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COMICS! |OT| March 2014. Longshot and Domino are hogging all the four-leaf clovers!

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I wasn't a big fan of Cap #16 and 17, Dimension Z was fun but after that i'm not into the Iron Nail stuff. Probably won't drop the book since Remender turned Uncanny Avengers around, i'll give it time.


Cree looks pretty awesome, but I won't like, she reminds me of Captain America with the blue and stars. But no biggie.


Ha, that is Stargirl, Cree is the girl in Blue.

Stargirl is awesome by the way, she's not a patriotic superhero or anything.

Oh damn! In that case, I still stand by what I said about Stargirl, still awesome patriotic or not.

But Cree reminds me of Sue Storm, lol. I really need to jump into a good DC comic.


I fnished a few more things!

Hickman's F4/FF run; finally fnished it and it was so good!! tho it makes me that much more angry and how terrible Infinity was... I finally sold all my Infinity issues today too! I only made $21 lol.

X-Men Messia Complex - also real good! tons of characters and I dont kno who any of them are or why they're in the situations they're in lol. Also way better than the awful Battle of the Atom, whose resale value to cover price ratio at least craps all over Infinity.

I'm ready to dive into the new Fantastic Four series now!


Also, spent the day, redoing my setup. Was running out of shelf space so we bought another bookshelf. not final placement of stuff but we like it. Had to keep a space between them for an electrical outlet.
Is that New Teen Titans #2 (with Deathstroke "The Terminator" and Ravager) on display?

Props, man. Mad props.


I'm oficially done with comixology and I will start importing my physical comic books from USA. InStockTrades is amazing! Much better prices than amazon most of the time.


Shazam ain't getting a book. You can't do a weekly with him. We probably get a Power Ring series or Owlman depending how Forever Evil ends.

Who said anything about a book? I'd just prefer to see the character being decently handled, especially when there are good modern examples to draw from, like that Return of Black Adam animation or the JLU episode.

Speaking of which, I recently found Mary Marvel's in a comic only-story taking place in the JLAU, which the rest of the cast from Formerly Known as the Justice League showing up there too as a nod to that - I wonder if the actual story's any good, and if it's easy enough to find a physical copy - found a mention of it on Comixology, but I never used that one and have no plans to start unless there's no alternative,
Speaking of which, I recently found Mary Marvel's in a comic only-story taking place in the JLAU, which the rest of the cast from Formerly Known as the Justice League showing up there too as a nod to that - I wonder if the actual story's any good, and if it's easy enough to find a physical copy - found a mention of it on Comixology, but I never used that one and have no plans to start unless there's no alternative,

I think you may be talking about the recent Justice League Beyond issues. They show up in print in the "Batman Beyond Universe" physical book. That was in the first arc, so issues 1+ of the title. Or the last story arc in Batman Beyond Unlimited, which was the name for the book before Universe. I'll have to check when I get home.


Green Arrow #29

Avengers A.I. #10
Captain America #18
Loki Agent Of Asgard #2
Magneto #1
Moon Knight #1
New Warriors #2
Nova #14
Punisher #3
She-Hulk #2
Wolverine And The X-Men #1

Holy crap.....

Here's an updated version of the Justice League United cover with the new female Cree character

Seriously, how good does McKone's work look on this cover?
It looks so much better than that Marvel OGN he did. Amazing what coloring can do.
Not sure how to feel about Justice League United. I like Stargirl, Supergirl, Martian Manhunter and Green Arrow, but I don't like Animal Man, Adam Strange, nor have any clue of the new character.

Guess 4/7 isn't bad.
I wonder who the colorist is? It's like a mix of Marcelo Maiolo's work on Green Arrow and Matthew Wilson's work on Wonder Woman. It's a great match for McKone's style.
It looks like Jordie Bellaire to me. I've seen her use those tones on a Rogues Rebellion cover.


Think I'm going to pick up Justice League United. I like most of those characters and it's a varied bunch which I'm all for. Just hope it's better than Lemire's JLD work.


I think you may be talking about the recent Justice League Beyond issues. They show up in print in the "Batman Beyond Universe" physical book. That was in the first arc, so issues 1+ of the title. Or the last story arc in Batman Beyond Unlimited, which was the name for the book before Universe. I'll have to check when I get home.

I'm talking about this one: http://m.comixology.com/Justice-League-Unlimited-20/digital-comic/42155

I did find references to Captain in Beyond books (are those any good?), but figured he'd be the only one in his family there.
Makes some sense though, in the timeline the ages of the Batsons are much less of an issue.
I'm talking about this one: http://m.comixology.com/Justice-League-Unlimited-20/digital-comic/42155

I did find references to Captain in Beyond books (are those any good?), but figured he'd be the only one in his family there.
Makes some sense though, in the timeline the ages of the Batsons are much less of an issue.

Beyond is great, especially if you like the DCAU, as they basically continue the story from the shows into the future.

So far we've seen Billy, Mary, Captain Marvel Billy, Black Adam and The Wizard. Spoilers for the Shazam Family in Justice League Universe:
They all occupy the same body, don't age, and only one can be "out" at a time.
Just started reading through Ultimate Spiderman, and damn if this isn't my favorite thing I've read since getting into comics. There's just something about it that fills me with absolute joy. I can't even really explain it. I also really liked how in this version,
Peter doesn't actually murder the man who killed Uncle Ben.
I've only ever seen the movies, so maybe it's always this way, but it works so much better imo.


Just started reading through Ultimate Spiderman, and damn if this isn't my favorite thing I've read since getting into comics. There's just something about it that fills me with absolute joy. I can't even really explain it. I also really liked how in this version,
Peter doesn't actually murder the man who killed Uncle Ben.
I've only ever seen the movies, so maybe it's always this way, but it works so much better imo.

It was always this way, and it does work better!

Jedeye Sniv

Just started reading through Ultimate Spiderman, and damn if this isn't my favorite thing I've read since getting into comics. There's just something about it that fills me with absolute joy. I can't even really explain it. I also really liked how in this version,
Peter doesn't actually murder the man who killed Uncle Ben.
I've only ever seen the movies, so maybe it's always this way, but it works so much better imo.

tbh all superhero movies are a lot more murdery than their comic book counterparts. Which is often kinda missing the point of the source material. But y'know, Hollyweird




spend $11 get the first 11 issues of WATXM on comixilogy to complete my digital run.

spend $50 on the omnibus.

don't spend more money on something you liked overall but probably won't reread, and i have the best issue, 17 Doop-time, digital anyways.


Pizza Dog
Here's my list this week:

Most anticpated:
Afterlife With Archie #4
Revival #18
She-Hulk #2

Looking forward to:
Grindhouse Doors Open At Midnight #6
Hinterkind #6
Night of Living Deadpool #4
Punisher #3
Uncanny X-Men #18
Velvet #4

Trying out:
Magneto #1
Wolverine and the X-Men #1

I never read the previous WATXM series so I'm jumping on here. I might go back and pick up the others if I like it.


Harley Queen List!



Harley Quinn Vol 3: Welcome to Metropolis

Veil #1
Velvet #4
Loki #2 *may drop if this issue is not good*
Magneto #1
Moon Knight #1
Night of the living Deadpool #4
She Hulk #2
The Punisher #3
Wolverine and the x-men #1


I think I'm starting to fade on Harley Quinn, Messi. :( It's fun but I'm not really excited or anticipating it each month. :/

No need to be sad. The book is not for everyone. I love what I am getting each month and it is easily my most anticipated book each month. A harley book is never going to be the first book off people's piles and that is OK. As long as the writing is solid and the art is great I'll keep buying it. I need a book like harley in my pile, it makes me laugh and I find that is quite rare in the books I read (bar Saga and Rat Queens plus Catwoman but for different reasons). Maybe you just don't get the themes they are going for?

I love you Korupt and Maquinon
No need to be sad. The book is not for everyone. I love what I am getting each month and it is easily my most anticipated book each month. A harley book is never going to be the first book off people's piles and that is OK. As long as the writing is solid and the art is great I'll keep buying it. I need a book like harley in my pile, it makes me laugh and I find that is quite rare in the books I read (bar Saga and Rat Queens plus Catwoman but for different reasons). Maybe you just don't get the themes they are going for?

I love you Korupt and Maquinon

I definitely enjoy them when I read them, I just can't get hyped for some reason. I sort of want to wait until it's in a collection but I also get the feeling they'll never make a collection out of it. :/ And I just finished reading the second issue since it came in the other day and it is by far the best one.


I definitely enjoy them when I read them, I just can't get hyped for some reason. I sort of want to wait until it's in a collection but I also get the feeling they'll never make a collection out of it. :/ And I just finished reading the second issue since it came in the other day and it is by far the best one.

2 was the best by far. I love the ivy and
Harley relationship. The book has been in the middle of DC's top 10 since it launched and is doing well. There us no way it doesn't get a trade. I look forward to buying it in 2018


Veil #1
Detective Comics #29
Apocalypse Al #2
Starlight #1
Velvet #4
Loki #2
Moon Knight #1
Punisher #3
She-Hulk #2

And I hope my store got the Planetary omnibus since it was sold out last week.


Adventure Time The Flip Side #3
Hinterkind #6
Loki Agent Of Asgard #2
She-Hulk #2

Maybe Wolverine and the X-men #1 as well.
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