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COMICS - October 2011 |OT| - Goons, Godmothers, and Gunwitches!

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Jedeye Sniv

Square Triangle said:
I just bought my first comic off of DC iOS app. It was #1 Justice League, I think I may try to find an original printing of this as I prefer having physical items. If I go onto eBay, how can I tell the difference between the different printings? Or are there none?

If you're fussed about buying a first printing then you're doing it wrong man. Who cares? It's not going to have any resale value as it is. Just read for the story.

I think the difference is different colored logos on the cover, but I couldn't tell you what the colors are.
Let me just bask in this Wolverine and the X-Men vindication just a little bit.

I've already read it another three times. It really is the next New X-Men #114. So incredible.

Jedeye Sniv

BenjaminBirdie said:
Let me just bask in this Wolverine and the X-Men vindication just a little bit.

I've already read it another three times. It really is the next New X-Men #114. So incredible.

It was good but dude, three more times? Get a hobby! :D
Jedeye Sniv said:
If you're fussed about buying a first printing then you're doing it wrong man. Who cares? It's not going to have any resale value as it is. Just read for the story.

I think the difference is different colored logos on the cover, but I couldn't tell you what the colors are.

I get what your saying, I'm just a whore like that though.


Read Wolverine and the X-men 1, Daredevil 5, Batman:TDK 2 and for some reason the latest Dakon last night.

Enjoyed the humor in WatXM alot, was a nice throwback.
Dardevil is still solid all around, though I am already getting tired of the whole 'He's Daredevil" gimmick. How hard would it be to have someone run around in the costume for a night or two while he is in public somewhere?
Batman is a great book, and feels like Batman if that makes any sense. Loved the last panel.

Also picked up Justice League Dark #2 but have not had time to read it yet.


Still Alive
Does anyone know about the new Brilliant comic? It's from Bendis and Bagley, the original writer and artist of the classic Ult. Spider-Man issues. I'm intrigued, but it hasn't been discussed here.

All I know is it's supposed to be more mature with no costumes.. ?

Oh, also looking forward to picking up the newest issue of Daredevil, New Spider-Man and Ultimates 03. :D

Jedeye Sniv

Sentry said:
Does anyone know about the new Brilliant comic? It's from Bendis and Bagley, the original writer and artist of the classic Ult. Spider-Man issues. I'm intrigued, but it hasn't been discussed here.

All I know is it's supposed to be more mature with no costumes.. ?

Oh, also looking forward to picking up the newest issue of Daredevil, New Spider-Man and Ultimates 03. :D

I heard a review where the critics weren't too impressed. They said it was slight, predicable and the art looked a bit rushed, even for Bagley. Maybe wait for the trade?


Still Alive
Hmm, that's disappointing. Especially since it's independently released, no? Tbh lately bagleys art, even at the end of Ult. SM looked rushed/not what I remember from the first several dozen issues Ult. SM.
Ok, forget Daredevil, ASM, WATXM, Scalped, Spaceman, whatever.

The best book of the week is Secret Avengers #18. One of the best action comics I've read in a long ass time.


Super Member
So comic Star Trek might be re-doing old episodes of the TV show with the new XI continuity and aesthetics

Issue 1 includes Gary Mitchell but not Elizabeth Dehner (possible change from "Where No Man has Gone Before")

I'm looking forward to more Movie Trek so this might be something to follow for a while
I liked the language. Azzarello is probably the only legitimate Prose Stylist in comics. I was more disappointed that it was like "Oh cool they're doing a sci fi book! This should really be diff -- oh okay it's a kidnapping caper."
Blader5489 said:
Spaceman was gibberish. Not Jeph-Loeb-Ultimates-gibberish, but I-can't-understand-a-fucking-word-of-this gibberish.

A friend of mine had the exact same complaint. He found out next issue is $3 bucks, too, so he dropped it

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
So going to comic con a few weeks ago got me interested in comics (go figure). There I bought a hard cover trade of Nova which I really enjoyed so I'll definitively try and find the rest of that volume.

Next I was about thinking about getting into Spiderman. What recent Spiderman arcs would you guys recommend?
A Pretty Panda said:
So going to comic con a few weeks ago got me interested in comics (go figure). There I bought a hard cover trade of Nova which I really enjoyed so I'll definitively try and find the rest of that volume.

Next I was about thinking about getting into Spiderman. What recent Spiderman arcs would you guys recommend?

Spider-Island was awesome, mayne!!
MisterHero said:
So comic Star Trek might be re-doing old episodes of the TV show with the new XI continuity and aesthetics

Issue 1 includes Gary Mitchell but not Elizabeth Dehner (possible change from "Where No Man has Gone Before")

I'm looking forward to more Movie Trek so this might be something to follow for a while

... there's a Star Trek comic? Dammit. I'm going to be poor if this list of titles keeps growing. Who made this thread? You are a pox on my wallet.
I recommend just starting from the beginning of Slott's solo run, starting with ASM #648. You'll get all caught up on everything, and you won't miss out on all of Slott's best stories so far("Invasion of the Spider-Slayers", "No One Dies", and "The Return of Anti-Venom")
LeonSKennedy90 said:
I recommend just starting from the beginning of Slott's solo run, starting with ASM #648. You'll get all caught up on everything, and you won't miss out on all of Slott's best stories so far("Invasion of the Spider-Slayers", "No One Dies", and "The Return of Anti-Venom")

If I may humbly suggest something crazy, start at Brand New Day. I haven't missed an issue of ASM since that started and only one storyline (ONE!), American Son, was a stinker. That's gotta be at least fifty or sixty great comic books. Probably more.
BenjaminBirdie said:
If I may humbly suggest something crazy, start at Brand New Day. I haven't missed an issue of ASM since that started and only one storyline (ONE!), American Son, was a stinker. That's gotta be at least fifty or sixty great comic books. Probably more.

Lol, hey! I liked American Son! Joe Kelly is the man

He also wrote an amazing one and done issue with the Rhino later on that was really great with Max Fiumura on art!
WascallyWabbit said:
Lol, hey! I liked American Son! Joe Kelly is the man

He also wrote an amazing one and done issue with the Rhino later on that was really great with Max Fiumura on art!

LOVED that story. Overall I've loved what they've done post-Brand New Day with Spidey's Rogues. So many great stories.

Mr. Sam

I hadn't been impressed by any of the DC relaunch stuff until I picked up the first two issues of Animal Man this week, based entirely off the backing that a couple of GAFers had given it. I thought it was really rather good; a good read. It smacks just a little of Swamp Thing - but I mean just a little. There's nothing else from the new line-up that's inspired me to carry on collecting up until this point, save maybe Batman.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Spider-Island was the most enjoyable Marvel thing in ages. What a tight and massively enjoyable 'event'. Character development and laugh out loud moments abounds --wallopin' web snappers I never expected to actually like Kain.

WatXM was alright. It was a bit TOO wacky hijinx overloaded, which is okay in doses for the X-Men but not a good fit all of the time. New direction and all that I understand, but none of it was laugh-out-loud quality as it all seemed a bit too second rate sitcom-y. terrible Hellfire kid's scene arrival especially. "I'll getchhhuuu meddlin' X-Kids!!!!"

The glacial pace of FF is doing itself no favours. The first trade even isn't going to end up going very far, but at least the latest issue actually had the FF all back together and about to do something.
Volstagg and Journey into Mystery just slew your fave comics, passed them as waste, and had Odin dispose of the waste in a sack.

So gud.


Online Ho Champ
krypt0nian said:
Volstagg and Journey into Mystery just slew your fave comics, passed them as waste, and had Odin dispose of the waste in a sack.

So gud.

This, oh and if you get the past two issue then you wont need to read fear itself..at all...just read the last couple journey into mysteries actually its more interesting angle of the event.
BenjaminBirdie said:
If I may humbly suggest something crazy, start at Brand New Day. I haven't missed an issue of ASM since that started and only one storyline (ONE!), American Son, was a stinker. That's gotta be at least fifty or sixty great comic books. Probably more.

Yes, I'm a big fan of BND, and as a whole, its the best ASM has been since the 1980s, but it IS pretty inconsistent. Sometimes you get greatness like SHED or Unscheduled Stop, and sometimes you get ANY story with Freak or OMIT. At least starting with Slott, you don't have to go through 100 issues, its more consistently good, and you just how one authortive voice for the run.


krypt0nian said:
Volstagg and Journey into Mystery just slew your fave comics, passed them as waste, and had Odin dispose of the waste in a sack.

So gud.

JiM is awesome. Unfortunately, same can't be said for Mighty Thor. Go back to Iron Fist Fraction! Please.... :_(

Jedeye Sniv

BenjaminBirdie said:
If I may humbly suggest something crazy, start at Brand New Day. I haven't missed an issue of ASM since that started and only one storyline (ONE!), American Son, was a stinker. That's gotta be at least fifty or sixty great comic books. Probably more.

I'd really like to read BND but quite honestly the thought of the money it would cost gives me nightmares. Let's see... I could read sandman or I could read a years worth of Spider-Man...
Just picked up and read New 52 Justice League #2. It's a lot better than #1, damn issues are so short though =(

Anyone else recommend any other new series that aren't too far ahead? Is the new Catwoman any good? Almost bought it just because it's 100 pages lol.


I didn't read my own avatar and now everyone knows I'm not too bright. :(
Wolverine and the X-Men was superb. can't wait for Uncanny X-Men next week.

Incredible Hulk was alright. like the Island of Doctor Moreau angle they're using.

still digging Aquaman for some reason. just love how they keep taking cheap shots at him.


Avengers X Sanction
Avenging Spiderman


Teen Titans (we have Wolverine and the X-Men now)
Green Lantern New Gaurdians
The Flash
Suicide Squad
Wonder Woman
Birds of Prey


I didn't read my own avatar and now everyone knows I'm not too bright. :(
Square Triangle said:
damn issues are so short though =(

yeah that's starting to annoy me. love Jim Lee's artwork but theres hardly any dialogue. makes miss the Lee and Claremont combo when they did the X-Men series.
TheDiabolical said:
yeah that's starting to annoy me. love Jim Lee's artwork but theres hardly any dialogue. makes miss the Lee and Claremont combo when they did the X-Men series.

Same. I mean I have Jim Lee's Hush artwork tattooed on me lol, so I can't get enough of his work but once the issue gets into it- it's over >=|

No Comic Book Comics #6 for me at the LCS.

It's still on order. :(

There was a Hulk in my box. I guess because I got the last run of the Pak Hulk they tossed it in there, I put it back. Good for them as they sold out of that crap. HAW HAW HAW!

Picked up Spaceman and All Star Western (despite saying I am through with New52). Will hit backup shop on the East side on Saturday.

Also played some hide and seek with the shop cat. Ha! Silly orange kitty. :3
TheDiabolical said:
yeah that's starting to annoy me. love Jim Lee's artwork but theres hardly any dialogue. makes miss the Lee and Claremont combo when they did the X-Men series.

Dedicating an entire two page splash to Superman breaking out of some chains set a new record for decompression.
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
Dedicating an entire two page splash to Superman breaking out of some chains set a new record for decompression.
That was an awesome moment though brah. it should Superman's strength was more powerful then Hal's will.
Rafa=FedKilla said:
That was an awesome moment though brah. it should Superman's strength was more powerful then Hal's will.

It was an awesome moment and the actual picture was great, but it didn't need to take up 2 pages (10% of the book).

Plus, we all know Neal Adams did the best picture of Superman breaking out of chains (the Jim Lee picture might have been a homage actually).
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