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COMICS! |OT| June 2016. The Manhattan Project

They just revealed a Inhuman focused book yesterday.

Okay. No one but Marvel cares about the Inhumans. And we all know the very specific reason for that. If Hell froze over and FOX gave Marvel back the movie rights to X-Men, I guarantee you we'd be getting an event that killed off the Inhumans.


semen stains the mountaintops
I have a condition.

I always yawn at the mention of Inhumans.

What's an Inhu-


Oh god, oh no...


i blame everything on going ahead with the Inhumans book after Fraction bailed, Soule put forth a completely " someone's got to write this thing" series.


Are X-Statix and X-Force connected to X-Men? Like, are they all X-Men or are those other two separate things?

They're spin off teams of mutants, yes. X-Force has been used to describe several teams over the years, and often they were X-men at the same time.


Black Bolt is the only Inhuman i'm interested in, most others are just people in books that are like those action figures that pack toy stores that no one wants and you have to sort through to hunt for the good ones. These shelves are nothing but Gorgon!


Black Bolt is the only Inhuman i'm interested in, most others are just people in books that are like those action figures that pack toy stores that no one wants and you have to sort through to hunt for the good ones. These shelves are nothing but Gorgon!

Ms. Marvel and Crystal are cool IMO.


Inhumans are cool, X-men is in a weird place because they've gotten away from what makes the concept so good. The Inhumans books feel.more x-men then the current X books.


I wonder the same thing about you reading Captain Marvel

EDIT: Waitaminute, don't you kinda like 2099?

Its boring as shit. Miguel is easily the most boring thing about the book too.

Also taking anything I read as an indication of quality? Have you seen my lists every week??

So much this.

IN fact, here we go, top 10 worst spider-man stories ever

1. One More Day
2. Chapter One
3. Maximum Carnage
4. Clone Saga
5. Gathering of Five
6. Amazing Spider-man #289 where Peter David has to shit the bed on the Hobgoblin reveal
7. The Other
8. Spider-Man: Reign
9. Amazing Spider-Man #182-183
10. That one with Omega
IN fact, here we go, top 10 worst spider-man stories ever

1. One More Day
2. Chapter One
3. Maximum Carnage
4. Clone Saga
5. Gathering of Five
6. Amazing Spider-man #289 where Peter David has to shit the bed on the Hobgoblin reveal
7. The Other
8. Spider-Man: Reign
9. Amazing Spider-Man #182-183
10. That one with Omega

Missing from list: Sins Past
Missing from list: Sins Past

I...like the first few issues of this. Its thrilling, its weird, Deodato Jr's artwork is a great fit for the darker material. And then it gets gross and stupid and Peter's blood cells have to fight Norman Osborn's cells and JMS does some real JMS ass shit with MJ crying in the widow saying "kick his ass".

So I mean, bad, but not top 10 bad.

Missing from list: American Son

This story is good
I...like the first few issues of this. Its thrilling, its weird, Deodato Jr's artwork is a great fit for the darker material. And then it gets gross and stupid and Peter's blood cells have to fight Norman Osborn's cells and JMS does some real JMS ass shit with MJ crying in the widow saying "kick his ass".

So I mean, bad, but not top 10 bad.

This story is good

i no like
I actually have this I think. Bought the hardcover from someone online for $1 shipped.

Is it bad because of character decisions or writing/art/etc?

Eric Powell discusses Hillbilly

Can't wait for next week!

I want to finish The Goon, too. I'm thinking about just ordering the rest of the TPB volumes so I can finish the series, then upgrade to the library editions as they release. Otherwise it's gonna be a long wait to get more Goon in October.
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