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COMICS! |OT| February 2015. No ship girls. Oh, we got a Tank Girl though!

Not for long I don't think. There's another crash coming, and it's going to be painful. It won't happen tomorrow or anything, but it will happen. Adoption of the new consoles has been sluggish, and it can't all be down to the economy. The only difference is we won't need a landfill to bury all the unsold copies of whatever bomb triggers it all, because of the wonders of digital distribution.

Maybe, maybe not. People have been predicting it for ages now, myself included at one point, lately I just don't know.

I definitely think we're moving towards the "games as service" model and it will be adapt or perish for most of the studios. There's going to be growing pains like what happened with Assassin's Creed Unity, where studios want your F2P business and attention but they want to charge you 60 quid up front as well.

I sure as hell hope not. Because if anything is going to cause a crash it'll be games as a service. I know myself and a lot of my friends stop gaming as soon as that happens. I don't get the AC Unity reference. Did you play Unity? Cause I did and while the micro transaction stuff are in there they can be absolutely ignored and pretty much treated as if they don't exist. All they do is give you hacking points to get equipment early. They might as well not be there.

There's a whole generation coming up for whom the model of buying the game upfront doesn't make any sense. If you don't think this is true, ask yourself, why did Apple's new "Buy Once and Play" model make the news then? And those people will be the tastemakers, because the video games industry is so desperate to get back the crowd that bought a Wii and never touched it again after Wii Sports.

Those are 2 separate issues. The reason there's a generation of people who buying the game upfront won't make sense too is because of mobile de-valuing games. Releasing hundreds of thousands of free or 99 cent games on the Apple Store, and Google Play is creating a generation of gamers who hold no value to games. Iwata has talked about this a shit load of times, and he's absolutely right and it needs to stop.

It's going to be an ugly few years, and my "demands" are pretty simple:
- Don't preorder, under any circumstances. That shit is an interest free loan for whoever you are giving it to. Buy it digitally in the unlikely event every store near you sells out of Assassin's Creed Unity II: Unify Harder or whatever stop the Hype Train is pulling into next. Buy the pre-order DLC when it gets put on sale like it always does. By then you'll have spent time in the game and it's value will be obvious to you one way or the other.
- Don't buy it if it's broken. Seriously, stop it. That shit's not acceptable. Your definition of broken may vary of course.
- Support developers and studios that value your custom. "Boy, those Amiibos sold out fair fast because they couldn't be bothered to make enough, can't wait to queue up for the next wave!" In what universe is this okay? This is why I stopped buying FIFA, because every year it seems like it regresses and fills with ever more Ultimate Team bullshit and EA's message is "har har, you'll buy it anyway!"
- Avoid Early Access, Kickstarter and paying for betas, in general. Exceptions may apply.

1. I'll pre-order what ever the hell I want. Sorry I work a real job, I can't spend a Friday driving around from store to store desperately trying to find the Majora's Mask Limited Edition. I pre-ordered it from Amazon and got it. I didn't give them any money till it shipped so they didn't get an interest free loan from me. There are pre-order solutions that aren't problematic for the industry. Amazon is a fantastic way to go about it, IMHO.

2. The hard thing with not buying broken games is that with embargos most people don't know a game is broken until its out and people have played it a bit.

3. You're all over the place, once second you're bitching about Amiibos and then Fifa and the issues with them are completely different things. The Amiibo problem is 3 fold. First you had them become popular and scalpers jumped on that. Then you have shitty retailers who allow people to buy a ton of 1 item. One of the posters on here mentioned being inline for Meta Knight and the guy ahead of him had 19 pre-ordered and got fucked out of getting any. Then there's the douche who pre-ordered 100s of Rosalina's from Target. Those are things Nintendo can't control. They should be making more, but I think they were initially conservative with how many they made because they didn't expect it to fly off shelves. Hopefully with future lines they ramp up production.
Not for long I don't think. There's another crash coming, and it's going to be painful. It won't happen tomorrow or anything, but it will happen. Adoption of the new consoles has been sluggish, and it can't all be down to the economy. The only difference is we won't need a landfill to bury all the unsold copies of whatever bomb triggers it all, because of the wonders of digital distribution.

I definitely think we're moving towards the "games as service" model and it will be adapt or perish for most of the studios. There's going to be growing pains like what happened with Assassin's Creed Unity, where studios want your F2P business and attention but they want to charge you 60 quid up front as well.

There's a whole generation coming up for whom the model of buying the game upfront doesn't make any sense. If you don't think this is true, ask yourself, why did Apple's new "Buy Once and Play" model make the news then? And those people will be the tastemakers, because the video games industry is so desperate to get back the crowd that bought a Wii and never touched it again after Wii Sports.

It's going to be an ugly few years, and my "demands" are pretty simple:
- Don't preorder, under any circumstances. That shit is an interest free loan for whoever you are giving it to. Buy it digitally in the unlikely event every store near you sells out of Assassin's Creed Unity II: Unify Harder or whatever stop the Hype Train is pulling into next. Buy the pre-order DLC when it gets put on sale like it always does. By then you'll have spent time in the game and it's value will be obvious to you one way or the other.
- Don't buy it if it's broken. Seriously, stop it. That shit's not acceptable. Your definition of broken may vary of course.
- Support developers and studios that value your custom. "Boy, those Amiibos sold out fair fast because they couldn't be bothered to make enough, can't wait to queue up for the next wave!" In what universe is this okay? This is why I stopped buying FIFA, because every year it seems like it regresses and fills with ever more Ultimate Team bullshit and EA's message is "har har, you'll buy it anyway!"
- Avoid Early Access, Kickstarter and paying for betas, in general. Exceptions may apply.

Otherwise, put your money where your mouth is and buy whatever you want. In the end, the market (and that includes all of us) will decide. I ultimately don't care about what you do with your time as long as it doesn't impact on what I do with mine. But if you buy shit, don't be surprised when we get more shit.

Man, I feel like one of those dudes who complains that Marvel movies are killing cinema. Maybe I should buy myself a nice new tin-foil hat?
Why is Kickstarter bad? Some of the best indie games of the last few years were Kickstarted. FTL, Banner Saga, Volgarr The Viking, Divinity OS, Shovel Knight, Distance, etc.

And great games like Broforce, Prison Architect, Infested Planet, Don't Starve show that the failures of Early Access rest on the developers, not the system itself, because those games and others show that EA works.

Li Kao

All star Superman
Superman for all seasons
secret identity

I know you asked for three but others I liked were Birthright, Lex Luthor man of steel, red son, and secret origin. Those are what I recall graphic novel wise.

Hmm, no love for the two issues Moore did ?
Just asking, never found the time (well it's two issues, there must be something else) to read them.
I didn't see much discussion of the Multiverity - Masterman issue. I've been lukewarm on a couple of the Multiversity issues, but this one was great. It hit a couple of the story beats from Red Son (which isn't terribly surprising given Morrison's involvement on it). I loved a lot of the designs too. Particularly the shot of Flash's SS logo.
Are you talking about the game??? It's fucking awesome. Gaming side hive mind and journalism dropped the ball again.

Yeah, I grabbed it on Friday. It definitely has some issues, but the visuals and gunplay go a long way in making up for it. I just started playthrough #2 last night to finish getting all of the collectibles and other trophies I missed. Gonna platinum this bitch. I kinda wish they didn't put collectibles in, though. For one, they're pretty pointless, and if they were trying to make a cinematic game, why did they put in all this stuff that distracts you from that? If they want me to get wrapped up in the story, how am I supposed to do that if I'm constantly keeping my eyes peeled for newspapers and other shit I can interact with?

Those Eva Bell X-Men Annuals :'(

So fucked up.

Damnit Marvel please don't let Uncanny be the end for Eva.

I liked the Annuals because they filled in a lot of question-marks in regards to Eva. She can now officially be
classified as MILF-class X-woman


Yeah, I grabbed it on Friday. It definitely has some issues, but the visuals and gunplay go a long way in making up for it. I just started playthrough #2 last night to finish getting all of the collectibles and other trophies I missed. Gonna platinum this bitch. I kinda wish they didn't put collectibles in, though. For one, they're pretty pointless, and if they were trying to make a cinematic game, why did they put in all this stuff that distracts you from that? If they want me to get wrapped up in the story, how am I supposed to do that if I'm constantly keeping my eyes peeled for newspapers and other shit I can interact with?

I liked the Annuals because they filled in a lot of question-marks in regards to Eva. She can now officially be
classified as MILF-class X-woman

the whole kid thing just bummed me out


What is this craziness? Sunset Overdrive, Horizon, Destiny, this gen is incredible already.

Probably should clarify that I was talking about PS4. I can't think of a single new exclusive that has set the world on fire yet.

A few pages back I said Sunset Overdrive is one of the best.
Probably should clarify that I was talking about PS4. I can't think of a single new exclusive that has set the world on fire yet.

I think Uncharted 4 might do the job. Or maybe Bloodborne, but there are a lot of people that don't like Demon's Souls-style games. Even I'm starting to get a bit tired of them.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Sup GamingComicsGAF. It's like this is a gaming forum or something.

I think the last SP game I played all the way through was Spec Ops: The Line? That's the last one I remember at least. I really enjoyed that one actually. The last game I played in general was Metal Gear: Revengeance like a month or two ago. I played it for 30 minutes or so and really dug it.


Sup GamingComicsGAF. It's like this is a gaming forum or something.

I think the last SP game I played all the way through was Spec Ops: The Line? That's the last one I remember at least. I really enjoyed that one actually. The last game I played in general was Metal Gear: Revengeance like a month or two ago. I played it for 30 minutes or so and really dug it.

Don't you have like 1000 games on Steam? Lol
I think this gen is off to a stronger start than last gen. Bayonetta 2 is too good.

At my brother's house till tomorrow babysitting his dog so I guess this is a good time to read. I think I'm gonna start Transformers MTMTE volume 3 or pick up where I left off in TMNT... Tough choice.
Why is Kickstarter bad? Some of the best indie games of the last few years were Kickstarted. FTL, Banner Saga, Volgarr The Viking, Divinity OS, Shovel Knight, Distance, etc.

And great games like Broforce, Prison Architect, Infested Planet, Don't Starve show that the failures of Early Access rest on the developers, not the system itself, because those games and others show that EA works.

There's just no reason to take the risk. Same with Early Access, wait until the product is complete. Back in my day, a beta was free.


And Shin, my friends are completely on board with games-as-service. Are mine less valid than yours? You're arguing semantics. My point about things being broken is, you shouldn't have to be the tester. There are people who are paid to do that for you, be they QA guys or critics. People get games early all the time. It's not hard to wait even a couple of hours.

And sorry, but I don't get pre-orders and never have. I will give you that Amazon are the best option for pre-orders, by far though, since they don't take the cash upfront. Most people don't pre-order from Amazon though, at least not here since there is no Amazon IE so you can't get a game on launch day through them (we also don't have Prime, unless you use Parcel Motel but that's an extra fee again).

Nice barb about the jawb as well. I'm sorry I don't work a "real job", that I have to work internships because of how packed my field is, that getting ANY work at all is almost impossible for me because I'm registered disabled because I'm on the spectrum and I have to fight tooth and claw to get anywhere because the doctors treat me like I'm made of tissue. And most of all, I'm sorry I shared my troubles with internet strangers that I thought I liked and they liked me back because my IRL friends have abandoned me. I didn't realise it would be thrown back in my face. I thought everyone here was better than that. But no, I make a crack about The Order and I'm leader of the GLORIOUS GAMERGATE UPRISING and I'm oppressing you or some shit. I'll go back into my basement and stroke my neckbeard now. It's getting really lustrous lately.
I like it. It's not my favorite game by any means, but I'm blown away by the production value and settings so far. To be honest, as I'm getting older I find myself caring more and more about graphics. If I'm spending $400+ on a console, I want the games I play on them to look good. I've always been in favor of story over gameplay so I could care less about the QTE's. Here's what really grinds my gears, everyone lamenting about how this is a "cinematic game" blah blah blah, if you don't like those types of games, then do buy them.

The only thing I don't quite understand is why they decided to put collectibles into a cinematic game. It definitely takes you out of the story if you're trying to keep an eye out for those kinds of things. And I think the game is a bit short for a $59.99 piece of software, but I'm not unhappy with the game.
Hero system, no overpriced DLC plans, space/vehicle only battle, no destructable enviroments... I think it was quiete different.

DLC wasn't the force (pun intended) it is now back when the Battlefront games came out. The destructible environment is also something that has only really taken off with more advanced engines and more powerful consoles. I assume they'll introduce it to Battlefront but I don't necessarily see that as a negative. I've always quite liked it but I do dislike when it's the entire focus of the map like the collapsing skyscraper in BF4. As for hero mode, there's no way they're not going to let you play as Jedi. I just can't see it.


Nice barb about the jawb as well. I'm sorry I don't work a "real job", that I have to work internships because of how packed my field is, that getting ANY work at all is almost impossible for me because I'm registered disabled because I'm on the spectrum and I have to fight tooth and claw to get anywhere because the doctors treat me like I'm made of tissue. And most of all, I'm sorry I shared my troubles with internet strangers that I thought I liked and they liked me back because my IRL friends have abandoned me. I didn't realise it would be thrown back in my face. I thought everyone here was better than that. But no, I make a crack about The Order and I'm leader of the GLORIOUS GAMERGATE UPRISING and I'm oppressing you or some shit. I'll go back into my basement and stroke my neckbeard now. It's getting really lustrous lately.

It's okay Tetrax. I don't like The Order either. And my opinion was formed way before those reviews were published.
There's just no reason to take the risk. Same with Early Access, wait until the product is complete. Back in my day, a beta was free.

For me, I enjoy 1) supporting developers I've been following faithfully (Rain World) or cool projects that have ton of potential (SuperHOT) and 2) I like being part of the development process. If you're smart, do some research before you back (do the devs have a devlog thread or document their progress online, have they made other games before as student projects or for game jams), set some guidelines (I don't back anything that doesn't show actual gameplay), the risk is miniscule and you get to have a hand in the game's development. Everything I've backed is in steady development with active devs and regular updates.
And this is why I am absolutly not excited for it.
I rather want to see what Amy Hennig is doing in this Singplayer Star Wars game.

If there's a decent amount of content in the main game I don't see a problem with it. At least it's up to the individual on whether they think it's worth it then. It does piss me off when a developer clearly removes content to sell as DLC later though. Hi Bungie.
It's okay Tetrax. I don't like The Order either. And my opinion was formed way before those reviews were published.

I got way too angry there. I actually scared myself for a minute. Ended up punching the wall. At least I didn't break anything. The last time I got that angry was losing a promo game in League. I said things to my teammates that day that would get me arrested TBH.

For me, I enjoy 1) supporting developers I've been following faithfully (Rain World) or cool projects that have ton of potential (SuperHOT) and 2) I like being part of the development process. If you're smart, do some research before you back (do the devs have a devlog thread or document their progress online, have they made other games before as student projects or for game jams), set some guidelines (I don't back anything that doesn't show actually gameplay), the risk is miniscule. Everything I've backed is in steady development with active devs and regular updates.

i guess I can get behind that. I'm really wary after what happened with Double Fine though. That one really hurt because I loved that studio. Costume Quest is legit one of my favourite games ever.


I think I am going to drop G Willows X-Men. It's better than Woods stuff but it's still not good. Two issues in and I have no urge to get the next issue.


I got way too angry there. I actually scared myself for a minute. Ended up punching the wall. At least I didn't break anything. The last time I got that angry was losing a promo game in League. I said things to my teammates that day that would get me arrested TBH.

I remember punching my wall, I needed a lot of caulk to cover the hole.


If there's a decent amount of content in the main game I don't see a problem with it. At least it's up to the individual on whether they think it's worth it then. It does piss me off when a developer clearly removes content to sell as DLC later though. Hi Bungie.
We will see. I thinks its pretty obivious when they dont include all famous and all eras in the game.
I remember punching my wall, I needed a lot of caulk to cover the hole.
Why are people pushing walls? That's why we have pillows

So in Dallas it's cold and rainy. Good lazy Sunday weather. Still working through my "new" comic backlog. About 44 comics left. There's a chance of an ice storm. I'm not sure I want it or not. My Monday at work was packed and if nobody goes in the rest of the week will be worse

Also Sunday's Batman TAS episode was Paul Dinis House & Garden. One of my favorite ivy episodes and by far the creepiest and saddest. How they got that twist through the kid show sensors is beyond amazing. But that is true for the whole shows existence really
I think I am going to drop G Willows X-Men. It's better than Woods stuff but it's still not good. Two issues in and I have no urge to get the next issue.

I didn't make it past the first one. Maybe Ms. Marvel is a fluke? We'll see when A-Force hits I guess.

A-Force is a terrible name though. I'd even prefer a revival of Force Works.

I remember punching my wall, I needed a lot of caulk to cover the hole.

TIL what caulk is.

I hit a brick wall though, because the only partition wall is the farthest away one.
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