Filthy Slug
Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Also, for more Foreman appreciation, dude drew one of the best Superman/Krypto stories during Morrison's Action Comics run:

Speaking of Krypto. This is the best Krypto story everAlso, for more Foreman appreciation, dude drew one of the best Superman/Krypto stories during Morrison's Action Comics run:
Speaking of Krypto. This is the best Krypto story ever
Also, for more Foreman appreciation, dude drew one of the best Superman/Krypto stories during Morrison's Action Comics run:
Not really. Oh and the comic I listed is kind of a downer.Oh, it's by Kurt Busiek! Never heard of the story, but I'm going to look it up, 'cause it's always awesome to come by a great Krypto story.
Has anything been done with Krypto recently?
Yeah. I have half this thread on ignore. I see a lot of my own posts
I am sure I am on a few lol.
The secret is that I cant see ANY of your posts.
I... I don't get why that Batgirl cover is an issue?
Comics culture is weird sometimes, guys.
I... I don't get why that Batgirl cover is an issue?
Comics culture is weird sometimes, guys.
A Hickman CMX a image sale!
East of West!
Manhattan Projects!
and more!!
The thread is getting worse.
A Link to the Snitch fills in for Opto now.
Bunch of whiny nerds. You know not everything is a social injustice?
I just read the thread. Lol yeah that's a huge mess. I think the covers rad.The thread is getting worse.
A Link to the Snitch fills in for Opto now.
Anyways, Well looks like i'll be picking all of the East of West stuff. Thanks Comixology. I also picked up first 2 issues of The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl...I'm glad I did I haven't laughed that hard in a while.
Yeah, it's hard for me to find books that make me genuinely laugh. I read through the first two trades of God Hates Astronauts the other night, and that did the job.
It's like, what would you do if you were held at gunpoint by the Joker, the same extremely insane guy that already shot you and paralyzed you once? Regardless of whether you're male or female. You'd probably cry.
If anything, we should be calling for more emotional males in comics, rather than less emotional females.
That's assuming the crying is the main issue. I've seen that mentioned a few times, so I'm guessing that's the main problem people have with it? I still don't really get it.
Have you read The Auteur? I think it's the most laugh-out-loud hilarious comic book I've ever read. It's seriously outrageous.
It's like, what would you do if you were held at gunpoint by the Joker, the same extremely insane guy that already shot you and paralyzed you once? Regardless of whether you're male or female. You'd probably cry.
If anything, we should be calling for more emotional males in comics, rather than less emotional females.
That's assuming the crying is the main issue. I've seen that mentioned a few times, so I'm guessing that's the main problem people have with it? I still don't really get it.
I already explained the issues with the cover, what exactly are you missing from it?
Already has, my dude. Also, I love this flyer for the HTD and Sex Crims vol. 2 launch party:
Yeah. I have half this thread on ignore. I see a lot of my own posts
I am sure I am on a few lol.
You said that the problems are that they keep referencing TKJ, and that it's "needlessly icky and dumb."
That's... not an explanation.
I already explained the issues with the cover, what exactly are you missing from it?
I don't think I've ever heard of it, except maybe in passing. I'll check it out.
No, I said that they keep using TKJ to victimize Barbara years and years after DC should've moved on already. It's long since become mysognistic torture porn, at this point.
I'd ask to stop being in the DC Universe.
No, I said that they keep using TKJ to victimize Barbara years and years after DC should've moved on already. It's long since become mysognistic torture porn, at this point.
I'm inclined to disagree, though I'd really need to read more Batgirl to say for sure one way or the other; I dropped the Gail Simone run fairly early on. That said, I never got the impression it was about victimizing Barbra, it was about acknowledging that she had been victimized, and her efforts to deal with that and move past it.
No, I said that they keep using TKJ to victimize Barbara years and years after DC should've moved on already. It's long since become mysognistic torture porn, at this point.
^^^ hahaha
ah yes the dreaded "hank pym disease"
I feel like you're overreacting to the situation a bit. TKJ is an integral part of the character history. You can't expect that she'll never have to confront those issues ever again. Superman's entire world was destroyed, Batman's parents are dead, and Barbara was assaulted by the Joker. They've all got fucking issues. Or is it that Barbara is a woman that makes the circumstances special in your eyes, and thus a social injustice? I'm sort of convinced that you don't even read Batman, otherwise you wouldn't so easily discard the way Joker fucks with Bruce.
I'm not say that she should never confront those issues ever, but there's a difference between framing a relationship as a genuine conflict or a gross running gag.
How would you feel if Marvel kept referencing and making gags out of Carol Danver's rape, and using that to continue victimizing her?
I'm not say that she should never confront those issues ever, but there's a difference between framing a relationship as a genuine conflict or a gross running gag.
Ugh. Imagine if you were Rafael Albuquerque right now. You put together this pretty solid variant cover that you're pleased with, and then all of a sudden everybody hates you and tells you you're a horrible person.
Ain't no such thang as bad publicity. Think about all the people who haven't heard of him before, and aren't offended by the cover. Now they're going to go look at his back catalog and maybe find something they dig.
Maybe. But regardless, in the short term, if I were that guy I would just feel like absolute shit right now.
Mentioning something that happened is not victimizing. It's referencing the past. Sure, there's a point where it would become excessive should you do it over and over in a short span of time, but DC hasn't come near that point. Shit, they still reference the Dr. Light / Sue Dibny rape from time to time.
Ugh. Imagine if you were Rafael Albuquerque right now. You put together this pretty solid variant cover that you're pleased with, and then all of a sudden everybody hates you and tells you you're a horrible person.
Again, I'm not saying that just referencing it is the problem. DC is not letting Barbara Gordon go from it. With every time they involve her with Joker and all, she practically turns into goo. There have been multiple story arcs where she had to "overcome" her fears of the Joker, only for the next writer to come along and do the whole damn thing over again. Yes, out of it, we got Oracle, but her entire character is still being defined by that one moment with the Joker.
I think in this case, they may see The Killing Joke references as a selling point. TKJ is still a big seller to this day. If they can piggyback some floppy sales onto it, they see that as a great thing. I mean, I did find it a bit odd that most N52 characters got a completely clean-slate, yet Barbara still had her whole preboot history. Did they ever explain exactly how it was she could walk again? Anyway, you have to remember that the comics industry is a business above all else. DC pushes DCU history for those nostalgia sales, Marvel pushes shitty events and tie-ins every month, and Image pushes awesome. Different business models.
I don't mean to imply that your concerns are completely groundless, only that they're probably not as serious as you're making them seem. Mountains out of molehills and all that. In the end, it's just a cover. I feel like you'd have a meltdown if they decided to do a full issue dealing with the subject.
I think in this case, they may see The Killing Joke references as a selling point. TKJ is still a big seller to this day. If they can piggyback some floppy sales onto it, they see that as a great thing. I mean, I did find it a bit odd that most N52 characters got a completely clean-slate, yet Barbara still had her whole preboot history. Did they ever explain exactly how it was she could walk again? Anyway, you have to remember that the comics industry is a business above all else. DC pushes DCU history for those nostalgia sales, Marvel pushes shitty events and tie-ins every month, and Image pushes awesome. Different business models.
I don't mean to imply that your concerns are completely groundless, only that they're probably not as serious as you're making them seem. Mountains out of molehills and all that. In the end, it's just a cover. I feel like you'd have a meltdown if they decided to do a full issue dealing with the subject.
I dunno, Bruce has big swathes of his pre-reboot story intact, stuff like him getting his back broken and Knightfall, Joker killing Jason, etc.
So this is DC exploiting Barbara's fridging for nostalgia money, then.
That's...not even remotely okay.
So this is DC exploiting Barbara's fridging for nostalgia money, then.
That's...not even remotely okay.
Hickman SaleA Hickman CMX a image sale!
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What's funny to me about the whole "Why should Barbara be crying"/"Would someone make a cover of a male superhero crying?" criticism is that stoicism is a fully masculine ideal. So basically these people who are presumably fighting for women are saying that women should be more like men? Seems kind of backwards.
If anything, it could easily be argued that the stigma against men showing emotion is the real issue. Stoicism is a silly masculine ideal.