The core comics of Infinity are Avengers, New Avengers and the Infinity series. To understand Infinity, you have better read those.Is infinity stand alone or is it spinning out of what Hickman is doing in his avengers books because I lost track of that
The core comics of Infinity are Avengers, New Avengers and the Infinity series. To understand Infinity, you have better read those.
Nah brah. Just read it.I have a New 52 Batman question - I want to start reading it. Can I start from #1 and follow it through to the current issue without buying any other titles, or does it require me to read other comics to follow the narrative?
I have a New 52 Batman question - I want to start reading it. Can I start from #1 and follow it through to the current issue without buying any other titles, or does it require me to read other comics to follow the narrative?
Dear Ron Wimberly,
Please just draw Mighty Avengers
Anybody else read Astro City 3? I have no clue where this going to go. Seems like the first one has had nothing todo with the last 2. The writing and the art has been good just seems like there is no direction.
That's how Astro City works. Unless it explicitly says To Be Continued, it's a stand alone story. If it says "You are now leaving Astro City", that's it.
There's a connected continuity and mythology in the background, but that's not the main story.
That's how Astro City works. Unless it explicitly says To Be Continued, it's a stand alone story. If it says "You are now leaving Astro City", that's it.
There's a connected continuity and mythology in the background, but that's not the main story.
Thank you! Knowing that, it will be much more enjoyable. Like I said, it does have quality writing and art.
Dear Ron Wimberly,
Please just draw Mighty Avengers
Dear Ron Wimberly,
Please just draw Mighty Avengers
You might not like Superior, but I consider it a breath of fresh air. It's one of my favorite books, Spock bending Jonah over, Spidey 2099, Goblin, and the upcoming Sinister Six in Team Up have me plenty excited to see what's next
You might not like Superior, but I consider it a breath of fresh air. It's one of my favorite books, Spock bending Jonah over, Spidey 2099, Goblin, and the upcoming Sinister Six in Team Up have me plenty excited to see what's next
You might not like Superior, but I consider it a breath of fresh air. It's one of my favorite books, Spock bending Jonah over, Spidey 2099, Goblin, and the upcoming Sinister Six in Team Up have me plenty excited to see what's next
I mean, the concept is kind of refreshing, but it comes at the cost of pretty much everyone not recognizing their friend has dramatically changed. Everyone who has been the closest to him - friends, family... people who are supposed to understand him on a deep level. And that is the dumbest part of the story. I mean, they could at least have the people who can't do anything about it get it. Like Kaine. Kaine would be like "ah, they wouldn't trust me." Instead, pretty much everyone is brain-dead to a degree that anyone would get suspicious in comics. Peter fucked up when he switched bodies "the Avengers wouldn't believe this! Body switching? How crazy!"
It would be nice to see the concept in a smarter way. Like in that issue of Avenging Spider-Man where they wanted to do a mental scan, but Ock guilted them out of it.
I haven't kept up with Scarlet Spider, but I assume they had some kind of run-in for you guys to mention Kaine. In Superior and Avenging (previously) they have done a good job of sewing doubt in MJ and Carlie is all but convinced since issue #3.
That wasn't in Avenging, that was in the main-line Superior title. I think I'd take your complaints to heart more if we didn't have Carlie onto Ock already and looking for proof or if MJ didn't pop up every so often thinking Peter's been acting odd. Your complaint is essentially addressed every other issue since #2.
No - it was Avenging. "The die is cast!" You're talking about the Avengers fiasco.
Carlie had to be told and then took so long to figure it out, and everyone like "huh, that's odd" isn't "that's not Peter." Fisk was the only one who said it outright "That's not the Spider-Man I know." Even if he doesn't mean it literally. MJ and Aunt May should know.
Dear Ron Wimberly,
Please just draw Mighty Avengers
Variant Cover by RON WIMBERLY
The Blue Marvel joins the fight and the Ebony Maw makes his move!
A plague of demons is raging through Manhattan, and the only Avenger who can defeat them is Spider Hero? What?
Seriously, who is that guy?
32 PGS./Rated T+ $3.99
So it looks like the Ultimate Ongoings are all cancelled and replaced with Cataclysm minis in November. Bleeding Cool also pointed out the Mighty Avengers solicit:
Looking very likely that the Ultimate Universe is about to be shuttered. It also seems plausible that Miles will end up in 616, possibly on Might Avengers.
Dear Ron Wimberly,
Please just draw Mighty Avengers
Wait people still buy Land drawn books?
How does that hack still have a job?
you answered your own question.
Didn't the solicit for Ultimate Spidey straight up say he was coming over?
Variant Cover by TBA
• The ULTIMATES discover where GALACTUS has come from
• If they send the WORLD DESTROYER back to where he came from all that will do is create more destruction and havoc!
• MILES MORALES is headed to the Marvel Universe
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99