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COMICS - October 2011 |OT| - Goons, Godmothers, and Gunwitches!

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Jedeye Sniv

Square Triangle said:
Manapul? No one beats Jim Lee.

What?? I guess it all depends on what you're looking for.... Jim Lee is fairly decent at what he does, but there are scores of better artists in mainstream comics. The trouble with Lee is that all his characters look very much the same. He has stock faces. manface. Womanface. Blackmanface. Oldmanface. That and the fact that his inker consistently ruins his admittedly beautiful pencils. He does have a very nice sense of weight and depth to his bodies, but the man is terrible at drawing 'acting'.

JH Williams pisses all over him from a great height, that dude is untouchable right now. And Manapul might not be as crazy detailed, but IMO its much more pleasurable to look at. I shouldn't really turn this into a list of awesome artists, but there are so many that beat lee. Although I guess from a standpoint of the iconic 90s artists he'd be the best.


I haven't read anything Marvel in like 15 years (for no particular reason really), but Spider Island seems really interesting, should I give a try?

Edit: Just remembered I may have read few issues of Fraction's Iron Man, but other than that nothing.


Still Alive
Chriswok said:
Ultimate Spiderman, Ultimate X-Men and Ultimates from #1
Oh, very nice. Ult. SM was awesome up until the artist change and then the beginning of the end. Ultimates was fun too.

I envy you, but the best part in reading it after it's all released is no waiting for a month for the next issue.
Sentry said:
Oh, very nice. Ult. SM was awesome up until the artist change and then the beginning of the end. Ultimates was fun too.

I envy you, but the best part in reading it after it's all released is no waiting for a month for the next issue.

Its been good. Very gritty, more than I thought it would be. Pretty fast paced too.
Picked up Flash, Batman TDK, Aquaman #2.

Flash #2 had me mind fucked, I'm going to see how #3 works to see if I'm going to continue the series.

Batman TDK #2 was better than #1. This one involved more detective work which I like coming from Bats. Still not better than Synder's Batman, but it's not too shabby.

Aquaman #2 was good imo. Nice too see him kicking some arse.
Hela said:
I haven't read anything Marvel in like 15 years (for no particular reason really), but Spider Island seems really interesting, should I give a try?

Edit: Just remembered I may have read few issues of Fraction's Iron Man, but other than that nothing.

Do it. Spider Island was the best event this year. Despite me not looking forward to it, it turned out great. I think I'm going to reread it once the next issue comes back so I can go from front to back in one go.
Well it's the last weekend for the October comic book thread.

Thanks to everybody who checked out the books I plugged in the OP.

Going to wash my butt and head to the back up comic shop for my Cavewoman fix.

Man, Rulk by not-Loeb/McGuinness is like an angry dog - RUFF! RUFF!

Worst part is this guy can't even draw a full issue with his dodgy storyboard artist art. There are backup stories in this sh*t?! Damn son.

And those are dookie too.

I'm going to soldier through and hope it gets interesting and the silver lining is the Ed McGuinness art at the ass end of the volume.
Nesotenso said:
I love Hardman's art and Parker's run has been way better for me than Loeb.

Hardman's art is just so boring, and I'm only one issue in but his story telling is pretty sh*t too.

The only reason I'm soldiering on is Parker talked up some good stuff about his run on Word Balloon interviews; and I really loved the OG Rulk runs.

At this point though. . . I'm forcing myself to read this. :(
Flipped through the X-Men book you kids are losing your sh*t over.

I was afraid I might be tempted to pick it up, but it didn't come fortunately. At this point as much as I loved Bachalo on Shade I absolutely cannot stand his wacky page layouts and general business of his modern work.

Also flipped through Spiderman. Ramos art is so fun, but Slott's writing on the issues I picked up when he started left me cold. Plus sh*tty re-designs of classic villains. :|

Walked out with Cavewoman Rain #4, Gold Digger Halloween Special (lolz), and Vescell #1. Vescell #3 cover caught my eye so I figured I'd give it a whirl.
Something like this:

Picked up Daredevil 5, Ultimates 3, Legion of Mosters 1 and Wolverine and the X-Men 1.

Despite foaming at the mouth for the current Daredevil series, Wolverine was too crazy not to pick as my favorite of the four.

Ultimates is already feeling a little flat, which sucks. I was all over The Avengers/ Secret Avengers/New Avengers when they launched and have dropped all of them. Should have went with Avengers Academy I guess.
comedy bomb said:
Picked up Daredevil 5, Ultimates 3, Legion of Mosters 1 and Wolverine and the X-Men 1.

Despite foaming at the mouth for the current Daredevil series, Wolverine was too crazy not to pick as my favorite of the four.

Ultimates is already feeling a little flat, which sucks. I was all over The Avengers/ Secret Avengers/New Avengers when they launched and have dropped all of them. Should have went with Avengers Academy I guess.

Secret Avengers is pretty dope now, although these Ellis issues read incredibly fast.

I spent all weekend recollecting my Amazing SpiderMuns. Only missing 598 and 599. That's 546 to 672. A fucking HUNDRED AND THIRTY issues (plus some Annuals and specials and stuffs) of pretty much non-stop FANTASTIC comics.

I also love, and few other titles do this, how many great little back up stories there are.

Just an incredible accomplishment. Even got me reading New Avengers again (really not digging where Deodato's gone stylistically) just because of Norman.


Finally read Batman #2. Wonderful. I love the way Capullo draws Batman's cowl, for some reason. It has that shiny plastic look to it that just seems right.

I didn't find the language in Spaceman all that difficult to figure out. Years of reading Neal Stephenson and Iain M. Banks will help you with that. :) At nine issues, though, this has tradewait stamped across it. Still a good issue.

Also read New Mutants. Thank the gods the Fear Itself crap is finished in this title, even if Abnett and Lanning probably make it as interesting as a forced editorial direction can be. The art is still hurting the book here, and I'm starting to think it may be canceled.

Haven't made it to Secret Avengers yet. These Ellis issues almost make up for the rather mediocre Brubaker issues.
KidDork said:
Also read New Mutants. Thank the gods the Fear Itself crap is finished in this title, even if Abnett and Lanning probably make it as interesting as a forced editorial direction can be. The art is still hurting the book here, and I'm starting to think it may be canceled.

Uh. David LaFuente and Robbie Rodriguez drew it. It was non-stop baller.
Picked up Nightwing #1 for the hell of it since it was a first print and a buddy told me it was good.

Also, I never fully got into Hal Jordan, so I picked up GL: Secret Origin. Afterward I might get Rebirth, so anyone else have any recommendations? From what I heard DC had a period of terrible GL writing for a while.
Square Triangle said:
Picked up Nightwing #1 for the hell of it since it was a first print and a buddy told me it was good.

Also, I never fully got into Hal Jordan, so I picked up GL: Secret Origin. Afterward I might get Rebirth, so anyone else have any recommendations? From what I heard DC had a period of terrible GL writing for a while.

I really liked all of Johns' run up to post-Blackest Night.
I've read up to the Brightest Day Green Lantern and enjoyed most of it. The beginning stuff I'm guessing was closer to the old GL stories (?) as they're pretty different and more "grounded". And a few of the stories had iffy artwork that I wasn't a fan of but that's all personal preference.

And I wish I had all the BND Spidey issues. I wasn't reading comics at the time but I have since read the entire run from friends, libraries, some back issues, and the occasional graphic novel that I bought. I enjoy reading the floppies so much more though.
Did the second issue of Ellis' Secret Avengers run get crazy better? I grabbed the first one because he's capable of greatness but it left me flat.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Uh. David LaFuente and Robbie Rodriguez drew it. It was non-stop baller.

Sunspot has looked absolutely terrible in the recent issues of New Mutants. Someone should tell them that he isn't Beast. I'm not generally one to get worked up over how the art in a book looks, but you should at least be able to draw the main characters right.

Square Triangle said:
Also, I never fully got into Hal Jordan, so I picked up GL: Secret Origin. Afterward I might get Rebirth, so anyone else have any recommendations? From what I heard DC had a period of terrible GL writing for a while.

Johns run on Green Lantern was pretty great up until the crap that was "War of the Green Lanterns". There were some down points, but it was pretty good stuff overall. Tomasi's Green Lantern Corps is generally great.
KuwabaraTheMan said:
Sunspot has looked absolutely terrible in the recent issues of New Mutants. Someone should tell them that he isn't Beast. I'm not generally one to get worked up over how the art in a book looks, but you should at least be able to draw the main characters right.

Yeah, Fear Itself ties were not up to the level of the previous issues. DnA were kinda hamstrung though.


krypt0nian said:
Did the second issue of Ellis' Secret Avengers run get crazy better? I grabbed the first one because he's capable of greatness but it left me flat.

Second one is better. Third is greatness.
KuwabaraTheMan said:
Sunspot has looked absolutely terrible in the recent issues of New Mutants. Someone should tell them that he isn't Beast. I'm not generally one to get worked up over how the art in a book looks, but you should at least be able to draw the main characters right.

Such bizarre hamstringing of a gifted artist's style (which LaFuente clearly is) would mean an artist like Bachalo couldn't draw any book ever. Thank goodness you are not a Marvel Editor.

I'm stunned they got someone so high profile to draw the tie in issues of a relatively middling book. It was like Quitely drawing like I don't know Rob Williams' Ghost Rider.
Rafa=FedKilla said:
I know it's over a month away but I can't wait for Defenders, lovin' the lineup.

Hopefully Dr Strange is up front and center every issue. It's a crime he doesn't have a monthly. Maybe DC rocking the superhero horror books will get that done.
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