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COMICS! |OT| November 2015. The much-anticipated sequel to October's OT.

Ellis is Marvels fixer. But his approach is different. Johns loves embracing the past and finding a way to make sense of it all. Ellis says "F that", looks at the character, distills them into what makes them tick and then wraps it with slick packaging and hands it off to others

That description of Ellis is so on point. Hickman was the first that came to mind, but Ellis is definitely the equivalent.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Secret Wars stuff

Ultimate End #1 - so its a book about the ultimate guys and the 616 guys cooperating instead of fighting each other? Mweh it was boring :/

Battleworld #1 - All the YESes in the world arent enough for Punisher Strange. Too bad he died. MODOK story was silly fun. I liked this.

Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #1 - this was fun with the original SW story, but the second story with Contest of Champions did nothing for me (which doesn't bode well for the actual CoC book). Still, I assume the 80s Secret Wars part will be the main story of the book so im looking forward for more.


Green Lantern as a concept wasn't broken before Rebirth so the idea that Johns "fixed" it somehow seems weird to me? Johns's MO (on basically everything he's touched for the last decade) isn't so much fixing something as it has been to boil characters down to a one-sentence kernel that he expands outwards into a convoluted mythos. He's also not a continuity geek in the way, say, Waid or even Morrison are, and I think gketter's description of Ellis fits Johns just as well.

Ellis as a "fixer" seems even odder to me. Iron Man was a misstep, T-Bolts was a radical departure, the less said about Astonishing X-Men the better, Secret Avengers was cool but no one followed up on that so that leaves... Moon Knight I guess?

I dunno maybe I'm just misunderstanding of what you guys mean but when I think of writers who "fixed" characters or concepts I think of Morrison on JLA and X-Men or even the recent stuff Remender tried to do with Scarlet Witch


Green Lantern as a concept wasn't broken before Rebirth so the idea that Johns "fixed" it somehow seems weird to me? Johns's MO (on basically everything he's touched for the last decade) isn't so much fixing something as it has been to boil characters down to a one-sentence kernel that he expands outwards into a convoluted mythos. He's also not a continuity geek in the way, say, Waid or even Morrison are, and I think gketter's description of Ellis fits Johns just as well.

Ellis as a "fixer" seems even odder to me. Iron Man was a misstep, T-Bolts was a radical departure, the less said about Astonishing X-Men the better, Secret Avengers was cool but no one followed up on that so that leaves... Moon Knight I guess?

I dunno maybe I'm just misunderstanding of what you guys mean but when I think of writers who "fixed" characters or concepts I think of Morrison on JLA and X-Men or even the recent stuff Remender tried to do with Scarlet Witch

I mean, when people are talking about Johns GL fixing things, isn't it more to the fact that Hal was pretty messed up at the time and kind of needed something done to make the character acceptable to fans again? And from what I've heard about Hawkman before his run, he definitely did some important tidying up of a serious mess there... (I'm definitely not the most well read on such things, though, admittedly.)


I mean, when people are talking about Johns GL fixing things, isn't it more to the fact that Hal was pretty messed up at the time and kind of needed something done to make the character acceptable to fans again? And from what I've heard about Hawkman before his run, he definitely did some important tidying up of a serious mess there... (I'm definitely not the most well read on such things, though, admittedly.)

Yeah, but his solution to that was "lol fear bug!!" which isn't a particularly elegant fix. Hawkman is a good point but that's largely a failure. Are there any people who are really clamouring for a return to that Hawkman?


Alright, read Jordi Bernet's and Michael Allred's issues of Solo. Both great. I think I enjoyed the art and stories in Jordi Bernet's the most, but I loved Allred's as well, and found Batman A-Go-Go to be exquisite. I imagine I would have found Allred's even much better had I already been a fan of Golden-Age Batman and DC.

Such a neat series.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Just reread The Dark Knight Returns: Book 1 from the new deluxe edition. This fucking book is still so damn good. Not really getting into anything new saying that, but man do I miss Miller Time on Sundays.
Ellis is Marvels fixer. But his approach is different. Johns loves embracing the past and finding a way to make sense of it all. Ellis says "F that", looks at the character, distills them into what makes them tick and then wraps it with slick packaging and hands it off to others
Eh, I don't buy that. Karnak and Astonishing don't follow that, and I didn't know much about Moon Knight beforehand so I can't comment on that. I haven't read his other stuff, so I can't comment on that either.
It's on sale on Comixology. 50% off.
If it's still there on Friday when I get my paycheck, we'll see.
Yeah, but his solution to that was "lol fear bug!!" which isn't a particularly elegant fix. Hawkman is a good point but that's largely a failure. Are there any people who are really clamouring for a return to that Hawkman?

Except he backed that up by building off of it. It BECAME a good fix over time. It worked out.
Do what I do and buy doubles of some books.

What? I'm going from buying books at my LCS to buying books on CMX. My LCS is now getting 0% of my comic money. I just hate having physical floppies taking up space. I'll hang onto that Saga #1-30, though. Can probably get some good monies for it.


Except he backed that up by building off of it. It BECAME a good fix over time. It worked out.

Even by the standards I generally judge Geoff Johns comics, Rebirth has never not been a convoluted copout. A lot of the later Green Lanterns he wrote are fairly engaging but Rebirth is a swing and a miss


What? I'm going from buying books at my LCS to buying books on CMX. My LCS is now getting 0% of my comic money. I just hate having physical floppies taking up space. I'll hang onto that Saga #1-30, though. Can probably get some good monies for it.

You could buy floppies and then burn them for warmth when you're done reading them.

Before you read them works too. Some say it's preferable that way.


Taking a short break from Solo (2/3rds into it) to read Gotham Central Vol. 2. I just read the cast of characters recap at the beginning and it made me realize I already missed this group of people. If that doesn't say everything about an writer (or, in this case, two writers) if they can make you feel that way about a large set of normal people, I don't know what does.


Taking a short break from Solo (2/3rds into it) to read Gotham Central Vol. 2. I just read the cast of characters recap at the beginning and it made me realize I already missed this group of people. If that doesn't say everything about an writer (or, in this case, two writers) if they can make you feel that way about a large set of normal people, I don't know what does.

Good writing is good writing and should always prevail. With good writing comes also well written characters.
I agree though Gotham Central had a great cast and I'm aiming to buy the newer additions in due time.
Even by the standards I generally judge Geoff Johns comics, Rebirth has never not been a convoluted copout. A lot of the later Green Lanterns he wrote are fairly engaging but Rebirth is a swing and a miss

Fair enough, since I can see that argument. I liked Rebirth, though I suppose my viewpoint is tinted by the fact that I was already aware of the outcome going in. I just had never read the event myself.
Finished the first arc of Alias (1-5). Great stuff so far. It's full of Bendis-speak but he makes Jessica feel really down to earth. Reminds me a lot of his Daredevil, which is a good thing. Definitely looking forward to reading more.

Also started Kyle Baker's Plastic Man since I'm still waiting on those books to show up. This comic is AMAZING. Holy shit.


Finished the first arc of Alias (1-5). Great stuff so far. It's full of Bendis-speak but he makes Jessica feel really down to earth. Reminds me a lot of his Daredevil, which is a good thing. Definitely looking forward to reading more.

Also started Kyle Baker's Plastic Man since I'm still waiting on those books to show up. This comic is AMAZING. Holy shit.

The 2000s series right? heard lots of good things about it but sadly never got to read it :(
The 2000s series right? heard lots of good things about it but sadly never got to read it :(
Yep! I've only read two issues but they were fantastic. Baker's such a good cartoonist and it's one of the most pure FUN comics I've read in a long time.

Unfortunately, the physical trades are out of print as far as I can tell. Luckily, it's only 20ish issues or so and they're like $2 on Comixology. So I plan on grabbing two or three each week.
DC needs to make that run into an omnibus.

Probably will never happen though...

It would be awesome if they did that. I actually read that one of the trades had a cover made of plastic! That's so cool.


It would be awesome if they did that. I actually read that one of the trades had a cover made of plastic! That's so cool.

apparently whatever they did to it made it smell super bad

but yeah those first 10-12 issues of Baker's Plastic Man are absolutely brilliant comixxx
thyDCBS order has shipped:

Action Comics #46
Archie #4
Batman Endgame Directors Cut #1
Bizarro #6 (of 6)
Black Hood #7
Chewbacca #4 (of 5)
Dark Knight III Master Race #1 (of 8)
Darth Vader #13
Fade Out #11
Head Lopper #1
Huck #1
Ms Marvel #1
Paybacks #3
Rat Queens #13
Robin Son of Batman #6
Star Wars #12
TMNT Ongoing #52
Tokyo Ghost #3
We Are Robin #6

One Piece Sculture Big Zokeio4 Buggy Fig
thyDCBS order has shipped:

Action Comics #46
Archie #4
Batman Endgame Directors Cut #1
Bizarro #6 (of 6)
Black Hood #7
Chewbacca #4 (of 5)
Dark Knight III Master Race #1 (of 8)
Darth Vader #13
Fade Out #11
Head Lopper #1
Huck #1
Ms Marvel #1
Paybacks #3
Rat Queens #13
Robin Son of Batman #6
Star Wars #12
TMNT Ongoing #52
Tokyo Ghost #3
We Are Robin #6

One Piece Sculture Big Zokeio4 Buggy Fig

You forgot Vader Down!

I've warmed to Chewbacca since the first issue. It's not my favourite Star Wars series but it's a fun read. Noto draws a good Chewie too.
You forgot Vader Down!

I've warmed to Chewbacca since the first issue. It's not my favourite Star Wars series but it's a fun read. Noto draws a good Chewie too.

Oh yeah, my lcs has that,, and others.
I get another 8ish books from him,, plus random shit I'm emailing him about.

And yeah I am not real crazy about Chewy mini, its good I enjoy it, not quite on that Star Wars / Vader level doh


DC is running a B1G1 sale on Cyber Monday on books over 90 days old. Time to flesh out my Silver Age Flash collection.


For The First Time Ever, Digital Comics Will Be Buy 1 Get 1 Free*

DC Digital Comics will be part of the annual shopping event this holiday season with their FIRST EVER buy one get one free sale during Cyber Monday! For one day only on November 30th, and exclusively on comiXology and ReadDCEntertainment.com, all e-books and periodicals over 90 days old will be available as buy one get one free of equal or lesser value. From graphic novels to digital firsts, this is a can’t-miss event for comic fans!

Check out the vast list of titles available at comiXolgy’s DC Comics page.

*Some exclusions may apply
DC is running a B1G1 sale on Cyber Monday on books over 90 days old. Time to flesh out my Silver Age Flash collection.

This is absolutely perfect for me. Time to sign up to CMX and start picking stuff out for friday.

Have the new trade of Geoff Johns early work on Flash arriving this week. Excited to get into it.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
The wave effect on the WHUMPP from either him landing on the car or his cape rippling in the wind is so dang cool

Yeah, I really enjoyed that entire scene. When the goons crash through the wall, there's some great play with the effects there as well.

One of my favorite panels, that I never really took notice of before, was during the whole "awakening" scene, how when Thomas and Martha's deaths are interspliced in the panels, there are a bunch with the classic image of Matha's pearl necklace coming apart, but then there's one of it back together and whole just as Bruce decides to become the Bat once again.
Yeah, I really enjoyed that entire scene. When the goons crash through the wall, there's some great play with the effects there as well.

One of my favorite panels, that I never really took notice of before, was during the whole "awakening" scene, how when Thomas and Martha's deaths are interspliced in the panels, there are a bunch with the classic image of Matha's pearl necklace coming apart, but then there's one of it back together and whole just as Bruce decides to become the Bat once again.

I think due to Miller's...eccentricities for the last 15 years or so its easy to forget what a total monster he is on the art board.


Hellboy's great! Hope you like it.

If you want more, I'd definitely recommend BPRD and Hellboy and The BPRD 1952 as well.

I only managed to read the first two chapters so far, but it's really good so far. Never managed to get into American comics besides the casual Batman or Hawkeye every once in a while, but this is right up my alley!

Painted on black paper does great things to the atmosphere and if the writing keeps up, I can see myself buying all of the Library books.

Is Hellboy consistent in its quality? It seems like there is a new writer from Library part 4 onwards? Do you recommend a place where I should cut off, or should I just keep reading?


DC is running a B1G1 sale on Cyber Monday on books over 90 days old. Time to flesh out my Silver Age Flash collection.

Man. Well I will buy finish up my collection of Gotham Adventures, since that will work out to $.50 an issue. Maybe get the Batman Adventures run, too.
I've never thought I would be saying this but Archie has become one of my most anticipated titles that's been coming out.

Archie #4 preview

Archie Sales since reboot
7 Archie 1 $3.99 Archie 101,488
65 Archie 2 $3.99 Archie 30,642
66 Archie 3 $3.99 Archie 27,734

71 Jughead 1 $3.99 Archie 32,118

Archie #6 covers
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