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COMICS! |OT| August 2013. The only time of year when everyone envies Bobby Drake.

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Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Ugh Miles Morales surviving seemingly inevitable Ultimate Universe death. Bendis' book is so far behind both Scarlet and Venom in quality, a diversity gimmick character (who is a pretty big coward with an overpowered sting from the author that brought you the new "she can manipulate all time!", "he can heal any wound!" and "he can hijack and control all machines!" mutants) will just seem like a total weaksauce add to the Spider-bros lineup. Not to mention the sheer awkwardness of settling his extended cast into another dimension while... still not knowing he's Spider-Man?

Maybe he'll be the only one to Gary Stu it too and work out the Otto is Peter equation and do something about it because of their deep and meaningful mentor bond!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111
i am wretching


Dear Ron Wimberly,
Please just draw Mighty Avengers

That cover.. :O
They need to seriously stop using Land.

Well guess that really is it for the Ultimate uni. Don't see Miles lasting very long in 616. Hell who's the last new marvel character that actually had staying power?

What Fantomex?

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Well guess that really is it for the Ultimate uni. Don't see Miles lasting very long in 616. Hell who's the last new marvel character that actually had staying power?

What Fantomex?

Well we have the completely random Spawn universe pull of Angela turning up, but then don't forget Hickman's new adds to the Avengers line up: Deus, Ex, and Machina Assemble!!

Wait, is it me or do the November solicits for Marvel not mention the Venom book?
:( hope thats not the case. Lose Flash, gain Morales. Its a net loss.


well not really...yet
lol that cover immediately grabbed my attention

then saw Land and D'Armata

fuck that shit


No Scrubs
Well we have the completely random Spawn universe pull of Angela turning up, but then don't forget Hickman's new adds to the Avengers line up: Deus, Ex, and Machina Assemble!!

:( hope thats not the case. Lose Flash, gain Morales. Its a net loss.

Yea, it would really suck. Especially since the book finally seemed to find it's footing again. It makes me a little worried about what's going to happen to him, Flash is a great character. Hopefully he at least gets to expose Otto...

Captain Marvel isn't listed either! What is going on here?


Yea, it would really suck. Especially since the book finally seemed to find it's footing again. It makes me a little worried about what's going to happen to him, Flash is a great character. Hopefully he at least gets to expose Otto...

Captain Marvel isn't listed either! What is going on here?

Those were the two lowest (uncancelled) Marvel ongoings on that sales list I posted yesterday or the day before that.


No Scrubs
Those were the two lowest (uncancelled) Marvel ongoings on that sales list I posted yesterday or the day before that.

I remember, but you'd think they'd have announced it or something instead of just letting everyone find out like this.


I remember, but you'd think they'd have announced it or something instead of just letting everyone find out like this.

If they announce things too early, people drop the book before the final issues ship :p

The Venom TPB collects everything up to and including October's issue, so I suppose that could be it.

Actually, ditto for Captain Marvel. The Avengers Enemy Within trade collects up to #17 which is October's issue.


No Scrubs
He is in superior starting tha month

Permanently? Otto vs Flash in some sort of spy vs spy battle, each one trying to out smart the other? I'd read that, I'd read the shit out of that.

If they announce things too early, people drop the book before the final issues ship :p

The Venom TPB collects everything up to and including October's issue, so I suppose that could be it.

Actually, ditto for Captain Marvel. The Avengers Enemy Within trade collects up to #17 which is October's issue.

I understand that, but both are going to have maybe 3 more issues if that's the case. It's not like no one noticed they were missing from the solicits, not like people can't put 2 and 2 together. I'm going to be sad to see them both go if they are done, especially Venom. I was hoping that would stick around longer.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I can see DeConnick getting to spin off an All-Female Avengers book like the current X-Men one, and that'll be the new life of Captain Marvel and co.

Venom getting cancelled may see him just relegated to being a shitty Thunderbolt or something, or some other new Spider-book.

If Scarlet Spider gets cancelled, I might have another "I'm done, Marvel" moment like I did when One More Day hit. First you take its Stegman, then you take its life.

Also spoilers for ANXM in those solicits I guess, but its really pissed me off how Kitty seems to give far more of a shit about the time travelling team more than any of the actual Jean Grey School students in WatXM. Too much of that book feels like its shitting on Aaron's superior doorstep.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
So Infinity... DAMN. They are doin' exactly what I hoped. I'm in for the next 2 issues.

The Walking Dead was solid this month.

East of West is going to places I'm excited about, I hope more people are reading this one.

SAGA was DOPE. If they ever wanted to release an oversized edition of this book, I'd be on that super fast, this art needs to be BIG.

Deadpool was funny this month and it looks like Posehn is going towards serious land in the next arc, I hope he does well. It's about damn time someone takes DP seriously again.

Mind the Gap was fun and interesting as usual. The character shifts are getting interesting.
Has anyone read this Amelia Cole? She appears to be a female superhuman type wearing clothes AND those clothes are not spandex. This alone makes it worth a look, I reckon.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised by Infinity. Maybe it's a really solid story made all the better when compared to the heap of shit that was Age of Ultron.

I went two issues deep into AoU and bailed out hard. That was... that was just bad.
I went two issues deep into AoU and bailed out hard. That was... that was just bad.

It was terrible. Issue #10 was... I won't use the word "good", but we'll say it was "entertaining". Or maybe it was just mediocre and seemed amazing after the rest of....whatever AoU was supposed to be. It was like a giant Marvel brain-fart.

Has anyone read this Amelia Cole? She appears to be a female superhuman type wearing clothes AND those clothes are not spandex. This alone makes it worth a look, I reckon.

Interesting.... go on...


I have hope for Infinity, not just because of Hickman, but because it's only six issues. A lot of these events get stretched out 10 or 12 issues when the story can't even sustain five - especially for Bendis' shit, which is just a lot of talking heads and circuitous plot developments anyway, spreading them out over 10 parts is a case study in wasting time.


It was terrible. Issue #10 was... I won't use the word "good", but we'll say it was "entertaining". Or maybe it was just mediocre and seemed amazing after the rest of....whatever AoU was supposed to be. It was like a giant Marvel brain-fart.

By the internal time travel logic presented in the Age of Ultron series, there should be 2 Wolverines and 2-3 Sue Storms in the present version of the 616 universe:

Three sets of Wolverines and Sue Storms were featured in Age of Ultron (4 if you count the ones in the Morgana Le Fey universe).

Set 1: The regular Sue Storm and Wolverine who knew nothing about the events of AoU. These are the characters in our current comics.

Set 2: AoU Wolverine and Sue Storm who traveled to the past, killed Hank Pym, experienced the Robot Tony Stark/Morgana Le Fey reality, and then returned to the past to reverse the Pym killing. Wolverine from this set was later killed by Set 3 Wolverine. Set 2 Sue Storm's fate is unclear. She was never shown dead. Did Set 2 Wolverine abandon her in the Robot Tony Stark Reality? Did she go back with him to the past, but stay hidden? who knows.

Set 3: AoU Wolverine and Sue Storm who traveled to the past to kill Hank Pym, but were stopped by Set 2 Wolverine, leading to the current Marvel U reality. Set 3 Wolverine and Sue Storm were shown returning to the present reality in AoU 10.

Someone should follow up on that :p


Just got back from watching Wolverine.
Enjoyed it, even though the movie was basically 'Wolverine gets over his BS'.
Only gripe I'd say I have is that...well I assumed he'd be fluent in Japanese and be more knowledgeable about Japan >_>
Oddly enough I didn't notice Stan Lee's cameo...
Greatest part of the last issue of Legion of Super Heroes (#22)?

The boss
Polar Boy
is the one who saved the day. And did it like a boss.

Went back and read through Green Arrow #17-23 (I sometimes let series slide while still collecting them, a bad habit). God. Damn. It's amazing. Really loving it.

I think I may be in love with Emanuella Luppachino's artwork. Her pencils in Worlds Finest #15 were just gorgeous. I really hope she isn't just a fill in artist.
Greatest part of the last issue of Legion of Super Heroes (#22)?

The boss
Polar Boy
is the one who saved the day. And did it like a boss.

Went back and read through Green Arrow #17-23 (I sometimes let series slide while still collecting them, a bad habit). God. Damn. It's amazing. Really loving it.

I think I may be in love with Emanuella Luppachino's artwork. Her pencils in Worlds Finest #15 were just gorgeous. I really hope she isn't just a fill in artist.
Shes a fill in brah. Ahe still has great things to achieve at Valiant.

That brah drew that mighty avengers cover needs to be on a Heroes for Hire book.


So Infinity... DAMN. They are doin' exactly what I hoped. I'm in for the next 2 issues.

The Walking Dead was solid this month.

East of West is going to places I'm excited about, I hope more people are reading this one.

SAGA was DOPE. If they ever wanted to release an oversized edition of this book, I'd be on that super fast, this art needs to be BIG.

Deadpool was funny this month and it looks like Posehn is going towards serious land in the next arc, I hope he does well. It's about damn time someone takes DP seriously again.

Mind the Gap was fun and interesting as usual. The character shifts are getting interesting.

SAGA's art is the reason I started reading it in the first place, plus the trade was $10. So I said why not. Fiona Staples is going great work on saga. I would be in for oversized versions.
SAGA's art is the reason I started reading it in the first place, plus the trade was $10. So I said why not. Fiona Staples is going great work on saga. I would be in for oversized versions.

You know what? I'd buy an OHC of Saga with the first two volumes (as Image has been doing for other series), even though I already own the TPB's. The series is that good.
Shes a fill in brah. Ahe still has great things to achieve at Valiant.

Of course. Just my luck. Still a gorgeous issue.

Oh the Gail Simone front; I checked out Red Sonja despite having never done so in the past before. I don't think it was a great setup issue for someone like me. I still don't have much of a clue of who she is outside of basic knowledge. But otherwise it was a fun first issue.

Still enjoying The Movement. Issue #4 felt like it was trying to reintroduce the characters a bit and I think it was largely successful. Really curious to see where it is going to go.

Batgirl #23 was a really great issue with a really controversial ending considering who wrote it and what she has talked about in the past. I'm hoping it is just a fake out or something but I have a feeling it is not which will be a shame.

Oh, and the Villain's Month cluster fuck. My room mate and I share a box together, originally to save $$$ via the bigger discounts, but now we both pull enough that we could just have separate ones and still have the same discount... But I fear we're not going to get all the covers we ordered despite ordering almost every issue that DC puts out on a monthly basis? Some titles are getting 50 out of 150 ordered and I'm betting they won't put 2 of each in our box. I sort of feel all or nothing on this gimmick. I am, however, interested in the one shots themselves so there is that. We'll see.
Batgirl #23 was a really great issue with a really controversial ending considering who wrote it and what she has talked about in the past. I'm hoping it is just a fake out or something but I have a feeling it is not which will be a shame.

what happened? I don't care about spoilers


You know what? I'd buy an OHC of Saga with the first two volumes (as Image has been doing for other series), even though I already own the TPB's. The series is that good.

I am right there with you.

I am still trying to find a copy of issue 8. Its killing me. I want to own that cover.
Yeah its a cluster, Im in the same boat since I buy like 47 pf the 52. DCBS sent out an email saying for the rirst week they will have trouble filling Deadshot, Relic and The Ventriloquist.
Excited for Locke and Key and Saga. Found and read all of Walking Dead up to vol 18 (I need to learn either how to pace myself or just exert some self control) now have nothing to tide me over until 19 comes out. Really surprised at different the show and comic turned out to be but I think it's good what they did.

King Ezekiel, he's a fucking badass. And he has a tiger. And I hope TV Carl be half as bad as awesome his comic counterpart.


I just love this:


Also I was reading saga on the bus the other day and audibly gasped

spoilers for saga

When lying cat got sucked out into space

People looked at me like I was insane. lol


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
Bought the first trade of Saga for myself, along with two variant covers (deadpool and children) for Infinity. Also bought the latest issue of Walking Dead and she seems to still be digging the series and she also received the first issue of the Galactus series since she is a fan, even though I told her I thought it would spoil a lot that happened in Age of Ultron (I may have misspoke, but I thought it followed a major arc).

In any case, for clarification, what does the Galactus comics follow in terms of previous story arcs? I'd like to tell her what spoilers (not specific, but in general for arc) to expect before she digs into the comic.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Bought the first trade of Saga for myself, along with two variant covers (deadpool and children) for Infinity. Also bought the latest issue of Walking Dead and she seems to still be digging the series and she also received the first issue of the Galactus series since she is a fan, even though I told her I thought it would spoil a lot that happened in Age of Ultron (I may have misspoke, but I thought it followed a major arc).

In any case, for clarification, what does the Galactus comics follow in terms of previous story arcs? I'd like to tell her what spoilers (not specific, but in general for arc) to expect before she digs into the comic.

Ultimate Vision, Ultimate Secret, Ultimate...Something deals with Gah-Lak-Tus, Rick Jones gets introduced in...Ultimate Origins, gets more development in the first or second arc of Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, somewhere between 1-8.


I got through a few volumes of comics today during my car trip to South Carolina:

First volume was Runaway. This was an excellent first volume, and I am quite excited to read more about these runaway kids.

Next was the second volume of Preacher. Anyone who have read Preacher understands the greatness of this comic. You aren't obligated to love your family, especially if you're Jessie Custer.

The last volume I read was X-Men: Days of Future Past. 80's X-men is *rough.* I got through the volume, but I did not enjoy reading it. However, Days of Future Past was good, and it made me a tad more hype for the upcoming film. I felt obligated to read through this before I start Whedon's run on Astonishing X-men.

I am excited to read that and Gotham Central.
Wait, they hype the hell out of villains month and can't fill orders? What a bunch of assholes, do they hate money? wtf

From what I've read its a combination of a couple things; Supposely not enough of the card stock they need for the 3D covers (lolwut), and basing the orders off of how the parent title does (lolwut).

Really, at this rate, they should have had the 2D covers be the normal ones with the 3D as variants.


Batgirl #23 Ending Spoilers:
Gail Simone fridged the guy (Ricki, ex gang member gone straight) she was building up as Barbara's boyfriend. Shot and seemingly killed by her father during a standoff.

lame. no not the device, but if it causes "friction" between the two, I'll be annoyed and rolling my eyes. Just you wait. Roll them so hard.
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