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COMICS! |OT| February 2015. No ship girls. Oh, we got a Tank Girl though!

This shows that you have not read a damned thing that Cyclops has done and accomplished the last 5 years. NOTHING and I mean NOTHING Cyclops has done before or since AvsX has been remotely terrorist like.

Has Cyclops given up on Professor X ways? Yep But that because his ways were stupid and ineffective to and have accomplished nothing. That docent make Cyclops wrong or a Terrorist. Cyclops has just run out of fuck to give.

Also it should be noted that for the first time in the history of the marvel universe Masses of Humans have come out in support of mutants and that has largely been due to Cyclops efforts.

Again you call Cyclops a terrorist, Crazy, and a hypocrite but what has he ACTUALLY done to deserve any of those titles?

Well he did just try to talk an Omega level mutant into becoming a weapon... you know, what he was doing
Before getting nuked.

Also Bendis is the only one saying that. Remender/Aaron both said mutant human relations were low. And the reason why Cyke looked to be the only good one was due to Bendis doing his thing of crapping on every other book.


This shows that you have not ready a damned thing that Cyclops has done and accomplished the last 5 years. NOTHING and I mean NOTHING Cyclops has done before or since AvsX has been remotely terrorist like.
I have, actually.

Has Cyclops given up on Professor X ways? Yep But that because his ways were stupid and ineffective to and have accomplished nothing. That docent make Cyclops wrong or a Terrorist. Cyclops has just run out of fuck to give.
Scott never really gelled with the Professor's way of thinking, no, but I don't see how you say his ways were stupid: he kept most of mutantkind alive and peaceful the longest and actually had his students help people instead of just rebelling against anti-mutant sentiment. Everything bad that happened to mutantkind during X's reign is basically either Magneto's fault or rebellious mutants within Xavier's camp's fault.

Also it should be noted that for the first time in the history of the marvel universe Masses of Humans have come out in support of mutants and that has largely been due to Cyclops efforts.
I don't think it's the first time, there have always been pro-mutant protesters and humans siding with mutants. Either way I'd chalk that up more to Wolverine carrying on the Professor's ideals and making a safe place for mutants rather than Cyclops' random acts of in-fighting.

Again you call Cyclops a terrorist, Crazy, and a hypocrite but what has he ACTUALLY done to deserve any of those titles?

I explained how he's a hypocrite, and I just bonked over to regular-ass wikipedia:

"With the X-Men disturbed at Scott's more violent policies—including attacking police officers and various officials for illegally detaining mutants after their powers manifested—but unwilling to actively confront him for fear of triggering a mutant civil war, a chance comment by Iceman inspires Beast to pursue a new solution; he travels back in time to recruit the Scott Summers from the early days of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters to convince the present Scott that what he is doing is wrong"

Attacking police officers and officials is domestic terrorism. If you think that the public's support of him is something to be lauded, I'd urge you to take a look at reality where often thousands of people are supporting the wrong cause or side of a conflict, for varying reasons.

Even teaming up with who he's keeping current company with is enough to show how crazy he is. Magneto has murdered how many people, how many times? Emma Frost is lying and manipulative and has caused Scott no end of grief, Magik is.. iffy at best, I don't really know where her allegiances lie right now.

I'm not super caught up on X-Men at the moment, but it's always weird to me to see pro-Cyclops supporters the same way there are pro-Walt supporters in the Breaking Bad fandom. Even in-universe the people that are pro-Cyclops are tryhard edgy people like Quentin Quire.


And this shit is totally how terrorists think. He's not afraid to die not because he's at peace, but because it helps support his twisted cause. He's become the new Magneto as evidenced by that dialogue. He's a villain now, and whether or not he's done good is debatable, but I can't imagine anyone siding with any of the Phoenix Five after that shit, let alone the shit since.

EDIT: Even later on calling his school the Xavier school is the scummiest shit eeeever.

EDIT2: going to bedddd didn't read any comics again night brehs


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
This shows that you have not read a damned thing that Cyclops has done and accomplished the last 5 years. NOTHING and I mean NOTHING Cyclops has done before or since AvsX has been remotely terrorist like.

Has Cyclops given up on Professor X ways? Yep But that because his ways were stupid and ineffective to and have accomplished nothing. That docent make Cyclops wrong or a Terrorist. Cyclops has just run out of fuck to give.

Also it should be noted that for the first time in the history of the marvel universe Masses of Humans have come out in support of mutants and that has largely been due to Cyclops efforts.

Again you call Cyclops a terrorist, Crazy, and a hypocrite but what has he ACTUALLY done to deserve any of those titles?

you mean other than trying to weaponize the mutant they just got rid of, right?


No Scrubs
you mean other than trying to weaponize the mutant they just got rid of, right?

He was like the only dude trying to talk the guy down, yea he had ulterior motives, but it was working. A peaceful ending was in sight. Everyone else just wanted to nuke the poor guy, it wasn't his fault he was a mutant.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
He was like the only dude trying to talk the guy down, yea he had ulterior motives, but it was working. A peaceful ending was in sight. Everyone else just wanted to nuke the poor guy, it wasn't his fault he was a mutant.

And his ulterior motives were weaponizing the guy. A peaceful ending for how long?


Black Widow: More Natasha doing badass Natasha things. I hope this series survives all of the Secret Wars stuff, or maybe they could put her in a pair-up book.

I've been thinking that a Winter Soldier and Black Widow team-up book again would be wonderful. They just have to restore Nat's damn memories of Bucky. So much fun together.


Invincible is still great as always. A shame it sells so bad though. Hopefully more people will jump on the next issue which is 25 cent.

It doesn't really matter, Kirkman is making bank off of TWD and possibly the Outcast TV pilot, so Invincible is here to stay for a very long time regardless of sales. I like it staying relatively under the radar.


No Scrubs
And his ulterior motives were weaponizing the guy. A peaceful ending for how long?

Until SHIELD decided to nuke him because "we can't risk it, what if he goes bad," or something like that. From what we've seen of Scott during this run he's just been looking for a way to even out the playing field, for some way of forcing everyone to stop attacking mutants and just let them live. Basically he's been looking for a nuke he can point to so people will back-off. Is it the best plan? Nope, he was basically looking for a cold war because nothing else seemed to work. But as we saw before the time travel shenanigans: without something like that people would just keep gunning for him and his team until...well, you saw what happened.
you mean other than trying to weaponize the mutant they just got rid of, right?

For you define "weaponize" as training a mutant to use his powers for the good of the world. Then Every X-men ever has been weaponized by Professor Xavier.

And are we really going to calm Cyclops a terrorist for" Attacking Police officers"? You mean the ones that had guns to the heads of newly immerged mutants? Don't be ridiculous.

Jesus Christ Cyclops Haters really don't have a leg to stand on.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Until SHIELD decided to nuke him because "we can't risk it, what if he goes bad," or something like that. From what we've seen of Scott during this run he's just been looking for a way to even out the playing field, for some way of forcing everyone to stop attacking mutants and just let them live. Basically he's been looking for a nuke he can point to so people will back-off. Is it the best plan? Nope, he was basically looking for a cold war because nothing else seemed to work. But as we saw before the time travel shenanigans: without something like that people would just keep gunning for him and his team until...well, you saw what happened.

an unstable nuke. as weve seen. there was no fixing him. he was always gonna be a problem like bob. hes pretty much pulling a norman osborn during dark avengers, and things would have ended in a worse fashion based on his power set. scott would have put the kids as well as the world in danger messing with him. charles fucked up by putting him off on someone else, but scott should not have been the one to receive him. not in his current mind state

For you define "weaponize" as training a mutant to use his powers for the good of the world. Then Every X-men ever has been weaponized by Professor Xavier.

And are we really going to calm Cyclops a terrorist for" Attacking Police officers"? You mean the ones that had guns to the heads of newly immerged mutants? Don't be ridiculous.

Jesus Christ Cyclops Haters really don't have a leg to stand on.

no i define him by attempting to use him as a literal weapon. you really cant see that was his intent?

you are seriously delusional with your blind defense. even his own kids are calling him on his shit
an unstable nuke. as weve seen. there was no fixing him. he was always gonna be a problem like bob. hes pretty much pulling a norman osborn during dark avengers, and things would have ended in a worse fashion based on his power set. scott would have put the kids as well as the world in danger messing with him. charles fucked up by putting him off on someone else, but scott should not have been the one to receive him. not in his current mind state

no i define him by attempting to use him as a literal weapon. you really cant see that was his intent?

you are seriously delusional with your blind defense. even his own kids are calling him on his shit

Please point to the issue where It shows Cyclop's plan to use him as a weapon. A page Or a panel. Because the only thing Cyclops ever told Mathews was that he was a miracle and that he would save more lives then he took.

Because you just projecting you're bias onto Cyclops without anything to back it up.

Both you and Marvel are having the same issue. Stop TELLING me Scott is wrong and actually SHOW me why his wrong. Seriously point me to the book where Cyclops is all evil and shit because I have yet to read it.


Both you and Marvel are having the same issue. Stop TELLING me Scott is wrong and actually SHOW me why his wrong. Seriously point me to the book where Cyclops is all evil and shit because I have yet to read it.

I think thats the point of the current X-Men Run. Denounce him as bad and wrong by everybody, while he is actually right. Like its the higher plan behind everything.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Please point to the issue where It shows Cyclop's plan to use him as a weapon. A page Or a panel. Because the only thing Cyclops ever told Mathews was that he was a miracle and that he would save more lives then he took.

Because you just projecting you're bias onto Cyclops without anything to back it up.

Both you and Marvel are having the same issue. Stop TELLING me Scott is wrong and actually SHOW me why his wrong. Seriously point me to the book where Cyclops is all evil and shit because I have yet to read it.

im projecting bias, but both marvel and i have the same problem? that makes sense to you?

that last exchange. it goes beyond just helping him.
im projecting bias, but both marvel and i have the same problem? that makes sense to you?

that last exchange. it goes beyond just helping him.

The last panel is Cyclops being real and telling him the truth about the world he lives in. Need I remind you Sheild Nuked the area not 5 minutes later. There is nothing about turning him into a weapon. It's pretty much the same speach Professor X give him.

"I don't mind scaring people who would take away our rights"

What a asshole

Well... technically, if
it has the memories and personality of Oracle!Barbra, it kind of is the return of the old school Oracle. But I guess that's kind of a fine philosophical distinction for a comic book :p

Except it doesn't have the memories of Oracle Barbara. It has the memories and the brain mapping of New52 Barbara, so there's no philosophical distinction here.


Pizza Dog
Except it doesn't have the memories of Oracle Barbara. It has the memories and the brain mapping of New52 Barbara, so there's no philosophical distinction here.

Yeah, this is how I read it too, (Batgirl spoilers)
it's a copy of New 52 Barbara's brain, so it's basically just an AI version of her currently. It wouldn't have any memories of Oracle as in this universe she never existed. That isn't to say that it won't become Oracle, but it's memories are not distinct from Barbara, unless the programming etc has warped them but we've no way of seeing if that's the case yet.


Dude Googleplex, we get Cykes is your bro but chill out man, it's comics.

The last panel is Cyclops being real and telling him the truth about the world he lives in. Need I remind you Sheild Nuked the area not 5 minutes later. There is nothing about turning him into a weapon. It's pretty much the same speach Professor X give him.

"I don't mind scaring people who would take away our rights"

What a asshole


But dude, you do realize that this is Cykes applying psychology 101? You have a mutant with powerlevels over Omega who is lost and confused. "Oh hey guy, you're pretty powerful right? Well, some people would rather see you dead so here I am protecting your rights as mutant. Man, what a good guy I am." Which is not bad, but we all know if Matthew got his chance he would be a valuable asset for Scott's team. When in need, release the Matthew. That's a terrifying asset.

Look, I know you obviously like Cykes but you just can't deny he made some dubious choices for the past six years. "B-b-but Charles and Logan made-" yeah yeah, nobody will deny that either. But it's not about them, it's about Scott. Other posters here gave some good reasons why they think Scott messed up.


Yeah, this is how I read it too, (Batgirl spoilers)
it's a copy of New 52 Barbara's brain, so it's basically just an AI version of her currently. It wouldn't have any memories of Oracle as in this universe she never existed. That isn't to say that it won't become Oracle, but it's memories are not distinct from Barbara, unless the programming etc has warped them but we've no way of seeing if that's the case yet.

I thought she was Oracle in the new 52.
I thought she was Oracle in the new 52.

I don't think so. Some aspects of Killing Joke still happened, like the Joker showing up and shooting her in the back. She wasn't left permanently paralyzed though. She had surgery and physical therapy to be able to walk again and become Batgirl again. The time between her being shot and her recovery is too short for there to be any time for her to be Oracle.


Yeah, this is how I read it too, (Batgirl spoilers)
it's a copy of New 52 Barbara's brain, so it's basically just an AI version of her currently. It wouldn't have any memories of Oracle as in this universe she never existed. That isn't to say that it won't become Oracle, but it's memories are not distinct from Barbara, unless the programming etc has warped them but we've no way of seeing if that's the case yet.



Whomever Joe Benitez is that did the Supergirl variant has a really interesting, sharp, angular style that I kind-of dig.


What if all this time all that she needed was to be able to fly?

She had that very fashionable mini cape for a bit. They should bring it back.


Finished Silk, and that was indeed a fun read. I've never read any Spider books, so if I want to get her origin/background, do I need to read the current Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Verse, or is there more besides that?


Finished Silk, and that was indeed a fun read. I've never read any Spider books, so if I want to get her origin/background, do I need to read the current Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Verse, or is there more besides that?

That's it. Silk #1 also covers all of it. It is very forgettable.

I love how Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner are on one of the variants.


Were any of Cyclops' actions worth burying Charles Xavier? Does Scott Summers, the leader outweigh Scott Summers, the murderer?


I don't think so. Some aspects of Killing Joke still happened, like the Joker showing up and shooting her in the back. She wasn't left permanently paralyzed though. She had surgery and physical therapy to be able to walk again and become Batgirl again. The time between her being shot and her recovery is too short for there to be any time for her to be Oracle.

I remember one of the higherups at DC doing an interview about it near the start of the new 52.



not quite the interview I remembered though. Not even sure if it's been touched upon since then either.
I remember one of the higherups at DC doing an interview about it near the start of the new 52.



not quite the interview I remembered though. Not even sure if it's been touched upon since then either.

They said that in that interview, but NO WHERE in any of the comics ever has it been hinted at or given any timeframe. Considering the timeframe of her getting shot, and her recovery was talked about and kind of mapped out, there is literally NO TIME for her to have been Oracle. At most she might have had 6 - 12 months of it at the absolute most, if they squeezed it in.
Yo, Gates is back?! Did the Lost crew rejoin the rest of them in the future?

No. The Legion from the future came back to the past and, as far as I can tell, the Legion Lost have been here the whole time. They got called in to assist. It's basically the entire Legion at this point.

This essentially retcons the last issue arc of the New 52 Legion, but whatevs, no real big loss.

Also, fuck yeah Gates. Sprock the man!


They said that in that interview, but NO WHERE in any of the comics ever has it been hinted at or given any timeframe. Considering the timeframe of her getting shot, and her recovery was talked about and kind of mapped out, there is literally NO TIME for her to have been Oracle. At most she might have had 6 - 12 months of it at the absolute most, if they squeezed it in.

Yeah, fair enough

No. The Legion from the future came back to the past and, as far as I can tell, the Legion Lost have been here the whole time. They got called in to assist. It's basically the entire Legion at this point.

This essentially retcons the last issue arc of the New 52 Legion, but whatevs, no real big loss.

Also, fuck yeah Gates. Sprock the man!

Might pick JLU back up then for those issues.
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