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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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but I am taking tiny steps forward
Thanks! I already have that one, though. Here's a recent one from EVS:

I made up some fun dialogue to go with it. ;p

BM: "You're drunk. AGAIN."
WW: "Nnnnno 'mnot! Am'zons know howta hol' their liqu- *hiq* or."
BM: "You can't keep doing this, Diana. Look at you: you can barely stand. Watch it!"
WW: "Hee hee, I've faaaaallen for you, Bruise! Geeeeeeetit?"
BM: "Yes, very clever. (How did she get so wound up in her own lasso?)"
WW: "Used it t'change inna somethin' sssssssssssexy. Just for you! Did it work?"
BM: "...Yes."
WW: "Alright, score! *urp* ...HoldonIgottathrowup."
BM: "My utility belt!"
T-REX: "ROOOOAAAR! I'm a dinosaur!"

Disclaimer: Diana is in no way a lush.

Yep, eBay is a good venue for this. You can ship out media mail without having to go to the post office.


You should post in here a list of what you have to offer in case someone is interested ;)

I'll post a complete list later, but here's some of what I'm selling to start:

Green Lantern: Secret Origin
Green Lantern: Rebirth
Green Lantern: No Fear
Green Lantern: Revenge of the Green Lanterns
Green Lantern: Wanted: Hal Jordan
Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War, Volume 1
Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War, Volume 2
Green Lantern: Tales of the Sinestro Corps
Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns
Green Lantern: Agent Orange


Question: When is Azzarello ending his run on WW exactly?

I expected #34 to be the last one, but it ends on a cliffhanger. Is he going to get to finish his final battle, or is someone else going to take over?
Question: When is Azzarello ending his run on WW exactly?

I expected #34 to be the last one, but it ends on a cliffhanger. Is he going to get to finish his final battle, or is someone else going to take over?

The next issue, #35, is his final issue and the conclusion to his epic run. I hope DC collects it in oversized hardcover volumes, or an omnibus. I already own the standard hardcover trades, but Azzarello's run deserves a luxurious collection.
Question: When is Azzarello ending his run on WW exactly?

I expected #34 to be the last one, but it ends on a cliffhanger. Is he going to get to finish his final battle, or is someone else going to take over?
WW is double shipping this month; #34 was delayed two months, and #35 is the big finale. This month's issue of Secret Origins will also feature WW's New52 origin as told by Azzarello/Chiang, so it's sort of triple shipping.
WW is double shipping this month; #34 was delayed two months, and #35 is the big finale. This month's issue of Secret Origins will also feature WW's New52 origin as told by Azzarello/Chiang, so it's sort of triple shipping.

Azzarello and Chiang's Wonder Woman origin story needs to be collected in their final Wonder Woman trade.


Sweet. I wonder what the next arc is. It's hard to think of how they could go bigger than the stuff that happened in this run. Does the next writer have a good pedigree, or should I be worried?


Yep, eBay is a good venue for this. You can ship out media mail without having to go to the post office.


You should post in here a list of what you have to offer in case someone is interested ;)

This, plus probably cross-post in the B/S/T thread. IMO it's better to deal with people on GAF rather than complete strangers you have no info on whatsoever, plus eBay doesn't get a cut this way. I'd imagine there are certain cases that wouldn't hold true and obviously a bigger venue may be needed if stuff doesn't move of course, though.
Freeze, if Gotham Academy sucks, I'm coming for you.

Question: Does Grayson have a license to kill? Why is he a superspy now? This is contingent on me picking up the trade.
Sweet. I wonder what the next arc is. It's hard to think of how they could go bigger than the stuff that happened in this run. Does the next writer have a good pedigree, or should I be worried?

The new writer, Meredith Finch, doesn't have much to her name. I'm concerned; I don't have high hopes in her unproven ability. However, she is exactly that, unproven and could turn out something just as strong as Azzarello. She's taking a different approach to Wonder Woman as far as I know. There'll be less of a focus on the Greek Gods and more involvement in the greater DC universe based on the interviews given so far.

You'd said in previous interviews that your approach is going to be a bit more mainstream. In thinking about that evolutionary quality of Wonder Woman, what are some qualities that you're excited to include in your run and how are they contributing to her as a mainstream character?

Meredith: When I say we're bringing her more mainstream, its more that she's coming into the DC Universe. We're bringing the Justice League in and incorporating some of the other aspects of her life that Brian didn't touch on, because he had a much more complex story. For me, the center to who she is is love, caring and an advocate for humanity. So that's really what we're going to be bringing.

From Newsarama's SDCC interview.

David Finch is on art duties, so stylistically, it's going to be far removed from Chiang.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Really glad they seemingly got rid of the whole awesome Green Arrow family/supporting class that has been built up in the past dozen+ issues.

I guess Diggle is still there. That's something.


The new writer, Meredith Finch, doesn't have much to her name. I'm concerned; I don't have high hopes in her unproven ability. However, she is exactly that, unproven and could turn out something just as strong as Azzarello. She's taking a different approach to Wonder Woman as far as I know. There'll be less of a focus on the Greek Gods and more involvement in the greater DC universe based on the interviews given so far.

David Finch is on art duties, so stylistically, it's going to be far removed from Chiang.

Hm....historically, I think WW is at her best when the comic has atleast one good foot in the mythology, but I'm on board with seeing how she interacts with the DC universe at large. As long as it isn't like that awful first arc of Justice League.

Speaking of, I feel like reading a decent team book from the new 52. Anything anyone want to recommend?
The next issue, #35, is his final issue and the conclusion to his epic run. I hope DC collects it in oversized hardcover volumes, or an omnibus. I already own the standard hardcover trades, but Azzarello's run deserves a luxurious collection.

A WW omnibus would be amazeballs. I only bought the first hardcover, so I'd love to have this collected in one book.

Freeze, if Gotham Academy sucks, I'm coming for you.

Shhhh. Hush now. Gotham Academy is perfect. Rest easy knowing that if you don't enjoy it, the problem is with you, and not the book. :D

She's taking a different approach to Wonder Woman as far as I know. There'll be less of a focus on the Greek Gods and more involvement in the greater DC universe based on the interviews given so far.

This, I feel, is the problem. The distance from the main DCU and a focus on Wonder Woman's origins in Greek mythology are precisely what make the book so wonderful and interesting. Pushing her back into the main DCU is going to make me drop the book. If people want to read about Wonder Woman and her interactions with the main DCU, they already have Justice League, Superman / Wonder Woman. Now Finch is going to write her like the majority of other DC writers, and Finch is going to draw her like the majority of other DC artists. Bravo, DC. Good ideas are a rarity for you, aren't they?
Finally read everything I think, tier list by Savage Critic standards(Excellent!, Very Good!, Good!, Okay!, Eh!, Awful!, Crap!)


Miracleman #11 - And now we have finally reached Book 3, the third act of Alan Moore's original deconstruction of the superhero comic. Now, 30 years later when everybody and their mom have deconstructed superhero book until it became the default mode in some schools of thought, the idea of it might not seem so impressive. And while the story is decisively Good-to-Very Good in the first 10 issues, the first few are from an anthology series and have really heavy early-80s Alan Moore prose that isn't that great tbh(THE TIGER EYES!!!), and the middle ones, when the prose dies down a bit, have some frankly not good artwork by Chuck Austen which is a big downgrade from Alan Davis and Gary Leach. Rick Veich came on a couple issues ago and it was good, but now. NOW we have reached the Miracleman of legend. These final few issues by Moore and Totleben are some of the best superhero comics ever, period. This is post-Watchmen/Saga of Swamp Thing Alan Moore and Totleben, working at a level that's incredibly rare in any era. Would be book of the month alongside Copra and Stray Bullets if I voted for that kind of thing.

Very Good!

The Fade Out #2 - Phillips/Breitweiser

Silver Surfer #6 - Why is this so good when ASM is bad
Uber #18


Thor #1 - Not a lot of new Thor in this one, but good first issue anyway. Had to get everybody up to speed with the Hammer/Asgardia situation, properly places the more exciting underwater scenes as bookends to the exposition. The lost of Ribic's fantasy magazine cover grandeur did not go unnoticed, but the art team of Dauterman/Wilson acquit themselves very handily. Asgardians standing around on the moon is about as interesting as thats ever gonna look, and the required action is delivered with an apolmb of flash that never forgets the storytelling(the long horizontal panel of Thor slashing left to right, cape and magic flowing is a good read, as are the angled panels for sudden jolts of momentum or intrusion into the world).

Uncanny Avengers #25 - And thus ends an overall Very Good! run of dumb fun superhero comics. Here's to hoping AXIS doesn't suck and Acuna can stick around for Astonishing Avengers or whatever they end up calling the sequel.

Captain America #25 - This one was different from Remender's other 25 issue Marvel series, in that it started off Very Good! then went down to OK! suddenly and has bounced around from Eh! to Good! ever since. Looking at it as a whole, including the pretty darn decent spy adventure miniseries The Bitter March, this ended up being a Good! longform Captain America story. One I think is gonna hold up pretty well when you read it as one thing, and I like Falcon-Cap already, especially when Stuart Immonen is drawing him. I'm also sucker for Hydra, dastardly neo-Nazi James Bond supervillians and faceless colored-coded henchmen, all that shit. AND now I can start picking up Al Ewing's Captain America and the Mighty Avengers cuz Luke Ross is there with a decent colorist! Thumbs up everyone

Grayson #3 - Can't get enough Dick


Gotham Academy #1 - Perfectly fine pilot type thing, if that's your thing
Bucky Barnes #1 - I like what you're trying to do Marco Rudy but...no. Kot is better at the spy stuff at the beginning then he is with the buddy banter stuff in the second half.


Men of Wraith #1 - Feels like Ron Garney came up to Jason Aaron and was like, "ey my nigga, I REALLY need a paycheck right now, you know we go back man why you got to shut me out of Thor man" and Jason was like "fine, let me just grab one of my scrap scripts from the ground that never went past 'ape 70s crime movies' phase and let me talk to Alonso. When creators talk, he listens."

Ghost Thief 2: #4 - And so ends a disappointing sequel to one of my favorite comics last year. At least Greg Smallwood showed up.


Edge of Spider-Verse #4 - Yeah, this is a pretty hit or miss series. The first two were legit tho


God Hates Astronauts #1-2 - Profanity. lolcats. Forced memes. Bestiality. More profanity. Ha Ha. T-R-A-S-H. Grade: F. Minus Five Stars.
I haven't read my books yet (Persona's too fun...) but you guys have me real excited for Gotham Academy, Grayson, and Guardians 3000. Been looking forward to Guardians for months so I'm glad to hear that it's good.


BTW, what's coming out/scheduled in terms of Omnibuses/Complete Collections? Amazon can get kind of weird when trying to search for that and doesn't seem the best. I know that Uncanny Avengers is getting one, and I believe Hawkguy has one scheduled too? I just really love sitting down with an Omnibus, and being able to just have a whole run or something in one book. (I'm sorry though, guys, I lack the reading chair for the official omnibus position, so I just make due with a bed...)


Shhhh. Hush now. Gotham Academy is perfect. Rest easy knowing that if you don't enjoy it, the problem is with you, and not the book. :D

I just finished reading it. I enjoyed it, but I feel like I'm coming into the middle of a run instead of starting a new one. Is there a reason why Olive seems to hate batman? Is she a past supporting character I don't know about? Maybe it was just setting up some foreshadowing, but it felt like I was supposed to know this stuff already.

This, I feel, is the problem. The distance from the main DCU and a focus on Wonder Woman's origins in Greek mythology are precisely what make the book so wonderful and interesting. Pushing her back into the main DCU is going to make me drop the book. If people want to read about Wonder Woman and her interactions with the main DCU, they already have Justice League, Superman / Wonder Woman. Now Finch is going to write her like the majority of other DC writers, and Finch is going to draw her like the majority of other DC artists. Bravo, DC. Good ideas are a rarity for you, aren't they?

Yeah, this is whats worrying me as well. It can still be good, but I think her greek mythological roots should still be a strong element in her stories. But it's possible. I mean, we have plenty of stories where Superman's Kryptonian roots aren't a huge factor, right? We'll see, I guess.
Oh, and Masterplasty #1 came out as a one-shot by Image. Didn't pick it up shit was like $6 and I already read it on the internet, but its EXCELLENT!, so maybe consider it.

edit: oh oh and I also read Death of Wolverine #whatever I can't even remember the number it was that forgettable, which what the word EH! was made for


(Reposting from the old thread)

I probably won't be reading Gotham Academy right now(if only because I've gotten my fill of highschool stories in the last while), but I hope it leads to a surge of alternative's to superhero comics for DC. Stuff like Chase, Hitman, and Gotham Central, all unique books that take place in a grand, interesting DCU.
I haven't read my books yet (Persona's too fun...) but you guys have me real excited for Gotham Academy, Grayson, and Guardians 3000. Been looking forward to Guardians for months so I'm glad to hear that it's good.

oh shit I forgot to pick up Persona

I just finished reading it. I enjoyed it, but I feel like I'm coming into the middle of a run instead of starting a new one. Is there a reason why Olive seems to hate batman? Is she a past supporting character I don't know about? Maybe it was just setting up some foreshadowing, but it felt like I was supposed to know this stuff already.

I was thinking it seems like something to do with her mom
Is there a reason why Olive seems to hate batman? Is she a past supporting character I don't know about? Maybe it was just setting up some foreshadowing, but it felt like I was supposed to know this stuff already.

It's a first issue, they're not going to give you all of the answers at the beginning. From what I gather, she finds costumed weirdos running around the city to be a nuisance. Though
Bruce seems to know who she is, based on the fact that he said her name when she interrupted his speech
. I'm interested to see what direction they go with it.
Hm....historically, I think WW is at her best when the comic has atleast one good foot in the mythology, but I'm on board with seeing how she interacts with the DC universe at large. As long as it isn't like that awful first arc of Justice League.

Speaking of, I feel like reading a decent team book from the new 52. Anything anyone want to recommend?

I definitely agree that Wonder Woman works best when her writers embrace her mythological origins, while navigating more modern concepts. I'm happy to give it an arc to prove itself, but we'll see.

As for team books, Justice League 3000, Dark, 'Original' or United are great team books, depending on what genre appeals. I'm loving Aquaman and the Others. It captures that adventurous feeling that is missing from many comic books. Otherwise, if those don't sound interesting, I'd suggest waiting for the new Secret Six #1 in December. Gail Simone is at her best when writing a team and the original Secret Six was one of DC's best books. If Gail can make lightning strike twice, then you want to be reading that book when it happens.
decided to pickup witchblade #178 on a whim. wanted to get back into the top cow stuff after falllig off. Fun little issue deatling the after math of thedarkness finale. Really love the top cow universe

Lara Braga is an artsit to watch out for. another winner for top cow


I finished Alan Moore's Top Ten. It was okay. I don't understand what was so great about it. The characters didn't really grab me. I like the first story arc, but the one's after weren't my cup of tea.
A WW omnibus would be amazeballs. I only bought the first hardcover, so I'd love to have this collected in one book.

Please don't disappoint DC. I still haven't forgiven them for not publishing a Secret Six omnibus, but Wonder Woman as a member of their holy trinity, has more of a chance of an omnibus collection.

This, I feel, is the problem. The distance from the main DCU and a focus on Wonder Woman's origins in Greek mythology are precisely what make the book so wonderful and interesting. Pushing her back into the main DCU is going to make me drop the book. If people want to read about Wonder Woman and her interactions with the main DCU, they already have Justice League, Superman / Wonder Woman. Now Finch is going to write her like the majority of other DC writers, and Finch is going to draw her like the majority of other DC artists. Bravo, DC. Good ideas are a rarity for you, aren't they?

I'm with you. Azzarello's epic run was not only independent of the major DCU and the events unfolding in every other book, but it refreshingly embraced Wonder Woman as a whole. Azzarello embraced her mythological origins and the entire pantheon of Greek Gods that are her namesake in stark contrast to Superman's alien origins and Batman's technological advances against crime. It's a shame that even with Justice League, Superman / Wonder Woman and even Sensational Comics, we're going to see another mainstream take on Wonder Woman that ties her down to the greater DCU. I'm willing to give Meredith Finch the benefit of the doubt, I've said as much, purely on the grounds that she is completely unproven and I'm interested to see what the strengths of her writing ability are. However, the interviews and promotion of the new creative team as the mainstream answer to Wonder Woman is disheartening.


http://media.dcentertainment.com/si...9.29 GOTHAC_1_4-5_5429706bdd82f2.15980603.jpg

Okay, what the fuck is with the lettering on this Gotham Academy page? If you actually read the page as the artist intended (which isn't hard, cuz there are some very helpful lines!!) the order make no goddamn sense.

Bucky Barnes #1 - I like what you're trying to do Marco Rudy but...no. Kot is better at the spy stuff at the beginning then he is with the buddy banter stuff in the second half.

These post-JHWIII "page as a unit" artists work about as well for me as post-Sienkiwicz "whoa, we can paint comics now?" ones do, which is to say I'd rather be reading the guy they're aping. Rudy is clearly trying to move away from that now that he's colouring his own stuff but it's borderline unreadable.
decided to pickup witchblade #178 on a whim. wanted to get back into the top cow stuff after gallig off. Fun little issue deatling the after math of thedarkness finale. Really love the top cow universe

Lara Braga is an artsit to watch out for. another winner for top cow

Friend of mine has been reading Witchblade all year. He swears its only because of Braga. I couldn't shake the feeling she was modelling some of the characters after herself, but that was just a quick humorous glance.

http://media.dcentertainment.com/si...9.29 GOTHAC_1_4-5_5429706bdd82f2.15980603.jpg

Okay, what the fuck is with the lettering on this Gotham Academy page? If you actually read the page as the artist intended (which isn't hard, cuz there are some very helpful lines!!) the order make no goddamn sense.

I tried reading it left to right, and thought, "wait...is this right?"

then I did up to down and thought, "ok but the lines are guiding my eyes THIS way and yet"

then I said fuck it try harder comic
@ales_kot: And 'Batman: Zero Year' by @Ssnyder1835 @GregCapullo @fcoo feels like the most fun Batman comic I've seen come out since Frank Miller's DK2.

Ales knows what's up. With the vast Batman catalog that I have read over the last 2 years, Zero Year is my favorite.

Also read the DC weeklies. Both were entertaining. Nothing amazing but a fun weekly dose of a story.

Justice League was fun! The book has just been great since FE ended.


My favorite from yesterday list.

The Fade out #2
Grayson #3
Detective Comics #4
Uncanny Avengers #25

Gotham Academy is just okay, hope they will start running with the premise in #2.. the art and character seem already promising, but jeez why DC thinking all young female must have boyfriend problem.
BTW, what's coming out/scheduled in terms of Omnibuses/Complete Collections? Amazon can get kind of weird when trying to search for that and doesn't seem the best. I know that Uncanny Avengers is getting one, and I believe Hawkguy has one scheduled too? I just really love sitting down with an Omnibus, and being able to just have a whole run or something in one book. (I'm sorry though, guys, I lack the reading chair for the official omnibus position, so I just make due with a bed...)

This gives me an idea, I can just update this list every week or so when PREVIEWSworld updates the new releases.

Notable Collected Releases
October 1, 2014

October 8, 2014

October 15, 2014
@ales_kot: And 'Batman: Zero Year' by @Ssnyder1835 @GregCapullo @fcoo feels like the most fun Batman comic I've seen come out since Frank Miller's DK2.

Ales knows what's up. With the vast Batman catalog that I have read over the last 2 years, Zero Year is my favorite.

Also read the DC weeklies. Both were entertaining. Nothing amazing but a fun weekly dose of a story.

Justice League was fun! The book has just been great since FE ended.

What are your thoughts on Jessica Cruz? I'm hoping she's long-term and not going to be sidelined like Simon Baz was, after his introduction and purpose was served. Has he been mentioned in relation to her? I keep thinking back to the GL panel that suggested he was going to train her.
What are your thoughts on Jessica Cruz? I'm hoping she's long-term and not going to be sidelined like Simon Baz was, after his introduction and purpose was served. Has he been mentioned in relation to her? I keep thinking back to the GL panel that suggest he was going to train her.

I like her. Especially this issue. I like all themes of overcoming fear and anxiety. I don't know what to think of Simon Baz. I wish to see his character explored more also.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
http://media.dcentertainment.com/si...9.29 GOTHAC_1_4-5_5429706bdd82f2.15980603.jpg

Okay, what the fuck is with the lettering on this Gotham Academy page? If you actually read the page as the artist intended (which isn't hard, cuz there are some very helpful lines!!) the order make no goddamn sense.

I tried reading it left to right, and thought, "wait...is this right?"

then I did up to down and thought, "ok but the lines are guiding my eyes THIS way and yet"

then I said fuck it try harder comic

At first I thought y'all fellas were crazy (which you are for shittin' on Marco Rudy) when I looked at the page, because I initially took the two columns, start from the top-left to bottom-left and then top-right to bottom-right but then I started noticing the dotted lines and nothing made sense anymore. That's a hilarious mess of a page, but it ain't like you lose anything by reading it however you feel like.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I'm such a sucker for the Skottie covers...

I also picked up FBP vol2, the book I fell in love with at SDCC.

All I've read so far is Alex + Ada #9.

Yo, good call. FBP is fucking good. Cicero's hair is my character design of the year.
I like her. Especially this issue. I like all themes of overcoming fear and anxiety. I don't know what to think of Simon Baz. I wish to see his character explored more also.

Great to hear. I've been excited for her arrival since that one panel with Baz, but I was apprehensive about how she'd be handled. I'm looking forward to reading this arc in its completion. Is she still
marked as a vehicle of destruction? Or has she been able to reign in the evil designs of Volthoom?
So I've been out of the Green Lantern loop pretty much since the New 52 started. I was mostly just GL'd out at that point, after Geoff Johns six-million issue run before the reboot. How are GL and GLC these days? Worth checking out again?
So I've been out of the Green Lantern loop pretty much since the New 52 started. I was mostly just GL'd out at that point, after Geoff Johns six-million issue run before the reboot. How are GL and GLC these days? Worth checking out again?

I'd avoid the core Green Lantern book. The art and writing are awful, definitely not what'd you expect from the "flagship title". Check out GLC, Van Jensen is doing great character work, but otherwise the best of the line is in Justin Jordan's New Guardians and Charles Soule's Red Lanterns. I've heard Sinestro is a great read, similar in tone to Cullen's Magneto solo.

The Green Lantern books are just beginning a three month long event, Godhead. I'm sure there'll be lasting changes to the status quo as a result. Might be a good time to jump aboard, otherwise, wait until the event comes to an end.
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