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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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So, here's a bit of a random question (and I hope I haven't asked it and forgotten sometime in the past).

I had the first VHS of the 90s X-men show as a kid, and as a result those episodes are probably some of the most iconic comic related images in my head, just really burned in there. It's definitely a big part of why Jubilee is so nostalgic for me and why she's still somehow one of my favorites. And kind of as a result, to me the core X-men idea has always kind of been that classic feel of (a) teenager(s) coming to grips with something new, coupled with the idea of a government society fearing and hating them. Which is definitely a big idea for the series of course, but with all the super terrorists and demons and time travel and legacy characters that can definitely get lost in the comics a lot of the time. I've read the recent Bendis Uncanny X-men up until around the first issue of the "vs SHIELD" arc or whatever they were calling it, and that's probably the closest I've ever felt to that kind of X-men story in a comic. But it just felt like it was dragging its heels too much and not really doing much with the characters, or even really in general (and I think I've heard it gets worse about that?)

So does anyone have any suggestions of X comics (or maybe even just something similar enough) that captures that feel? I mean, I love plenty of other X stuff (got a lovely row of the Uncanny X-Force, Wolverine and the X-men, and X-Statix omnibuses sitting on my comics shelf), but this is something I'd really love to grab a nice run of at some point.



Not much chatter in here for a Wednesday! All I wanna do is go home and read Thor + Gotham Academy... :(

........third week of the month dcbs shipments, gotta wait.

I'm reading through the first FBP trade to decide if i want to get vol 2 that's half off at IST. I am doing this really weird thing where i read things before i buy more of it....well, in some cases. So far it's fairly good but i'm having a hard time staying interested in the subject matter, it just doesn't have a certain needed personality to it.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I'm halfway through re-reading Six Gun Gorilla (because days when I'm not feeling 100% are good days for re-reads. I don't like to read new books when I can't fully enjoy them) and I'm loving it just as much as the first time. Such a great book. In fact, I might be enjoying it more now that I can understand the book in the context of the ending.
I'm glad getting it signed by Jeff Stokely reignited my desire to reread it. This is good stuff.

Not much chatter in here for a Wednesday! All I wanna do is go home and read Thor + Gotham Academy... :(

Oh hey, do you have a Thor code you're not using?
I kid, I kid. :p
Gotham Academy was pretty decent. This is the kinda stuff the Big 2 should be doing to expand their audiences a bit. Good YA comic.

my man.

Dang, I never realized how much bigger than the Macho Man he was. He really is the Hulk.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Wonder Woman was it's usually quality. Pretty much the setup for the last issue. Can't wait to see how it ends.

Oh, you just reminded me. Can anyone give me a shortlist of the best Wonder Woman runs? One of my good friends just got into comics and she is sort of obsessed with Wonder Woman, but she doesn't get that creators have a huge impact on the quality of the story/character and she's literally just been looking for any Wonder Woman she can find. I want to point her in the right direction so that she doesn't end up reading a bunch of bad comics.
I suggested the current N52 run, but I don't know what other runs are supposed to be good.

I did a re-read after my several day quest to get it signed by him and yeah it's still fantastic. :)

Did you get the awesome Gorilla sketch too?

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I totally forgot about Gotham Academy...

..But I got to meet and talk to Ales Kot, so it's all good.


Oh my god. Guardians 3k was just...holy fuck that was awesome. I am on board until it's canceled in 15 issues. 10/10

Is Greena Mutant or Inhuman?


Oh my god Walking Dead was gnarly as fuck. That was a twisted development. Kirkman always knows how to make me flip.

A couple months ago, I mentioned that the zombies talked. Turns out that it's a group of obviously bad survivors who stiched together masks and suits from the zombies. They whisper to keep the zombies from noticing them.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Nice! How was it?

He was really great and genuine, I feel, from out 5 minute meeting. I asked him to sign my favorite Zero issues, 2 (Zero and Mina as kids) and 9 (Zizek and Bosnia), and told him that those are my favorite because they broke my heart, and he said that he doesn't think hearts break, but that the walls around them do [paraphrasing because my brain was all over the place].

And I talked to him a little about his great tumblr post on oversharing and communicating your full feelings in society.

I didn't really talk in-depth about comics, especially his, but I'm really glad I got to meet him and thank him for writing some of my favorite books, especially Zero, which I think is an important book for the comics medium right now.


He was really great and genuine, I feel, from out 5 minute meeting. I asked him to sign my favorite Zero issues, 2 (Zero and Mina as kids) and 9 (Zizek and Bosnia), and told him that those are my favorite because they broke my heart, and he said that he doesn't think hearts break, but that the walls around them do [paraphrasing because my brain was all over the place].

And I talked to him a little about his great tumblr post on oversharing and communicating your full feelings in society.

I didn't really talk in-depth about comics, especially his, but I'm really glad I got to meet him and thank him for writing some of my favorite books, especially Zero, which I think is an important book for the comics medium right now.

I have unintentionally ignored Zero, and I think I've made a huge mistake. I would like to rectify that, but I'm unsure how I should tackle the series, and what format I should stick with.


I have unintentionally ignored Zero, and I think I've made a huge mistake. I would like to rectify that, but I'm unsure how I should tackle the series, and what format I should stick with.

Buy both trades and join the heartbreak train.

That book is incredibly depressing but such high quality.
Both these books look gorgeous. I can't say how the Incal reprint compares to the old one but I think it looks great. The binding is awesome as well.

oh good, they used the right coloring for The Incal. There was a printing with a new, "clean" look that seemed to miss the point of Moebius entirely




but I am taking tiny steps forward
I can't wait until Zero gets an OHC. I'm really looking forward to seeing what Ales Kot is all about.

Both these books look gorgeous. I can't say how the Incal reprint compares to the old one but I think it looks great. The binding is awesome as well.

Seeing that Fear Agent interior page just sparked the desire in me to reread that sometime soon. I really enjoyed Fear Agent.

oh good, they used the right coloring for The Incal. There was a printing with a new, "clean" look that seemed to miss the point of Moebius entirely

Ewww. Why would anyone do that to Moebius!? He must have pissed someone off.

I'm still debating whether or not I want to buy The Incal though. $33 is pretty pricey for a 300 page book and I don't know how much I'll like it...
New Green Arrow team did a stellar job! Of course the art can't beat Sorrentino, but the writing was really good and had a cool start to the arc.

Can you elaborate on the issue's tone? You've sold me on it, but I'm curious as to how much it reads like an episode of Arrow.

Gotham Academy was legit guys! This is going to be a fun book. Props to Becky for her writing. Only after 1 issue and each character established a voice in my head. Book of the month candidate.

This was what's stood out for me. Every character had a distinct voice conveyed through either dialogue or body language. The character work was outstanding for a first issue.
I read Godhead...the New Gods came across as roughly 50x more interesting than the lanterns. Which is good, I've read a lot of bad New Gods comics over the years. It's too bad their goal is too status-quo wrecking to succeed, I'm kind of pulling for them. Also, seeing Orion
smash Hal Jordan was awesome.
Now I want to read the SImonson series again.
So far, I've read Thor, Gotham Academy, Rat Queens, L'il Depressed Boy, and Grayson off of today's stack, and man... This is why I love comics.

I can't wait until Zero gets an OHC. I'm really looking forward to seeing what Ales Kot is all about.

Yeah, I'll probably pick it up when Image puts out the deluxe hardcover. They're just killing it with that format. I can't wait for the Saga one.


Please don't click this if you haven't read Zero. Legit spoilers.

"Will you marry me one day?"



"I'll be dead"

"That's just morbid"

"That's reality"

"Zizek says reality is what we force it to be"

"Yeah but we all die, especially us"

"Well I want to die holding your hand"

My heart broke a few issues later. Bastarding book. Made me want to cry like a fucking baby :(

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I have unintentionally ignored Zero, and I think I've made a huge mistake. I would like to rectify that, but I'm unsure how I should tackle the series, and what format I should stick with.

Like Messi said, grab the two existing trades...and then follow along in floppies! There are less than a dozen issues currently, so you won't have any problem catching up if you enjoy it.

The series is really currently at the top of my favorites list, and every aspect of it is fascinating from a creative standpoint, especially its nonlinearity and the fact that there's a different artist drawing every issue. And it all works so well.
The series is really currently at the top of my favorites list, and every aspect of it is fascinating from a creative standpoint, especially its nonlinearity and the fact that there's a different artist drawing every issue. And it all works so well.

Is it a series made up of one-and-done issues, or are there multi-issue stories, too?
Is it a series made up of one-and-done issues, or are there multi-issue stories, too?

They tend to be one issue stories, each with their own artists, but there are narrative strands connecting them all together.

I haven't read any comics today, been playing Chrono Trigger again of all things
oh good, they used the right coloring for The Incal. There was a printing with a new, "clean" look that seemed to miss the point of Moebius entirely



Wow, that does look quite bad.

o_O O_O -_- I need money.

I am sitting here, writing my rent cheque. Why we still got rent?
So far, I've read Thor, Gotham Academy, Rat Queens, L'il Depressed Boy, and Grayson off of today's stack, and man... This is why I love comics.

Yeah, I'll probably pick it up when Image puts out the deluxe hardcover. They're just killing it with that format. I can't wait for the Saga one.

How is Grayson? I loved Mikel Janin's art on Justice League Dark, but I haven't read Tim Seely before.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Is it a series made up of one-and-done issues, or are there multi-issue stories, too?

The series is basically snapshots in Edward Zero's life that change date and location entirely. That being said, the issues form these sort of concentric circles with each other and link up and string together so that you are getting lots of plot that you can cling to and follow, and you're getting lots of character development.

The incredible thing about this method is that there's all this connective tissue between the issues that, when you see it and tie it together, really is fucking satisfying.
They tend to be one issue stories, each with their own artists, but there are narrative strands connecting them all together.

oh, alright. I get it. I've flipped through an issue here and there. It sounds pretty cool. I'll check it out when I put in another IST order.

How is Grayson? I loved Mikel Janin's art on Justice League Dark, but I haven't read Tim Seely before.

Grayson was really good today. Those feels.


But what if we want a hardcover of it?

You're out of luck unless there's a reprint of the hardcover. Pretty sure he was selling them through etsy and stuff a few months ago (I bought mine at that time) but I don't see any listed now. He's probably sold through the surplus from the kickstarter.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
How is Grayson? I loved Mikel Janin's art on Justice League Dark, but I haven't read Tim Seely before.

Grayson is damn good, man. I think it's DC's most fun book. Doesn't hurt that it's well written and drawn.
oh, alright. I get it. I've flipped through an issue here and there. It sounds pretty cool. I'll check it out when I put in another IST order.

Grayson was really good today. Those feels.

Oh man, those feels always win me over. I need to cut back on my subs, but I want to give Grayson a go.
Grayson is damn good, man. I think it's DC's most fun book. Doesn't hurt that it's well written and drawn.

I didn't know what to expect going in, but I grabbed issue 1 when it came out simply out of curiosity, and I've been buying it off the rack ever since. I really should put it on my pull-list.

Man Mattel can't be happy about the Arkham Knight delay.

I think Mattel is more concerned about losing the Disney Princesses toy license to Hasbro, at the moment.
Man this sounds like a tough week to wIt for the discounted digital offerings! B-but I must remain strong. Comics consume so much of my money already
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