I think the sign on the statue stays it's going to be $350? o_o

Like.. How. How do they justify that. Unless it is significantly bigger.
I think the sign on the statue stays it's going to be $350? o_o
Messi what happened with you meeting/job? Ive been in moba limbo lately and I don't know what's happening in the world
If I'm not mistaken that was the retail price for the Superman/Wonder Woman and Batman/Catwoman statues but they ended up being 199.99 at most places. Retail price for regular Bombshells is 124.95 but nobody actually charges that.
Still too much for my taste. I'd pay that for a Sideshow Comiquette, not a DCC statue.
I'll consider it at 200
Of course you will because Harley. You'll probably get a sub-$200 price from DCBS.
We all got let go.
I feel you dude. My job is super on thin ice atm, I'm actually owed a bunch of back pay, I brought it up the other day with the new boss (not in a "pay me or I walk" way, just as a friendly reminder) and he was honest and told me flat out "we can't even pay all the debts the last management left us, I'm sorry but back pays aren't a priority right now", and i believe him too because, well I know what was going on before, and last month paycheck was... a personal check from him (as in he's coughing up the salaries for now out of his pocket...ouch)
Scary shit but I'm trying to be hopeful we hang in here until the summer because that's when the business makes up for the rest of the year :/
But again...FUCK. Any idea what you'll do now?
Man sorry to hear that. Hope it gets better. I have no plan right now but I got a nice payout as I had been there 10 years. I'm gonna take time off then try get something in a bit.
ah you got the buyout, good. Sounded like a bankruptcy type deal, which here would mean you would get Jack and also shit.
That's the one with the reporter right? It was quite brilliant.
Edit: Or did you mean issue 2 of the third volume? I haven't started reading the new series yet.
Monogram had this big ass Harley head at their booth. I wonder if its' a bank like the Arkham one next to it.
If someone could just pack up that Infinity Gauntlet and ship to me me... That'd be great.Monogram had this big ass Harley head at their booth. I wonder if its' a bank like the Arkham one next to it.
That is creepy and unsettling
If someone could just pack up that Infinity Gauntlet and ship to me me... That'd be great.
Oh, thank god. I thought it was just me. That thing definitely crosses the line from "cool collectible" to "date thinks you're a serial killer for owning that."
It better turn my coins into something cosmic.That is also a bank.
Thanks for the responses, everyone!Atleast read until Vaughan and Alphona leave. The rest is pretty forgettable.
And give Teen Titans: Earth One a shot. Only one pretty short trade is out now, so there's not a lot to go on, but I enjoyed it enough to want more.
re-reading Hawkeye made me wonder why Pulido draw Kate much better than his She-Hulk. does he had problem with green women? racist.
The coloring in She-Hulk certainly doesn't help. Those soft shadows![]()
I was wondering this as well recently. His art in Hawkeye doesn't even seem to have much of the weird eyes he always does in She-Hulk.re-reading Hawkeye made me wonder why Pulido draw Kate much better than his She-Hulk. does he had problem with green women? racist.
You know you have fucked up when you make a Harley shaped thing and I don't want to buy it.
Putting your money into Harley seems kinda meta though.
Damn, The Order threads on the Gaming sides are a bit crazy. And the game isn't even out till Friday.
Damn, The Order threads on the Gaming sides are a bit crazy. And the game isn't even out till Friday.
I saw some comments about that on the wrestling thread also... what's going on with that game/thread that it's being commented on other threads?
Just usual console war exclusive bullshit I imagine?
I saw some comments about that on the wrestling thread also... what's going on with that game/thread that it's being commented on other threads?
Just usual console war exclusive bullshit I imagine?
I'm probably going to wait that out..I've still got stuff from Christmas to play until it's time for Bloodborne. More money for toys.
I saw some comments about that on the wrestling thread also... what's going on with that game/thread that it's being commented on other threads?
Just usual console war exclusive bullshit I imagine?
I think the game will be great. But I love cinematic games. I have a big backlog so I'll wait for the price drops.Damn, The Order threads on the Gaming sides are a bit crazy. And the game isn't even out till Friday.
Isis! I never was a huge fan of that catwoman designJust the pussy you've been looking for:
I was hoping to buy She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel when those are out.
Growing a beard is easy business
I've been on GAF long enough to know to never post a picture of myself under any circumstances. That shit's how you get tags.
So I just finished the first Nightwing trade by O'Neil/Land/Dixon/McDaniel, the Blüdhaven story. It was....okay. I think I was just expecting something a little more epic, but I found the art pages by McDaniel to be far too crowded and confusing. Maybe the next storyline picks things up.
If only we knew somebody who worked at a digi store.
Yeah we are protected pretty well here. They owe me redundancy and 8 weeks holiday/notice pay.
Is that a B & W version in the back or is that a box?
I want to read an Avengers series with a big ass sense of scale. I've looked into New Avengers, and it seems interesting. I don't have any knowledge of blackbolt and namor though. Are there anyone here who is enjoying that series?
If you want to pick up New Avengers you should also pick up Avengers, both by Hickman. I don't think there's a person alive that isn't enjoying them.