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COMICS! |OT| March 2014. Longshot and Domino are hogging all the four-leaf clovers!

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I tend to buy the first issue of a few books and when the trades are up for pre-order, i read them and decide if i want to get it. This month for order:

Manifest Destiny
Dead Boy Detectives

Any thoughts on these books?

I really think this is worth a read. At least a one arc trial. It's a trippy, giddy romp. I'd chose Drumheller over Umbral, for instance. But it's bizarre and you have to be prepared to not fully understand what's happened in all of the time.


Nobody has spoken about Dead Boy Detectives in this thread but I have to say, the first issue is something special. There's a narrative trick in there that's so fucking cool, and there's some beautiful Buckingham art. It's severely underrated.

Mind spoilering what that is? It's on my pile to read.


spend $50 on the wonder woman hughes statue or buy more comics.....i'm leaning towards statue folks. DCBS offers a nice 30% discount from the $80 msrp. Also a second edition of that Harley Quinn batman black and white statue that looks great.

finished Dead Boy Detectives #1, i was wondering why the art looked familiar until it was mentioned here that it's Buckingham. The book started off a little too slow for me, something about the second page really turned me off, but things were quickly fixed and i'm on board for the first trade. Not only the art, but it also reminds me of the charm of fables.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Mind spoilering what that is? It's on my pile to read.

I think you really need to read it to get the any effect, so I'd highly suggest you just read the issue, but here's the butchered version:

Each of the two boys narrates the story, one in a more flowery British diary way, the other in a detective novel, pulpy way and each has its own distinctive lettering style. But when the boys describe their mutual experiences at the school where they died way back in Sandman, the two narrative styles come together on the pages to form single sentences in both lettering styles, as their being tortured is depicted. Todd Klein letters the shit out of this book, seriously.

Simple, but super effective, damn creative, and adds to those scenes. There's also a great scene with
, which, again, relies heavily on the lettering.
I would love to hear a brief review of Revenge...

Just finished my DCBS order for May, going to try out Trees and C.O.W.L.

Revenge.........what to say that wasn't already in the preview. It was a pretty cool number 1 story with some of the most graphic art I have ever experienced. There is not much else I can say without ruining the plot. But simply, the story keeps up with the shocking art.

My wife even liked it.
Why the Fantastic Four Red now? Why Sue write a letter like she narrating a comic? "Youre father, Reed Rixhards, Mr. fantastic of the Fantastic Four with elastic powers." Why Valeria in Latveria ad not sipping hot dogs on the moon?
Start with issue 17 and don't look back.

Jut got up to issue #27. I'm on a 2 month comixology delay with DC books because that's when they drop in price. Holy crap, this is an awesome book. Just the right amount of danger and stakes for a non-powered superhero. And the art is fantastic.

I know the first 16 issues are crap, but am I missing anything? Did Jax do much before exiting? Is Naomi pretty much Felicity with less awkward cute-isms? Were Roy and Diggle part of it or just part of the hazy new 52 past that hasn't been explained yet?
Dead Boy Detectives vol 1 for only $4.99?

I'm going to wait on this series until I hear better things about it, IST will likely have it for sale again at that price.

Revenge.........what to say that wasn't already in the preview. It was a pretty cool number 1 story with some of the most graphic art I have ever experienced. There is not much else I can say without ruining the plot. But simply, the story keeps up with the shocking art.

My wife even liked it.

It's been awhile since I picked up a ultra violent series, last one being the Luthor Strode. I'm always interested in the reviews for the genre, people's reactions for Crossed never get old.
The best part of Revenge is when I realized who the blonde chick was. Throughout the issue I kept saying to myself "why the fuck does she look so familiar?" Then when I was done I looked at who the artist was and it hit me....the blonde chick is
Kara Zor El aka Supergirl


dcbs initial order in, still need to read manifest destiny, umbral, and drumhellar #1s to see if i'm getting the trade. 29 issues along with dead boy detectives trade, maybe that statue...

new books to the list: Trees #1, Justice League United #1 digital combo, and Original Sin #1 and 2. :)

not sold on: MPH, Nailbiter, Cowl, Cyclops, Future's End, Doctor Spektor.


Did anyone read Eric Stephenson's address at the COMICSPRO conference? THIS is the stuff that gets me excited and proud to be a comic book reader. Couldn't agree with the guy more. An attitude like that is infectious and is exactly what the industry needs.

Don't get me wrong, I think that some super-hero comics are great, and I read my fair share, but I do think focusing on new, original content is what will get the readers in the door long term. It's what got me in the door.


Interesting stuff - then again, when I go into my comic shop it's usually to check for new League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, or Udon's take on Street Fighter comics, the latter of which I used to enjoy more in earlier years, as it's gotten oddly handled more recently, but a pet dream of mine is to see a Fatal Fury/King of Fighters counterpart, which won't happen if the SF stuff doesn't succeed.

Those trips in the very least at least keep me aware of stuff I hadn't heard of otherwise in the more mainstream titles, like John Constantine now taking part in the wider DC universe.
Does DC not like making hardcover versions for their smaller collections? Like Uncanny X-men Vol. 1 is available in trade paperback and hardcover but the newest green arrow run is only paperback. Will they eventually release a hardcover or only bother with large collections like omnibuses?

Jedeye Sniv

Just finished Superman All Star,, pretty damn good,, only the 2nd or 3rd book of Superman I've read. Good story decent art. Reading Batman Hush now,, liking it so far.

In music terms you just said "I just listened to Beethoven, was aiight. Now listening to the Spice Girls, liking it so far"


Jedeye Sniv

Jut got up to issue #27. I'm on a 2 month comixology delay with DC books because that's when they drop in price. Holy crap, this is an awesome book. Just the right amount of danger and stakes for a non-powered superhero. And the art is fantastic.

I know the first 16 issues are crap, but am I missing anything? Did Jax do much before exiting? Is Naomi pretty much Felicity with less awkward cute-isms? Were Roy and Diggle part of it or just part of the hazy new 52 past that hasn't been explained yet?

I think you should read those 16 issues because it will turn you to the dark side, embracing the power of hate in the world of comic books. Your desire to learn about ancillary characters will lead you on a terrifying trip to the depths of your own soul. Messi knows, he read Catwoman.

edit: Also because I'm not all bitchbitchbitch, HOW FUCKING GOOD IS DAREDEVIL? I thought you simps were talking bollocks but finally got the first HC. Holy shitballs that's amazing. The Rivera art reminds me a lot of Tim Sale but with an idea of anatomy and I'm super impressed how Waid and co manage to treat Matt's powers with a degree of originality. Such a great run, I think I might like this even more than the Bendis Maleev run and that's legendary!

Does DC not like making hardcover versions for their smaller collections? Like Uncanny X-men Vol. 1 is available in trade paperback and hardcover but the newest green arrow run is only paperback. Will they eventually release a hardcover or only bother with large collections like omnibuses?

Depends on the book/sales I think. My reading of it is that if DC thinks they can wheedle a few extra bucks out of the fanbase they will try to, but sometimes they'll hedge their bets and go right to softcover.

Marvel OTOH will try to screw fans out of money at every opportunity - hence bullshit 4 issue hardcovers for $20.

As others have said, do not read any nu52 GA outside of the Lemire run. It will make Cable look like Shakespeare I'm sure of it.
Does DC not like making hardcover versions for their smaller collections? Like Uncanny X-men Vol. 1 is available in trade paperback and hardcover but the newest green arrow run is only paperback. Will they eventually release a hardcover or only bother with large collections like omnibuses?

An omnibus isn't even guaranteed. Smaller, less-popular stuff only ever gets a paperback.


In music terms you just said "I just listened to Beethoven, was aiight. Now listening to the Spice Girls, liking it so far"


Hush may be a ridiculous popcorn comic, but at least that was a time when Loeb wasn't trying to force kid-friendly crap down our throats, no matter how lower quality his writing is. It had one kid who Batman basically told to shut up while rescuing him.

Nowadays the man seems to really be out of touch with everything, and Marvel are unable to admit they need to hire a Kevin Feige 2.0: someone who has real vision to improve animation, original videogames (especially) and the live-action series in quality. The company should be hiring games talent into a studio to rival Rocksteady; not license out mediocre movie tie-ins to Activision (ugh) and Beenox (who do make a real effort to their credit). Ugh, we could have so many awesome next-gen games, not iOS/Android movie stuff...


Jut got up to issue #27. I'm on a 2 month comixology delay with DC books because that's when they drop in price. Holy crap, this is an awesome book. Just the right amount of danger and stakes for a non-powered superhero. And the art is fantastic.

I know the first 16 issues are crap, but am I missing anything? Did Jax do much before exiting? Is Naomi pretty much Felicity with less awkward cute-isms? Were Roy and Diggle part of it or just part of the hazy new 52 past that hasn't been explained yet?

You are missing absolutely nothing. Keep reading to find out about Roy and Diggle.


Late List:

Batman Superman Annual #1
Detective Comics #29
Forever Evil #6
Forever Evil: Arkham War #6
Iron Man #22 (<- I just can't produce the willpower to drop this)
Punisher #3

Jedeye Sniv

OK nerds, nerd test for you: who's the artist on this cake?


Looks like it might be Todd Nuack to me, or maybe McKone?
I loved the main series. Is it worth picking up Survival of the Fittest or Lord of Nightmares?

I'd highly recommend both mini-series! Snyder greatly expands the mythology he has been slowly developing over the course of the main series. I'd argue both are integral reading. Lord of Nightmares is fantastic; definitely my favourite of the two. Dustin Nguyen's art is minimalistic, strengthening Scott Snyder's writing. I hope this helps!
So GAF I am thinking of dropping these titles, what say?

All New X-Men
Uncanny X-men

I liked All New X-Men and Uncanny X-Men at the beginning but they are just not clicking with me after the whole BotA thing because it sucked hard. I am also not going to pick up the new WatXM(even though I loved WatXM apart from the shitty tie-ins) so the only X-Men title I am pulling is Amazing X-men.

X-Men never clicked for me since I had no prior knowledge of some of the characters and especially now when the whole villain team is unknown to me, I am finding it not too n00b friendly. (I started reading mainstream superhero comics and floppies about 2 years ago)

Batman/Superman I just picked up after seeing the awesome panels in the 1st issue and continued picking them. But story wise they haven't really done anything for me.

I think I am done reading team books for a while since they don't interest me anymore.

Also I think I might drop The Walking Dead after this arc.


After dropping x-men, uncanny x, and all new x, it's like a brand new comics world. I can't drop walking dead though, I have to live long enough to see Carl inherit the earth.

Jedeye Sniv

So GAF I am thinking of dropping these titles, what say?

All New X-Men
Uncanny X-men

I liked All New X-Men and Uncanny X-Men at the beginning but they are just not clicking with me after the whole BotA thing because it sucked hard. I am also not going to pick up the new WatXM(even though I loved WatXM apart from the shitty tie-ins) so the only X-Men title I am pulling is Amazing X-men.

X-Men never clicked for me since I had no prior knowledge of some of the characters and especially now when the whole villain team is unknown to me, I am finding it not too n00b friendly. (I started reading mainstream superhero comics and floppies about 2 years ago)

Batman/Superman I just picked up after seeing the awesome panels in the 1st issue and continued picking them. But story wise they haven't really done anything for me.

I think I am done reading team books for a while since they don't interest me anymore.

Also I think I might drop The Walking Dead after this arc.

If you don't like em, drop em. You don't need us to tell you that. In fact, it's mystifying that you're still reading them if you don't like them.

I will caveat this by saying that ANXM is prob one one my favourite books right now and I think you're mad.
I know the first 16 issues are crap, but am I missing anything? Did Jax do much before exiting? Is Naomi pretty much Felicity with less awkward cute-isms?

Yes, basically. Henry and Naomi together are sort of Felicity

Were Roy and Diggle part of it or just part of the hazy new 52 past that hasn't been explained yet?

Diggle is a recent addition because of his popularity on the show. Roy and Ollies history hasn't been gone into as much, there is a small bit, but we've gotten more in Red Hood and the Outlaws.


So GAF I am thinking of dropping these titles, what say?

All New X-Men
Uncanny X-men

I liked All New X-Men and Uncanny X-Men at the beginning but they are just not clicking with me after the whole BotA thing because it sucked hard. I am also not going to pick up the new WatXM(even though I loved WatXM apart from the shitty tie-ins) so the only X-Men title I am pulling is Amazing X-men.

X-Men never clicked for me since I had no prior knowledge of some of the characters and especially now when the whole villain team is unknown to me, I am finding it not too n00b friendly. (I started reading mainstream superhero comics and floppies about 2 years ago)

Batman/Superman I just picked up after seeing the awesome panels in the 1st issue and continued picking them. But story wise they haven't really done anything for me.

I think I am done reading team books for a while since they don't interest me anymore.

Also I think I might drop The Walking Dead after this arc.

I don't get it. Are you going to change your mind if someone says you should stick by one of those books? It sounds like you've made your mind up and you're not enjoying them. I'd already have dropped them if that was the case, irrespective of how well regarded they are.
edit: Also because I'm not all bitchbitchbitch, HOW FUCKING GOOD IS DAREDEVIL? I thought you simps were talking bollocks but finally got the first HC. Holy shitballs that's amazing. The Rivera art reminds me a lot of Tim Sale but with an idea of anatomy and I'm super impressed how Waid and co manage to treat Matt's powers with a degree of originality. Such a great run, I think I might like this even more than the Bendis Maleev run and that's legendary!

Waid's entire run of Daredevil is wonderful, one of if not the best super hero books on the shelves today.


Guys guys guys. Harley is playable in the new Arkham game. In the challenge maps. This makes me stupidly excited. Also looks like she has a new outfit.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
edit: Also because I'm not all bitchbitchbitch, HOW FUCKING GOOD IS DAREDEVIL? I thought you simps were talking bollocks but finally got the first HC. Holy shitballs that's amazing. The Rivera art reminds me a lot of Tim Sale but with an idea of anatomy and I'm super impressed how Waid and co manage to treat Matt's powers with a degree of originality. Such a great run, I think I might like this even more than the Bendis Maleev run and that's legendary!

I'm one oversized hardcover into the run and fuck, this book is just so much fun, and issues like the Christmas one are so full of heart. I'm also glad Waid is essentially dismissing the grim-dark Daredevil from before. The art and visual representations for his powers are damn brilliant. Also, even Daredevil's a sucker for that Black Cat cleavage.

Jedeye Sniv

Guys guys guys. Harley is playable in the new Arkham game. In the challenge maps. This makes me stupidly excited. Also looks like she has a new outfit.

You are a marketer's dream "Hey, slap Harley on any ol shit, they'll buy it" and you're all "squeeeeeeeeee Harley eggcups!"



You are a marketer's dream "Hey, slap Harley on any ol shit, they'll buy it" and you're all "squeeeeeeeeee Harley eggcups!"


I'd buy harley eggcups. Are there harley egg cups?

Come on you know I wanted to play as harley in an Arkham game. I just didn't think it would happen.

Jedeye Sniv

I'm one oversized hardcover into the run and fuck, this book is just so much fun, and issues like the Christmas one are so full of heart. I'm also glad Waid is essentially dismissing the grim-dark Daredevil from before. The art and visual representations for his powers are damn brilliant. Also, even Daredevil's a sucker for that Black Cat cleavage.

Yeah I like how they're just like "that stuff happened but whatevs" with the old runs, best way to play it IMO. I thought the Megacrime arc went on a touch too long but I can't really fault the stories. So enjoyable all the way through. I like how Rivera draws Matt's GF as well, tres sexy

Jedeye Sniv

I'd buy harley eggcups. Are there harley egg cups?

Come on you know I wanted to play as harley in an Arkham game. I just didn't think it would happen.

personally I'm shocked they didn't do it already. Seems like it would be an easy catwoman reskin in Arkham City.

ps have you heard the Fat Man on Batman podcast where Smith interviews Arlene Sorkin? It's a good un, well up your alley.
Can folks recommend any X-Men TPBs? I have more or less everything between the Children of the Brood TPB and Avengers Vs X-Men. I'm more interested in stuff before that.
I always feel Harley without Joker is like pizza toppings without the dough, but shes popular so she tends to make appearances anyway



personally I'm shocked they didn't do it already. Seems like it would be an easy catwoman reskin in Arkham City.

ps have you heard the Fat Man on Batman podcast where Smith interviews Arlene Sorkin? It's a good un, well up your alley.

Yeah it was pretty great as was the Tara Strong one
Man I must be in proximity of some kind of postal ley line between me and IST but I love that my IST trade orders get here two days after order even with the free Media Mail option.
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