roundabout, not-trying-to-betray-my-feelings sort of way.

None of this ever made me feel tension for the characters, but I think that's kind of a natural detachment that's going to occur when you expect people to die. In those few moments though, there's a kind of empathy and understanding that happens.
I loved the movie. Thought it was great.
Don't know if anyone is with me, but
The scene with Hud, Rob, and beth in the helo when it was spinning out of control and Hud was begging God gave me chills
Am I the only one? :p
Captain Jebus said:
Don't know if anyone is with me, but
The scene with Hud, Rob, and beth in the helo when it was spinning out of control and Hud was begging God gave me chills
Am I the only one? :p

I was looking for an OH SHIT handle during that bit. Couldn't find one so I just pissed myself instead.


Incredibly Naive
Captain Jebus said:
I loved the movie. Thought it was great.
Don't know if anyone is with me, but
The scene with Hud, Rob, and beth in the helo when it was spinning out of control and Hud was begging God gave me chills
Am I the only one? :p

it's so realistic at that point. I mean what do you do in that kind of situation? You know the end is near, sort of like a roller coaster, only this ain't for fun ;). To me those were the scariest parts of the movies... the ones that were possible such as the one mentioned or
the massive cloud of dust coming flying at you... this actually happened on 9/11


Does anyone else find it somewhat depressing that
after everything that happened, the chick they went back for died anyway? So if they had just left in the first place, she still would have died, but they would have survived. So the entire thing was for nothing.

And similarly, on a smaller level, Marlena died because she saved Hud, but then Hud went and got himself killed anyway. Of course that doesn't really matter. If Marlena hadn't gone back for Hud, she would've been on the helicopter instead, and she would've wound up dying under the bridge. But still...


i thought the film was average, the party scene went on for way too long and the shaky cam annoyed me because i wanted to see what was going on

didn't really care for the characters (Lily was hot though :D)

maybe i went in expecting something but i would have liked some payoff, did they kill the monster or what?

i completely missed seeing that thing crash into the water at the end though :(
Just got back from watching Cloverfield as well... we hopped to National Treasure 2, and I must say I liked the latter more...

Cloverfield was a dissapointment, it had some awesome moments, but as mentioned before I just never came to give a shit about the main characters. I was expecting more shots involving the actual military confrontation with the beast, but instead the movie had to revolve around these boring, meaningless characters that the audience mostly don't even connect with.

Also, I loved Blair Witch Project, but the camera work in Cloverfield made me want to throw up a bit.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Just saw Cloverfield last night and it is a bit weird because I am taking a trip in NYC, I almost expect to see the monster in times square. Anyways, the movie was pretty good, my friend who say it with me says it is a 2 star movie, then again he loved I am Legend and the mist.
Personally I give it 3 for effort and execution, I doubt some filmmakers could produce a film like this.

The effects were damn well done. Yes you see tons of screens of the
. The characters were pretty good except the main one, I personally thought he was insane and didn't care if
everyone died to save his pseudo-girlfriend. Even his damn brother died.And it seems all for not, since only one made it off Manhattan.
The ending of the was poetic to say the least, especially the final words of the film.

I still feel a bit jittery from the film. My friend called this a disaster film, I said to him that was an understatement.


Has problems recognising girls
Went and saw it earlier tonight with girlfriend and her sister. We walked out a bit after the
crew were heading up to Beth's apartment
. Main reason why was due to my girlfriend walking out 30 mins into it to go throw up (and subsequently stay outside) due to the motion sickness, and her sister was feeling pretty queasy whenever the group were running around like headless chooks. I felt like shit whenever the damn camera was pointed to the ground and the viewpoint was spinning around.

Premise was cool but I really hated the fact
that this shithead was risking everything just for some friend he boned once
. Just a tad over the top and into the gutter for my liking.

So I said to the girls that we'll rent it out when it hits DVD. Won't get motion sickness by watching it on a smaller screen and with ample background lighting available.
Very minor spoilers in this post.

I appreciate what the film was trying to do more than what it actually did. Overall the characters didn't really sell themselves as "really being there" like the Blair Witch characters did. Some of the dialogue, such as the flaming hobo remarks were just so ill timed and absurd it actually took me out of the movie. The camera man dapening the situation with humour came across as forced.

The juxtaposition of Beth and Rob building their relationship as things went on and on would have looked great on paper but I wasn't sold on the reasons for Robs level of commitment to her. The little group speach on why Rob should be with Beth wasn't particuarly well written for how important that would become.

Its not that the characterisation was horrible, or even average, but for a character based movie it could have stood to have been a little more fufilling.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Captain Jebus said:
I loved the movie. Thought it was great.
Don't know if anyone is with me, but
The scene with Hud, Rob, and beth in the helo when it was spinning out of control and Hud was begging God gave me chills
Am I the only one? :p
movie should have ended at that point.

KevinCow said:
after everything that happened, the chick they went back for died anyway? So if they had just left in the first place, she still would have died, but they would have survived.
even if they left her there she may have lived. who knows?


Did anyone else see the Dharma Logo pop in for a few frames when the tape is queing up in the beginning? I could have sworn I saw it


Iamthegamer said:
The Host....easily more contrived than Cloverfield, I'm sorry.
The Host starts out damn great, but then it just becomes fucking ridiculous and messy. I think Cloverfield is the better film by far.


Scrow said:
even if they left her there she may have lived. who knows?
how? The military had a lot more important thing to do then look in buildings for survivors. She would have died of dehydration since she was stuck before they found her if the building didnt get hit by some sort of weapon beforehand. She would have died, no question.


robochimp said:
Did anyone else see the Dharma Logo pop in for a few frames when the tape is queing up in the beginning? I could have sworn I saw it
I specifically looked for shit like this when I found out Abrams had something to do with it AND that Rob was going away to Japan, and I didn't notice anything <_<


robochimp said:
Did anyone else see the Dharma Logo pop in for a few frames when the tape is queing up in the beginning? I could have sworn I saw it
Never noticed a Dharma logo myself. I don't watch Lost and I don't care for it, so the less this film has to do with Lost, the better :p I think it's just better as a standalone thing.

Anyway, they went pretty all-out with the advertising on opening day in Sydney:

This shit gets handed out every afternoon on weekdays at train stations in Sydney, so it was everywhere. The newspaper itself is waste of trees, but it makes for pretty damn good marketing and exposure for the film.
eXxy said:
Reading comprehension FTL.

Also, while I understand people being frustrated with the lack of answers, sometimes a mystery just being that -- a mystery -- is fun. X-Files strung its mythologies for nine seasons and even though they didn't come to a satisfying conclusion, can someone point to many abstract mythos that do? Some people just don't get it. Whether you buy into that, it's a testament to Abrams that even the haters keep coming back.

Don't tell me what I like.
effzee said:
i dont get it...if there is no love story then rob never goes back for beth and they never get stuck in the mess and the movie just ends with them going into the helicopter.

or that they get into a helicopter or whatever and then the rest of the movie is the army trying to kill the monster. which ppl would complain about and say ohh it was so typical...independence day type of a movie.

the love interest was needed to basically have a movie. i dont get where ppl say its so unbelievable. take out love for a girl and insert a relative or say your parents? you can not see someone going back for someone they love so much?

lol, i was sarcastically saying the same thing, then was told I should never try to get into the "Creative business" as if THEY SHOULD.

so for the haters on gaf, please make a movie since you know so much/know better and lets see how well it does.


y'all should be ashamed
I really liked the characters too. Definitely had the ol' emotions going in the subway before the tunnel.

Man, I can't stop thinking about this movie!


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
hirokazu said:
The Host starts out damn great, but then it just becomes fucking ridiculous and messy. I think Cloverfield is the better film by far.
THANK YOU! About time somebody else stopped riding its jock. I don't even know how people think the film is perfect - the monster is sweet and some action scenes are great, but uhhh "Oh no, there no bullets in my gun, I didn't check before I fired ARRRRR" "I'm a gymnast so I can face down thi-OOOOOH my head". It had some funny moments, exhilarating moments, totally lame moments, and pure meh moments. It really seemed like 6 directors made The Host. Overall, 6/10, but I'd only recommend it to people to watch for free on TV or something.

El Papa

Really enjoyed the hell out of this movie. The sound in my theater was LOUD! So loud at parts that the theater was shaking! Talk about intense!

FYI Cloverfield Despoiler says that the Tagruato satellite was traking something that had landed in the ocean, obviously it could be the satellite if it was tracking something, so must be the monster. Then there's the production notes...


Honorary Canadian.
KevinCow said:
Does anyone else find it somewhat depressing that
after everything that happened, the chick they went back for died anyway? So if they had just left in the first place, she still would have died, but they would have survived. So the entire thing was for nothing.

Nah. at that point she knew he loved her and he knew she loved him. Remember said earlier in the movie to that one chick that it wasn't like her relationship cuz when bro
they still knew they loved each other?


Black_Ice said:
Question: Does anything happen after the end credits?
A man's voice says something, but I couldn't catch what it was. Could have been Rob. Sounded kind of like "Help us."


Scarecrow said:
:lol I guess that explains it.

I figured it was profesionally done, but a recent AotS with the movie actors led me to believe that the guy did the filming himself.
Well he did for several scenes:

A key solution turned out to be a fairly obvious one: have actor T.J. Miller, who plays Hud, operate the camera himself, which he did for a number of sequences. &#8220;T.J. actually operated a lot,&#8221; explains Bonvillain. &#8220;He was always joking that he should have gotten his union card for all the work he did.&#8221;

Having Miller operate the camera had several advantages. &#8220;For one thing, he had good instincts of what to do, because he is Hud,&#8221; Bonvillain continues. &#8220;Also, having him operate helped us make sure we were providing the right eyeline for the other actors in the scene, so that it felt correct when people were talking to him.&#8221;

"I wasn't just an actor," Miller says. "In some ways, I was a cameraman, and in most ways, I was a voice-over artist." The experience was, as one would expect, a bit daunting at times, he admits. "It was hard. You know, I'm thinking about camera movement, and 'Do I shoot over here?,' and they'd come in and say 'Okay, we need you to tilt up and then pan left after her line.' And I'm thinking 'Okay, cool. And how about the acting? Was that good?' It was a lot to juggle."

If one of the professional camera operators was shooting a scene, Miller would often stand behind him with his hands on the operator&#8217;s shoulders, again, to provide an appropriately realistic eyeline for his fellow cast members. And, in the instances during which the operator had to physically interact with one of the actors as if he were Hud, he would don Miller&#8217;s costume.
Iamthegamer said:
THANK YOU! About time somebody else stopped riding its jock. I don't even know how people think the film is perfect - the monster is sweet and some action scenes are great, but uhhh "Oh no, there no bullets in my gun, I didn't check before I fired ARRRRR" "I'm a gymnast so I can face down thi-OOOOOH my head". It had some funny moments, exhilarating moments, totally lame moments, and pure meh moments. It really seemed like 6 directors made The Host. Overall, 6/10, but I'd only recommend it to people to watch for free on TV or something.
I think the genre bending nature of it was what made it so good. It was equal parts great horror, comedy, action with some awesome deliberately cheesy moments and interesting social commentary. I by no means think it was perfect. It had enormous pacing problems, but the characters were superbly written and i never once questioned why the hell they would want to go back and save the girl. The relationships were entirely believable and i was invested in what happened to them, unlike in Cloverfield. It also explains the origins of the monster in a satisfying way and it isn't the slightest bit cryptic about it, which is a plus. :p
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