Does DC have anything like Marvel Unlimited?
I'm still willing to give this book a chance, even with Land. The art is going to hurt, isn't it? ;_;
Dear Ron Wimberly,
Please just draw Mighty Avengers
Well guess that really is it for the Ultimate uni. Don't see Miles lasting very long in 616. Hell who's the last new marvel character that actually had staying power?
What Fantomex?
Wait, is it me or do the November solicits for Marvel not mention the Venom book?
Well we have the completely random Spawn universe pull of Angela turning up, but then don't forget Hickman's new adds to the Avengers line up: Deus, Ex, and Machina Assemble!!
hope thats not the case. Lose Flash, gain Morales. Its a net loss.
Yea, it would really suck. Especially since the book finally seemed to find it's footing again. It makes me a little worried about what's going to happen to him, Flash is a great character. Hopefully he at least gets to expose Otto...
Captain Marvel isn't listed either! What is going on here?
Those were the two lowest (uncancelled) Marvel ongoings on that sales list I posted yesterday or the day before that.
I remember, but you'd think they'd have announced it or something instead of just letting everyone find out like this.
I remember, but you'd think they'd have announced it or something instead of just letting everyone find out like this.
He is in superior starting tha month
If they announce things too early, people drop the book before the final issues ship
The Venom TPB collects everything up to and including October's issue, so I suppose that could be it.
Actually, ditto for Captain Marvel. The Avengers Enemy Within trade collects up to #17 which is October's issue.
So Infinity... DAMN. They are doin' exactly what I hoped. I'm in for the next 2 issues.
Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised by Infinity. Maybe it's a really solid story made all the better when compared to the heap of shit that was Age of Ultron.
I went two issues deep into AoU and bailed out hard. That was... that was just bad.
Has anyone read this Amelia Cole? She appears to be a female superhuman type wearing clothes AND those clothes are not spandex. This alone makes it worth a look, I reckon.
It was terrible. Issue #10 was... I won't use the word "good", but we'll say it was "entertaining". Or maybe it was just mediocre and seemed amazing after the rest of....whatever AoU was supposed to be. It was like a giant Marvel brain-fart.
Infinity is essentially 18 parts considering how important the Hickman Avengers books are
Shes a fill in brah. Ahe still has great things to achieve at Valiant.Greatest part of the last issue of Legion of Super Heroes (#22)?
The bossself,himis the one who saved the day. And did it like a boss.Polar Boy
Went back and read through Green Arrow #17-23 (I sometimes let series slide while still collecting them, a bad habit). God. Damn. It's amazing. Really loving it.
I think I may be in love with Emanuella Luppachino's artwork. Her pencils in Worlds Finest #15 were just gorgeous. I really hope she isn't just a fill in artist.
So Infinity... DAMN. They are doin' exactly what I hoped. I'm in for the next 2 issues.
The Walking Dead was solid this month.
East of West is going to places I'm excited about, I hope more people are reading this one.
SAGA was DOPE. If they ever wanted to release an oversized edition of this book, I'd be on that super fast, this art needs to be BIG.
Deadpool was funny this month and it looks like Posehn is going towards serious land in the next arc, I hope he does well. It's about damn time someone takes DP seriously again.
Mind the Gap was fun and interesting as usual. The character shifts are getting interesting.
SAGA's art is the reason I started reading it in the first place, plus the trade was $10. So I said why not. Fiona Staples is going great work on saga. I would be in for oversized versions.
Shes a fill in brah. Ahe still has great things to achieve at Valiant.
Batgirl #23 was a really great issue with a really controversial ending considering who wrote it and what she has talked about in the past. I'm hoping it is just a fake out or something but I have a feeling it is not which will be a shame.
You know what? I'd buy an OHC of Saga with the first two volumes (as Image has been doing for other series), even though I already own the TPB's. The series is that good.
what happened? I don't care about spoilers
I am right there with you.
I am still trying to find a copy of issue 8. Its killing me. I want to own that cover.
ah, ok. I see what you mean but that's really the only case ofi've heard ofmen in refrigerators
Bought the first trade of Saga for myself, along with two variant covers (deadpool and children) for Infinity. Also bought the latest issue of Walking Dead and she seems to still be digging the series and she also received the first issue of the Galactus series since she is a fan, even though I told her I thought it would spoil a lot that happened in Age of Ultron (I may have misspoke, but I thought it followed a major arc).
In any case, for clarification, what does the Galactus comics follow in terms of previous story arcs? I'd like to tell her what spoilers (not specific, but in general for arc) to expect before she digs into the comic.
Wait, they hype the hell out of villains month and can't fill orders? What a bunch of assholes, do they hate money? wtf
I missed it the first time, but ya, it looks like it says that in the solicit for The Ultimates Last Stand #2.
I wonder how long he will last. Derivative characters created after 1980 typically don't have the best survival rates.
Batgirl #23 Ending Spoilers:Gail Simone fridged the guy (Ricki, ex gang member gone straight) she was building up as Barbara's boyfriend. Shot and seemingly killed by her father during a standoff.