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COMICS! |OT| February 2015. No ship girls. Oh, we got a Tank Girl though!

Don't be jealous of my majestic starship, gais.



You guys know it's a foreign comic being retitled and translated for release in the US, yeah? It used to be called Red Widow, but I think they changed the title to Red Skin due to copyright issues.

Yep, I imagine Marvel wouldn't be thrilled with the other title.
And Shin, my friends are completely on board with games-as-service. Are mine less valid than yours? You're arguing semantics. My point about things being broken is, you shouldn't have to be the tester. There are people who are paid to do that for you, be they QA guys or critics. People get games early all the time. It's not hard to wait even a couple of hours.

Well games as service take away a shit ton of our rights as a consumer, so I guess if you're okay with having less rights and putting more power into the corporations that want to rip you off, I mean sure you're entitled to that opinion as well too.

You're right you shouldn't have to be the tester, but people need to make a bigger stink about this years ago, and almost nobody did. I'm not for shipping broken things I liked the SNES days when games just worked. Sure its easy enough for you or me to wait to see if a game is broken. Not so much for the average gamer that isn't on Neogaf or any video game message boards.

And sorry, but I don't get pre-orders and never have. I will give you that Amazon are the best option for pre-orders, by far though, since they don't take the cash upfront. Most people don't pre-order from Amazon though, at least not here since there is no Amazon IE so you can't get a game on launch day through them (we also don't have Prime, unless you use Parcel Motel but that's an extra fee again).

I'm sorry I don't know what there is not to get. It locks in for sure getting something. For a long time the only way to ensure a store by me even got in a single copy of some of the games I liked was pre-ordering. Plenty of titles during the SNES, PS1, PS2 days had really small print runs, and stores only got pre-order copies.

I'm a busy guy I do a lot of things, if I can ensure something I want is there I'll go for it.

Nice barb about the jawb as well. I'm sorry I don't work a "real job", that I have to work internships because of how packed my field is, that getting ANY work at all is almost impossible for me because I'm registered disabled because I'm on the spectrum and I have to fight tooth and claw to get anywhere because the doctors treat me like I'm made of tissue. And most of all, I'm sorry I shared my troubles with internet strangers that I thought I liked and they liked me back because my IRL friends have abandoned me. I didn't realise it would be thrown back in my face. I thought everyone here was better than that. But no, I make a crack about The Order and I'm leader of the GLORIOUS GAMERGATE UPRISING and I'm oppressing you or some shit. I'll go back into my basement and stroke my neckbeard now. It's getting really lustrous lately.

How about you don't take things so personally. It was a random comment, I honestly have no idea about your job, your life, or any of those other details. I didn't get any post about the troubles you're going through. I made a comment about video games.

I'm sorry life has been pretty shitty to you man that sucks, but it wasn't a personal attack. Also nothing I said was in response to you not liking the order. I could not give 2 shits less about who likes what video game. I never brought up gamergate, neckbeards or anything of the sort. If a throw away comment can push you to that much anger and to punch a wall, maybe its time to address that. I mean that with all sincerity.

Also you're not the only one who works a packed field, I did internships too. In my field there are less jobs at the level I'm going for then there are professional American Football players. Meanwhile schools are pumping out hundreds if not thousands of new applicants every 3 - 5 months.

Again dude no personal attack on you or your life, just a comment about video games.
How do you guys endure the wait between issues? Caught up on Hawkeye and Wytches...man, this is worse than waiting till March for the next Flash episode
How do you guys endure the wait between issues? Caught up on Hawkeye and Wytches...man, this is worse than waiting till March for the next Flash episode

I try to mainly look for completed runs/series, there is a lot of brilliant completely collected material out there. (It helps that I have a lot of cape stuff to catch up on).
How do you guys endure the wait between issues? Caught up on Hawkeye and Wytches...man, this is worse than waiting till March for the next Flash episode

You just read more books until you have stuff that comes out every week.

What Messi said.

I'm also reading the Judge Dredd Mega Collection books, although I only get them once a month now since I switched to getting them by post. My newsagent wasn't going to be carrying them anymore. It sucks TBH. When I did the Marvel collection, they at least gave you a civilised mug as a free gift. Now it's one of those travel mug gubbins. It is a good few quid cheaper than the newsagent though, plus I'm getting the first Anderson book free (I do love me some Anderson).

I'm hoping the same fate doesn't befall Doctor Who Comic, since that's starting next week in print here and I'm hoping to pick it up. The shop here carries all the Marvel reprints (seven books, plus Spider-Man comes out twice a month) but they only carry Batman and Justice League Trinity in the Titan reprints, and I know they publish at least three more. Just have to go in on Thursday and hope for the best.


Pizza Dog
I never play MMOs really, I gave Warcraft about an hour before I got bored of fighting skeletons and that, but the Star Trek one seems like something I could take an interest in. Depends how much flying around in sweet spaceships you can do. I'm not a huge Trekkie but I enjoy the show. It's F2P now right? Maybe I'll check it out sometime.
I never play MMOs really, I gave Warcraft about an hour before I got bored of fighting skeletons and that, but the Star Trek one seems like something I could take an interest in. Depends how much flying around in sweet spaceships you can do. I'm not a huge Trekkie but I enjoy the show. It's F2P now right? Maybe I'll check it out sometime.

It's probably 70% space, 30% ground. I enjoy it.
It's probably 70% space, 30% ground. I enjoy it.

Didn't they get hit by hackers awhile back and they leaked everyone's details? That's the only thing that's stopping me trying it.

I just want to cruise around in a Sovereign-class and maybe seek out some new civilizations or something.

EDIT: Turns out I already have an account with them, it must be from when I attempted Neverwinter.


So Stjepan Sejic posted this on deviantart regarding Sunstone going forward.

now, as for chapter 5, i will start it off in march, but it won't go full speed before mid april. by that point i will have cleared all the previously accepted projects and past that point i won't be taking on more work for hire stuff because... well, your support made it possible to actually focus my attentions on sunstone.

So it seems Sunstone has done well enough in print for him to focus on it more permanently. I am very happy for him. He seems to have had quite a shitty year personally but professionally he has been nailing it. I do wonder what it means for Rat Queens, is that work for hire?

Edit: He posted this in Jan, I guess he is only on Rat Queens for an arc? :(

so... sunstone book 1 was the fifth place on the top seller graphic novels lists

this was your doing and you have my sincere thanks.

i did not expect this. sunstone was never supposed to be a moneymaker project and will continue to be a free webcomic to it's very end. but your support meant a lot

last year was tough...

you noticed that my output was significantly lower...well... in the number of strips, but taking into consideration the much longer strips of chapter 4, difference is not that drastic.

there was a reason for this. i kept alluding to a family health crisis. i prefer to keep these things to myself
but now that this is behind us, i can say what made a mess of the year

my mom was diagnosed with a severe heart condition. day before book 1 came out she was admitted to hospital to have stents implanted and the procedure was a success.

last year i was operating under a constant prepare for the worst case scenario kind of pressure.
to ensure i would be able to pay for any unexpected expenses, i took on more work than was perhaps healthy for me... but thankfully now that this is done and behind us i can stop taking on projects.

however, before i found out of sunstone's success, i took on one last additional project, this being an arc of a comic called rat queens. it is a fun book, that i personally like... between that, generation 9 and death vigil, my schedule till april is a bit of a mess but a doable mess.

however, time for the good stuff

this week i will be posting snippets of the final strip for chapter 4- just so you know that it is under construction- and it should be done by next weekend. it is a lengthy bastard XD

then after that i will take a few weeks off just to work on clearing my schedule before we venture into the final chapter of this story.

....beeefore i start on chapter 6 XD

but... there is some very good news.

you see... even tho i can't ditch the previously accepted projects, i will not be taking on any more after the current ones are done.

you made this possible, and the least i can do is focus my output for the fans who surprised me with the overwhelming support :)

thank you everyone!
So it seems Sunstone has done well enough in print for him to focus on it more permanently. I am very happy for him. He seems to have had quite a shitty year personally but professionally he has been nailing it. I do wonder what it means for Rat Queens, is that work for hire?

Edit: He posted this in Jan, I guess he is only on Rat Queens for an arc? :(

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. This book is doomed, isn't it? Typical.

I'm glad his mam is okay though. That's a lot of pressure to work under.

I might buy Sunstone in print now, just to support him, but I'd probably have to keep it in a secret place because I would be terrified of family picking it off the shelf.
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. This book is doomed, isn't it? Typical.

I'm glad his mam is okay though. That's a lot of pressure to work under.

I might buy Sunstone in print now, just to support him, but I'd probably have to keep it in a secret place because I would be terrified of family picking it off the shelf.

Why not get it out in the open. Read it as a late night story for the family.


AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. This book is doomed, isn't it? Typical.

I'm glad his mam is okay though. That's a lot of pressure to work under.

I might buy Sunstone in print now, just to support him, but I'd probably have to keep it in a secret place because I would be terrified of family picking it off the shelf.

Go full hog, I own it physically and on Comixology. Its on my shelf because I don't mind who sees it.
Why not get it out in the open. Read it as a late night story for the family.

Go full hog, I own it physically and on Comixology. Its on my shelf because I don't mind who sees it.

Sorry guys, but I am known as a prude, so it would invite all sorts of questions. I don't want the family to think I'm interested in, as Father Ted put it, "ladies' secret things". It'd invite too many questions about my singledom.

I don't want every conversation I have with my family to turn into this:

My friends would just be stunned I showed an interest in anything sexual. I had to negotiate a Danger Room-esque line of questioning so I wouldn't be dragged to 50 Shades like the rest of them.


My friend has been trying to jetison the more sensual parts of his collection lately, out of fear of his girlfriend discovering them. Like Bisoujo statues and stuff like that, and his copy of the Star Wars porno. This included Empowered, which I'm insisting that I'm only holding for him and he'll have to take back one day (not that I mind having it, but I don't like the idea of it getting tossed for its sexual nature). :|
Why not? I like what I like. I have never shyed away from having a sunstone avatar.

It was just funny, we were talking about it and you changed your avatar to it. I got a good laugh out of it anyway.

Sorry, was meant entirely in jest.

My friend has been trying to jetison the more sensual parts of his collection lately, out of fear of his girlfriend discovering them. Like Bisoujo statues and stuff like that, and his copy of the Star Wars porno. This included Empowered, which I'm insisting that I'm only holding for him and he'll have to take back one day (not that I mind having it, but I don't like the idea of it getting tossed for its sexual nature). :|

This would be a legendary OT thread first post.
-Deus Ex Machina's galore

-Character assassination

let's introduce them and not follow through.

- boss recycling

-plz buy The Order 2 4 the rest

never fucked a pigeon.

Uh, wow.

That ending can't be worse than Rage's though, so that's got to count for something...?


Guys please don't get banned for talking about the order. I don't know how bannings work but lots of people who have talked about the order are gone now. Plus JC might never come back :(
Man, Firefox has been shit for me these past few days. I've lost track of the amount of times I've had to close and relaunch it today alone.

Guys please don't get banned for talking about the order. I don't know how bannings work but lots of people who have talked about the order are gone now. Plus JC might never come back :(

JC is Jean Crey with how often he gets banned and comes back.
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