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COMICS! |OT| August 2013. The only time of year when everyone envies Bobby Drake.

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People don't like All Star Superman?! Now I've seen everything.

It falls into the tropes of what for me make a bad Superman story, which is most of the Silver Age stuff, and like was basically said early it's almost a love letter to silver age Superman. It's not for me, it's not my Superman, I don't find it interesting.


Few things.

Any of ComicGAF want to share their Twitter handles? Mine is xCandNx

Also anyone want to play some matches in Injustice on PS3? My name there is KoruptData. I play with Deathstroke and Batman.


I really should check out injustice, buy I've never been a big fighting game guy.
Infinity #1
Fearless Defenders #8
Thor God of Thunder #11
Uncanny X-Men #10
Saga #13
Justice League of America #7
Archer and Armstrong #12
Harbinger #15

My LCS is having a midnight release party for Infinity, and there'll be Marvel back Issues on sale for $1-2 each, so I'll be picking up a bunch of those as well.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Few things.

Any of ComicGAF want to share their Twitter handles? Mine is xCandNx


I tend to be most involved in conversations about TV and movies, however. Probably because I'm a dirty trade waiter.

Considering the hints to Bruce being 19 or so in the back up stories taking place just prior to Zero Year, current Bruce Wayne must be in his mid-20s (I would guess 25-27). In that time he fathered a 10 year old, trained 3 Robins, and became an expert at all fields of human endeavor. How do you compare GAF? :p

"And your contribution to society is ... what?"


It falls into the tropes of what for me make a bad Superman story, which is most of the Silver Age stuff, and like was basically said early it's almost a love letter to silver age Superman. It's not for me, it's not my Superman, I don't find it interesting.
Yeah, same. In addition to that, I found Lex Luthor to be pathetically stupid and it's overall message, while true to superman, to be overly simplistic. I think it's a legitimately bad story altogether, but we're evidently in the minority in this.
Look for Daniel Acuna to follow up Carlos Pacheco on Captain America next year. Could the Infinity team of Weaver and Opena both have separate arcs on Uncanny Avengers next year too?



"And your contribution to society is ... what?"

Haha. When Batman was a late teenager, he was learning skills from the world's greatest thieves and inventors, all while sexing up Talia. When I was a late teenager, I was beating Suikoden in one sitting. Seems pretty even to me.

Marvel artists sure play musical chairs a lot.
X-Men solicits 2013

CHRIS CLAREMONT is joined by classic X-Artist BOB MCLEOD to bring you an untold story of the X-Men starring Cyclops, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Kitty Pryde and Rogue!

This can't possibly be any good, but I will keep hope alive anyway.


Well that settles it, I'm just going to collect all the X-Men...

jk I'll probably drop X-Men ;_; Twitter is @richparkerd


It falls into the tropes of what for me make a bad Superman story, which is most of the Silver Age stuff, and like was basically said early it's almost a love letter to silver age Superman. It's not for me, it's not my Superman, I don't find it interesting.

What Superman do you like?


I'm just a casual observer this month guys, money's a little tight right now so other than the Animal Man omnibus I'm refraining from making any purchases this month.
Soliciting good trades in print to read while I'm out of town for an extended labor day weekend. Most recently read: Hawkeye 1 & 2, Saga 1 & 2
On the shelf by the bathroom: Punisher (Ennis), Walking Dead, Fables, some indie stuff like Logicomix, Goon, Anya's Ghost, the 9/11 report comic, Strangers in Paradise...

I'm open to just about anything but I don't really want to bring more than three trades with me to make it through a five day weekend. Something released in the last five to six years would be preferable. Superhero comics are fine but I don't want to untangle a ton of continuity. I was looking at the Morrison run on Batman but it looks to be a bunch of New 52 stuff that I don't even come close to understanding so I'm nervous about picking any of that up (let alone knowing where to begin). I don't have a tablet so something I can pick up at a shop or get delivered cheaply (i.e. paperback > hardcover) is the only hard requirement. Stuff like Irredeemable is out for this reason, unless there's an SC omnibus I'm not seeing on amazon. I got the volume 1 trade and it lasted me half an hour so that's one series I'm not willing to pick up until well after the trip is over.

Any impressions on this biographical Feynman comic, for example?
list time

True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys #3
Suicide Squad #23
Scarlet Spider #20

Light ass week so i'll pick up whatever back issues i feel like. I never picked up Superior Foes, so i'll do that if my shop has em

Image Comics Solicitations for November 2013 (CBR)

Lots of new #1s that month... Black Science, Umbrial, Alex+Ada, Manifest Destiny, Protectors Inc., Strange Ways, and a Voice In the Dark. Plus all the usual WIN WIN WIN favorites.

All over dat Black Science. Umbral looks cool too.

Few things.

Any of ComicGAF want to share their Twitter handles? Mine is xCandNx

Also anyone want to play some matches in Injustice on PS3? My name there is KoruptData. I play with Deathstroke and Batman.



Got around to trying out Superior Foes of Spider-Man and Avengers A.I., and both have been pretty solid, so far. I'd certainly love to pull A.I. (I'm a Runaways fan, it's pretty much my duty), but I'm still kinda iffy on the former, for some reason.

X-Men solicits 2013

CHRIS CLAREMONT is joined by classic X-Artist BOB MCLEOD to bring you an untold story of the X-Men starring Cyclops, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Kitty Pryde and Rogue!

This can't possibly be any good, but I will keep hope alive anyway.


I'm down for Amazing X-Men, I've been really loving Aaron's work so far. Which reminds, I should probably check out his Hulk run, soon. X-Men Gold, I'll probably pick up on vague nostalgia, alone. God help me. :p


I'm @HellaNarez and I'm here to say
my twitter fucking sucks in a major way
also, to whom it may concern :
-yeah no shit the x-men are hella soap-operatic that's a fucking x-men book son
-dude, dc has more than two good books currently ongoing, have you checked out Swamp Thing?
-I fucking swear if they take away my Young Avengers and X-Men Legacy because you didn't buy it I will murder the fuck out of y'all
-who the fuck hates on all-star superman what the fuck is this fucking thread I don't post for one day and everything goes to shit

Anyone have thoughts on whether the Inhumans: By Right of Birth tp will be worth checking out? I enjoyed the Inhumans one-shot I recently read, but I've heard bad things about Ann Nocenti's writing overall.


So I am just about done Johns' run on Teen Titans, and I have to say it's my least favourite of the big DC runs of his that I have read so far. Maybe the last 6 issues will be awesome, but compared to Green Lantern, (Wally West) Flash, JSA, and even his work-in-progress Aquaman, it doesn't feel like all that much of consequence has happened. It's still not bad though.


*walks in; sees All-Star Superman slander up the page* Whew. Glad I missed that.

Late list from a guy who hasn't even read his shit from last week.

Justice League Of 'Murica #7
East Of West #5
Infinity #1
Uncanny X-Men #10

I got out of Batman when Zero Year started cause I wasn't really into the idea of another Batman origin, but it sounds like some good shit. Might have to catch up.

And my twitter is @Brah_of_Steel. So follow me or whatever.
*walks in; sees All-Star Superman slander up the page* Whew. Glad I missed that.

Late list from a guy who hasn't even read his shit from last week.

Justice League Of 'Murica #7
East Of West #5
Infinity #1
Uncanny X-Men #10

I got out of Batman when Zero Year started cause I wasn't really into the idea of another Batman origin, but it sounds like some good shit. Might have to catch up.

And my twitter is @Brah_of_Steel. So follow me or whatever.



Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
shutup, this will be amazing. based claremont is back. :)

I was fully prepared to come back to comics in 2000 because Claremont was back on both X-Men titles. Then I read them.


I love the 90s!!! so I love Valiant lol.

especially when they put ads like this in their books:


it's a iphone game! a free one too, but I would not recommend u get it coz it sucks lol


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I used to read the original, but that and Quantum and Woody are the only relaunches I haven't started reading.


So I am just about done Johns' run on Teen Titans, and I have to say it's my least favourite of the big DC runs of his that I have read so far. Maybe the last 6 issues will be awesome, but compared to Green Lantern, (Wally West) Flash, JSA, and even his work-in-progress Aquaman, it doesn't feel like all that much of consequence has happened. It's still not bad though.

I agree, it's my least favorite Johns work but it's way better than any Titans that followed or preceded it. Terrible book right now, loLobdell
I agree, it's my least favorite Johns work but it's way better than any Titans that followed or preceded it. Terrible book right now, loLobdell
Its a terrible and directionless book so far, which is a shame because I love teen heroes and the first arc was pretty good. I liked the new characters they added and then dumped to become a glorified Red Robin solo title. And Trigon seriously? Is he the definitive TT villain?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
But X-Treme X-Men was incredible!!!

That was later, and the name doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.
I'm talking about the run he started with X-Men #100. It was not long before New X-Men. (Which I still haven't read, mostly because of fucking Claremont, but want to.)
That was later, and the name doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.
I'm talking about the run he started with X-Men #100. It was not long before New X-Men. (Which I still haven't read, mostly because of fucking Claremont, but want to.)

Oh yeah, that run was pretty bad. But I did love what he did with the 6 month gap and changing up tons of shit. And he unceremoniously booted that lame-ass Marrow with literally no mention of what happened. It was awesome. I love when Claremont has an obvious dislike for a character and drags them through hell (see: Polaris).


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Oh yeah, that run was pretty bad. But I did love what he did with the 6 month gap and changing up tons of shit. And he unceremoniously booted that lame-ass Marrow with literally no mention of what happened. It was awesome. I love when Claremont has an obvious dislike for a character and drags them through hell (see: Polaris).

I only know who Marrow is because of Capcom.
My comics reading was basically just between 1983 and 1993, and piles of comics between March of this year and now.
Other than that, GAF screenshots of notorious things like Hulk ripping Wolverine in half in the Ultimate universe were my only exposure.
There are still huge gaps, like I've read the last 90 issues or so of Uncanny X-Men and from issue #1 to about issue #300, (and own print singles of 211-300)but nothing in between except that Neo stuff. I haven't even read Age of Apocalypse.
Finished Reading Infinity #1
Hickman's language made me reread it twice. Black Bolt's scenes were my favorite of this issue. It was a long setup for the event, but a pretty damn good one. Having the Captain America and Iron Man leading two separate plans/teams across the universe gives this event a grandiose feel. I'm liking where this is going and can't wait for #2.


Man Remender is killing it on Captain America, never seen such a complete fresh take and story on the character. Total dug the whole pulpy sci-fi angle. Not too looking forward to Pacheco starting after the next issue, his style seems so generic when compared to the crazy JRjr style, hopefully those Acuna rumours pan out!


I want to get into some Deadpool comics. What are the suggestions for his best stuff? I'm looking more towards traditional, 4th wall breaking, wacky DP stuff.


I want to get into some Deadpool comics. What are the suggestions for his best stuff? I'm looking more towards traditional, 4th wall breaking, wacky DP stuff.

Oh that's easy, start with:
Deadpool Classic
Agent X
Cable and Deadpool

Miniseries to check out:
Wade Wilson's War
Deadpool: Fear itself


Man Remender is killing it on Captain America, never seen such a complete fresh take and story on the character. Total dug the whole pulpy sci-fi angle. Not too looking forward to Pacheco starting after the next issue, his style seems so generic when compared to the crazy JRjr style, hopefully those Acuna rumours pan out!

I actually think Pacheco's artwork looks excellent so far, and Remender said that the next arc will be a more traditional Cap story as he doesn't want to immediately do a "Dimension Z Part 2" type, so the artwork will reflect that. Nothing wrong with mixing things up, I'm sure he's got even crazier shit planned in the future. We apparently will also see the Green Skull's return at some point, he's going to upstage Poison Ivy as the next environmental comics superstar.
list time

True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys #3
Suicide Squad #23
Scarlet Spider #20

Light ass week so i'll pick up whatever back issues i feel like. I never picked up Superior Foes, so i'll do that if my shop has em

You should pick up Superior Spider-Man Team Up #2 - Scarlet Spider #20 is part 2 of that story. I'm getting both myself.

Also, maybe Infinity #1 if there's enough new content to justify it... the free version was recently made available for download, so.

Whoop,confused the free edition with the beginning of the event!

Ein Bear

Sneak peak at that Claremont story:

- All the female X-Men get put under mind control
- Lots of creepily sexual stuff happens for a few pages
- Sage breaks free of the mind control, because she's the bestest
- Says "We're X-Men. We take care of our own." and saves the day.
Sneak peak at that Claremont story:

- All the female X-Men get put under mind control
- Lots of creepily sexual stuff happens for a few pages
- Sage breaks free of the mind control, because she's the bestest
- Says "We're X-Men. We take care of our own." and saves the day.

Already better than Bendis. Take my money.
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