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COMICS! |OT| November 2015. The much-anticipated sequel to October's OT.

Read Huck. Was pretty good. Some of those panels give me the sense that it's about to take a turn for the darker, though. There's this weird little smile Albuquerque draws him with, gives me a bad feeling. Probably nothing, considering the stated mission statement. Still, there's something very sad about Huck, even ignoring that.


x files comics

in 2015


while im not familiar with Joe Harris work, he has a new image title and does tv work so hes not likely to be producing hack level writing.

matthew dow smith and michael walsh do a lot of art for the book and theyre both pretty solid artists.

and if course Jordie Bellaire does the colors. my personal rule is: if Bellaire is doing the colors its probably worth checking out. just look at what shes working on at any time. she picks great projects.

thanks ed I knew I could count on someone in here ;_;

why 2015 gotta have so many video games and other stuff guys, can't even find the time for comix


Read Huck. Was pretty good. Some of those panels give me the sense that it's about to take a turn for the darker, though. There's this weird little smile Albuquerque draws him with, gives me a bad feeling. Probably nothing, considering the stated mission statement. Still, there's something very sad about Huck, even ignoring that.

Mmm you bring up a good point. Some of the panels felt sort of off...

It's only six issues. You can't go too stupid, right Mark? Right??? (I don't mind "dark", but I hate Ultimates, so...)

The first time I heard of this premise, I wondered if there was gonna be any similarities to
Of Mice and Men.
Mmm you bring up a good point. Some of the panels felt sort of off...

It's only six issues. You can't go too stupid, right Mark? Right??? (I don't mind "dark", but I hate Ultimates, so...)

The first time I heard of this premise, I wondered if there was gonna be any similarities to
Of Mice and Men.

I think if you look at his past works you'll find that he really can.

I'm probably just reading into it too much.


I just realized That One Panel in the latest Phonogram was That One Panel From Way Back In An Earlier Volume of Phonogram, because of course it would be

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Mmm you bring up a good point. Some of the panels felt sort of off...

It's only six issues. You can't go too stupid, right Mark? Right??? (I don't mind "dark", but I hate Ultimates, so...)

The first time I heard of this premise, I wondered if there was gonna be any similarities to
Of Mice and Men.

Well now I feel even better about passing it up.


wait it's 2015 are you guys still reading comics

Are the X-Files Season 10 comics actually good or is it just desperate 90s people reading them keeping them alive? I was gonna buy at least the lowest tier of the bundle but I wasn't sure if they were legit good (and I've yet to even finish seasons 8 and 9 of X-Files...)

I got the first volume in a previous bundle and I thought it was reasonable enough. Not amazing, but okay.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Guys, I've read 3 Star Wars issues so far, I have the rest to read.

Chewy, Lando, Princess Leia and Vader Down are all there too.

In what order do I read them?
Cheers for all the replies guys, really helpful!

Thats a nice list of nu52 stuff to check out, is it possible to just jump in when Lemire's run on Green Arrow starts? Someone mentioned it was around #17?

Thanks for the heads up on Flash and GL too. I just really love Flash so I'll read it regardless. I dropped out of regular comic reading sometime between Blackest Night and Flashpoint so I'll be playing catch up with GL from there too.

Midnighter has his own series?!?! LOVED The Authority back in the day. Any of those characters show up in it? I'll definitely be checking this out anyway.

I'm trade waiting Secret Wars but hopefully none of the ANAD stuff will spoil/ruin it too much?

Also, I'm willing to drop a good bit of money on trades now but going forward is a comixology sub my best bet? My LCS is actually over 2 hours away so it's expensive postal deliveries from them if I want to keep it physical.

Sorry to keep asking questions, I've just missed so much and am trying to get to grips with everything.
Cheers for all the replies guys, really helpful!

Thats a nice list of nu52 stuff to check out, is it possible to just jump in when Lemire's run on Green Arrow starts? Someone mentioned it was around #17?

Thanks for the heads up on Flash and GL too. I just really love Flash so I'll read it regardless. I dropped out of regular comic reading sometime between Blackest Night and Flashpoint so I'll be playing catch up with GL from there too.

Midnighter has his own series?!?! LOVED The Authority back in the day. Any of those characters show up in it? I'll definitely be checking this out anyway.

I'm trade waiting Secret Wars but hopefully none of the ANAD stuff will spoil/ruin it too much?

Also, I'm willing to drop a good bit of money on trades now but going forward is a comixology sub my best bet? My LCS is actually over 2 hours away so it's expensive postal deliveries from them if I want to keep it physical.

Sorry to keep asking questions, I've just missed so much and am trying to get to grips with everything.

Apollo... kinda sorta shows up in Midnighter a little. You'll see.

And yeah, you can hop onto GL when Lemire's run starts and miss basically nothing.

Comixology the GOAT, but it's not a sub like I think you mean a sub. You still buy the issues individually, you just read them digitally.

I enjoyed Huck, but
FUCK those two whores for selling him out like that.

This is an extremely aggressive stance to take.

It could go a lot of ways going forward, but I think the exposure'll be good for him. He seemed so.. sad, in a way, sitting there planning his good deeds. He's got nothing else in his life.


First one.

She's good! Not 100% perfect, has a couple of the black bits in the hair like Cheska's had, and a very light line on one of the legs.

I am glad that you have a nice statue.

I will be going to the craft store this weekend to look for the right shade of grey paint....


Why does he wear the mask!?
Apollo... kinda sorta shows up in Midnighter a little. You'll see.

And yeah, you can hop onto GL when Lemire's run starts and miss basically nothing.

Comixology the GOAT, but it's not a sub like I think you mean a sub. You still buy the issues individually, you just read them digitally.

This is an extremely aggressive stance to take.

It could go a lot of ways going forward, but I think the exposure'll be good for him. He seemed so.. sad, in a way, sitting there planning his good deeds. He's got nothing else in his life.
They sold him out for money, he's simple and needs care.

Fuck em.
Ed I pre-ordered The Kitchen the other day off the strength of Ming Doyle's pencils/Bellaire's colors, funny enough.
oh yeah? i cant remember what that one is about.

too many books worth the attention out there right now
Cheers for all the replies guys, really helpful!

Thats a nice list of nu52 stuff to check out, is it possible to just jump in when Lemire's run on Green Arrow starts? Someone mentioned it was around #17?

Thanks for the heads up on Flash and GL too. I just really love Flash so I'll read it regardless. I dropped out of regular comic reading sometime between Blackest Night and Flashpoint so I'll be playing catch up with GL from there too.

Midnighter has his own series?!?! LOVED The Authority back in the day. Any of those characters show up in it? I'll definitely be checking this out anyway.

I'm trade waiting Secret Wars but hopefully none of the ANAD stuff will spoil/ruin it too much?

Also, I'm willing to drop a good bit of money on trades now but going forward is a comixology sub my best bet? My LCS is actually over 2 hours away so it's expensive postal deliveries from them if I want to keep it physical.

Sorry to keep asking questions, I've just missed so much and am trying to get to grips with everything.
havent read midnighter but people really like it. gets a lot of praise.

hmm i dont think any of the ANAD books reveal the specific plot of secret wars but one way or another you figure something given they all take place after secret wars
Guys, I've read 3 Star Wars issues so far, I have the rest to read.

Chewy, Lando, Princess Leia and Vader Down are all there too.

In what order do I read them?

Reading Vader Down after you're up to date with Star Wars and Vader makes sense. It doesn't really matter what order you read the others in as they don't link together at all.



I can't wait, Messi!


I think if you look at his past works you'll find that he really can.

I'm probably just reading into it too much.

Heh, I meant go too stupid for this particular comic, but...yes. Honestly probably wouldn't have given it a chance if I didn't like the artist as well. And it's only six issues.

Also, I'm willing to drop a good bit of money on trades now but going forward is a comixology sub my best bet? My LCS is actually over 2 hours away so it's expensive postal deliveries from them if I want to keep it physical.

If you're willing to wait for the trades to come out, just buy them online! Amazon and other places like instocktrades have good prices. And did someone already recommend Marvel Unlimited to you? That's a subscription and, though they are behind on the newer stuff by six months, it's still a great deal if you want to catch up on Marvel stuff. They have subscription deals during the holidays, so keep an eye out. (I really wish DC would get a similar service...)

I enjoyed Huck, but
FUCK those two whores for selling him out like that.

So dirty of them ):
Finally all caught up on Rachel Rising. Wouldn't think 37 issues would take so much time to get through, but this isn't The Walking Dead (which I also love, but burn through). The plot in Rachel Rising is intricate. And because it intrigues me so, I work to really consider it and give thought to all it's moving parts as I go.

It's largely a study of biblical-brand devil-style evil and how it infects and controls people. But it's not only about that. There are characters that are not good or evil but both or maybe neither. It also has a beautiful, surprising love story. And the cutest most fun and hilarious 10-year-old homicidal maniac you could ever imagine. The book is thoughtful and charming. I imagine some could read the first issue and not pick up the next, but that person would be in the minority.


thats p great. I dont like the brush the colorist used for grass tho

Normally I would agree, but I think it does a nice job of capturing the light coming through the trees and hitting the individual blades of grass.

It bums me out to read this book (The Legend of Wonder Woman) as a weekly digital first book knowing that Fincher Woman is still a thing. It's also kind of funny that both Wonder Woman books feature married couple creative teams.
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