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COMICS! |OT| August 2013. The only time of year when everyone envies Bobby Drake.

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So, the last issue of Threshold Presents: The Hunted has a surprisingly snarky and salty twist to it. Oh and this little gem,

Man as soon as they can spin up some more Batman and Superman titles, Katana, Vibe, Green Team and The Movement are getting canceled so hard. Those numbers are just sad.
8/21 List.

StarWars Darth Vader and the 9th Assassin #5
Batman and Nightwing #23
Justice League Dark #23
Pandora #3
Superman Unchained #3
Revival #13
Superior Spiderman #16
X-Men #4
List! List, what happened? List? LIIIIIIIIIIST!

Avengers #18
Avengers Assemble #18
Daredevil #30
Superior Spider-Man #16
X-Factor #261
X-Men #4

Batman and Nightwing #23
Justice League Dark #23
Superman Unchained #3
Wonder Woman #23
As the resident Xpert and best X-men fan on the planet, let me lay down some hard facts.

Claremont >>>>>>>>>>>> Carey > Milligan > Morrison >>>>>>> a slew of others >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brubaker >>>>>> Austen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whedon.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
As the resident Xpert and best X-men fan on the planet, let me lay down some hard facts.

Claremont >>>>>>>>>>>> Carey > Milligan > Morrison >>>>>>> a slew of others >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brubaker >>>>>> Austen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whedon.



I don't like old comics in general, with some exceptions of course. We're in a new world comics-gaf, your narration boxes need to be forgotten.
Batman '66 #2: A surprisingly fun book so far. I'm enjoying the (successful) attempt to capture the style of the Batman of this era.
Batman and Nightwing #23: I continue to enjoy what Tomasi is doing here but I definitely am starting to feel the desire for a replacement for Robin. The anthology style mix up has been fun but I most enjoy this book for the duo/partner aspect.
Batman Beyond Universe #1: (!!!!!)
Batwoman #23: I'll admit, I find the concept of building up towards a "showdown" between Batwoman and Batman to be laughable at best. Kate doesn't stand a chance. C'mon son. I expect it to be averted.
Birds of Prey #23: Still waiting for this series to strike out on its own. It feels too reactionary. Too "me too". But I have hopes for it.
Green Lantern: New Guardians #23: My boy Kyle. Is he gonna play on Hal's turf IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN?
Justice League Dark #23: Trinity event continues to be good fun.
Justice League of America's Vibe #7: You aren't buying this and I hate you. Have you seen the solicit for November? God damn that cover is gorgeous.
Legion of Super-Heroes #23: =( Going to cry bitter man tears over this. Curious to see how they "spin" the ending.
Red Hood and the Outlaws #23: Can we get back to the Outlaw shenanigans and less of this bullshit memory lost Jason shit please? Still enjoy it over all but I'd prefer a return to form.
Supergirl #23: Sad to see Mahmud Asrar off this series. The replacement has been decent so far so I can't really complain. Some weird stories as of late. Not sure if I like them... but I don't hate them.
Superman Unchained #3: Still fun. Still onboard.
Pandora #3: While having lost some of her mystery and mystique, I think this book has been mostly positive for Pandora. She is an interesting character and I am looking forward to seeing where her title leads as we head into "Forever Evil".
Orion #23: Aw yiss.
As the resident Xpert and best X-men fan on the planet, let me lay down some hard facts.

Claremont >>>>>>>>>>>> Carey > Milligan > Morrison >>>>>>> a slew of others >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brubaker >>>>>> Austen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whedon.

eXcept that Whedon's run crapped all over anything that Austen, Brubaker, or Milligan ever did with the characters.

My list:

X-Men #4
Daredevil #30

Any reason to check out any of the Infinity tie-ins? I thought the first book was a fun read. I'm already reading all the New Avengers stuff, but not the main Avengers run.


I've never really liked Milligan's writing; he's always read like a dull imitation of Morrison to me.

Shade the Changing Man was cool though I think I only liked it because of Bachalo's art.


Ha, I think Morrison himself would take issue with that - dude looooves him some Milligan and has bitten off of him a few times throughout his career.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I remember liking bits and pieces of the Larroca X-Men era (before he entered Traceville!) and finding some of it alright, no idea what specific writers. Still not enough to make me want to invest much time or effort in getting caught up.

I've only really become an X-book reader again at Schism and Uncanny X-Force. I think Remender is alright, his UXF run currently a peak (other than terrible Otherworld) but he certainly has a bit too much of a formula for his team books. His Cap America feels like its by a completely different author though in that respect and is really good.


i'm not thinking too much of Spider-Men two issues into it despite the love it got monthly. Typical Bendis stuff so far.

Dark Horse Presents #27 Giving this a second try though I really only liked the Trekker short from #26 (but I liked it a lot). Most of the shorts in #26 were pretty violent though, which is not my cup of tea.
Lobster Johnson Scent of Lotus #2 getting this mainly just to have both parts of the mini. I liked the art of the first issue, but having not read Hellboy or BPRD, I didn't really fall into it.
Batman 66 #2
X-Men #4 This will be my last before dropping out for BotA. But I'll be back for #7. Wouldn't want to miss
Lady Deathstrike!
Outliers #1 this Kickstarter backed project looks like it was made with a lot of love. And I have a fondness for mute characters.

Light week. So I'll probably pick up the new Batman and Batman and Robin board books to read to the kids at the Daycare. They loved the Superman one I picked up last week.
X-Statix/X-Force is that business, but that X-Men run...no me gusta

Mike "The Professor" Carey should get mentioned more for his contributions, as should Gillen, who I thought had the first very good run on Uncanny X-Men since...1991? Not to mention Generation Hope and SWORD(RIP)
X-Statix/X-Force is that business, but that X-Men run...no me gusta

Mike "The Professor" Carey should get mentioned more for his contributions, as should Gillen, who I thought had the first very good run on Uncanny X-Men since...1991? Not to mention Generation Hope and SWORD(RIP)

Dat Supernovas
List time!

100 Bullets: Brother Lono #3
Batwoman #23
Trinity of Sin: Pandora #3
Wonder Woman #23
I Love Trouble #6
Daredevil #30
Nova #7
X-Men #4
Avengers #18
Daredevil #30
Superior Spider-Man #16
Thunderbolts #14
Justice League Dark #23
Superman Unchained #3
Trinity of Sin Pandora #3
Bloodshot #0
X-O Manowar #16

Animal Man #23
Batman And Nightwing #23
Batman Beyond Universe #1
Batwoman #23
Green Lantern New Guardians #23
Justice League Dark #23
Justice League Of America's Vibe #7
Supergirl #23
Superman Unchained #3
Trinity Of Sin Pandora #3
Wonder Woman #23


Man as soon as they can spin up some more Batman and Superman titles, Katana, Vibe, Green Team and The Movement are getting canceled so hard. Those numbers are just sad.

I still believe! ;_;
The sad part is, this probably will be how things will go.

On to the list~!
Adventure Time #19
Avengers #18
Batman '66 #2
Batwoman #23
Dinosaurs Attack #2
TMNT New Animated Adventures #2
X-Men #4

Still don't know if I'll be sticking around for Battle of the Atom, but I'll definitely be following Infinity, given all of the positive reactions, so far.


Any reason to check out any of the Infinity tie-ins? I thought the first book was a fun read. I'm already reading all the New Avengers stuff, but not the main Avengers run.

We probably won't know if the tie-ins will be "worth" reading until they're actually out. I'll just stick to the main six-part Infinity line and wait for reviews/feedback from others for the tie-ins. My list for this week:

Daredevil #30
Fables #132
Superman Unchained #3

I did place an order for some back issues I missed out on through Midtown Comics. So I'll await that shipment before I start trying to catch up with everything else I'm following. I'm trying to stick to a strict budget for the next few months so I can save up for a PS4. :p


Got the first two Atomic Robo trades from the library today and read them both in about an hour. That is some great stuff, does it stay this high quality?


Got the first two Atomic Robo trades from the library today and read them both in about an hour. That is some great stuff, does it stay this high quality?

I forget which are the first two.

Fwiw, I have enjoyed every AR trade I've read so far.


No Scrubs
Any reason to check out any of the Infinity tie-ins? I thought the first book was a fun read. I'm already reading all the New Avengers stuff, but not the main Avengers run.

Infinity is like choose your own adventure the way Hickman describes it. You can either read just Infinity, Infinity + New Avengers, Infinity + Avengers, or Infinity + both and still get a good story. That said Infinity is starting to tie up ends in the Avengers book, so that might be worth it. You'd have to catch up though.

EDIT: Also everyone should be reading Batman Beyond. The new writer is doing good work.
Ok so, I read Kot's last Suicide Squad issue and.. it was weird. The whole, like, This Is What Happened Last Time part did a crap job because I didn't remember any of that shit. Also, my memory isn't great, ok. But then- THEN-
he has a dictator that is someguy from someplace.
That was weird. I don't mean to imply he deserved to be fired. I'm dropping the book because of that fact. I liked parts of the issue. It ended strong and fun was had but I could see if the editor felt he didn't take the property seriously enough or something? I dunno.

East of West #5 was sick. I'm so in for Hickman's upcoming (unrelated) God is Dead mini. The only book that arguably matched the quality of East of West #5 last week was 6-Gun Gorilla. Though, Wild Blue Yonder #1 (and #2) is good, too, if a bit of a bummer.
Animal Man #23
Batwoman #23
Justice League Dark #23
Legion of Superheroes #23
Supergirl #23
Pandora #3

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures #2

Avengers #18
Daredevil #30
Indestructible Hulk #12
Superior Spidermeh #16
X-Factor #261
X-Men #4

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