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Cloverfield Hype & Movie Thread *Spoilers Ahoy!*

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Teh Hamburglar said:
i didnt care about the characters and I really hated Beth. She has the audacity to show up to the party with some douche, gets impaled and then calls Rob.

How could you hate Beth dude? she was hoooot.

Plus she came to support Rob, he's the one who slept with her and never called her back, she probably brought the dude because it would be awkward to come alone.


Prime crotch said:
I wanted to punch Rob on the face when he wanted to hurry to Beth's place after they got out of the subways. Still that dickness is what made the characters more real I guess.
I mean, honestly, do some of you guys not have any friends that you really care about, or have you never loved someone so much you'd give up everything for them, without so much as a thought?

Rob repeatedly told his friends he'd go it alone, and they repeatedly said no way, because, shock and awe coming, that's how some of us act and treat our friends/loved ones. I have numerous buddies who I'd follow to near certain death to try to save someone they loved, and there are no less than 5 women in my life who I'd run through hell and back to try to save if I could. I'm no hero and I'd prefer not to die, but if my death meant they'd live, there's no question for me.

If you don't have any of that, I feel sorry for you. I honestly can't fathom how some people have a problem with this aspect of the film.
LevelNth said:
I mean, honestly, do some of you guys not have any friends that you really care about, or have you never loved someone so much you'd give up everything for them, without so much as a thought?

Rob repeatedly told his friends he'd go it alone, and they repeatedly said no way, because, shock and awe coming, that's how some of us act and treat our friends/loved ones. I have numerous buddies who I'd follow to near certain death to try to save someone they loved, and there are no less than 5 women in my life who I'd run through hell and back to try to save if I could. I'm no hero and I'd prefer not to die, but if my death meant they'd live, there's no question for me.

If you don't have any of that, I feel sorry for you. I honestly can't fathom how some people have a problem with this aspect of the film.

Well you can say that now but the real question is when you are getting chased by a big fucking monster which is ripping your city to pieces would you still go back? Of course you'll say yes but i truly doubt there are many people who would go back. Personally i have no idea if i would, i would like to think that but i can't be sure.

Not to mention it's not like your donating an organ to save there life. There is no certainty here. In fact by going back your just ensuring that you and your friends will die with about .000001% of saving your other friend.
Tr4nce said:
Didn't Abrams mean 'baby' as in young/new monster which felt totally confused in this environment? That was the reason it attacked. That's my interpretation anywayz.
Thats basically what Reeves says in that video, yes.


Got back from this a little bit ago, I'd say it was worth the ticket price. It isn't a bad movie and it isn't a great movie. It also isn't like very many other movies.

**Writing with no mercy: SPOILER WARNING**

It started out slow but the opening scene served its purpose. The party scene was really well done I thought and the little things like the person recording Rob getting surprised on their cellphone added a nice touch to the movie.

Characters were nothing special but I think that was sort of the point, average people dealing with a terrible situation. I actually felt bad when they died, but I also was there with a gal so maybe that triggered my human emotions, who knows.

The monster was cool, looked like a raptor in a couple of scenes which almost made me LOL because I couldn't stop thinking about the raptorrave.gif. Not getting a good look at it really helped you pay attention in hopes of getting another glimpse of it. The little bug things were interesting but their "bite" was lame. Oh well, helped get rid of the only character i really wanted to see die. You know, the one that looked like a meth addict.

The ending was good. I don't believe most people will like it just as most people would have like the book ending to I AM LEGEND but I think it makes more sense.



Teh Hamburglar said:
i didnt care about the characters and I really hated Beth. She has the audacity to show up to the party with some douche, gets impaled and then calls Rob.
Travis probably died :lol
AdventureRacing said:
Well you can say that now but the real question is when you are getting chased by a big fucking monster which is ripping your city to pieces would you still go back? Of course you'll say yes but i truly doubt there are many people who would go back. Personally i have no idea if i would, i would like to think that but i can't be sure.

Not to mention it's not like your donating an organ to save there life. There is no certainty here. In fact by going back your just ensuring that you and your friends will die with about .000001% of saving your other friend.

Don't bother, every once in a while someone questions why Rob was such an idiot and why his friends just went along. There will always be some stupid poster who will pull some "true love" shit and call you callous or uncaring.
CcrooK said:
Okay so...here's a Slusho commercial...


wtf man
Yeah, they had a whole contest for people to make Slusho ads. Instead of linking to one of the 5 winners (who won slusho branded Alienware laptops) I will link to one that I worked on.

I provided the music (basic Garage Band loops) for my pals commercial.


He didn't even get runners up. Oh well, he was planning on selling the prize anyway. :lol

Crushed said:
I think the more important question is,
if Clover's a baby... what it ill be like grown up. D:
Clover is


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Barkley's Justice said:
i wanted to leave in the beginning. at the party? i was like, "oh fuck -- i cant take a whole movie of this." luckily it didnt last much longer.

i enjoyed the movie. it's certainly flawed: the painfully awkward "character development," the contrived devices to deliver exposition, the jaw-droppingly dim maneuvers intended to "keep the camera running". but man, i got home and someone was like, "did you see the spark in the sky at the end?" and i was like, "what?" then i started googling shit and came up on the viral marketing backstory and shit like that. i enjoyed how the internet acted as an extension to the story. granted, this isnt anything new. but i still enjoyed it.

if they were really hardcore, they'll let people download the movie for free in april and then have you buy the bonus material / alternate cameras that may have been recording the same ordeal, etc.

HEY GAF!!! Where is this extra Cloverfield material at?!
GenericPseudonym said:
See again this movie's not so hot, because all I got was the he liked her for a while and then fucked up, not that they were best friends forever. Too much background noise.
I thought Citizen Kane was a terrible movie, it was nothing but a black screen.

Granted I did have my eyes closed the entire time I watched the movie.



GenericPseudonym said:
Don't bother, every once in a while someone questions why Rob was such an idiot and why his friends just went along. There will always be some stupid poster who will pull some "true love" shit and call you callous or uncaring.
Eh? Nobody gives a shit about what YOU would do. It's about the fact that there ARE people who would. I don't know if I would or not, but clearly this Rob character did and apparently, there are quite a number of other people who would as well.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
MThanded said:
Loved the movie. Thats my contribution to this thread.


WOAH!!! Who is that in you avi?
spoilerish question for the thing that happens near the end of the movie that most people don't notice:

so it's apparently a satellite (owned by the parent company of the slusho corporation) that drops down into the ocean, and it allegedly hits the monster which pisses him off and causes him to surface, according to ARG speculation. so here's my question:

why the hell did the satellite crash down to earth? there has to be an answer for that, as there's no way that it was convenient enough that their (parent company) satellite happened to crash, and it just so happened to crash right into the monster.

has their been any speculation as to why the satellite crashed (into the monster, if that is the case)?

random question #2: where does the name 'cloverfield' come from? why was the monster nicknamed clover? is it a NY related nickname or something?

PS: i hate this movie because they didn't say where the monster came from is the new i hate this movie because they didn't explain what caused people to stop having children in children of men as things that people say about movies mike really liked that pisses mike off


Mike Works said:
spoilerish question for the thing that happens near the end of the movie that most people don't notice:

so it's apparently a satellite (owned by the parent company of the slusho corporation) that drops down into the ocean, and it allegedly hits the monster which pisses him off and causes him to surface, according to ARG speculation. so here's my question:

why the hell did the satellite crash down to earth? there has to be an answer for that, as there's no way that it was convenient enough that their (parent company) satellite happened to crash, and it just so happened to crash right into the monster.

has their been any speculation as to why the satellite crashed (into the monster, if that is the case)?

random question #2: where does the name 'cloverfield' come from? why was the monster nicknamed clover? is it a NY related nickname or something?

PS: i hate this movie because they didn't say where the monster came from is the new i hate this movie because they didn't explain what caused people to stop having children in children of men as things that people say about movies mike really liked that pisses mike off

I believe Cloverfield is the name of a street near the office of J.J. Abrams where he works, in Los Angeles. I'm not American, so I don't know if this is true, but I read something like this.

El Papa

Mike Works said:
spoilerish question for the thing that happens near the end of the movie that most people don't notice:

so it's apparently a satellite (owned by the parent company of the slusho corporation) that drops down into the ocean, and it allegedly hits the monster which pisses him off and causes him to surface, according to ARG speculation. so here's my question:

why the hell did the satellite crash down to earth? there has to be an answer for that, as there's no way that it was convenient enough that their (parent company) satellite happened to crash, and it just so happened to crash right into the monster.

has their been any speculation as to why the satellite crashed (into the monster, if that is the case)?

random question #2: where does the name 'cloverfield' come from? why was the monster nicknamed clover? is it a NY related nickname or something?

PS: i hate this movie because they didn't say where the monster came from is the new i hate this movie because they didn't explain what caused people to stop having children in children of men as things that people say about movies mike really liked that pisses mike off

It's not a satellite from the parent company.



It's nearly invincible, there could be more than one, and something fell from the sky (not a nuke because there wouldn't be a camera to retrieve). Also it spawns cute little Cloverlets at will.

I'm thinking Earth Defense Force 2: Operation Cloverfield...

It's a great idea; argree with me!
Brannon said:
It's nearly invincible, there could be more than one, and something fell from the sky (not a nuke because there wouldn't be a camera to retrieve). Also it spawns cute little Cloverlets at will.

I'm thinking Earth Defense Force 2: Operation Cloverfield...

It's a great idea; argree with me!
It is a Great idea.


Len Dontree

Animator. Respect knuckles.
Tr4nce said:
I believe Cloverfield is the name of a street near the office of J.J. Abrams where he works, in Los Angeles. I'm not American, so I don't know if this is true, but I read something like this.

This is true. His production offices are on Cloverfield.


Just watched it this afternoon and I gotta say, I didn't like it.

I've intentionally avoided this thread so that nothing would be spoiled until I actually saw the film. To that end, anyone who reads the titles of this thread should be prepared for spoilers. So I don't think spoiler tags are necessary.

Going in, I was worried that this would just be another "Godzilla takes Manhattan" movie and that's exactly what it was, with a yuppie party tacked on at the beginning. The monster was okay looking. The scene of military attacking it from the perspective of a civilian hiding under a car was awesome, as was the Stealth Bomber run.

After skimming a couple dozen pages in this thread, I gotta say that I like the movie even less for trying to tell most of the story in internet marketing videos and websites. The shaky cam thing is over-kill for a full length movie, IMO. I know it was used for "realism" but if we're supposed to be seeing file footage then the movie should have been a collage of security cameras, cell-phone cams, professional news crews and the footage from this one particular camera. It would have gone a long way toward realism, with a lot less motion sickness.

The characters weren't engaging at all. We are meant to believe that a guy who was about to turn his back on everyone he knows in New York to go work in Japan suddenly decides to go into the path of devastation for a chick who showed up to his farewell party with another guy. I don't buy it. Maybe, if we saw early on that he's the hero type (perhaps by him saving someone in that first store they hide in), but that doesn't happen. They establish that the camera guy is a moron and love sick over a girl who doesn't know he's alive. This same girl suddenly goes out of her way to save his life and he doesn't even bother to put the camera down when she's being dragged away by the military? Again, I don't buy any of it.

Kudos to the people who made this movie, for breaking with convention and making something different. However, the execution was very flawed and generally left me unimpressed. I believe a movie is supposed to be so engaging that an audience can't look away for a moment. This film, forced me to look away and focus my attention on the reality of the theater, to avoid getting dizzy or nauseous.
Mike Works said:
spoilerish question for the thing that happens near the end of the movie that most people don't notice:

so it's apparently a satellite (owned by the parent company of the slusho corporation) that drops down into the ocean, and it allegedly hits the monster which pisses him off and causes him to surface, according to ARG speculation. so here's my question:

why the hell did the satellite crash down to earth? there has to be an answer for that, as there's no way that it was convenient enough that their (parent company) satellite happened to crash, and it just so happened to crash right into the monster.

has their been any speculation as to why the satellite crashed (into the monster, if that is the case)?

random question #2: where does the name 'cloverfield' come from? why was the monster nicknamed clover? is it a NY related nickname or something?

PS: i hate this movie because they didn't say where the monster came from is the new i hate this movie because they didn't explain what caused people to stop having children in children of men as things that people say about movies mike really liked that pisses mike off

1) Not the satellite. It was someones theory but it's been passed off as fact. Just as one of my theories could have been. It's something probably connected with the monster, without being the monster itself, mainly because of water depth relating to size. Bringing in the ARG stuff, it was also far out into the ocean killing an oil station and some boats. We know the monster is
a newborn. It has some features that weren't even shown in the movie (See: human sucking underbelly.
Otherwise just note that it's a big ocean out there, and it's doubtful we've discovered all the creatures in it.

2) In Universe: The government case that the event is filed under is called Cloverfield. The government has codenamed stuff with odd names before...

In Reality: Cloverfield was just a codename for the film, just like: Slusho, Cheese, Chocolate Outrage, etc. Then they were planning on calling in "Monsterous" and printed up a bunch of posters to reveal this at Comic Con, but an early photo of one of the posters showed up online, and people freaked out. They quickly printed 3 other posters with phrases like "Terrifying", "Furious", and the blank one. So with those names all out of the running, they came up with: Greyshot, which is the name of the
Bridge Rob and Beth at under at the end of the movie.
but by that time the name Cloverfield had been leaked and people referred to it as such. And it stuck.


shitting in the alley outside your window
Buttonbasher said:
In Reality: Cloverfield was just a codename for the film
another theory relates to lush cloverfields that were the first signs of plant growth along the riverbeds after the bombings in hiroshima and nagasaki
K0NY said:
Just watched it this afternoon and I gotta say, I didn't like it.

I've intentionally avoided this thread so that nothing would be spoiled until I actually saw the film. To that end, anyone who reads the titles of this thread should be prepared for spoilers. So I don't think spoiler tags are necessary.

Going in, I was worried that this would just be another "Godzilla takes Manhattan" movie and that's exactly what it was, with a yuppie party tacked on at the beginning. The monster was okay looking. The scene of military attacking it from the perspective of a civilian hiding under a car was awesome, as was the Stealth Bomber run.
The thing is, it's really not another Godzilla Takes Manhattan thing. Sure it all boils down to a monster attacking the city, but the two differ greatly. One's about a monster destroying a town, and people you don't really know nor care about. This took the opposite approach. It sounds by what you mention that you weren't really worrying that it would be another Godzilla takes Manhattan movie, but instead you were hoping for it. If you really were worried that it would be that type, I would think you probably got your wish.

After skimming a couple dozen pages in this thread, I gotta say that I like the movie even less for trying to tell most of the story in internet marketing videos and websites. The shaky cam thing is over-kill for a full length movie, IMO. I know it was used for "realism" but if we're supposed to be seeing file footage then the movie should have been a collage of security cameras, cell-phone cams, professional news crews and the footage from this one particular camera. It would have gone a long way toward realism, with a lot less motion sickness.
The viral stuff is there to create hype. Sure it might help explain some stuff but it hardly tells most of the story. Keep in mind that the viral stuff wasn't even originally planned. The movie was written the way it was with no extra knowledge. It's not like they took the movie and decided to cut out parts to put online.

As for a collage, there wouldn't be enough of a story. It would turn into a typical "Godzilla takes Manhattan" type movie, to borrow your phrase. The movie's main character would be the monster. Sure you could have short random accounts of other people, but it would all boil down to the monster being the focus, not the people. I wouldn't have liked a movie like that, because I've seen countless Godzilla movies, and it gets stale. To see a different approach, where the monster takes sort of a back seat, was a fresh change of pace. The movie wouldn't have had much of any buzz if it weren't for the change of view.

The characters weren't engaging at all. We are meant to believe that a guy who was about to turn his back on everyone he knows in New York to go work in Japan suddenly decides to go into the path of devastation for a chick who showed up to his farewell party with another guy. I don't buy it. Maybe, if we saw early on that he's the hero type (perhaps by him saving someone in that first store they hide in), but that doesn't happen.
Again, it's not like they just met. People have hit it pretty well by saying that in a day and age like this if something like this happened you would want to be with your loved ones. Rob loved Beth, and once she called him he knew she still cared and loved him. Love can make you do some crazy things. During 9/11 people did all they could to get to their loved ones, granted the situations differ. The idea is there though.
They establish that the camera guy is a moron and love sick over a girl who doesn't know he's alive. This same girl suddenly goes out of her way to save his life and he doesn't even bother to put the camera down when she's being dragged away by the military? Again, I don't buy any of it.
You can see the struggle of people holding him back, and the motions are far from steady camera on her during this scene.

I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just sharing my opinion with yours.
Mike Works said:
PS: i hate this movie because they didn't say where the monster came from is the new i hate this movie because they didn't explain what caused people to stop having children in children of men as things that people say about movies mike really liked that pisses mike off
Buttonbasher said:
And I'm sorry you didn't like that they didn't explain the monster, but I liked it that way. You might get some explanation on the DVD.
thanks for the answers, but reading comprehension ftl :(


Buttonbasher said:
The thing is, it's really not another Godzilla Takes Manhattan thing. Sure it all boils down to a monster attacking the city, but the two differ greatly. One's about a monster destroying a town, and people you don't really know nor care about.
Almost every Godzilla movie I can remember had several characters which were followed throughout the film. Sure, there were the rubber suit battles, but there was always a girl and her professor brother or something that were directly involved in the attack and looking for ways to stop it, etc. Even the NY Godzilla followed Matthew Broderick's adventures. (interesting fact: IMDB lists three times as many names for the cast of Godzilla [1998] as Cloverfield) So I'm pretty sure that following people around the attacked city isn't a new concept.

Buttonbasher said:
The viral stuff is there to create hype. Sure it might help explain some stuff but it hardly tells most of the story.
We'll have to disagree. The movie shows an hour and a half in clips that took place over the course of one night (as well as a couple of minutes from six weeks ago). The backstory told in the viral marketting shows all this stuff about soft drinks, satellites, oil drilling in the ocean, major coprorations, etc. The story behind the giant monster which destroys my home town seems far larger and more important than a dude and his buddy trying to rescue some chick.

Buttonbasher said:
As for a collage, there wouldn't be enough of a story. It would turn into a typical "Godzilla takes Manhattan" type movie, to borrow your phrase. The movie's main character would be the monster. Sure you could have short random accounts of other people, but it would all boil down to the monster being the focus, not the people. I wouldn't have liked a movie like that, because I've seen countless Godzilla movies, and it gets stale. To see a different approach, where the monster takes sort of a back seat, was a fresh change of pace. The movie wouldn't have had much of any buzz if it weren't for the change of view.
I agree that the change of view is nice. However, you misunderstood my suggestion. I was saying, the same group could still be followed around the city. You could still tell the same story, but instead of just one angle from a handheld camera, encorporating a bunch of other angles from naturally occuring cameras in our completely media and reality show obsessed society, would have worked much better.

Buttonbasher said:
During 9/11 people did all they could to get to their loved ones, granted the situations differ. The idea is there though.
I was here in downtown NYC the morning of 9/11. My wife was working at Rockafellar Center. My infant son was in a Brooklyn nursery school. When the second plane hit, I got the fuck out of town and went to get my son to keep him safe. I didn't drag him back to midtown to get my wife. But, like you said...it's a different situation.

Buttonbasher said:
I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just sharing my opinion with yours.
I understand and I get how people can really like the movie. I'm just saying that the movie did a bunch of things badly. I didn't like some of the choices they made, even though I liked the concept.


K0NY said:
The story behind the giant monster which destroys my home town seems far larger and more important than a dude and his buddy trying to rescue some chick.
That's not this movie's story, though. "Where did the monster come from?" might be the story that is more interesting to you, but that's not the story they ever intended to tell.

So I'm pretty sure that following people around the attacked city isn't a new concept.
Following people with this level of detail (and this perspective) is pretty new. Not to mention that they are following people who are total bystanders -- a Godzilla movie would follow someone who is trying to kill/destroy/defeat the monster.
K0NY said:
I understand and I get how people can really like the movie. I'm just saying that the movie did a bunch of things badly. I didn't like some of the choices they made, even though I liked the concept.
You bring up valid points. I was mainly trying to explain about the viral stuff not really effecting the movie. They explain a bit about the universe but don't directly affect the film in many ways. I liked how they did things, and found myself more interested about the people than getting a good look at the monster. It could be because I knew more about the characters from the viral stuff, but I really think it tied into my thoughts about who's closest to me. I don't want to derail this thread any further, but let's just agree to disagree on some of these things, and hope that the movie brings back the monster movie genre so that we can both be happy.


border said:
Following people with this level of detail (and this perspective) is pretty new. Not to mention that they are following people who are total bystanders -- a Godzilla movie would follow someone who is trying to kill/destroy/defeat the monster.
I thought the viral marketting explains that the main character is going to work for the company responsible for the monster. Doesn't that tie him directly, just like in Godzilla movies?

BTW: If you do a search on IMDB for the term, "Godzilla" it brings up Cloverfield as one of the top results. :D
K0NY said:
I thought the viral marketting explains that the main character is going to work for the company responsible for the monster. Doesn't that tie him directly, just like in Godzilla movies?

Rob's going to work for Slusho, which is owned by Tagruato who's drilling stations allegedly awoke the monster.


K0NY said:
I thought the viral marketting explains that the main character is going to work for the company responsible for the monster. Doesn't that tie him directly, just like in Godzilla movies?
That still doesn't exactly put him in the same role as a Godzilla bystander -- who is usually either a scientist trying to figure out how to kill the monster or a media person embedded with the military that is fighting the monster. A standard monster movie tends to have characters that are involved in the battle to defeat the monster, but in Cloverfield the characters are just trying to escape or survive.

And I'm still somewhat of the opinion that all the viral/internet stuff is really more the invention of the marketing team than it is the machinations of the writer and director. They realized that the movie had gaps in information that would leave people unsatisfied, and haphazardly tried to fill those gaps. I think it will be interesting to find out how much of the Slusho stuff was invented after-the-fact and how much was really intended by creators. For the most part, I just wish it wasn't there -- mainly because of how janky, piecemeal, and incongruent it seems.
border said:
I think it will be interesting to find out how much of the Slusho stuff was invented after-the-fact and how much was really intended by creators.
Slusho's been there since the very beginning. When the trailer first hit there was someone in it wearing a Slusho shirt, and Slusho was a brand that was invented specifically for this movie. You guys have to keep in mind that this is a movie by JJ Abrams and Matt Reeves, the guys who do LOST and have HUGE erections for this mystery/viral shit.
WordAssassin said:
Slusho's been there since the very beginning. When the trailer first hit there was someone in it wearing a Slusho shirt, and Slusho was a brand that was invented specifically for this movie. You guys have to keep in mind that this is a movie by JJ Abrams and Matt Reeves, the guys who do LOST and have HUGE erections for this mystery/viral shit.

But you must also remember if it didn't happen in the movie, it didn't happen.

This stuff sounds way too much like the goings-on of Star Wars "expanded universe" fans, who insist that Boba Fett escaped from the Sarlaac Pit or that Degobah houses some kind of Dark Side temple.
Oh, I know. There's clearly two groups for this movie, those who take the movie JUST as it's given to us, and those who seek the entire viral bullshit world. (Though I'm in the latter) It's just like LOST. They explained what the numbers are for in a viral ARG, but it will likely NEVER come into play in the show. It's all just fluff that's there if you choose to look for it. I personally really like it, but it's also nice to know that they craft their stories both ways. (So that you can take them at face value and not NEED the viral stuff)

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
WordAssassin said:
Oh, I know. There's clearly two groups for this movie, those who take the movie JUST as it's given to us, and those who seek the entire viral bullshit world. (Though I'm in the latter) It's just like LOST. They explained what the numbers are for in a viral ARG, but it will likely NEVER come into play in the show. It's all just fluff that's there if you choose to look for it. I personally really like it, but it's also nice to know that they craft their stories both ways. (So that you can take them at face value and not NEED the viral stuff)

Yep, exactly. Some people don't dig stories designed that way, but I sure do.

There's one quote that encapsulated Abram's approach very well recently; something to the effect of Abrams having an obsession with boxes. He cares less about what's IN the box than the mystery of what COULD be in the box. That explains some of the disappointment in mytho wrap ups in Alias -- but hopefully that's not the same fate for LOST.
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