OH wow. How did I forget that. I just read it.
It left that good of an impression.
OH wow. How did I forget that. I just read it.
It left that good of an impression.
I really want to check out the Doom Patrol Omnibus.. Just don't know about spending that much $... Maybe I could get it a bit cheaper used?
As of now looks like I might be ordering Hellboy Library Ed Vol 2 and The New Frontier Deluxe HC
Regarding the Sabrina delay stuff from last page, the most recent Previews solicited Sabrina #4 for release in late April, but who knows if that means they're getting back on schedule or if it's just wishful thinking.
Well, I mean, I would say that it is pretty friendly for children. Marvel and DC may be targeting the teen and young adult demographic, but their are plenty of other companies producing comics for kids. I know Boom! Comics does quite a bit of Adventure Time and Gumball comics that kids seem to enjoy, and (depending if your'e kid is into it) there are also comics featuring MLP or Transformers.There's also the Sonic and Megaman books from Archie.
My LCS is pretty great. They have the kids stuff visible when you walk in, but there are definitely plenty of others I've been in that aren't so kid friendly.
Nope. The comic store model needs to be done away with. Or revamped heavily.
I don't feel the model is conducive for new readers, old or young.
I am trying to remember the name of a comic, came out a while ago. It is about a superhero that just snaps one day and start murdering bad guys. He controlled this kind of blue energy that he could shape with his thoughts. He worked with a superteam that had a brick chick, and religious dude on it.
Where's JC when you need him?
It's not Irredeemable right? I have no idea
Nah I finally remembered
Is this good or just something you were thinking about
Very good.
Well, she isn't wrong. Comics stores scan be notoriously toxic, and the boy's club mentality really needs to get buried.
I've read the first two issues of Waid's run so far. Initial impressions are that the art is phenomenal. I love that there are more panels showing the world through Matt's radar sense. Especially love the panel of The Spot through the radar sense. So good. Matt on the other hand is kinda freaking me out. I'm so used to him being so low and angry that seeing him being happy and joking around is weirding me out. I'm glad Foggy notices it as well. Could someone fill me in on what happens between the end of Brubaker's run (Matt leaving to become the leader of the Hand) and the start of Waid's? Is it just the Hand stuff or does something else happen? Really I just want to know if this happy Matt is just something Waid wanted to work with or things started to get better for him up until Waid's run.
Also, got caught up on Punisher. It has been consistently good, but not really amazing. I loved seeing Rachel again, though I wish she stuck around longer to help Frank.
OK, this is strange. From what Comixology help guy told me, apparently DC decided not to make Mastermen #1 available in Poland of all places![]()
COMICS! |OT| NeoGAF's Greatest Circlethink
The "obscure" comics thread in OT is some good shit. Lots of good recommendations.
The one listing all the top Image titles as obscure? :x
The one listing all the top Image titles as obscure? :x
Before I forget again (and this is a question I should have asked waaaaay earlier): what's the best way to look up actual release dates on trades? I've been looking at Amazon which is obviously way off anything but their release dates, and IST's "coming soon" section is kind of crummy from whenever I've looked at it.
Before I forget again (and this is a question I should have asked waaaaay earlier): what's the best way to look up actual release dates on trades? I've been looking at Amazon which is obviously way off anything but their release dates, and IST's "coming soon" section is kind of crummy from whenever I've looked at it.
Here are the Sex Criminals prints. I won't post Becky's since it's NSFW
@alex_segura Really excited for Black Hood! Hope Dark Circle is a success. Also hope shipping schedule is better than Sabrina's
we are in good shape, schedule-wise
Yo, bros.... Why is there a manga called Maria The Virgin Witch?
Yo, bros.... Why is there a manga called Maria The Virgin Witch?
Yo, bros.... Why is there a manga called Maria The Virgin Witch?
My guess is that it's because the lead is called Maria and she happens to be a virgin. Also a witch.
Would you be OK with it if she were a ship?
How is Arkham Knight Korupt?
My LCS had a girl's night with Becky Cloonan when she came here. Kiiinda wanted to be a girl for that night.Also, mad props to my LCS for holding a "girls night" a month or so ago where all men including the owner were banned. They got to meet up and chill and hopefully connect with one another in a comfortable environment. Not that my store is bad, they're always welcoming of everyone but this was definitely cool.
How is Arkham Knight Korupt?
The one listing all the top Image titles as obscure? :x
Bought it, haven't read it yet. I'm at work. Tim just educated me on "one punch" Batman/Guy Gardner on Twitter. Hilarious.
Nah I finally remembered
Bought it, haven't read it yet. I'm at work. Tim just educated me on "one punch" Batman/Guy Gardner on Twitter. Hilarious.