...DammitGrandHarrier is our resident Batman Beyond expert. I have not read much of even the new stuff. GH seems to be stuck in the land of Dragon age right now.
Alright thanks.
...DammitGrandHarrier is our resident Batman Beyond expert. I have not read much of even the new stuff. GH seems to be stuck in the land of Dragon age right now.
get out
He's currently doing black widow in which you should read right now!!!
What Batman Beyond books are worth reading? Is the Superman, Justice League trades any good? One shows J.T Krull on it so i'm leary :/
I've ordered the first 3 BB books. So next up is the Batgirl one? I'm wondering how far to go down this rabbit hole
It's why she gets along so well with Matt.Nevah.
Black Widow's pretty good if you wanna be sad all the time.
The Beechen run was great fun, everything after that was meh. The new writer tried to take it in another direction that wasn't all that fun, it was good just not a must read like Beechen's was.
The Beechen run was great fun, everything after that was meh. The new writer tried to take it in another direction that wasn't all that fun, it was good just not a must read like Beechen's was.
The question is will Pax Americana tally more points than WicDiv #1 did.
What Batman Beyond books are worth reading? Is the Superman, Justice League trades any good? One shows J.T Krull on it so i'm leary :/
I've ordered the first 3 BB books. So next up is the Batgirl one? I'm wondering how far to go down this rabbit hole
Beautiful...what comics did Noto draw I don't think I recall reading any comics featuring Noto >_>;
We won't have to worry about no one voting for the second issue.
Did anyone pick up the new deluxe hardcover of Punk Rock Jesus?
Did anyone pick up the new deluxe hardcover of Punk Rock Jesus?
New Avengers doesn't have enough graphs for me...
It's why she gets along so well with Matt.
November Pick Up, didn't get my DCBS order today which has Saga HC and Teen Titans Earth One. Also waiting on the second Jim Shooter/Francis Manapul Legion of SuperHeroes HC from IST...
Digital ComicsGAF, I need some advice. I'm looking to get a tablet for reading comics and other tablet things. Are there any models you particularly recommend? I was leaning towards either the Nexus 9 or the Samsung Tab S for its 11" screen. The Samsung Tab is closest in size to an actual comic page, but I'm afraid it is going to be too heavy or unwieldy. I read some comics on my dad's iPad mini which is 8" and that was ok for the most part, though some text looked crushed.
It's on its way. That was one of the first books I read when I got back into comics. It's incredible.
What comic is that? Secret Avengers?
Also, i don't think it's common for the ipad air 2 to have a pinkish tint from what i've read, but it is common for screens to have tints. My ipad 3 blue itself.
Well, my top two for the month are easy, but the third one is a lot harder...
Superman/Supergirl: Maestrom.
Ghost: In the Smoke and Din
Avengers Origin
Wolverine and Jubilee: Curse of the Mutants
First Wave
I was looking at the Lazarus cover today when I was inspecting my books, and something seems weird about the art on the front cover. She looks like some kind of rough 3D Art.
November Pick Up, didn't get my DCBS order today which has Saga HC and Teen Titans Earth One. Also waiting on the second Jim Shooter/Francis Manapul Legion of SuperHeroes HC from IST...
That is amazing, I wish Amazon would put that much care into all their shipping.
I never thought I'd say this, but I'm extremely impressed by Amazon's shipping.
Firstly, I just got Strangers in Paradise in the mail, just two days after I ordered it, and I had the standard free shipping, not Prime. So that's one thing that impressed me.
The thing that impressed me even more though was that it was actually shipped VERY safely.
You really tell from this picture, but the comics were essentially suspended in midair (well, the slipcase is touching the cardboard that it's being squeezed up against) by this weird stretchy shrink-wrap-type plastic that was connected to that cardboard structure inside the box. So basically the comics didn't move an inch throughout the whole shipment and were kept absolutely flawless. I gotta say, that's some IST-level shipping, Amazon. I hope that becomes a norm (although I'm guessing it was just because it was a giant 2200 page slipcased comic).
Oh, and the Strangers in Paradise slipcase is a pretty gorgeous product, by the way.
I am finally back on track with Preacher too, with getting the third volume.Awesome. Great pickups! Especially Preacher.
I'm so excited for tomorrow. I haven't had any free time the past few days and tomorrow I have a day off, so I'm very much looking forward to reading a ton of Preacher volume 5, which covers my favorite Preacher arc.![]()
Most of the new Image HC's don't do dust jackets.Ordered seconds, Manhattan Projects HC (my first double dip) Hellblazer and some manga.
Thing I like about Saga is no dust jacket. The Sixth Gun pulled this off beautiful.
All the new Image HC's don't do dust jackets.
As much as I initially hated the character as a big Nova fan, it feels a lot like the original USM run. Sucks that it keeps getting pulled into crossovers though.
I think a 16:10 (maybe also 3:2) aspect ratio would be best for comics. So, probably the Kindle, Galaxy, and Surface tablets would be the best bet for full page reading.Digital ComicsGAF, I need some advice. I'm looking to get a tablet for reading comics and other tablet things. Are there any models you particularly recommend? I was leaning towards either the Nexus 9 or the Samsung Tab S for its 11" screen. The Samsung Tab is closest in size to an actual comic page, but I'm afraid it is going to be too heavy or unwieldy. I read some comics on my dad's iPad mini which is 8" and that was ok for the most part, though some text looked crushed.
Ordered seconds, Manhattan Projects HC (my first double dip) Hellblazer and some manga.
Thing I like about Saga is no dust jacket. The Sixth Gun pulled this off beautiful.
But hey Zombine, i ordered the iZombie trades to check it out among a slew of other stuff.
Some 20th Century Boys and Rin Ne. In Spring I ordered all fifty volumes released of Case Closed from them and PoT.What manga you get brah?