Has anyone read the Civil War Prelude: New Warriors by Zeb Wells and Skottie Young? Noticed it on IST this week and it peaked my interest.
Kevin Maguire of course.
I will attempt to sum up Uncanny X-Men 31 in one image:
Kelly Sue just fucking hit it out the park with Bitch Planet #3. Thank you KSD, thank you so much <3
Speaking of the concept of hate, GOD DAMN, the new Loki. Al Ewing pulling it all together. ALL OF IT. Including fucking Siege. It's beast-mode shared continuity based storytelling. NEXT LEVEL WRITING.
And that last page is PRETTY, PRETTY NICE.
So Al Ewing's work is worth checking out? I've never read anything by him.
Kelly Sue just fucking hit it out the park with Bitch Planet #3. Thank you KSD, thank you so much <3
Abso-goddamn-lutely, up to and including his 2000 A.D. stuff.
Really looking forward to the back-matter on this issue.
Not really. It took Bendis 7 months of decompressed storytelling to reach this crap conclusion. The only reason I'm not as angry now is that my friend brought 6/8 of these and made me buy 2/8. The character bits was almost everyone shitting on Cyclops again. Lots of wasted potential. Glad to see this end in May.I dunno, to me it was the only logical solution. It made sense. It led to great character bits, especially with Eva. I don't say that often, but : y'all are just hatin'.
Not really. It took Bendis 7 months of decompressed storytelling to reach this crap conclusion. The only reason I'm not as angry now is that my friend brought 6/8 of these and made me buy 2/8. The character bits was almost everyone shitting on Cyclops again. Lots of wasted potential. Glad to see this end in May.
Just read Batgirl.
HOLY FUCK. What a hype last page. This changes everything.
Spoil it for meh,,
I dropped the book,, but I think I have the last issue or two on my DCBS order.
New 52 Babs, well, isn't Babs. Oracle is stlll out there, and she's coming to take her identity back.
I got myself all excited thinking today was Low day, but I just realized it's not till next week =/.
New 52 Babs, well, isn't Babs. Oracle is stlll out there, and she's coming to take her identity back.
Just for clarity:Who is new52 Babs then? Like she ain't Barbara Gordon?
Kieron Gillen, Mike Carey (the more recent writers) have told better stories in lesser issues... even disregarding the time travel part, the point is you can't justify 8 issues for what we got in the end here. DoFP, HCT and the recent AoX. You can't really compare this to any of those. The Original Sin storyline move way tooo slow.Alternate futures where everything gets fucked up is the goddamn bread and butter of the X-Men, from Days of Future Past to Here Comes Tomorrow. It's just another one of those, attacking what Cyclops had been turning into since AT LEAST Utopia.
Alternate futures where everything gets fucked up is the goddamn bread and butter of the X-Men, from Days of Future Past to Here Comes Tomorrow. It's just another one of those, attacking what Cyclops had been turning into since AT LEAST Utopia.
Invinvible put me to sleep. This arc is moving at a snails pace and I'm kind of tired of "Life is great even though everyone is dead" slice of life stuff. Kirkman is stalling and the next issue is going to be more of the same.
WTF Remender!? TWO MONTHS until the next issue of Deadly Class!? After that last page the wait is going to be BRUTAL. I seriously hope they release an OHC of this so I can let as many friends borrow my current TPB's, because more people need to read this masterpiece.
This sounds great. I love storys like this.It's not clear. The final page is New 52 "Babs" looking into a computer screen while Oracle (presumably) looks out and says she's coming to take her identity back. There's a post on Bleeding Cool that has the full page.
But this is the part that makes no sense and pisses me off the most. WHAT DID CYCLOPS DO WRONG? Marvel has been trying and failing to explain to me exactly why all the X-Men now hate Cyclops and How Scott is in the wrong. The Only thing Cyclops has done since Utopia and be right about everything and save the X-men asses.
Magneto claims Scott had a nervous breakdown But where the evidence of that?
Storm, Bobby and Beast have constantly been cunts to him, but none of the characters can state why.
Scott signs everything over to storm ,but that what he said he was going to do before the whole time fuckery shit started.
The most fucked up thing about this story is how They basically erased a Young man from existence for the crime of existing. That was fucked up! Cyclops was talking him down and handling the situation then Shield goes and fucks it up. He then goes to the X-men for help and they Attack him.
The only thing this arch has shown me is the the X-men are fucking useless without Cyclops in charge and calling the shots.
I see Oni Press is getting in on the licensed comic wagon. Found out they couldn't survive on Cullen Bunn alone....
But this is the part that makes no sense and pisses me off the most. WHAT DID CYCLOPS DO WRONG? Marvel has been trying and failing to explain to me exactly why all the X-Men now hate Cyclops and How Scott is in the wrong. The Only thing Cyclops has done since Utopia and be right about everything and save the X-men asses.
New 52 Babs, well, isn't Babs. Oracle is stlll out there, and she's coming to take her identity back.
The current resolution was just WAY too anti-climactic.Just going back in time and erasing the guy's existence was boring. Xavier should have confronted the guy, taught him how to control his powers. The guy revives those he killed and realizing how much of a threat he is, goes off into space or kills himself or something.
Just for clarity:Who is new52 Babs then? Like she ain't Barbara Gordon?
invader Zim comic from Oni