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COMICS! |OT| January 2013. "Read more comics"? Now that's a resolution I can keep!

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Unconfirmed Member
Pretty sure it was his dad who chopped his hand off and put the rock first on.


I'm still waiting on my Hellboy Library Edition 1 to ship from Amazon. I have to wait another month for it to get in stock. I have the second one just sitting until I get the first one.

Jedeye Sniv

Are you speaking about the Gregg Hurwitz stuff? I was keeping my eye on that. I mostly liked his Pengiun mini.

I gave it a few issues but I really couldn't get into it. It's hard to put my finger on, it just felt very boilerplate, no lightness of touch. Especially when there are other way better bat books out there.


No Scrubs
I hope he features prominently before Superior takes over but I doubt it. Poor Spidey, there are just too many fucking characters being shoved into Avengers.

Yea, that's why they're splitting the huge cast into smaller teams though.

Also am I the only one that thinks of that page from the last chapter of "I'm With Stupid" when I think of Superior? You know, the one where they are talking about their adventures and whenever Johnny brings one up Pete says it was his clone that did it and they decide to just stop talking about it?
Also am I the only one that thinks of that page from the last chapter of "I'm With Stupid" when I think of Superior? You know, the one where they are talking about their adventures and whenever Johnny brings one up Pete says it was his clone that did it and they decide to just stop talking about it?

"But what about that time with Carnage?"


"Ok, how about the dance cl--"

"*sigh* Clone..."

Rich Johnston, grain of salt, etc., but sounds like the directionless gladhanders are consulting their Ouija boards again.

Rich Johnston said:
I’ve been told from the same source who confirmed Gail Simone’s initial departure from Batgirl, to expect more changes of the writers on a number of DC Comics imminently, including a number already solicited through Diamond. Indeed, that certain new creative teams are not even going to have a chance to start before they’ve been switched.

The plan from Dan DiDio, reacting to the current market dominance of Marvel NOW! is to jumpstart low-to-mid tier DC sales with spontaneous big ideas and sweeping initiatives. Which may need new creative teams and directions

Expect DC PR to try and bury previous announcements, and ask compliant media sources for articles promoting a now non-existant team to be taken down.

Naturally, Bleeding Cool will be paintinbg them with a big red circle and a pointy arrow.

And after the fallout of the attempt to fire Gail Simone, other creators being dropped have been asked not to tweet about it, in return for the possibility of future work at DC on other titles or fill-ins. Those who make a fuss won;t be returning.

Of course, it’s a lot harder to control the gossip in the bars as convention season begins...


No Scrubs
Sounds like a story plant from Marvel. I don't think the market is being dominated by them, last I checked.

Yeah, that was the silliest line in there.

I don't think that proves anything about the story's veracity, though. Johnston made the same sort of grandiose statements after the New 52 launched.
Picked up the Manchester gods and terrorism myth trades of JIm. Also warren Ellis gun machine.

Also the AvX arc of uncanny might be the best AvX related thing I read

Also no McGuire on worlds finest is a bummer
How long until "Newer 52" and they just reboot everything but Batman and Green Lantern? They practically already have done that the only difference is everything hasn't been renumbered.

Creative team shuffles = Reboot?

Sky is falling much?

I'm obviously against unkind treatment of writers and artists, but the simple concept of shifting up creative teams itself isn't bad. Nor does it spell out "reboots". Creative teams have always changed, at some point or another. DC just seems intent on giving mid-tier books a chance with a creative shuffle while axing sub par performances. Outside of the WTF cancellation of JLI which was doing 35k+ a month, every other cancellation has been 15k and below.




So Yu is off for an arc? I didn't know Indestructible was going to rotate artists. I guess pretty much all Now! books will though.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Creative team shuffles = Reboot?

Sky is falling much?
Creative shuffles and massive overhauls on almost every single non Bat/GL title pretty much constitutes reboots yes.

Also I'm not saying that they WILL or SHOULD reboot, I'm saying that aside from playing musical creators like they are now it's like the only thing they can do to try and take back Marvel's marketshare.

None of these B-tier or lower DC titles has had any room to breath or tell a story. It seems like they're all stuck telling "DC's story" and nothing significant to the actual characters. Absolutely nothing I read from DC has the same feeling of something like the first handful of issues of stuff like UXF, Waid's Daredevil, or Aaron's new Thor where you feel massive tectonic shifts for the characters. Most of the DC's books are a whole lot of by-the-numbers storytelling, too busy trying to wedge themselves into overall continuity than telling their own individual, powerful stories.
Man I really like Ramos though his style is very reminiscent of Todd Mcfarlene waaay better than Camuncoli.

I feel like I say this all the time but my perception of Ramos is colored a lot by having seen his art in person. It's really gorgeous and detailed and a lot of that gets lost in the printing.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Creative shuffles and massive overhauls on almost every single non Bat/GL title pretty much constitutes reboots yes.

Also I'm not saying that they WILL or SHOULD reboot, I'm saying that aside from playing musical creators like they are now it's like the only thing they can do to try and take back Marvel's marketshare.

None of these B-tier or lower DC titles has had any room to breath or tell a story. It seems like they're all stuck telling "DC's story" and nothing significant to the actual characters. Absolutely nothing I read from DC has the same feeling of something like the first handful of issues of stuff like UXF, Waid's Daredevil, or Aaron's new Thor where you feel massive tectonic shifts for the characters. Most of the DC's books are a whole lot of by-the-numbers storytelling, too busy trying to wedge themselves into overall continuity than telling their own individual, powerful stories.

What books are you talking about? The only ones that had continuity outside of their own series were the Batman books during Court of Owls (and All Star Western) and Green Lantern titles.

Batgirl had the aforementioned tectonic shift in character, too.


Man I really like Ramos though his style is very reminiscent of Todd Mcfarlene waaay better than Camuncoli.

I really like Camuncoli on Hellblazer, although he's just doing breakdowns on that book. I also liked him on...Dark Wolverine? or whatever it was which was the funniest mainstream comic on the stands for a while.
I really like Camuncoli on Hellblazer, although he's just doing breakdowns on that book. I also liked him on...Dark Wolverine? or whatever it was which was the funniest mainstream comic on the stands for a while.

His Hobgoblin arc was bad IMO weird faces on Peter a lot of his work looks bad to me due to inkier and colorist but he art works better for more darker work like Hellblazer.
I really like Camuncoli on Hellblazer, although he's just doing breakdowns on that book. I also liked him on...Dark Wolverine? or whatever it was which was the funniest mainstream comic on the stands for a while.

He was SO good on The Intimates. That was a great book.
Yeah, that sure doesn't look like total shit.

I mean I really like the weird anatomy stuff in my comic art Bachalo and Ramos are some of my favorite stylized artists and the weird anatomy fits Spider-man because he doesn't move like a normal human being anyway kinda fitting for a Spider-man.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Man I really like Ramos though his style is very reminiscent of Todd Mcfarlene waaay better than Camuncoli.
You and me can never be friends I'm afraid. :(

What books are you talking about? The only ones that had continuity outside of their own series were the Batman books during Court of Owls (and All Star Western) and Green Lantern titles.

Batgirl had the aforementioned tectonic shift in character, too.

Yeah you know I'm overgeneralizing a lot, and truth be told I only read about 18-20 DC books on the reg, not all of which I'm caught up on, but I've been getting very unlucky with the "low tier" books I've been reading having their talent swiped. I Vampire just lost its amazing artist to Green Arrow (BARF) and Lemire left Frankenstein and that book turned to shit.

That's not to mention any book that does LOSE creators means that another book is likely GAINING those creators in a flailing attempt by DC to get readers on them. DC is trying to shift the readership by shifting the creators and it hurts even the books that get the better end of the creative stick when the shifts happen IMO. Take Justice League Dark for example. Gaining Lemire on that book was a good thing for the book in general, but it was still a huge disruption to that series after what like 9 issues? It didn't even get a chance to get on its feet before DC started throwing bodies around to try and prop its sales.

It's definitely not all bad though, and that goes back to me generalizing. Some of my absolute favs are Wonder Woman and Aquaman and they have been consistent since issue 1.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I mean I really like the weird anatomy stuff in my comic art Bachalo and Ramos are some of my favorite stylized artists and the weird anatomy fits Spider-man because he doesn't move like a normal human being anyway kinda fitting for a Spider-man.

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