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College Football 2015 Week Nine Thread: Clemson, Clemsoned

Announcers just gave Duke's Jeremy Cash credit for being a safety and defensive back and only DB in top 75 for tackles for a loss.

That's great.

He's a linebacker.
I'm sure the team is very appreciative of your support.
Nebraska deserves it after the way Bo got fucked.

Well, not the guys actually playing. Just everyone in charge serves a good ol' bonk across the head from real life when you fire a 9-3 coach because your fee fees got hurt.
Now that we've seen the dominos fall and what the bottom actually looks like... can we all agree now, with retrospect, that firing Solich was a bad move?

Yes the talent was down. Yes Solich needed to recruit better but we had young defensive talent in the pipeline. Pelini as DC in 2004 with Barrett Ruud and Fabian Washington would have bludgeoned it's way to a bowl game. We wouldn't have lost the bowl streak. Perhaps the ceiling wasn't national titles but the floor wasn't losing to 1-6 Purdue (or being blown out by Kansas like in 2005 after beating them 36 consecutive times)

Even in down times, those decades long streaks are something to hang your hat on. Missing bowls in 2004 and 07 was unacceptable. It is still unacceptable in 2015. When the sellout streak ends, it might be the most painful blow of all
Every sports radio station in Atlanta is going in on UGA right now.
The 'Fire Richt' chorus is growing again, and now they don't have Mike Bobo or Todd Grantham to scapegoat. Then again, good luck with Greyson Lambert or, as we've just seen, Faton Bauta.

I hope it isn't.



I always thought firing Solich was a bad move, and the reason back then ("Nebraska expects better") was some mega hubris level shit.

And every time we fire a winning coach we end up with a losing season. go fig


I always thought firing Solich was a bad move, and the reason back then ("Nebraska expects better") was some mega hubris level shit.

And every time we fire a winning coach we end up with a losing season. go fig

Don't worry, you'll kick our ass this year.
This is "targeting" in the Big 12, according to official Kelly Deterding, head official Alan Eck, and replay official Don Kapral, who had this very angle of the play and yet still whitewashed the call for his zebra buddies on the field and upheld it.


Somehow this was worth kicking a kid out of a game he practiced all week for. A conference game that he only gets 10 of in a season.

I'm sure the Big 12 head of officials will pat all these guys on the head and say "you did the best you could," because that's all he ever does, despite the Big 12 having shamefully poor officiating on a regular basis, with no quality control at all.
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