E the Shaggy
Junior Member

Oh, on the subject of old comic books, in my quest to catch-up with you normal people reading new issues, I... will begin reading Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) tonight.
Yeah, no, I'm not totally stupid, it's just that, how could I pass on some Abnett-space-goodness ?
After all it's just 25 issues... which will be well complemented with Nova (2008)... all of which will lead to War of Kings. And The Thanos Imperative. And the two Annihilators mini. New Guardians, new Nova and... Oh my god. I am fucked.
Thanks, frye. Hopefully there's some nuance to the character/cliche, but I'll have a better opinion after I read the issue next week.
I'm glad you guys convinced me to give post-OMD Spider-Man another shot, I've really been enjoying it. But I gotta say, I just finished Shed, andis some pretty disturbing shit.Dr. Conners killing his son
Next up is Grim Hunt.
I definitely recommend starting a bit earlier by following this list (almost everything is on Marvel Unlimited):
I have no experience with Invader Zim.
It's a really really good series. I haven't watched it in awhile but it really didn't belong on Nickelodeon at all considering how ridiculously dark it got sometimes, ie the Harvester episode.
A friend of mine is at the Wizard World con in Cleveland this weekend and just told me via email that Liefeld is charging $20+ to sign books (price varies depending on what you want signed).
A friend of mine is at the Wizard World con in Cleveland this weekend and just told me via email that Liefeld is charging $20+ to sign books (price varies depending on what you want signed).
A friend of mine is at the Wizard World con in Cleveland this weekend and just told me via email that Liefeld is charging $20+ to sign books (price varies depending on what you want signed).
A friend of mine is at the Wizard World con in Cleveland this weekend and just told me via email that Liefeld is charging $20+ to sign books (price varies depending on what you want signed).
Skottie Young said he'd quit everything to work on Zim, didn't he? Let's see what happens.
A friend of mine is at the Wizard World con in Cleveland this weekend and just told me via email that Liefeld is charging $20+ to sign books (price varies depending on what you want signed).
Neal Adams is also there and charging $20, but to be fair, I would pony up $20 if I got to talk to him for a bit about Green Lantern/Green Arrow and working with Denny O'Neil in general as he signed.
He's gotta make money somehow. It sure as shit isn't going to be by drawing feet.
Zim is one of those things that just never stuck with me. It's one of those Emo things that I never got into as a teen.
Neal Adams is also there and charging $20, but to be fair, I would pony up $20 if I got to talk to him for a bit about Green Lantern/Green Arrow and working with Denny O'Neil in general as he signed.
Don't fault the man for trying to make a living.
One of the most LEGENDARY artist alive deserves to make a buck.
He's gotta make money somehow. It sure as shit isn't going to be by drawing feet.
Neal Adams is one of the biggest assholes in the industry worse than Frank Miller. Not just him but his entire family are vile individuals. Fucking assholes.
Sorry but dude is such a prick.
I find it extremely hard to believe that Liefeld is that down on his luck. Dude literally made millions in the 90s.
Neal Adams is one of the biggest assholes in the industry worse than Frank Miller. Not just him but his entire family are vile individuals. Fucking assholes.
Sorry but dude is such a prick.
........This is like reading a video game review where someone says a game is terrible but gives no supporting evidence as to why.
Yeah, like the Deadpool debut, his first issue on NM, etc. Fair considering that stuff goes for a bit online when gradedI remember reading that he only charges for New Mutants/X-Force stuff.
I hear he's kinda an assholeNeal Adams is also there and charging $20, but to be fair, I would pony up $20 if I got to talk to him for a bit about Green Lantern/Green Arrow and working with Denny O'Neil in general as he signed.
rofl, now i'm picturing Rob Liefeld as like an Italian mobsterDude.. Liefeld has been a made man since his early 20's.
I would rather not tell personal stories but just google "Neal Adams asshole".
I said God damn. At least I'm not the only one who thinks Miller is a prick.
These Buy 1 Get 1 Free deals on Comixology are a great way to grab stuff that normally won't go on sale. I'd recommend:
Mystic: A way underrated G. W. Wilson join with David Lopez art. This was for the Crossgen label that Marvel bought out ages ago. Actually, all the CrossGen stuff is great, like Ruse & Sigil.
Amazing Spider-man Presents: Black Cat: A delightful DELIGHTFUL series by Jen Van Meter and early Pulido killing it.
Black Panther #39-41: Don't let the fact that it's part of Secret Invasion scare you off. All you need to know is this is Jason Aaron writing Black Panther as a AAA bad ass threat taking down Skrulls.
Iron man 7-12: The early Ellis Extremis story gets all the praise, but this arc by the brothers who created the HBO show Carnival craft a vastly underrated tense thriller.
Proof that God gives assholes cancer? But does he give assholes asshole cancer?
rofl, now i'm picturing Rob Liefeld as like an Italian mobster
What Star Wars are essential?
The only comics person I've met who was a dick was Ethan Van Sciver, dude was a total creeper and just rude in general.
Considering the guy is an honest to god McCarthy fanboy (yes that McCarthy), that's no surprise.
A friend of mine is at the Wizard World con in Cleveland this weekend and just told me via email that Liefeld is charging $20+ to sign books (price varies depending on what you want signed).
Like HUAC and Red Scare McCarthy? If so, he's a goon.Considering the guy is an honest to god McCarthy fanboy (yes that McCarthy), that's no surprise.
I want all of those coversSPIDER-GWEN SAVES COMICS NEXT WEEEEEEEEEEK!And not even Kipp can stop it.
Thanks! All boughtKnights of the Old Republic
Crimson Empire
The Dark Empire
Legacy (125 years after the Battle of Yavin, written by Ostrander)
The Purge
The Dark Times
Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison
Darth Vader and the Lost Command
Darth Vader and the Ninth Assassin
Can you tell that the Dark Times is my favourite era of Star Wars?
Also, as far as the Dresden sale, I've read Ghoul Goblin and War Cry, they are both decent. I have not read Welcome to the Jungle, but Jim actually wrote all of that one so it's probably worth checking out. For a fiver, I definitely will.
Like HUAC and Red Scare McCarthy? If so, he's a goon.