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COMICS! |OT| January 2013. "Read more comics"? Now that's a resolution I can keep!

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All New X-Men 1-6

So we are to believe that young hank is 12? What?

Also, after reading so many decent Wolverine characterizations of late, it is rather shocking to seem him being such an idiotic toolbag...
All New X-Men 1-6

So we are to believe that young hank is 12? What?

Also, after reading so many decent Wolverine characterizations of late, it is rather shocking to seem him being such an idiotic toolbag...
I keep seeing this pop up on boards for some reason... are people really not getting that it's just an exaggeration, a way of saying "you're young and therefore know nothing and shouldn't be doing that"? That sort of thing happens often in fiction involving grizzled veterans and young upstarts. For example, here's a clip from 'Black Hawk Down' in which Ewan MacGregor's character does the same thing to Orlando Bloom's character, just after he's arrived in Mogadishu. Now obviously, Orlando Bloom doesn't really look twelve years old -- he's just young and green, and ignorant of the complexities of army bureaucracy and infrastructure.


The Wolverine thing is one of the few quibbles I have with the book, and I hope Bendis gets it squared away before he starts interacting with other members of the O5 on a regular basis. I get the role reversal thing he's going for between Young Scott and Logan, really I do, but it doesn't jibe with Logan being an irrational asshole who threatens to murder kids.


No Scrubs
All New X-Men 1-6

So we are to believe that young hank is 12? What?

It's just a way to keep everyone under 30. If we're being real the guys from the past would be about 20 and the guys from the present would be closer to 40. Just ignore the ages.
All New X-Men 1-6

Also, after reading so many decent Wolverine characterizations of late, it is rather shocking to seem him being such an idiotic toolbag...

That's Bendis for ya. He's been making Wolverine look like a bag of dicks for years now.

Also, Flex Mentallo is the most Morrison-y superhero work he's done since Doom Patrol, stay the fuck away if you don't like his writing
It's just a way to keep everyone under 30. If we're being real the guys from the past would be about 20 and the guys from the present would be closer to 40. Just ignore the ages.

Real talk: How long until Magneto's origin gets retold without the Concentration Camp angle? Even with the liberties of the Marvel timescale it's getting a bit long in the tooth having a Concentration Camp survivor doing the things Magneto does.
Real talk: How long until Magneto's origin gets retold without the Concentration Camp angle? Even with the liberties of the Marvel timescale it's getting a bit long in the tooth having a Concentration Camp survivor doing the things Magneto does.

Nah, that's so much a part of his character, it would be crazy to change it. They'll keep de-aging him/killing and revivng him and shit like that.


None of the All-New X-men are really 12 years old. Bendis just keeps making the same joke over and over again to highlight the fact that they are really young compared to what we are used to.

Going by established continuity I think Iceman was 15 when he started and Hank was 18-19. The others were 16-17. Considering they were pulled from the timeline during their first year as X-Men, they should be in those age ranges.


No Scrubs
Real talk: How long until Magneto's origin gets retold without the Concentration Camp angle? Even with the liberties of the Marvel timescale it's getting a bit long in the tooth having a Concentration Camp survivor doing the things Magneto does.

I think that's one of the few things they can't mess with. There's really nothing analogous with a Concentration Camp that has happened recently. Unless they eventually decide to have him be from Rwanda and a survivor of the genocide there that is. If they do this it won't be for another 20 or 30 years though and I don't think they will be able to get away with it.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
So, y'all were right about Saga. Fantastically original book and so very imaginative.

Can't wait to figure out the deal of the monitor head guys.
They could retcon Magneto from being a first-hand Holocaust survivor to being a second- or third- generation Nazi hunter, whose mother or father escaped the concentration camps and passed on the lessons of that experience to him. It wouldn't be the same of course, he'd lack that same level of personal tragedy, but it could still work.


They could retcon Magneto from being a first-hand Holocaust survivor to being a second- or third- generation Nazi hunter, whose mother or father escaped the concentration camps and passed on the lessons of that experience to him. It wouldn't be the same of course, he'd lack that same level of personal tragedy, but it could still work.

They could also transition his origin to one of the many incidences of ethnic cleansing that happened in Eastern Europe during the 90s (Bosnia, Georgia, Kosovo, etc). Magneto was Romani and not Jewish, so they could transfer his origin to a more current even without losing the overall theme.
I keep seeing this pop up on boards for some reason... are people really not getting that it's just an exaggeration, a way of saying "you're young and therefore know nothing and shouldn't be doing that"? That sort of thing happens often in fiction involving grizzled veterans and young upstarts. For example, here's a clip from 'Black Hawk Down' in which Ewan MacGregor's character does the same thing to Orlando Bloom's character, just after he's arrived in Mogadishu. Now obviously, Orlando Bloom doesn't really look twelve years old -- he's just young and green, and ignorant of the complexities of army bureaucracy and infrastructure.


The Wolverine thing is one of the few quibbles I have with the book, and I hope Bendis gets it squared away before he starts interacting with other members of the O5 on a regular basis. I get the role reversal thing he's going for between Young Scott and Logan, really I do, but it doesn't jibe with Logan being an irrational asshole who threatens to murder kids.
I've seen it pop up as well and I'm fucking blown away that it has to be explained constantly to people.

Another thing is when Logan says they should kill young Scott, people were like OHHH WOLVERINE IS SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT, lol he wasn't being serious. He wasn't ACTUALLY going to kill him, he was just talking shit. That's what he does. Does Bendis have to write in brackets that he wouldn't actually do it or something? Acting belligerent and lashing out has been wolverine's thing since his inception. It was also proven when he had the more mature moment with young scott later that he was just talking smack.

Sometimes I wonder why comics are written so directly like they're for children sometimes, but then I read comments like that and a lot more and then it just hits me.


No Scrubs
They could also transition his origin to one of the many incidences of ethnic cleansing that happened in Eastern Europe during the 90s (Bosnia, Georgia, Kosovo, etc). Magneto was Romani and not Jewish, so they could transfer his origin to a more current even without losing the overall theme.

They'd have to do a New 52 type thing to get away with it though, maybe another House of M. They can't just randomly change someone's history without something big happening, but yea given another 10 or 20 years something like that would easily work.
I still think being a Holocaust survivor is pretty essential to Mags' character. Its easier to just handwave decelerated aging as a secondary mutation than mess around with the backstory.
They could retcon Magneto from being a first-hand Holocaust survivor to being a second- or third- generation Nazi hunter, whose mother or father escaped the concentration camps and passed on the lessons of that experience to him. It wouldn't be the same of course, he'd lack that same level of personal tragedy, but it could still work.

They could also transition his origin to one of the many incidences of ethnic cleansing that happened in Eastern Europe during the 90s (Bosnia, Georgia, Kosovo, etc). Magneto was Romani and not Jewish, so they could transfer his origin to a more current even without losing the overall theme.

Both decent ideas. I expect them to revamp him not in the near future, but definitely in the next 20 years. It's an interesting thing to think about given that the character was created in 1963.


No Scrubs
They can also get away with a "Wanda doesn't want him to die so she subconsciously keeps him at this age" type thing, but they'll definitely do something in the next 20 years.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I still think being a Holocaust survivor is pretty essential to Mags' character. Its easier to just handwave decelerated aging as a secondary mutation than mess around with the backstory.

Yeah. They've de-aged him at least once, then clone sapped his life force or some shit. They've tried to "fix" it before, but I imagine they'll just magic away his ability to get older. Or he'll take whatever everybody to do with Capt America takes to stay the same age.

Luckily, Frank Castle doesn't have this issue, as there is always some war going on they can slide his story into!

Oh. Wait. That's...that's not a good thing.


Both decent ideas. I expect them to revamp him not in the near future, but definitely in the next 20 years. It's an interesting thing to think about given that the character was created in 1963.

I think the Bosnia/Kosovo/Georgia angle could work because Eastern European Roma are mainly Muslim, and it is the Muslim ethnic minorities that were (and are currently) targeted in those areas. If they ditch WW2, but want to keep Magneto a first hand victim of racially targeted violence, that makes the most sense given his background.

They'd have to do a New 52 type thing to get away with it though, maybe another House of M. They can't just randomly change someone's history without something big happening, but yea given another 10 or 20 years something like that would easily work.

They wouldn't need to do a huge continuity relaunch. Marvel has been doing this sort of thing for decades. Look at Tony Stark. Originally he was injured during the Korean War. Then Vietnam. Then, more recently, in the Middle East. They will just launch a mini retelling his origin or something.

I still think being a Holocaust survivor is pretty essential to Mags' character. Its easier to just handwave decelerated aging as a secondary mutation than mess around with the backstory.

His history with Xavier makes things more complicated. Magneto met Xavier when both were still young men and working out their personal ideologies. Their back story doesn't work if Magneto was already 40-50 years old when they met. People of that age don't treat 20 year olds as equals.

So either you buy that both mutants are 80+ years old, and sat on their asses for 30-40 years before deciding to accept their roles as mutants and found the X-Men/Brotherhood of Mutants, or you modernize things.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I think the Bosnia/Kosovo/Georgia angle could work because Eastern European Roma are mainly Muslim, and it is the Muslim ethnic minorities that were (and are currently) targeted in those areas. If they ditch WW2, but want to keep Magneto a first hand victim of racially targeted violence, that makes the most sense given his background.

They wouldn't need to do a huge continuity relaunch. Marvel has been doing this sort of thing for decades. Look at Tony Stark. Originally he was injured during the Korean War. Then Vietnam. Then, more recently, in the Middle East. They will just launch a mini retelling his origin or something.

His history with Xavier makes things more complicated. Magneto met Xavier when both were still young men and working out their personal ideologies. Their back story doesn't work if Magneto was already 40-50 years old when they met. People of that age don't treat 20 year olds as equals.

So either you buy that both mutants are 80+ years old, and sat on their asses for 30-40 years before deciding to accept their roles as mutants and found the X-Men/Brotherhood of Mutants, or you modernize things.

Or a wizard did it and they stop aging, like half the Marvel universe.


Or a wizard did it and they stop aging, like half the Marvel universe.

Having them stop aging doesn't really fix the things I brought up though. Magneto and Xavier have died so many times by this point that their physical condition is not the issue. It's the series of events that lead to the creation of the X-Men (~10-12 years ago in Marvel time) that make less and less sense if you keep both characters rooted in WW2.

Most of the characters in the Marvel Universe are not really fixed to historical events. Reed and Ben Grimm originally met in WW2 (or was it Korea?), but that was a small enough part of their backstory that it has been modernized without any fuss.
Claremont basically wrote a way around discounting all the terrorist shit Magneto did before he came on board. "Well, since Magneto was de-aged then re-aged again, it's like starting over, so all those crimes was in the old life and don't count, lols."

Jim Jaspers was pissed
I have a funny feeling all those charecters Marvel bought over the years like Ultraverse and Miracleman are going to show up in Hickman's Avengers run since that seems to be about the Avengers exploring the Marvel Multiverse.


Purchases for today:

Looks like DC has another wave of books just around the corner, I'd bet May or June. This story was just posted on BC. That brings the number of confirmed cancellations to three so far, right? DC Presents, I, Vampire and now Savage Hawkman.

From the Amazing Arizona Comic Con, comes the DC Comics panel, with Scott Lobdell, Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellatto and Josh Fialkov.

During which we learned that Savage Hawkman is cancelled. And that I Vampire was going to have a Flash crossover before it was cancelled.

I can't say I'm going to miss Hawkman, as much as I loved the art of the first arc, the book has been atrocious.

EDIT: RB Silva is also teasing what looks to be an upcoming book for DC. Maybe this is one of the two books Josh Fialkov is writing in the wake of I, Vampire's cancellation?


I can’t talk about it. :) #hankman #boostergold #shazam #blackcanary #batgirl #redtornado #nightwing
Looks like DC has another wave of books just around the corner, I'd bet May or June. This story was just posted on BC. That brings the number of confirmed cancellations to three so far, right? DC Presents, I, Vampire and now Savage Hawkman.

I can't say I'm going to miss Hawkman, as much as I loved the art of the first arc, the book has been atrocious.

I'd put money on Fury of Firestorm. That book is selling pretty poorly. Surprised it has lasted this long. It really should have died out with the last round of cancellations.
Looks like DC has another wave of books just around the corner, I'd bet May or June. This story was just posted on BC. That brings the number of confirmed cancellations to three so far, right? DC Presents, I, Vampire and now Savage Hawkman.

I can't say I'm going to miss Hawkman, as much as I loved the art of the first arc, the book has been atrocious.

EDIT: RB Silva is also teasing what looks to be an upcoming book for DC. Maybe this is one of the two books Josh Fialkov is writing in the wake of I, Vampire's cancellation?

No huge loss. Even I, Vamp should have been a mini.

That Silva book is soooo mine!

I love all those fuckers!
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