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COMICS! |OT| February 2015. No ship girls. Oh, we got a Tank Girl though!


Ant-Man #2: I liked this one a lot, it's more goofy fun that i was expecting from Spencer, whereas the first issue was bogged down with too much Lang personal neediness that I found tiresome. Random 8/10.


I was so hype for Spider-Gwen and it did deliver, but the rankings for best comic today are Gotham Academy, Batman, and then Spider-Gwen. (Last: Justice League Dark)

I think Cloonan and Fletcher deserve special recognition for writing the Gotham Academy cliffhangers as well as they do. It's hard as hell to write a good cliffhanger such that readers are excited for the next installment but don't feel like they've been cheated out of a full story with the current installment, and they've done it for five straight issues now.
Who the hell is this Juan Ferreyra on art on this weeks Batman Eternal? DC, hire this man now!

After blowing $22 on comics this week I can safely say that the 2 best comics of the week AS WELL AS the month are Darth Vader and Spider-Gwen


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Nextwave was the first thing I read when I got Marvel Unlimited

...I started the show with the showstopper is what I'm saying


Junior Member

Yup, the twins aren't mutants anymore, either. Though this other panel caught my curiosity.

Is Rogue also not a mutant? Is she being hidden so the experiments can continue? I guess we'll find out soon enough.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Bow down to your Marvel Cinematic Universe overlords



Yup, the twins aren't mutants anymore, either. Though this other panel caught my curiosity.

Is Rogue also not a mutant? Is she being hidden so the experiments can continue? I guess we'll find out soon enough.

She's part-time Wonder Man, it's probably that.


Living on the edge, jamming drums, spinning webs
Leaping from the highest ledge, she could leap above our heads
Wow I actually really liked Spider-Gwen #1, despite some lines and quips that made me do a half an eyeroll each. Solid set up, good art, potentially good supporting cast and a combination of short-term stories and long-term storylines to make a pretty good comic. It gets 3.99/4.99 from me
Alright, didn't quite read everything I have in my pile (Gotham by Midnight, Gotham Academy, and Wytches tomorrow)... but a quick rundown on what I did read tonight.

American Vampire: Second Cycle #6

Vampires in space. How can you not dig this shit? The shipping schedule for AV has been out of whack the last little while, but it's good that it's coming back, with a great 60s-set story, during the middle of the Cold War and space race. Art is great as usual, but this is issue is very exposition-heavy, and a bit heavy-handed about it.

I award this issue:


A man made out of space.

Sex Criminals #10

You know, month in, month out, Sex Criminals is probably the most realistic, emotion-driven work I read. Fraction just really nails human relationships and dynamics in spite of all the sexy sex and time pausing shenanigans. It's not really about them fucking and stopping time. It's things like Suzie trying desperately to save something that means a lot to her or John trying his hardest to deal with his mental illness or Rainbow-dude trying to explain why he does what he does. They nail the humanistic aspects of this series so well, that the time shenanigans and raunchy nudity is just delicious frosting on top.

And Zdarsky's art is great. And John's therapist is the best.

I award this issue... this one:


Southern Bastards #7

If Sex Criminals nails the dynamics of human relationships in a positive way, Southern Bastards nails them in the complete opposite way. Some men aren't born monsters. They become that way through repeated abuse, broken dreams, continually having to suck down the shit of society through no fault on their own. No matter how hard some people try, they just continually are beaten down and down... till they just can't fucking take it anymore.

This arc is really fascinating, cause you just... feel so goddamn bad for Coach Boss. The man we saw at the end of Issue 4 had me ranting and raving in rage. This dude? I just honestly feel so fucking terrible for him. I feel like cheering him on and watching him get what he deserves, cause he doesn't deserve this nightmarish existence that other people have crafted for him. He's a prisoner of his own birth and he just wants desperately to break out of that and pursue his dreams, his passions, no matter how impossible they become for him.


Moon Knight #12

You know, I was angry that Ellis was leaving for Brian Wood. And Wood's first issue was shitty.

But you know what? The man made lemonade out of shit! His work continues to be really preachy and stuff, but it actually felt like he put all that on the backburner as we got a couple neat twists in his finale. There is no grand battle at the end. No huge climax. Actually, the ending is entirely dialogue-driven and incredible anti-climactic, but it feels... good, nevertheless. Cause Moon Knight isn't always about the incredible violence he's capable. Sometimes the implications are enough.

It's actually a pretty interesting end. The dynamics between The Doctor, Marc, and Khonshu are interesting. For all her bluster
The Doctor could never be Moon Knight. Moon Knight is... inherently altruistic. He is insane. He is violent. He is a broken, broken man. But the man is a hero. None of what he does is self-serving. In the end, everything The Doctor did was inherently self-serving, and this is why she failed. She was not protecting the travelers of the night.

You proved me wrong, Wood. You wrote a half-decent story.


Black Widow #15

So hey, this one was pretty action-packed. Noto is awesome as usual. And I'm happy Natasha's basically quit being jerked around and just went "fuck it, let's kill some motherfuckers." And hey,
Winter Soldier
cameo! That said, that ending was confusing. The fuck happened?

Is CHAOS the Joker of terrorist organizations? Is that what's happening? Espionage tales really live and die on a lot of these villains and twists, but I'm worrying Edmondson is stretching this out too far.


The Black Hood #1

Ah. Here we are. I've been talking this book up for a while now.


Right, so thoughts. First off, let's talk art. I love it. It's really different from most other stuff I read. It feels really close to Severin's work on the Punisher MAX One-Shot, The Tyger (an amazing read). Very photo-realistic, yeah, but it feels appropriately moody, dark and gritty. The book oozes with atmosphere.

My absolute favourite shot is this one, with Greg whacked out on painkillers and just sitting in the dark with the black hood on his head

Duane really nails the story here. It's drenched in tragedy and depression. You really feel for Greg as a single moment has basically destroyed his life. Makes you wonder how close you are to becoming a guilt-ridden pill-popping shell of your former self. The book is really dense. You quickly get a grasp of just how bad things are for him. The looks of horror that people try to hide from him as they gaze on his scarred visage. The private moments where he's coming apart at the seems.

You feel for Greg as he slowly becomes more and more addicted, begins cutting off communication from the rest of the world, including the people that care for him, starts fucking up at his job, and so on. And all cause he tried to be a hero. I think it's interesting that this is an inverse of the classic superhero story. Is Greg becoming the Black Hood cause he wants to be a hero or because he wants to hide from the world and just shut himself away from it?

Putting on a mask and fighting crime is not... a healthy thing to engage in, and honestly? It looks really interesting that this is the angle they'll explore. If your book has the protagonist wearing the hood of
a dead man that he feels guilty over killing
while drugged out, there's not a ton of places this is heading asides from tragedy or catharsis.

Someone needs to give Officer Greg Hettinger a hug. He deserves it.


Spider-Gwen #1

I only got Spider-Gwen cause of Comics-GAF.

Thanks guys! This was a great read. I love the tweaks on the old formula of the classic Peter Parker story. The art is magnificent. Love the crazy bright colours (totally reminds me of Collider/FBP, but better). But I really dig the story. Gwen's a pretty cool character, and I love how different she is from Parker (and that Parker is her Uncle Ben moment here).

I dig the whole 'hunted by cops' angle. Gives the proceedings a sense of danger as Gwen is trying hard, but just... sucking at it. She's not a great hero, not yet anyway. I'm really intrigued at seeing the twist on the classic characters. Breaking Bad-esque Vulture, Cop Castle, Diva Mary Jane Watson, these are really great little tweaks. Can't wait to see what else they have cooked up. Honestly, the imagination just really runs wild.

Anyone else assuming that MJ will become the Venom of this world? Can't wait for Emo MJ. The only thing that I was hoping is for a great emotional connect with Gwen, but I'm thinking that's coming. I'm rooting for her, but I haven't quite clicked like I had with Kamala Khan or Clint Barton, you know? But I think it's coming. More than anything, I see phenomenal potential here.



Regarding Darth Vader - Larroca is doing some amazing work on this comic, and I'm more into Gillen's story than what is happening in the "main" book so far.
Okay, Black Hood was a really solid book. #2 for me this week behind Spider-Gwen. The gritty art style of Gaydos really suits the street-level books like this. Maleev would have been a good fit, too.
The owner of the comic store I go to and this other guy were making fun of Liefeld and man I started fumming and almost walked out. They should keep their opinions to themselves and not anger customers.


No Scrubs
The owner of the comic store I go to and this other guy were making fun of Liefeld and man I started fumming and almost walked out. They should keep their opinions to themselves and not anger customers.

Rob? Mr Liefeld? Is that you? If you don't want people to make jokes then learn to draw feet.

Yup, the twins aren't mutants anymore, either. Though this other panel caught my curiosity.

Is Rogue also not a mutant? Is she being hidden so the experiments can continue? I guess we'll find out soon enough.

I love how just a month ago everyone was saying I'm crazy and making up shit that Marvel is reshaping the 616 into the MCU


The owner of the comic store I go to and this other guy were making fun of Liefeld and man I started fumming and almost walked out. They should keep their opinions to themselves and not anger customers.

I mean, his art is sort of easy to make fun of.

Liefeld himself is pretty cool though, saw him at NYCC last year. Asked him if he could draw Deadpool's foot.
The owner of the comic store I go to and this other guy were making fun of Liefeld and man I started fumming and almost walked out. They should keep their opinions to themselves and not anger customers.

You should've walked out, and like, knocked over one of the stands or something after letting them know that their faves will never sell as well as X-Force and Youngblood.

You'd be a personal hero of mine for at least a week
Wait black hood is part of that Archie revival right? How is it? How does it stack up to DCs attempt a few years ago?

I haven't read the DC Revival, but The Black Hood is phenomenal. It's dark, tragic, dripping in noir. It's a great opening issue that promises a great crime/vigilante tale. You've got a tragic lead you can kinda root for, deep personal demons, a dangerous city, and gorgeous art.
You should've walked out, and like, knocked over one of the stands or something after letting them know that their faves will never sell as well as X-Force and Youngblood.

You'd be a personal hero of mine for at least a week

I'm waiting for FCBD when Liefeld returns to image with two new books


Neo Member
Batman was sick, can't wait to see how the arc wraps up. Secret Avengers was excellent as well, I will be sad when this story is finished.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Wow, Andrea Sorrentino is a tremendous artist. This week's All New X-Men looks incredible.

He (she?) signed exclusively with Marvel recently. Got any examples of the art
that are 6 months or older :3
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