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COMICS - October 2011 |OT| - Goons, Godmothers, and Gunwitches!

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Captain N

Junior Member
I just started really getting into comics with the New 52. How about Spider Island? I wanna get into it and was wondering if its coming to an end soon. Also. Can I start with Wolverine and the X-Men #1 and be good or should I jump into X-Men Schism first?
Brah I'm gonna start following X Men the same way plus the other series starting in November. Before last month I just read GL and Archie Comics


Captain N said:
I just started really getting into comics with the New 52. How about Spider Island? I wanna get into it and was wondering if its coming to an end soon. Also. Can I start with Wolverine and the X-Men #1 and be good or should I jump into X-Men Schism first?
Spiderisland is fucking awesome. I think it has another month to go.


Spider Island is cool. The Avengers crossover is amazing.

And I'm jumping on to the main X-people with Wolverine and the X-Men at #1 as well. Just keep Wikipedia/Comic Vine handy if you get confused on a plot point and you'll be good to go.
Satchwar said:

Hey! Now those idiots who shop at my comic shop and that do dumbass podcasts will learn how to pronounce Atrocitus like a smart and good looking person too thanks to the Green Lantern show.

Supergirl by the MLP creator? Oh god. BRACE FOR IMPACT!

Doom Patrol? Color me interested.

I also updated the OP with some suggested funnybook podcast listening:



Here are some comic related podcasts that won't induce vomiting.

11 O'Clock Comics
- These guys aren't as in love with the sound of their own voice like some other Comic Groupthink Sycophants who podcast more frequently than I move my bowels. They will also turn you on to new and interesting books.

- Awesome interviews with the awesome artists on these awesome books.

Word Balloon
- In depth interviews with the writers of funnybooks!

Aw Yeah! Podcast
- It's Art and Franco from Tiny Titans just gabbing. It's magic talk of Superman, floppy Vaders, and stinky people.



Captain N said:
I just started really getting into comics with the New 52. How about Spider Island? I wanna get into it and was wondering if its coming to an end soon. Also. Can I start with Wolverine and the X-Men #1 and be good or should I jump into X-Men Schism first?

Spider- Island proper begins Amazing Spider-man #666 and is also spread out in a number of minis and one-shots.All the minis and tie-in books have been great so far imo, but you can just follow Amazing. Ramos's cartoony art can be polarizing though but I like it. The Venom ongoing is excellent as well and is written by Rick Remender who is also writing Uncanny X-force, the current best X-book.


X-Men Schism sets up the status quo for the X-books for the considerable future but if you get the relaunched Uncanny X-men or Wolverine & the X-men you will be fine. Basically Cyclops and Wolverine have an argument over the direction of mutantdom and the X-men pick sides between them.

Just finished reading Hellboy / Beasts of Burden: Sacrifice.


This might be a good pathway comic for your teens, young readers. I got it for the Evan Dorkin and Hellboy.


Captain N

Junior Member
Rafa=FedKilla said:
Brah I'm gonna start following X Men the same way plus the other series starting in November. Before last month I just read GL and Archie Comics

I think the only thing I read before New 52 was the death of Superman. I didn't even read about his return. Whenever I walked by a comic. Shop I'd go in and check out the art. I just felt overwhelmed at jumping into comics that are already 500 or 600 issues deep.

I got over that fear now and havent been playing any games since getting into comics. Some of these books are reallly good.

notworksafe said:
Spider Island is cool. The Avengers crossover is amazing.

And I'm jumping on to the main X-people with Wolverine and the X-Men at #1 as well. Just keep Wikipedia/Comic Vine handy if you get confused on a plot point and you'll be good to go.

I am loving the art style from the previews of Wolverine and the X-Men #1. Hopefully it hooks me enough to keep reading.

Nesotenso said:
Spider- Island proper begins Amazing Spider-man #666 and is also spread out in a number of minis and one-shots.All the minis and tie-in books have been great so far imo, but you can just follow Amazing. Ramos's cartoony art can be polarizing though but I like it. The Venom ongoing is excellent as well and is written by Rick Remender who is also writing Uncanny X-force, the current best X-book.


X-Men Schism sets up the status quo for the X-books for the considerable future but if you get the realunched Uncanny X-men or Wolverine & the X-men. Basically Cyclops and Wolverine have an argument over the direction of mutantdom and the X-men pick sides between them.

The art of Spider-Island based on some of the covers remind me of Flash #1, which I love. I did just start the new Ultimate Spider-Man with Miles. I hear he might be coming to Amazing Spider-Man too?

So many books so little time!


Captain N said:
The art of Spider-Island based on some of the covers remind me of Flash #1, which I love. I did just start the new Ultimate Spider-Man with Miles. I hear he might be coming to Amazing Spider-Man too?

So many books so little time!

Ramos's art is more exaggerated than Manapaul's art. Amazing has a rotating art roster because it's a biweekly book. Not reading the new USM because I hated " Death Of Spider-man" so much. For me it's always Parker and I hope Miles fails. The speculation is that there will be a new Scarlet Spider-man introduced in the 0.1 one shot for next year. My guess is that it might be MJ.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Wasn't there a Thunderbolts thread?

Anyway, this article is AMAZING:

For me the colours are definitely the unsung hero of that book, it really makes the whole thing pop. Thunderbolts is pretty much always the first thing I go for in my pile, it's always just a fun read, no matter how heavy the story gets. I just realized I've been reading it for about 50 issues straight now, since the Ellis run. (Had the first 30 at one point too, but lost interest when it just became an endless series of strung out dangling plot mysteries).

Captain N

Junior Member
Nesotenso said:
Ramos's art is more exaggerated than Manapaul's art. Amazing has a rotating art roster because it's a biweekly book. Not reading the new USM because I hated " Death Of Spider-man" so much. For me it's always Parker and I hope Miles fails. The speculation is that there will be a new Scarlet Spider-man introduced in the 0.1 one shot for next year. My guess is that it might be MJ.

I didn't read the "Death of Spider-Man", but wanted to see what they would do with a brand new Spider-Man. I just don't understand why the covers have him in the suit and it doesn't seem like he will be in it for a while.

MJ? I don't think MJ should have powers. Maybe I'll feel differently if they handle it well.
I only ended up getting Swamp Thing and Action Comics. I think I can trade-wait on everything else. I'm way more excited about the X-Men "re" "boot".


Captain N

Junior Member
Okay..so Spider-Man is bi-weekly and I was just wondering what other books are Bi-weekly. Also, will all future comics from Marvel & DC be digital day 1?


First tragedy, then farce.
Captain N said:
Okay..so Spider-Man is bi-weekly and I was just wondering what other books are Bi-weekly. Also, will all future comics from Marvel & DC be digital day 1?

DC is digital day and date with 100% of books.

Marvel is with certain books only.
Captain N said:
I just started really getting into comics with the New 52. How about Spider Island? I wanna get into it and was wondering if its coming to an end soon. Also. Can I start with Wolverine and the X-Men #1 and be good or should I jump into X-Men Schism first?

Awesome that you're getting into comics, man! Welcome to the fray, and in regards to Spider-Island, it's a good crossover and quite fun. You don't really have to know much about X-men to jump into Wolverine and the X-men 1, honestly.

I'm sure you're smart enough to follow what's going on, the premise is basically that Wolvie is pissed at Cyke and is gonna start a new school

When it comes to the X-men you should just pick up anything, cuz there's always gonna be an old story behind it and another and another, you just get sucked down a rabbit hole, and a lot of the stuff that "mattered" really sucks writing-wise lol
WascallyWabbit said:
Awesome that you're getting into comics, man! Welcome to the fray, and in regards to Spider-Island, it's a good crossover and quite fun. You don't really have to know much about X-men to jump into Wolverine and the X-men 1, honestly.

I'm sure you're smart enough to follow what's going on, the premise is basically that Wolvie is pissed at Cyke and is gonna start a new school

When it comes to the X-men you should just pick up anything, cuz there's always gonna be an old story behind it and another and another, you just get sucked down a rabbit hole, and a lot of the stuff that "mattered" really sucks writing-wise lol

Schism is a pretty def read though. I'd recommend it.


Just out of curiosity: I can't be the only one who thinks the art on Secret Avengers is god awful, right?
Xater said:
Just out of curiosity: I can't be the only one who thinks the art on Secret Avengers is god awful, right?

If you're talking about deodato, then I agree wholeheartedly.

But the last two issues were Jamie McKelvie and Kev Walker, who are AWESOME!

Captain N

Junior Member
how do storylines typically work in comics? I know that no one is ever really dead, but do writers continue on with what happened in the last arch? I mean sometimes Superman is weak against Magic and other times he isn't. How often do things like that happen?
Captain N said:
how do storylines typically work in comics? I know that no one is ever really dead, but do writers continue on with what happened in the last arch? I mean sometimes Superman is weak against Magic and other times he isn't. How often do things like that happen?

Depends on the next writer. You can have a direct continuation, or a jump ahead in time, or a complete change of characters.

Second, Superman is always weak against magic. If the writer forgot this in a story, they were just a bad writer. When did you see this?


Captain N said:
how do storylines typically work in comics? I know that no one is ever really dead, but do writers continue on with what happened in the last arch? I mean sometimes Superman is weak against Magic and other times he isn't. How often do things like that happen?
Typically, writers will pick up where the last guy's run left off, though some will retcon/change things from previous runs to fit their needs. As for things like Superman's weakness to magic, that stuff can fluctuate from writer to writer as far as effectiveness/degree, but it's always there.
Captain N said:
how do storylines typically work in comics? I know that no one is ever really dead, but do writers continue on with what happened in the last arch? I mean sometimes Superman is weak against Magic and other times he isn't. How often do things like that happen?

Continuity is strongest between the current stuff. If something was years old it probably isn't referenced or it's been changed in another comic somewhere. That was the biggest problem going from comics like creater owned series and manga to Super Hero stuff. When I first started reading Grant Morrison's Batman & Robin, I didn't realize every three issues was a "contained" arc.


First tragedy, then farce.
Slayven said:
JLI #2 has some shallow ass characters and corny dialogue.

Does the word "Da" appear every time Rocket Red speaks still?

I'm honestly not sure why I pulled this other than an affinity to prior runs. The first issue was god-awful bad.


StoOgE said:
Does the word "Da" appear every time Rocket Red speaks still?

I'm honestly not sure why I pulled this other than an affinity to prior runs. The first issue was god-awful bad.
Nah, but he drops Russian.
Captain N said:
how do storylines typically work in comics? I know that no one is ever really dead, but do writers continue on with what happened in the last arch? I mean sometimes Superman is weak against Magic and other times he isn't. How often do things like that happen?

Superman is always vulnerable to magic. Nobody writes magic well in comics is the problem.

Go to your public library and start reading comics they have there. This isn't putting a man on the moon, even as a newcomer the silly softball nature of your line of questioning is preposterous.

Just read comics. Simple.
Satchwar said:
why is action 4 bucks again?

This is bothering me too. I understand the first issue of a major series being $3.99, and I don't mind IDW's pricing, since you usually get a lot of bang for your buck, but Action, Ultimate Spidey, and (I think) the Ultimates are starting to annoy me.

Anyway, I got...

Action Comics
Detective Comics
Penguin: Pain and Prejudice (I have no idea what this book is, but I read the first page and kind of liked what I saw. Also, a series on Penguin just seems so bizarre that I had to pick it up.

I still haven't read Ultimates #2 or The Flash yet either.


WascallyWabbit said:
If you're talking about deodato, then I agree wholeheartedly.

But the last two issues were Jamie McKelvie and Kev Walker, who are AWESOME!

Whoever did #16. I looked at that it immediately turned me off the book.

Captain N

Junior Member
The Take Out Bandit said:
Superman is always vulnerable to magic. Nobody writes magic well in comics is the problem.

Go to your public library and start reading comics they have there. This isn't putting a man on the moon, even as a newcomer the silly softball nature of your line of questioning is preposterous.

Just read comics. Simple.

I only asked about Superman because on A recent episode of comic geek speak they talk about how he isn't always hurt by Magic. I'll be sure you check with you before asking any other questions though.


Captain N said:
I kinda want to check out Batwing, but my stack is full enough of Bats already.

Really liked the first issue and I am going to stick with it for now. I am also a batman fan but it was very easy to drop Batman & Robin and Dark Knight. They really should cancel those two bat books, but it being Batman it will probably not happen.
Xater said:
Really liked the first issue and I am going to stick with it for now. I am also a batman fan but it was very easy to drop Batman & Robin and Dark Knight. They really should cancel those two bat books, but it being Batman it will probably not happen.

My vote is to cancel Dark Knight and give Marc Andreyko a Cassandra Cain/Stephanie Brown book. Still a bat book, but infinitely cooler.


krypt0nian said:
My vote is to cancel Dark Knight and give Marc Andreyko a Cassandra Cain/Stephanie Brown book. Still a bat book, but infinitely cooler.

I have no problem with more bat family books. Hell, do Red Robin again! 4 books that focus on Batman as the main character are just overkill.

Captain N

Junior Member
Xater said:
I have no problem with more bat family books. Hell, do Red Robin again! 4 books that focus on Batman as the main character are just overkill.

No kidding. On top of that, but they don't seem yo tell us where in the timeline all these Bat books take place or if they are all different. Its pretty confusing for a new comic book fan, like me.
Captain N said:
I only asked about Superman because on A recent episode of comic geek speak they talk about how he isn't always hurt by Magic. I'll be sure you check with you before asking any other questions though.

I'd advise you drop that podcast like it's hot.

Too many mainstream spoilers, and they don't promote enough titles off the beaten path. 11 O'clock will turn you on to a wider variety of titles as they tend to be more well read outside of The Big Dumb Two.

Tom Vs. is also a good one for history and in depth looks at books.

Not saying be ME2.0, just that certain podcasters are more in love with the sound of their own voices than informative discussion.


Captain N said:
No kidding. On top of that, but they don't seem yo tell us where in the timeline all these Bat books take place or if they are all different. Its pretty confusing for a new comic book fan, like me.

I am sure that will be clear over time, but yeah probably not that great if you are starting out.

@Take out Bandit: I will give 11 O'Clock Comics a shot. I mostly enjoy me some Marvel and DC, but I go for other stuff as well if it piques my interest. Right now I only listen to Comic Vine. Not the greatest podcast but it can be entertaining and I feel up to date with the big two. Word Balloon is a must for any comic fan.
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