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COMICS! |OT| August 2013. The only time of year when everyone envies Bobby Drake.

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You should pick up Superior Spider-Man Team Up #2 - Scarlet Spider #20 is part 2 of that story. I'm getting both myself.

Also, maybe Infinity #1 if there's enough new content to justify it... the free version was recently made available for download, so.

I totally forgot about Superior Team-Up. I'm glad i know this ahead of time, thanks. I'll probably get #1 as well, cuz David Lopez is baller
Anyone have thoughts on whether the Inhumans: By Right of Birth tp will be worth checking out? I enjoyed the Inhumans one-shot I recently read, but I've heard bad things about Ann Nocenti's writing overall.

I've never seen that. Now I'm curious. I don't know if she's bad now, I haven't read anything from her since Daredevil and Longshot back in the 80s.
The one I know I like was the Paul Jenkins/Jae Lee one

But X-Treme X-Men was incredible!!!
I liked that. It was X-men Forever that I couldn't stick with
Yeah, same. In addition to that, I found Lex Luthor to be pathetically stupid and it's overall message, while true to superman, to be overly simplistic. I think it's a legitimately bad story altogether, but we're evidently in the minority in this.

Fully agree. I feel it gets love because it's Morrison, and if people had been told it was written by anyone else they wouldn't be loving it.

What Superman do you like?

Probably my favorite is Byrne's run/reboot after CoIE. He has limitations, he's not able to lift 5 planets, or hammer out mini suns. He's much more human IMHO, he enjoys his abilities, and he didn't magically acquire new powers every time the situation got tough. He's not an infallible god, and he has flaws, doesn't always make the right decision. I also thought Lex, as a business man that he can't touch or prove he's behind things, provides a much more interesting villain for him.


*walks in; sees All-Star Superman slander up the page* Whew. Glad I missed that.

Late list from a guy who hasn't even read his shit from last week.

Justice League Of 'Murica #7
East Of West #5
Infinity #1
Uncanny X-Men #10

I got out of Batman when Zero Year started cause I wasn't really into the idea of another Batman origin, but it sounds like some good shit. Might have to catch up.

And my twitter is @Brah_of_Steel. So follow me or whatever.

I bought All Star Superman this week. I've never read a superman book before. I'll let you know how I get on.
Sneak peak at that Claremont story:

- All the female X-Men get put under mind control
- Lots of creepily sexual stuff happens for a few pages
- Sage breaks free of the mind control, because she's the bestest
- Says "We're X-Men. We take care of our own." and saves the day.

You forgot one: Polaris doesn't break out of the mind control so Storm has to stomp on her neck.

Edit - And another: Storm gets shot in the butt.


No Scrubs
Oh my god, Batman #23 is amazing. Just WOW. If you guys aren't reading this arc you are missing out. Seriously. That scene
with Alfred made me tear up
. And then the ending
where they did that new take on that Year One scene with the bat
, I would give my left nut to see that animated. My jaw was on the floor just seeing the still images. This is far and away Snyder's best work, Capullo as well. Capullo is making my jaw drop. It was fucking beautiful. I need next month right now. Holy shit, I don't see how anything this week can beat this book. Or month. Calling it right now, book of the month.


Super Member
As of #7, no.
But they dug pretty deep for a minor cameo this week. Shane, I mean Shame.
I need to read this book. Uncle Ben played Mr. Shame on TV :p
Great finale to the God Butcher storyline in Thor! I've enjoyed the entire run so far. We'll see if the next story keeps my attention.


Oh my god, Batman #23 is amazing. Just WOW. If you guys aren't reading this arc you are missing out. Seriously. That scene
with Alfred made me tear up
. And then the ending
where they did that new take on that Year One scene with the bat
, I would give my left nut to see that animated. My jaw was on the floor just seeing the still images. This is far and away Snyder's best work, Capullo as well. Capullo is making my jaw drop. It was fucking beautiful. I need next month right now. Holy shit, I don't see how anything this week can beat this book. Or month. Calling it right now, book of the month.

Yeah, it was pretty solid. the ending
where the last bat was actually real and not one of the projections
was a nice touch. I went back and read the three zero year issues together and it ties together nicely. Looking forward to seeing how we get to that Gotham in the first issue.
Saw that coming. Dude is writing Satellite Sam, Sex Criminals, Inhuman, Hawkeye, gender-swap Odyssey, Casanova occasionally...SOMETHING had to give


That's too bad, seems like people were fond of his FF/FF, not my cup of tea but no writer can make me like those characters


Does maths and stuff
I might give FF another shot. I prefer the more "science-ish" take Hickman took and the first arc by Fraction did not grab me.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Oh my god, Batman #23 is amazing....Calling it right now, book of the month.

The two previous issues have been fantastic but there was a whole lot lacking in this one. The Red Hood gang part was spectacular--
two bullets for two parents...wonderful symbolism and imagery
--but the actual handling of the bat-scene...it's just blah.

If Bruce had simply stumbled into the house post getting jacked up by the gang, and deliriously sat in the chair, blood dripping down, and found the infamous bat waiting for him, AND THEN gone into that touching Alfred scene, it would have hit better.


FF is one of the best NOW comics, refreshing with some genuine laugh out loud moments. A shame Fraction has to leave as I can see it losing a lot of its charm.

Yeah, FF is fuckin neato.

Dug both of those comics a bunch but whatever -- Inhuman sounds like a recipe for Bad WFH Fraction so I'm fine with staying with his own shit outside of Hawkeye for now unless Inhuman surprises us all (!?)
Alright, reviews:

Superior Spider-Man Team-Up + Scarlet Spider #20 - Liked it.
What a pity - Kaine didn't figure out Octavius was Spider-Man, no appearance of "Other" Kaine, and sadly, Kaine's degeneration has begun again :( Next arc is Kraven the Hunter, though, soooo!

Infinity #1 - Loved it.
Pretty good, I think. I love that there's a schedule for all of this, so I know what to read when, plus tie-ins. Not too much happened in this issue... I did enjoy Black Bolt's parts... pity he got his mind invaded and whatnot. Ah, and I also enjoyed the Silver Surfer story. Kind of sad... it was like the Joker's ferry experiment, except gone the way the Joker intended.


I want Hickman to really show Black Bolt cutting loose at some point during Infinity. So many teases, but every physical confrontation he gets into seems to be swept away with minimal effort. Maybe Thanos is sturdy enough to give him a good fight (even if Thanos currently lacks his past artifacts of power). Alternate universe Terrax didn't last long, despite being the herald of Galactus.


I thought Infinity was awesome, while Hickman still is really deep with his writing I'm enjoying it so far, I love how he actually writes Cap properly unlike some other certain writers, especially one with a surname starting with B. The Silver Surfer story was awesome too, I'm really starting to get more cosmic-oriented.
Whew, I'm glad I didn't know Black Bolt was in Infinity or I may have been temped to buy it.

Speaking of temptation, I've changed my mind about following Battle of the Atom. Making my lists for the fall, there is just going to be too much interesting independant stuff to read. Like, I'm not going to choose a Bendis X-event over Velvet or Pretty Deadly or Baltimore, please.

Stressing about also getting all ten BotA issues and then maybe not wanting to drop certain titles after the fact, ugh, it just sounds like a lot of bother. I know I could just pick up some of the titles but that's not this comic book reader. Instead, I'll drop X-men for two months and then pick it back up. I'm sure I'll be giving Amazing X-Men a try, too, when it's released.


No Scrubs
I want Hickman to really show Black Bolt cutting loose at some point during Infinity. So many teases, but every physical confrontation he gets into seems to be swept away with minimal effort. Maybe Thanos is sturdy enough to give him a good fight (even if Thanos currently lacks his past artifacts of power). Alternate universe Terrax didn't last long, despite being the herald of Galactus.

I am in for Infinity, that's how an event should start. So hype.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
WatXM just outright embarrasses all the other X-books. While Bendis just seems to be spinning up mud across multiple titles, Aaron is developing some incredible shit and bringing catharsis.

Every time Cyclops says "and these are the X-Men!!" in Uncanny, its like some pathetic footnote joke to the real next generation of X-Men. Please, spend more pages on this broken ass time bubble bint. Meanwhile: psychic shotguns, Black Queen beatdown, krakoa war and brood neck-gouging.


Approximately worth 100 Bendis bubbles.

Infinity is just one "AM I GRANT MORRISON YET?!" emulation too far for me on Hickman, especially now its got in the way of the actual good yarn he was spinning in New Avengers. He seems incredibly bored of actually writing conventional Avenger characters. When Cap and Iron Man show up, its often seemingly only for contractual obligations.


Yeah, I can totally see why Infinity will be really divisive, I'm going to ride the event through, but who knows, I might end up getting really bored through it.

Saga was enjoyable as always, I forgot that Fiona Staples was from Calgary, she's an awesome Canadian artist. Ubisoft should give her work for Assassin's Creed comics.

And of course Thor concludes its epic arc, I know a some people were bored with the God Butcher so I'm excited to see where it goes from here.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Well, the explanation today for the last page of Avengers Arena #12 was more ghoulish than any I'd considered.
It was pretty much a throwaway issue, though.
But the recap page did tell us that
Katy is alive and confirm that Chris is dead


Infinity is just one "AM I GRANT MORRISON YET?!" emulation too far for me on Hickman, especially now its got in the way of the actual good yarn he was spinning in New Avengers. He seems incredibly bored of actually writing conventional Avenger characters. When Cap and Iron Man show up, its often seemingly only for contractual obligations.

You seem to be reading a different book than I am, because the stuff in Infinity #1 was a pretty clear continuation of what was already going down in both Avengers and New Avengers.
They even seem to be splitting the focus of the mini to follow the separate agendas of both books. Avengers deals with crazy space battles against the builders. New Avengers deals with Earth, the incursions and Thanos.

Also, Hickman's style is only superficially similar to Grant Morrison. They both like big, complicated, overarching stories, but Hickman's stuff has always been pretty straight forward. He likes super science, history/lore, and space operas. There's no deeper commentary or philosophical meta story like you get in most Grant Morrison books. To me, Hickman's writing is a lot closer to someone like Warren Ellis (minus the cynicism) than Grant Morrison. A lot of science fiction based on actual science, a lot of crazy scenarios, and a bit of goofy humor thrown in.
WatXM just outright embarrasses all the other X-books. While Bendis just seems to be spinning up mud across multiple titles, Aaron is developing some incredible shit and bringing catharsis.

Every time Cyclops says "and these are the X-Men!!" in Uncanny, its like some pathetic footnote joke to the real next generation of X-Men. Please, spend more pages on this broken ass time bubble bint. Meanwhile: psychic shotguns, Black Queen beatdown, krakoa war and brood neck-gouging.


Approximately worth 100 Bendis bubbles.

Immensely enjoyed WATXM #34

Everyone's at each other throats, and at the end....damn

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
You seem to be reading a different book than I am, because the stuff in Infinity #1 was a pretty clear continuation of what was already going down in both Avengers and New Avengers.
They even seem to be splitting the focus of the mini to follow the separate agendas of both books. Avengers deals with crazy space battles against the builders. New Avengers deals with Earth, the incursions and Thanos.

Also, Hickman's style is only superficially similar to Grant Morrison. They both like big, complicated, overarching stories, but Hickman's stuff has always been pretty straight forward. He likes super science, history/lore, and space operas. There's no deeper commentary or philosophical meta story like you get in most Grant Morrison books. To me, Hickman's writing is a lot closer to someone like Warren Ellis (minus the cynicism) than Grant Morrison. A lot of science fiction based on actual science, a lot of crazy scenarios, and a bit of goofy humor thrown in.

As I said, I've enjoyed the New Avengers stuff, but to be perfectly blunt, Hickman has been given the Avengers label and seems completely disinterested in doing anything with the actual core Avengers. I just genuinely do not like the Builders arc as I find it incredibly boring and disconnected. New Avengers is great, but it really is just Fantastic Four (-3) & Black Panther. As such the only real "Avengers" feeling books on the market are Uncanny Avengers which... itself is pretty much Uncanny X-Force Team Up, and Avengers Assemble which keeps getting cross-over fucked. There is no big AVENGERS focussed book in an age where their popularity will never be higher! (Same thing with Iron Man as well really, boy is that in the shitter)

Meanwhile Fraction is now off FF and the Fantastic Four and it just feels like...well Hickman, theres the appropriate labels for you to return to again!
Just finished Marvel's Civil War.

Really enjoyed it!

Any other Marvel events like this that combines the Marvel universe like that?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Oh Avengers Academy! How i've missed you. Avengers Arena is so good

The preview pages of #14 are spoiler city. It's probably best that you avoid them.
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