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CNN: Green Party files for Wisconsin recount, audit

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Trump calling it a "scam", told you he would freak out. Scared? You know he would be doing the same if he lost.

Even if it does nothing, seeing them tremble is something I want to see before I have to endure Trump making decisions that will effect millions of lives.



What the heck is she trying to say? I'm so confused.
As if people needed more proof that she's in for the money, those 3m+ will help the Green Party while democrats think she cares for the recount.


Clinton's team is getting in on the recounts. It also says something about Hillary's supporters who didn't let it go, and are therefore, according to her words, a threat to our democracy.

Do you also have issue with your candidate wanting to do recounts in Nevada and Arizona?


Is she trying to say she is transparent? Or just throwing shade after Hillary didn't throw her full support behind this?

I'm confused too. 2016 has me questioning whether I speak English fluently or not.


Why would Hillary Clinton—who conceded the election to Donald Trump—want #Recount2016? You cannot be on-again, off-again about democracy.

and then this one:

Election integrity cannot be led by a party w/o integrity, just as a revolution cannot happen in a counterrevolutionary party. #Recount2016

I dunno, maybe she's thinking she can usurp the DNC?


Is this situation like those lame signs that have something like:

"SEX! Now that we have your attention, haircuts are 20% off until November 30." for the Green Party?

Or maybe "the person who got fourth place of a marathon shanking the one who got second place, who also tripped and broke their femur at the end, until they are sure they're dead" is a better analogy.
Why do people keep saying this? What a nonsensical thing to say. We know it doesn't because of the EC but it's stop a fact that more Americans wanted Hillary.
She was a plurality winner, not a majority winner, so that's still a misleading claim.

Regardless, that still doesn't matter. We don't know what "Americans" wanted in a popular vote system because we didn't experience that. If your electoral system works so that you have to clear condition X to win, and you lose X, you can't cite condition Y to say you won. Y was never part of the equation and we don't know what Y would have looked like if Y was the target. It's a losing line of attack to bludgeon the electoral college on those numbers when there are far more compelling arguments.

Fox Mulder

The only thing the Green party will grab is a bunch of money from a bunch of suckers.

The Democrat party is pretty fucked and depending on how they go forward, could continue turning people away entirely.

The green party is in a great position to pick up young voters, who see no real leftist party.


1. The train didnt actually win. It lost by 2 Millions and counting. Its just that in america one vote doesnt weight the same.
2. The russians hacked the DNC as far as we know. Why wouldnt they be able to hack systems that are old and technically unsecure? It is a possibility

I do however think that nothing will come out of this

Nah everyone knew the crappy EC was the rules. (It's shit but it's how the game is played). So he did win. It's just one of those technicalities that are garbage and people only keep it because historical president.

Yeah but don't one of the states just have paper ballets?

And yeah agreed. That said the drama that'd happen if it got overturned. Man reality tv would have nothing on that.


Clinton's team is getting in on the recounts. It also says something about Hillary's supporters who didn't let it go, and are therefore, according to her words, a threat to our democracy.

She was talking about someone who would not concede, imperiling the peaceful transition of power. The recounts are happening, it makes sense to be involved if they do. That's not a threat to democracy, it's following the law and being practical.


Nah everyone knew the crappy EC was the rules. (It's shit but it's how the game is played). So he did win. It's just one of those technicalities that are garbage and people only keep it because historical president.

Yeah but don't one of the states just have paper ballets?

And yeah agreed. That said the drama that'd happen if it got overturned. Man reality tv would have nothing on that.

WI is 85% paper, 15% electronic w/paper receipt

MI is 100% paper

PA is like...80% electronic w/no paper trail and they're from the 80's so no one knows how to hack them anymore


Yes Stein, attack the one person that would be directly benefited if your shenanigans actually end up mattering.

I mean she's not even attempting to make it seem like this situation isn't about just filling her pockets and aggrandizing herself.

What the heck is she trying to say? I'm so confused.

She might be delusional enough to think she can usurp the DNC...

But I don't think that's it. I think she wants to have her cake and eat it to. Jill wants to help a recount so she can go down in history as having tried to help rather than as just a Nader or Perot "spoiler" while making a buck. She also still wants to throw shade at Hillary and the DNC and make herself out to be a bastion of transparency and goodness.



Trump calling it a "scam", told you he would freak out. Scared? You know he would be doing the same if he lost.

Even if it does nothing, seeing them tremble is something I want to see before I have to endure Trump making decisions that will effect millions of lives.
I mean.... he's not wrong
The Democrat party is pretty fucked and depending on how they go forward, could continue turning people away entirely.

The green party is in a great position to pick up young voters, who see no real leftist party.

Green party is batshit insane and will never win an election that matters anytime soon. And those leftists will continue to lose badly. And have none of their ideas/ideals implemented at any level. DNC for as bad as they did, at least picked up some ground in the House and Senate. They have a long way to go, but they represent the best path to getting more progressive policies moving forward.

The US does not, will not, and cannot support 3 viable parties given the current structure of politics here.

qcf x2

Hillary conceded and didn't demand a recount. These evident facts invalidate the rest of your post.

You're right, except I didn't specifically mention her at all in my post. But even if I did, certainly that invalidates my point about Jill Stein doing this as a publicity grab. Certainly I am wrong and Jill Stein is doing this because she is the true champion of America and the DNC and freedom. I wonder how many people donated that have no idea what she has/continues to say -- and this is from somebody who doesn't necessarily dislike Stein, I just can spot an opportunist from a mile away.


Are you able to distinguish between someone who conceded and someone who has said he'd refuse to concede? Monitoring an already proceeding recount is not refusing to concede. Using those quotes is a complete non sequitur.

I think we both know they don't care about logic.
Perhaps we should accept that the people least likely to observe their own failings are medical doctors.
Seriously, whenever I hear "doctor" (medical) my inner alarm bells go off by default now. They seem obsessed with having opinions about stuff outside their own field.

And I don't know why that is. No other field seems to have that effect.


WI is 85% paper, 15% electronic w/paper receipt

MI is 100% paper

PA is like...80% electronic w/no paper trail and they're from the 80's so no one knows how to hack them anymore

As has been pointed out numerous times: If someone, such as a hacker, were to tamper with an election, the individual voting machines themselves likely wouldn't be the target. There's other computers along the way which store and transmit the numbers, which would likely be easier targets. It doesn't matter if they're originally on paper themselves, as those are still counted by machines and stored there. Some may even still require humans to read numbers and manually enter them elsewhere.

That's not to imply anything happened, but if someone wanted to tamper or hack, the other machines would be a better target as they could just trigger a few votes across the board without potentially raising suspicion. A single machine or two with a large number of votes would raise suspicion.

The likelihood of this happening is very slim, but it's not zero, nor is it impossible. Having only paper ballots would at least enable hand recounts to spot any potential problems. People in generally terrible at computer security. I would not be surprised if some areas are still using windows 95 machines with dictionary passwords.

This may be a non-issue this year, but in the coming years this will happen at some point.
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