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COMICS - October 2011 |OT| - Goons, Godmothers, and Gunwitches!

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animlboogy said:
I actually liked that the old brain trust system had a different feel every arc. It really made buying ASM (almost) every week a lot more fun, especially when I realized which writers I liked best. Joe Kelly and Zeb Wells were my favorites, actually. I liked them all, barring most of Bob Gale's stuff. But when I knew an arc was coming up with one of those guys, it made picking up a great book seem like the best value on the shelf.

I like Slott, I just wish the BND experiment would have been a permanent thing, eventually going weekly.

The best thing about it was if you didn't like a story, you can just wait a month and they'll be another one, almost weekly! A lot of my fave Spidey stories come from that era really, I think it really revitalized the book. Brought back the focus on the supporting cast, the sub-plots, all those WONDERFUL artists they had made the most visually interesting book either of the Big Two were putting out(Bachalo, Martin, Rivera, Rios, Paluido, Fiumara, Canete, etc). There's stinkers in there, its expensive to collect, but I think BND was a great period for the character of Spider-man.

I also think Slott is gonna go down as one of the best Spidey writers of them all when its all said and done. I think he just "gets" the character like very few comic scribes do, and I'm excited to see where we go from here.
Nesotenso said:
I am guessing that will be explained later.

It was explained in Astonishing X-Men. He's not British. He's astute.

Don't mind Krypt0nian. He's like me when Final Crisis came out. Only instead of me loving Final Crisis when everyone hated it, he's, well, you get it.

Blader5489 said:
Who else is reading Warren Ellis' Secret Avengers? I'm really digging it, gives off a lot of Planetary vibes.

I hear tell it's like Global Frequency with suped up heroes. Sounds awesome. Next big paycheck I'll probably "catch" "em" "all".


BenjaminBirdie said:
I hear tell it's like Global Frequency with suped up heroes. Sounds awesome. Next big paycheck I'll probably "catch" "em" "all".

Oh, that too.

Man, I fucking loved Global Frequency.
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
Dedicating an entire two page splash to Superman breaking out of some chains set a new record for decompression.

Yeah it was a pretty big showing of Superman for the guys all first meeting for the first time.


I am going to have to catch up on Secret Avengers someday including the prest Ellis 6 issue run.

Going to pick it up on a regular basis for Remender and Hardman.
BenjaminBirdie said:
It was explained in Astonishing X-Men. He's not British. He's astute.

Don't mind Krypt0nian. He's like me when Final Crisis came out. Only instead of me loving Final Crisis when everyone hated it, he's, well, you get it.


I loved Final Crisis at the beginning. This is just a continuation of Morrison's superior run so far. It remains to be seen if Aaron has the chops. Right now, Schism and the Hellfire Kids say he doesn't.

Journey Into Mystery, Amazing Spider-man and I, Vampire were superior reads this week IMO.


ASM preview with Caselli art!


lol, those two page spreads never come out right in these previews. Still, glad to see Caselli back. Hearing that he's doing the Sinister Six story arc next year was the best news out of Comic Con


BenjaminBirdie said:
Wait you thought every issue was going to be $1?
Well, yeah. All I kept hearing leading up to the release was how "it's only a dollar!" so I guessed that was the official price. Silly of me, I suppose.
Satchwar said:

after i read it, i wanted my dollar back

You so crazy!

The first issue of Spaceman reminded me quite a bit of the first issue of 100 Bullets.

Only I knew going in this time Azzarello is establishing a language for the world he's presenting me with. Granted this one is a bit more obtuse because of the sci-fi bent; but it's completely worth a dollar and even at that there's another preview of some fruity angels and goat boy comics in the back that may be up folks alley there.

Plus I will never tire of how Eduardo Risso draws pouty lipped, big titty girls. :3


The Take Out Bandit said:
You so crazy!

The first issue of Spaceman reminded me quite a bit of the first issue of 100 Bullets.

Only I knew going in this time Azzarello is establishing a language for the world he's presenting me with. Granted this one is a bit more obtuse because of the sci-fi bent; but it's completely worth a dollar and even at that there's another preview of some fruity angels and goat boy comics in the back that may be up folks alley there.

Plus I will never tire of how Eduardo Risso draws pouty lipped, big titty girls. :3
were they having sex at the beginning
Your right, I gotta hold strong. Except I got undiagnosed illness that has kept me bedridden most of the year and comics keep me going. But I must remain strong.


Rafa=FedKilla said:
Your right, I gotta hold strong. Except I got undiagnosed illness that has kept me bedridden most of the year and comics keep me going. But I must remain strong.

I hope you get better and strong soon.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Arkham City put me on a Batman kick. But rather than get the comic prequel, I nabbed these:
* The Black Casebook
* Death and the City
* Face the Face

Almost done reading Knight and Squire as well... I'm not really liking it. I want to say it's just too British, but even beyond lacking an awareness of all the culture it's steeped in, I'm not sure I'm really enjoying Cornell's writing either. It makes me a bit wary of checking out that Lex Luthor story he did in Action Comics.
Dan said:
Arkham City put me on a Batman kick. But rather than get the comic prequel, I nabbed these:
* The Black Casebook
* Death and the City
* Face the Face

Almost done reading Knight and Squire as well... I'm not really liking it. I want to say it's just too British, but even beyond lacking an awareness of all the culture it's steeped in, I'm not sure I'm really enjoying Cornell's writing either. It makes me a bit wary of checking out that Lex Luthor story he did in Action Comics.

I didn't play the first game and have no interest in playing the sequel; but the comic was enjoyable in the same way a good pizza is enjoyable. It's got a bunch of tasty stuff on it, but it's not good for you. :p

If only Carlos D'Anda would draw a book worth a damn.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The Take Out Bandit said:
I didn't play the first game and have no interest in playing the sequel; but the comic was enjoyable in the same way a good pizza is enjoyable. It's got a bunch of tasty stuff on it, but it's not good for you. :p

If only Carlos D'Anda would draw a book worth a damn.
I'm sure I'll get it eventually, Dini wrote it after all, and I saw Carpenter is in it, whom I very much enjoy as a character. I'm just likely to wait for the paperback on this one.

Jedeye Sniv

Just split up with my LCS, was a very awkward experience. Next week I'll be all digital, hope it doesn't bite me on the ass! The only paper comic I'll buy in the next month will be the second part of Superman Secret Indentity.
The Take Out Bandit said:
I didn't play the first game and have no interest in playing the sequel; but the comic was enjoyable in the same way a good pizza is enjoyable. It's got a bunch of tasty stuff on it, but it's not good for you. :p

If only Carlos D'Anda would draw a book worth a damn.

Its a shame you're depriving yourself of a great Batman experience. Arkham City is twice the game Asylum was.


Rafa=FedKilla said:
Thanks brahs, my avatar is Michael Hayes. Non wrestling fans may know him as one of the guys in the rung during Highlander.

God, I miss the days when tag team wrestling actually mattered. Freebirds ftw


I just started reading through Aaron's new arc in his Wolverine on-going and I didn't expect it to be this good. I was going to trade-wait WatXM, but now I'm tempted to go grab a floppy.

Jedeye Sniv said:
Just split up with my LCS, was a very awkward experience. Next week I'll be all digital, hope it doesn't bite me on the ass! The only paper comic I'll buy in the next month will be the second part of Superman Secret Indentity.

Comics drama! We need details duder.

Jedeye Sniv

Garryk said:
I just started reading through Aaron's new arc in his Wolverine on-going and I didn't expect it to be this good. I was going to trade-wait WatXM, but now I'm tempted to go grab a floppy.

Comics drama! We need details duder.

Not all that much drama really, sorry to disappoint. Decided last week (as detailed upthread, everyone here was super helpful), I've just decided to go digital and trades for my comics buying rather than buying floppies which take up a lot of space and cost a lot of money (especially here in the uk). Also compounded is the fact that my LCS isn't exactly local, it's two towns over and then a 30 min walk each way.

I went in today to buy my last lot of floppies and to tell them that I'm out of the weekly game. They're not really traditional comic store employees, the team on today are a lovely mother/daughter pair where the daughter is in her 40s and the mum in her 60s. Basically just told them it's not you it's me, don't wanna buy so much paper, trying to change the way I consume comics. Hopefully they sort out a digital storefront soon so I can still give them money in a roundabout way.

Wasn't very fun though, they were kind of awkward with the eye contact and leaving for probably the last time was a bit weird. My real, first LCS closed down a few years back and buying comics has never been the same since. I don't think I'd ever have quit that shop since the community was so strong, but this shop was really just somewhere I'd have to travel to every week and so digital was an attractive proposition ever since it was announced. Buying an iPad last month just sealed the deal.


Jedeye Sniv said:
Not all that much drama really, sorry to disappoint. Decided last week (as detailed upthread, everyone here was super helpful), I've just decided to go digital and trades for my comics buying rather than buying floppies which take up a lot of space and cost a lot of money (especially here in the uk). Also compounded is the fact that my LCS isn't exactly local, it's two towns over and then a 30 min walk each way.

I went in today to buy my last lot of floppies and to tell them that I'm out of the weekly game. They're not really traditional comic store employees, the team on today are a lovely mother/daughter pair where the daughter is in her 40s and the mum in her 60s. Basically just told them it's not you it's me, don't wanna buy so much paper, trying to change the way I consume comics. Hopefully they sort out a digital storefront soon so I can still give them money in a roundabout way.

Wasn't very fun though, they were kind of awkward with the eye contact and leaving for probably the last time was a bit weird. My real, first LCS closed down a few years back and buying comics has never been the same since. I don't think I'd ever have quit that shop since the community was so strong, but this shop was really just somewhere I'd have to travel to every week and so digital was an attractive proposition ever since it was announced. Buying an iPad last month just sealed the deal.
That's like the time my sister told our local movie rental store that she wouldn't be coming in anymore because she got Netflix. Don't twist the blade.

That sucks, man. I would have probably told them that I am moving just to avoid the awkwardness.

Now I want that gif where the guy gets checked out at the grocery store and realizes he left his wallet at home.


Still Alive
Read the new Spider-Man issue, for some reason I thought that it was all taking place after Peter had died, until Miles says 'there's already a SM' etc, then at the end 'SM has been shot'.

I'm liking it, but it can still go up or down from here. We'll see when the actual action starts, the school life, etc etc. Also, Ultimates 3 was decent, felt a bit short but we'll see what happened with Thor.

Jedeye Sniv

Been reading a couple of books from my final stack. Got two weeks worth so these are a little old:

Justice League #2
This was ok but again it's moving way too slowly. I thought the Flash/Green Lantern friendship was really well portrayed but Superman seems really off compared to how he's presented in Action Comics. There is no real story happening yet either, and after two issues that's a bit weird. Apokolips is invading? Ok, but I've read this story a dozen times, and I've read it better. There's no tension, no sense of threat. It would probably be a better story with a much smaller scale villain and with the heroes just having a big punchup.

Batman #2
This was the shit though, this is some of the best Batman I've ever read, which for me is a big deal, I've been reading almost all the batman books for nearly 20 years now. Bruce is just so fucking cool, so collected and confident and badass. It's a fine line that Snyder is running, Batman is dark and brooding but he's a also a cool as hell billionaire and he acts like it. Love the art too, Capullo is bringing it on every level. That opening two pages was brilliant, the shots of Bruce just falling back out of the window were so well done, it was a real "how does he get out of THIS?" moment. So good.
BenjaminBirdie said:
But if you miss the first one you'll miss Batman being the worst, literally worst dumbest detective of all time!


Yo dawg, I already seen both Nolan movies. LOL LOL LOL

Can't wait for the Bat film franchise reboot. The Nolan-verse needs to be douched.

Damn, the Parker and Hardman Rulk run is a bitter pill to swallow.

Maybe the writing would be fine if it weren't accompanied by this boring ass illustration. Damn.

Unfortunately the library sent me a notice that We3 was also available, but it was M.I.A. when I went to pick these up today.

Damn this art is generic. :|
Square Triangle said:
Just picked up The Flash #1 and #2 and Catwoman #1 out of the New 52. Idk about The Flash so far =/
Brah it's got the chillest art of the bunch. DC needs to launch a Catgirl series when they bring back Batman Beyond next year.
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