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COMICS! |OT| February 2015. No ship girls. Oh, we got a Tank Girl though!

Are you talking about the game??? It's fucking awesome. Gaming side hive mind and journalism dropped the ball again.
Given my love of more story driven cinematic games I'm definitely planning on getting it. The only reason I haven't on day one is I have other games in the queue and my comic/tv/busy at work upkeep has slowed my game playing. I could see why the game wouldn't be for everyone but I think I'll like it. I also think just like hype trains can cloud people's opinions, media and gamers can love to jump on the hate trains for some games. I like my diveristy in styles and types of games. I like my Heavy Rains mixed in with my bayonettas and Demon souls, etc.


Given my love of more story driven cinematic games I'm definitely planning on getting it. The only reason I haven't on day one is I have other games in the queue and my comic/tv/busy at work upkeep has slowed my game playing. I could see why the game wouldn't be for everyone but I think I'll like it.

I completely understand why people may not like games like this, but what bugs me the most is the Journalism. I don't think that the game is flawless (I ran into a couple of bugs which caused me to have to restart a checkpoint) but it succeeds in the genre that it falls in. There is room for improvement for the sequel, but it's one of the best console exclusives so far next to Sunset Overdrive.


I completely understand why people may not like games like this, but what bugs me the most is the Journalism. I don't think that the game is flawless (I ran into a couple of bugs which caused me to have to restart a checkpoint) but it succeeds in the genre that it falls in. There is room for improvement for the sequel, but it's one of the best console exclusives so far next to Sunset Overdrive.

I'm not quite done it myself but I feel like I'm playing a different game from what many of the games media played. I'm really enjoying it.
I completely understand why people may not like games like this, but what bugs me the most is the Journalism. I don't think that the game is flawless (I ran into a couple of bugs which caused me to have to restart a checkpoint) but it succeeds in the genre that it falls in. There is room for improvement for the sequel, but it's one of the best console exclusives so far next to Sunset Overdrive.
Review scores seem to gain momentum one way or another. Somehow critics like to convege to one thing or another. Usually it's the media riding the hype train they built and over scoring things and when the dust settles all those nines are really 8s or whatever. This gen things are all getting weird. Broken games getting 9s and stuff. It wouldn't surprise me that when the dust settles on this one the fan response to the game will be higher than the critics.
I completely understand why people may not like games like this, but what bugs me the most is the Journalism. I don't think that the game is flawless (I ran into a couple of bugs which caused me to have to restart a checkpoint) but it succeeds in the genre that it falls in. There is room for improvement for the sequel, but it's one of the best console exclusives so far next to Sunset Overdrive.

Does it do anything better than Gears of War from last gen besides look pretty? Cause watching videos of it just made me want to go play that, co-op, with a buddie instead. Even the gunplay, what little actually happened in the videos I've watched, looked extremely generic.


Does it do anything better than Gears of War from last gen besides look pretty? Cause watching videos of it just made me want to go play that, co-op, with a buddie instead. Even the gunplay, what little actually happened in the videos I've watched, looked extremely generic.

Yes and no. The aiming is much tighter and cinematic in The Order, while Gears is a multiplayer shooter with a story built around you practicing the mechanics for competitve play. The story and acting is much better in The Order as well. I'm only disappointed that
Nikola Tesla
doesnt have a pigeon girlfriend.
The story is wonderful, and even as a glorified tech demo (if that's what people consider it) it succeeds at what it's trying to accomplish. The transition between cutscene and gameplay is flawless (I believe it's all rendered In game) and there was a point around act 8 where my mind was blown after I realized that I wasn't watching a video but actually moving my character around.

Select journalists and forum members here were looking for something that it isn't. It's The Walking Dead season 1 with a gigantic budget and shooting elements taken straight from a different game. If it works, and it does, why should it be punished for that? If anyone at all is at fault, it's Sony and the way they marketed the game.

Because it's €70, and that's ridiculously bad value for money.

If I had a PS4, I'd wait for PS+. I don't see why you wouldn't for any first-party Sony game as they all end up there eventually.

I only buy Telltale games on Steam sale, because even €20 is too much personally. Paying upfront for stuff that isn't even there yet is a form of insanity. I had to re-learn this lesson after paying for Tales from the Borderlands in the Christmas sale, and it feels like four hundred years since the last episode.
Because it's €70, and that's ridiculously bad value for money.

If I had a PS4, I'd wait for PS+. I don't see why you wouldn't for any first-party Sony game as they all end up there eventually.

I only buy Telltale games on Steam sale, because even €20 is too much personally. Paying upfront for stuff that isn't even there yet is a form of insanity. I had to re-learn this lesson after paying for Tales from the Borderlands in the Christmas sale, and it feels like four hundred years since the last episode.
We haven't gotten a retail ps4 game yet on ps+ so the wait will be a while. And I don't think the price of a game should factor into reviews. Game prices depreciate considerably and so quickly. Just wait to get the price point that works for you. In a month it'll be $20 less and by the holiday I'm sure you can get it for $20. But that price doesnt change the quality of the game or score you'd give it. Especially with a SP game
I'm talking about in terms of the gameplay itself. It's a AAA Walking Dead season 1. Season 2 was a bit more restricted in terms of walking around from point a to point b, whereas there was a bit more freedom in episode 1. This game has that freedom of movement that Episode 1 had.

Like I said, it's gaming side being stupid. If you own a PS4 and are looking for something to enjoy before Bloodborne it's beyond worthwhile.

Were it an adventure game, it'd be compared to TWD, and then the comparison would most likely be far more favorable.

It is, however, an A3 third person shooter, and as such, it is compared to other A3 third person shooters. If you go by gameplay, then it fails to differentiate itself from Gears enough and, lacking multiplayer, is seen as bad value. If you go by story, its story is nowhere close to the story of a Spec Ops: The Line (which also had multiplayer, shit though it was).

I feel that the comparison to Spec Ops is far more just, tbh. Coincidentally, it is also a six hour long game. Very few people were arguing that Spec Ops deserved amazing scores, or that the scores it was receiving were unwarranted, however.

Furore over 1866 would be far smaller if the dev didn't have such a bad case of foot-in-mouth disease.

If you got 60 to burn, im quite sure that there's a lot of great offers on psn that'll be far more enjoyable and long lasting until BB hits.


I really wish there was a good AAA X-Men game. It could be really good. But I imagine doing it right is very expensive.

Another Marvel ultimate Alliance would be dope.
I really wish there was a good AAA X-Men game. It could be really good. But I imagine doing it right is very expensive.

Another Marvel ultimate Alliance would be dope.
The best we got were the ps2/Xbox games. The Genesis games were pretty good too but a bit strange. I do hear that one wolverine game last gen was good.

Now days it seems next to impossible. Especially with marvel having no interest in doing anything Xmen outside of comics and even there they're pushing that stupid inhuman agenda
So many waifus. I am sorry :(.

Kitty has my heart too.


What is happening to meeeeeeeee
Did we go to the same event? I had no problem chatting up multiple artists and writers. Only one who had a ridiculous line was Conner & Jimmy. Babs Had like 3 people around her.

I had Joe Quinones to myself for 20 minutes. Cliff Chiang was just chillin. Slott was just like "yooo" sitting there all bored.

Yeah I'll second that. I'll say its also timing, don't go to artist alley at the middle of the day on Saturday. You're gonna have a bad time. Thursday/Sunday though hardly any lines throughout the day.

Its the only part of NYCC that isn't completely over run by the mindless cosplaying hordes.
I really wish there was a good AAA X-Men game. It could be really good. But I imagine doing it right is very expensive.

Another Marvel ultimate Alliance would be dope.
A few years ago, there was this awesome game in development called Project Awakened. Probably the closest thing to an X-Men-style open world game, due to the vast array of powers the devs were working on

Abilities showcase

Unfortunately it was cancelled, had so much potential


She wouldn't cheat on Peter anyway.

Using Stacey Lee and Ian Haring for Silk was such a great choice. :3 I hope she's staying longer with the series than Alphonso did with Ms. Marvel.

Li Kao

Read the first arc of Batman & Robin (2011) yesterday. I don't like Bat-books in general. They feel a little too close to angsty DC and I genuinely abhor angsty DC (or angsty anything for that matter). It's the resurgence of grim & gritty shit that drove me away from comics some years ago, I don't feel much pleasure reading comics when they regularly feature rape, immolation, facial lacerations, ripped limbs etc.
That being said... while predictably the plot was quite dark at times, it was also really good. Good enough for me to say fuck it, add a fuckton of bat-books to my reading list and even read the issue I never thought I would read, the dreaded Detective Comics #1 (2011). Which was mental as expected, but man did Tony Daniel step up his games since I last read him.
Wow, Showa: A History of Japan is amazing. It is going to be a long read for me though. I keep getting sidetracked by following up events and names on Wikipedia. I think I'll return these to the library and order my own copies.
Uncanny X-Force by Rick Remender had a couple cool stories with her. The Dark Angel Saga was really good.

Other than that I'm having a tough time rembering anything that stood out too much. There was a few issues dealing with her super convoluted origin early on in the 90s X-Men(Vol. 2). I think it was issues 20-23 and then 31-32.

Yost wrote a limited series a few years ago that some people liked. It was a bit of the same darker tone that Uncanny X-Force had compared to the regular X-Men series.

Cool, thanks. I'll start lookin' at those.
The Giant Bomb quick look made it seem reaaaally boring. Artificially slowing you to a walking crawl in situations that made no sense, forcing you to stare at objects for awkward lengths of time for no real purpose. The combat encounters also appeared to be incredibly shallow. It seems like the sort of game to wait a month or two for the price crash.

A Giant Bomb quick look can make ANY game look boring and awful. I swear every time they touch a game its like they've touched video games for the very first time in their lives. "What is this I push the stick to move, I, I don't understand that. This game is confusing."

They are the worst.
A Giant Bomb quick look can make ANY game look boring and awful. I swear every time they touch a game its like they've touched video games for the very first time in their lives. "What is this I push the stick to move, I, I don't understand that. This game is confusing."

They are the worst.
They are the one outlet where I question if they like games or their jobs. Except Vinny


Hey Cheska, what do you think of The Order?

I like it. It's not my favorite game by any means, but I'm blown away by the production value and settings so far. To be honest, as I'm getting older I find myself caring more and more about graphics. If I'm spending $400+ on a console, I want the games I play on them to look good. I've always been in favor of story over gameplay so I could care less about the QTE's. Here's what really grinds my gears, everyone lamenting about how this is a "cinematic game" blah blah blah, if you don't like those types of games, then do buy them.

For me personally, I don't like minecraft, or MOBA's, or most sports games. I don't cry about them or tell people that I wish they didn't make those games. It literally doesn't affect me because I don't waste my money on something I don't have an interest in.

/rant over
I like it. It's not my favorite game by any means, but I'm blown away by the production value and settings so far. To be honest, as I'm getting older I find myself caring more and more about graphics. If I'm spending $400+ on a console, I want the games I play on them to look good. I've always been in favor of story over gameplay so I could care less about the QTE's. Here's what really grinds my gears, everyone lamenting about how this is a "cinematic game" blah blah blah, if you don't like those types of games, then do buy them.

For me personally, I don't like minecraft, or MOBA's, or most sports games. I don't cry about them or tell people that I wish they didn't make those games. It literally doesn't affect me because I don't waste my money on something I don't have an interest in.

/rant over

I do have to point out that criticism of The Order does not and should not automatically imply a criticism of linear cinematic games.


I do have to point out that criticism of The Order does not and should not automatically imply a criticism of linear cinematic games.

Have you stepped into the gaming side of things? Because hating on cinematic games there seems to be everyone's new favorite thing.


I do have to point out that criticism of The Order does not and should not automatically imply a criticism of linear cinematic games.

But the problem with the reviews is that they are clearly trying to cause a stir in the industry instead of being honest about the title. It looks great, and it plays incredibly well. It just doesn't fall into a genre that they believe will garner interest with their readership so they are trying to create a controversy for clicks. The most honest review so far is probably GameTrailers of all places.
Have you stepped into the gaming side of things? Because hating on cinematic games there seems to be everyone's new favorite thing.

But the problem with the reviews is that they are clearly trying to cause a stir in the industry instead of being honest about the title. It looks great, and it plays incredibly well. It just doesn't fall into a genre that they believe will garner interest with their readership so they are trying to create a controversy for clicks. The most honest review so far is probably GameTrailers of all places.

That is true. A lot of the posters do seem to be making sweeping statements like that. I love games like Uncharted/Spec Ops/Wolfenstein but I can also definitely see where a game along those lines can easily go wrong.


What are the three best Superman graphic novels? I'm currently reading Death Of Superman, wanted to see what I'm missing out. Always couldn't stand the character but figured I'd give him a shot.
What are the three best Superman graphic novels? I'm currently reading Death Of Superman, wanted to see what I'm missing out. Always couldn't stand the character but figured I'd give him a shot.

All-Star Superman is a must read

Secret Identity is another popular choice
I do have to point out that criticism of The Order does not and should not automatically imply a criticism of linear cinematic games.

It does for me. Time for them to be retired, or at least not charge full whack for them.

If you want story over gameplay, why are you playing video games? Most game stories are junk that wouldn't even be published as a Kindle book. At the very least, if you want a story experience, make the mechanics part of it. Adding QTEs to cutscenes doesn't count TBH. It's a shit practice if your game isn't called Resident Evil 4, and that gets a pass, because it's RESIDENT EVIL 4, one of the greatest games of all time.
What are the three best Superman graphic novels? I'm currently reading Death Of Superman, wanted to see what I'm missing out. Always couldn't stand the character but figured I'd give him a shot.

Superman secret origins
Superman Brainiac

Both by Geoff johns
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