So, Superior Spider-Man #1 leaked.
hahahahahaha. hahaha. haha.
That is all.
Yeah, that's pretty interesting. Let's see where that goes.
So, Superior Spider-Man #1 leaked.
hahahahahaha. hahaha. haha.
That is all.
So, Superior Spider-Man #1 leaked.
hahahahahaha. hahaha. haha.
That is all.
let me guess. mary jane gonna get raped
So, Superior Spider-Man #1 leaked.
hahahahahaha. hahaha. haha.
That is all.
So, Superior Spider-Man #1 leaked.
hahahahahaha. hahaha. haha.
That is all.
"Interesting" is the last word I'd use. This is the stupidest premise for a Spider-Man comic done in the absolute stupidest way, and it should cement Dan Slott as the worst Spider-Man writer since Howard Mackie.
I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...I will not read Superior until it is released...
So where's my avatar?
Didn't the ending of Superior Spider-man 1 show up in a preview already ?
No. They had edited the page to add in the "to be continued," trust me you have not see that page. You would know.
"I'm working on it," del Toro says. "I'm writing the outline and we're already in talks with a writer. A very, very good writer. People are probably going to be happy with who we have chosen. He accepted. I've been courting this writer, who I think is the perfect guy for this job. We're doing it. Hopefully it will happen."
The Pacific Rim director goes on to hint that the lineup for the project includes Swamp Thing, The Demon, John Constantine, Deadman, The Spectre and the father/daughter pair of Zatara and Zatanna.
Del Toro is working on the DC "Justice League Dark" movie! Anyone else thinking Gaiman is working on the screenplay?
Del Toro is working on the DC "Justice League Dark" movie! Anyone else thinking Gaiman is working on the screenplay?
Hasn't Gaiman been talking about working on something Sandman related for like a year now?
Before Sandman is only a mini.
Hippolyta's front!
I wonder how Bunn is going to explain
Really don't need to start reading more but how is Fear Agent? Looks interesting.
Really don't need to start reading more but how is Fear Agent? Looks interesting.
Pretty damn awesome. Sci-Fi high adventure with heart, characters you give a damn about. Some FANTASTIC artists as well, Tony Moore and Jerome Opena do most of the issues, with fill-in art by Francesco Francavilla. Maybe Remender's best work
high octane sci fi action combined with an emotionally charged tale of a broken man and his quest for redemption. one of the best comics i've had the pleasure of reading.
Finally, someone else not on that bandwagon
Put that shit side-by-side with JL(U), and it's like night-and-damn-day
Really don't need to start reading more but how is Fear Agent? Looks interesting.
So guys. I haven't posted in the comics threads in awhile. Anyway, I got a Nexus 7 for Christmas (+ my birthday) and I read a ton of digital comics over the holidays.
Got caught up on Baltimore (gothic horror bliss), X-O Manowar (pulp bliss), Saga (looks ridiculously good on the tablet), the last ASM arc (omg!), All-New X-Men (Bendis is back) and Storm Dogs (good enough for a "sci-fi in space" whore like me).
Long live the digital age. I might never go back to buying singles, but I sure am going to shell out for the occasional hardcover. I'm looking at you Fear Agent Library Edition!
So guys. I haven't posted in the comics threads in awhile. Anyway, I got a Nexus 7 for Christmas (+ my birthday) and I read a ton of digital comics over the holidays.
Got caught up on Baltimore (gothic horror bliss), X-O Manowar (pulp bliss), Saga (looks ridiculously good on the tablet), the last ASM arc (omg!), All-New X-Men (Bendis is back) and Storm Dogs (good enough for a "sci-fi in space" whore like me).
Long live the digital age. I might never go back to buying singles, but I sure am going to shell out for the occasional hardcover. I'm looking at you Fear Agent Library Edition!
Oh god, there goes more money, will try and pick it up this week, thanks guys.
Long live the digital age. I might never go back to buying singles, but I sure am going to shell out for the occasional hardcover. I'm looking at you Fear Agent Library Edition!
Del Toro and Gaiman would be some perfect storm combination to make the world's most boring movie.
Its very interesting.Has there ever been a character revival that quickly before? Even in comics?peters gonna cockblock rock til the ends of the earth or he gets his body back
You may as well be a Bronie at this point. It's the only way to have worse taste.
That's just the way creator owned goes brah. Morning Glories and Danger Club are definitely still going. Mudman schedule was always random and terrible.A lot of Image books seem to have fallen off the face of the earth. Mudman, Morning Glories, Danger Club, Secret. Have any of them been canceled and i just didn't see the announcement?
Hippolyta's back!
Hippolyta's front!
I wonder how Bunn is going to explainhow she came back to life, after being decapitated by her daughter Artume in Incredible Hercules. Maybe she landed on the resurrect space when she spun the big wheel at the underworld casino, after Janet?
Hickman said in the back of Manhattan Projects 7 that Secret isn't dead, but will never be monthly again.A lot of Image books seem to have fallen off the face of the earth. Mudman, Morning Glories, Danger Club, Secret. Have any of them been canceled and i just didn't see the announcement?
Probably the same time the death of that Japanese death god emptied a lot of hell out.
IDK, but good creative team. Was wondering what they were gonna give Coipel to draw.
McCrea got a LOT better during the course of Hitman.
please don't be x-23 or anything else terrible looking. I'm already disappointed that Cornell is on Wolverine, i hope this book sounds more interesting.
Amazon has Hellboy Library vol 6 up for pre-order, allegedly releasing in July.....i'll be hording up my Hellboy in Hell issues until then so i can finally catch up!
I really like Hellboy in Hell but sometimes I have a hard time understanding what is going on due to the artwork.
Fuck Marvel and their shit animated movies. If they had any brains we'd be getting XMen: Inferno, Miller's DD, Iron Fist etc.
Instead we have to settle for Disney crap Spidey and Hulk vs Thor.
fig newtons
Del Toro is working on the DC "Justice League Dark" movie! Anyone else thinking Gaiman is working on the screenplay?
Whatever bro. I've never touched any of Gaiman's comics but just based on all the shit I've seen him write for the screen (Mirror Mask, Stardust and that episode of Dr. Who last year) I don't think he will stop until he has put the whole world to sleep. The only thing I liked from Del Toro was Pan's Labyrinth. His Hellboy movies were 110% forgettable (I have, in fact, forgotten everything about both of them except that they were bad and boring). I don't know Hellboy so I dunno if they were his fault or the source material's but they were shitty cinema.
That's just the way creator owned goes brah. Morning Glories and Danger Club are definitely still going. Mudman schedule was always random and terrible.
I don't know, I think the latest issue came out in May. Up to like seven or eight had been solicited.When the fuck is this coming back? I finished that paperback when it came out and have been waiting for this fucking book to ship ever since.