Reading Batman Venom this A.M. Junkie Batman is pathetic. Just say no Batman.

For Convergence things are more simple as the canceled titles have been announced.
Aside from the last of us, Sony's last two gens of first party material have been dull as dishwater to me. I even tried uncharted. Just not for me.
Can't believe they killed WipEout for this stuff.
Lol come on. She's like the best fit for that sort of thing.
Zombine can you even grow a beard? I bet you're a peach fuzz kind of guy. Or maybe hardcore sideburns with the rest a barren wasteland of impotent hair follicles.
Clearly, Zombine is everything any man would want to be, only more and better.I can grow a full beard in a little under 4 days. I have sideburns as well. I'm just a pretty boy who has to appeal to a specific demographic.
That's not that difficult, Origin was barely, like, anything. It had some cool Lee panels thoWow. Speak of the devil. Reading Action Comics #10 and Morrison writes a better Nu52 JL intro in two pages than Johns did in six issues. Wow.
That's not that difficult, Origin was barely, like, anything. It had some cool Lee panels tho
For the best. The Geoff Johns who wrote Sinestro Corps War is long since gone away.
That storyline was my introduction to Darkseid in comics. He left such a non-impression.
Can somebody tell me if Futures End or Earth 2 World's End play a part in Convergence (based on what is known about the event or what's in the books) ? I suppose World's End is linked but never hurts to ask.
Can somebody tell me if Futures End or Earth 2 World's End play a part in Convergence (based on what is known about the event or what's in the books) ? I suppose World's End is linked but never hurts to ask.
Reading Batman Venom this A.M. Junkie Batman is pathetic. Just say no Batman.
Can somebody tell me if Futures End or Earth 2 World's End play a part in Convergence (based on what is known about the event or what's in the books) ? I suppose World's End is linked but never hurts to ask.
Clearly, Zombine is everything any man would want to be, only more and better.
It actually sucks :/ I hate shaving every 2 days.
I once saw a comic strip about a man so manly he began his day by scratching his scrotum with such might that there was no scrotum left. Of course, his testosterone made sure it grew back in seconds.It actually sucks :/ I hate shaving every 2 days.
I once saw a comic strip about a man so manly he began his day by scratching his scrotum with such might that there was no scrotum left. Of course, his testosterone made sure it grew back in seconds.
I've been searching the internet for years trying to find this thing with no results.
Tbh I'm not quite sure how this is related, the conversation just kinda reminded me of it.
Every two days? I shave daily.
I use an electric razor to make sure I look like ass.
2 days is strategic and I do it at night. I love having a 5 o'clock shadow always.
I'm looking forward to the iZombie show....i don't have a lot of shows i enjoy watching right now, just Blacklist and Arrow on Netflix mainly. Gotham really let me down, i blame it on baby bruce.
Hitman is the best thing Garth Ennis has ever written.
Preacher is so so so much better. I know because I was able to actually finish one and not the other.
I'm sorry Benjie but
I'll never read fake cursing you can't make me
What the d'ast are you talking about?
Oh no... What has happened to the art on this second Captain Marvel trade. No no no.
Who is responsible for this travesty?
Alien fake cursing is different than having to read "motherlovin" on literally every page.
I thought the art in the first trade was pretty bad, too.
It was his mom's last wish you heartless bastard!
It's nowhere near as bad as this second trade.
The art in the Marvel now series is wonderful. This is such a let down.
Like.. Wat
I mean, yeah, the art in vol. 2 was really bad, but vol. 1 wasn't exactly great, either.
Is the current Captain Marvel a good ongoing ? Comparable to the Nova by Abnett in any way ?
Because as I'm a genius who want to catch up on things the first thing I did yesterday was resume my Nova reading... but man, that's good. I had forgotten how I liked Abnett sci-fi.
Is the current Captain Marvel a good ongoing ? Comparable to the Nova by Abnett in any way ?
Because as I'm a genius who want to catch up on things the first thing I did yesterday was resume my Nova reading... but man, that's good. I had forgotten how I liked Abnett sci-fi.
I miss reading Johns books i like, it's been a long time but there were so many in a row up until Brightest Day.
For the best. The Geoff Johns who wrote Sinestro Corps War is long since gone away.
No way. He's still got it but he's just wanting to coast on the JL book and do whatever else he does at DC. His best work is always his solo books...and JSA. But that's so golden age it was his own playground of nostalgia.For the best. The Geoff Johns who wrote Sinestro Corps War is long since gone away.
Yea. I'm pretty tolerant with artist but that was too much a mess. As bad as that she hullk guest artist *shudder*It's nowhere near as bad as this second trade.
The art in the Marvel now series is wonderful. This is such a let down.
Like.. Wat
It's average and forgettable IMO. Not near as good as her NY stories. I wouldn't be reading it if I wasn't reading it on MU.I love it but I believe most will tell you here that it is middling. Carol in space isn't as fun as Carol on earth. But it has real heart at times. One of the first books I read each month.
I found the first arc difficult to get into but it's been great since. A few stand out issues recently and the art is lovely.
Much better than Bitch Planet imo.
No way. He's still got it but he's just wanting to coast on the JL book and do whatever else he does at DC. His best work is always his solo books...and JSA. But that's so golden age it was his own playground of nostalgia.
You don't like his shazam, Superman, aqua man work?No way to this hypothesis. His Teen Titans was tremendous.
He just ain't got it.
Is Johns DC's Bendis?