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COMICS! |OT| August 2013. The only time of year when everyone envies Bobby Drake.

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Batgirl was crazy. I liked it the most this week.

From what I've read its a combination of a couple things; Supposely not enough of the card stock they need for the 3D covers (lolwut), and basing the orders off of how the parent title does (lolwut).

Really, at this rate, they should have had the 2D covers be the normal ones with the 3D as variants.

oh :/ I had a hard time trying to pick out the ones I thought sort of went with what I get. I needed to see them on the shelf and pick through the rest.


Just how long are they going to drag Superior out? Dude is so one note its tedious as all hell, and now they're even resorting to characters like Stunner coming back from the 90's and when Dr Octopus had reformed and become a good guy, thus not matching up with current era at all. Its also absolutely retarded Kaine couldn't pick up on Peter not being Peter, and we'll get that experience over and over while Carlie Cooper sits on her thesis for another calendar year. Pete is going to come back and have to move away and start a new life under the sheer crushing realisation that nobody really gives a shit about him and his personality to not notice.

Bleh. 2099 crossover will be good for the art at least.

I'll come right out and say it: Superior Spider Man has been more fun and engaging than most Spider man stories in recent years. They had literally written Peter Parker into a corner because there was no where else they could take the character without a reboot (ie. OMD shenanigans).

The last time I was this entertained by Spider Man was the Spider Island arc.


No Scrubs
I'll come right out and say it: Superior Spider Man has been more fun and engaging than most Spider man stories in recent years. They had literally written Peter Parker into a corner because there was no where else they could take the character without a reboot (ie. OMD shenanigans).

The last time I was this entertained by Spider Man was the Spider Island arc.

You aren't wrong. Looking back at JMS, before OMD, he did the characterization very very well, but he was basically stuck and kept trying to find new ways to freshen Peter up (new job, living in Avengers tower, going ultra dark, magical spider crap) but none of it really worked. None of it had a lasting effect on the character in a real way. Not only does this have such an effect, but even after it's over it isn't something that can be swept under the rug.
Batgirl was pretty good this week. Really enjoy Batgirl being written from a female perapective. Gives the character more believability.


Those were the two lowest (uncancelled) Marvel ongoings on that sales list I posted yesterday or the day before that.

That's a pretty stinging stealth-canceling, if true, and especially with Captain Marvel. Pretty soon, I'll just have Avengers books to read, Marvel-wise. :/

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
You aren't wrong. Looking back at JMS, before OMD, he did the characterization very very well, but he was basically stuck and kept trying to find new ways to freshen Peter up (new job, living in Avengers tower, going ultra dark, magical spider crap) but none of it really worked. None of it had a lasting effect on the character in a real way. Not only does this have such an effect, but even after it's over it isn't something that can be swept under the rug.

Not gonna lie, I loved magical spider crap.


You aren't wrong. Looking back at JMS, before OMD, he did the characterization very very well, but he was basically stuck and kept trying to find new ways to freshen Peter up (new job, living in Avengers tower, going ultra dark, magical spider crap) but none of it really worked. None of it had a lasting effect on the character in a real way. Not only does this have such an effect, but even after it's over it isn't something that can be swept under the rug.

Exactly. SpOck keeps saying one thing that rings true as to why Peter Parker was a creative failure for many years: Peter never does anything significant and impactful with his life. I think all those subplots with SpOck accomplishing things are a subtle jab at the status quo prior to SSM #1.

edit: By the way, the last pages of Scarlet Spider pretty much confirms what we already know about that SS cover:
That's not Ben Reilly, it's Spidercide


All things considered in here, I've come to calm down a lot more about SpOck presence, recently, and while I still don't agree with how things came to be (along with the more squickier aspects of said status quo), SSM is at least trying to change things up, for better or worse. Maybe I should bite the bullet and finally give the book a chance, see where I fall?


No Scrubs
Exactly. SpOck keeps saying one thing that rings true as to why Peter Parker was a creative failure for many years: Peter never does anything significant and impactful with his life. I think all those subplots with SpOck accomplishing things are a subtle jab at the status quo prior to SSM #1.

edit: By the way, the last pages of Scarlet Spider pretty much confirms what we already know about that SS cover:
That's not Ben Reilly, it's Spidercide

I really hope they aren't looking to end Scarlet Spider. It's a whole lot of fun.

All things considered in here, I've come to calm down a lot more about SpOck presence, recently, and while I still don't agree with how things came to be (along with the more squickier aspects of said status quo), SSM is at least trying to change things up, for better or worse. Maybe I should bite the bullet and finally give the book a chance, see where I fall?

It's worth at least a shot. It's not a horrible book by any stretch of the imagination, skip #9 though. That one pissed everyone off. When you get up to that just come here, we'll tell you what you need to know, and you can move on.


Exactly. SpOck keeps saying one thing that rings true as to why Peter Parker was a creative failure for many years: Peter never does anything significant and impactful with his life. I think all those subplots with SpOck accomplishing things are a subtle jab at the status quo prior to SSM #1.[/spoiler]

It actually reminds me more of what they did with Bats/Jean Paul after Knightfall. All the clamoring at the time for the violent killer Batman (particularly with how popular characters like Wolverine were at the time) and so they gave just that to the readers....only for them to realize that they really didn't like it all that much. Because a super violent killer Batman is...just another character entirely.

SpOck as a character points out the criticisms of the stereotypical hero of a perpetual superhero comic. But all the 'significant' things he's doing are just leading him back to the stereotypical villain (he's got henchmen and a lair and officials in his pocket) of a perpetual superhero comic.

New Fat Man on Batman with motha'fuckin' Grant Morrison (Grant in conversation with Kevin Smith on Batman and life). Enjoy, guys.

Whoa, a new Morrison interview? Doesn't seem like all that long ago he was on. Interesting. Definitely got to catch that.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
Ultimate Vision, Ultimate Secret, Ultimate...Something deals with Gah-Lak-Tus, Rick Jones gets introduced in...Ultimate Origins, gets more development in the first or second arc of Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, somewhere between 1-8.

ahh, so it's not a part of 616?


No Scrubs
The Galactus in that series is from 616, but he ended up in the Ultimate Marvel universe. The Ultimate U originally had it's own version of the character. Not sure what happened.

616 Galactus absorbed the Ultimate version of himself and became even more awesome.


New Fat Man on Batman with motha'fuckin' Grant Morrison (Grant in conversation with Kevin Smith on Batman and life). Enjoy, guys.

Love Fatman on Batman and the earlier Grant episodes were some of the best. It makes my work day so much more interesting. I've been listening from time to time over the last two months and have only seven left. I hope that the steady stream continues so I don't run out anytime too soon.
Finally read all my books last night.

Top 5 of the week.

1. East of West #5
2. Batman #23
3. Batgirl #23
4. X-Files #3
5. Astro City #3


More than Meets the Eye is like a long lost child of Giffen/DeMatteis Justice League International.


I love this comic

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Yeah man, just came in to post about this, he fucking blew my mind. Batman kills Joker at the end of The Killing Joke. WOW, I've had that book for 20 years and never put that together, I feel so dumb.

I can't even process it properly. I'm going to have to go through my Killing Joke again with that in mind. Morrison is seriously incredible at teasing out the inner workings of works everybody's drooled over for decades.


Thor 11 was amazing. Jason Aaron made me a huge fan, never loved Wolverine and the X-Men but this book...can't wait to see what he has in store for us


No Scrubs
I always thought they just decided not to keep the ending when they introduced The Killing Joke into continuity. I mean Joker's laughing then Batman starts strangling him, our view is slowly moved away from their actions as the laughter stops. It doesn't trail off, it just ends. There was never a happy ending there.

Infinity #2 Preview


Namor on his knees is hilarious

I wonder if Infinity #2 has the same amount of pages as Infinity #1

Infinity #2 looks awesome as hell, this is looking to be the best crossover event in recent years.


Just finished Hawkguy vol 2, little hits. So where do I go from here to keep following it? What's the Hawkeye annual? What issue is Hawkeye on now, bro?


Just finished Hawkguy vol 2, little hits. So where do I go from here to keep following it? What's the Hawkeye annual? What issue is Hawkeye on now, bro?

The Last issue was #12. The Annual involves Kate, and will probably be required reading for future events in the main series.


No Scrubs
The Last issue was #12. The Annual involves Kate, and will probably be required reading for future events in the main series.

I think they said that from now on we'll have not only the usual issues following Clint, drawn by Aja, but issues following Kate, drawn by someone I can't remember.


Dark Horse digital has a sale on Wood's Conan through issue 17 on sale , has this series been good consistently? Anyone reading?


Saga was good, although I was sorta expecting more progression but I did like
how Stalk(?) told Will to give up this BS and just go live a normal life somewhere, even if it seemed like something Stalk would never say or do...but I liked it


I think they said that from now on we'll have not only the usual issues following Clint, drawn by Aja, but issues following Kate, drawn by someone I can't remember.
Annie Wu is doing the Kate issues. She did those poster pages in issue 9(?).


How many more issues is Ales Kot writing in Suicide Squad?
Cuz seeing that DC's ditching him, he needs to be hired to write Marvel's Thunderbolts.


Read the first volume of Whedon's X-men, and the quality difference between that and 80's X-men is so vast. I fell in love with Astonishing X-men, and I cannot wait to read more of it.


How many more issues is Ales Kot writing in Suicide Squad?
Cuz seeing that DC's ditching him, he needs to be hired to write Marvel's Thunderbolts.

None. That was his last. Next is Kindt, unless maybe DC pull their head out of their asses once this Forever Evil nonsense is over and give it back to the one guy who made it excellent.
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