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COMICS! |OT| October 2015. ...Are just something we do while the patch downloads.


What's that he got on, a Saiyan scouter?

I'm going to load up on Olive Garden for the next seven weeks. EEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!



Read three more issues of Ms Marvel (up to issue #8). I have to say, I really like it. Fun style. I loved her interactions with Wolverine.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Wall of text incoming!

Uncanny X-men #30-32 - Man this book...is actually really good. Easily the best of Bendis's stuff at the moment (well at least back when this was going), this concludes the super omega level mutant arc in a shockingly satisfying way I thought. We all knew they wouldnt kill them, and we all knew it wiuld be solved by time travel magic with Eva involved, but the execution was really well done in my opinion. From the simultaneous omega dude rampage through the x-men (not really in purpose since he cant control his powers) and Eva mucking with the past by grabbing Chuck (the dialogue between past Charles and Eva is so good), Scott kinda finally realising he's a douche these days, Eva being a boss, quitting but not before telling Cyke exactly what happened and that she will erase him out if existance if he fucks up again, Scott disbanding his fake school and then having a heartfelt issue with Havok, i really enjoyed everything about these issues. And of course, Bachalo is the goat artist but thats a given by now.

Legendary Star-Lord #8 - Peter and Kitty's romcom continues with Kitty being all mad her man doesnt have a job but then she finds out he's robin hood so she's hot for him again and wants to be space robin hood with him. Meh

Guardians of the Galaxy #23 - hey its that symbiote planet issue >_> The Guardians are hijacked by Venom (the symbiote not Flash) to "go home", where we get like 6 pages of exposition about how symbiotes are actually good aliens and are only corrupted by bad people. And then they give Flash a new symbiote and send him off on his way to eventually be a space knight (that new look actually makes more sense now that we know about the ANAD book). What a shit issue and I actually don't even mind the book usually. Black Vortex next, cant be worse than this shit.

All New X-Men #35 - its a X-Men gallore as the young x-men and the ultimate x-men along with Miles attack Latveria to rescue young Beast. Fun issue as usual, with some cool doppelganger interactions. Whats up with goat leg Doom? And like I said earlier aparently Miles can go invisible, weird.

Avengers World #19 - DaCosta takes on the Scientist Supreme for control of AIM. Pretty boring issue, at one point Bobby goes to get Hyperion for assistance, but then Hyperion not only not do anything, but Bobby actually tells him not to interfere. Why the fuck did you bring him then lol. Just a filler book at this point really compared to the "real" Avengers books. Great art at least.

Whew, taking a break now to do some work


Finally saw the last episode of Fear the Walking Dead.

HAH. Awful. Trying to fight Walking Dead season 5's midseason break episode for mehs.


Better than the last two seasons of the actual show.

we should all just be happy we have Last Man on Earth.

edit: Halo 5 trailers annoy me and make me feel like Microsoft wants me to believe Halo has good stories and this one will continue that trend which goes against everything i know.


Still can't get over how good Shield #10 was. It's right up there with the Silver Surfer Issue of Daredevil as perfect comics.
Is it more expensive than the normal issue? If it is, they include the bag and board for free.

Don't think so? It's 15% off if you preorder or something like that. No clue what the normal one is.

Forget it, it's $6 to make it more safe for them to travel and I mostly care about the covers. If they charge me they charge me. I did weekly delivery too since it was only $3 to do that. Excited for them to eventually arrive :D

Edit: Just checked, they're same % off to preorder so it's the same price for normal or variant.


Okay, first off, finished catching up with the Hellblazer trades that have been coming out. And man... probably wasn't the best idea to do six of those in a row (not in one day, mind) with little else in between. Got a little worn down by it. Fortunately, Paul Jenkins had a crazy upswing in the end to wrap off volume 11. Like, I read 5 issues last night and the first two were a two parter that was up there as one of the more meh in the series up to that point... And then the last three just kill it! The one with
the death and birth alongside one another, the "this is all the accidents at once" issue, and the one that's in that first-person style of "Constantine is leading you along" that also acts as a retrospective and is just goddamn fantastic and one of the best issues in the series so far (it legitimately may be my favorite so far)
. That was fortunately a damn good way to cap off a loooooong read.

Also, anyone have any suggestions for podcasts? I've never bothered with them before, but I suddenly find that they're pretty useful for the more menial part of the work I've been doing. Burned through what was made of the Continue? one, and now I'm looking for something new. Videogames or comics or just general talk, whatever. Videogames though, I'm honestly pretty Nintendo focused so I'd prefer something focusing on that, and comics would need to be something that doesn't work on the assumption that you're up to date and all that, as I'm a filthy trade waiter...
Haven't posted a list in awhile.

My BuyList via Comics Day App
CYBORG #3 $2.99
GREEN ARROW #45 $2.99
OMEGA MEN #5 $2.99
NAILBITER #16 (MR) $2.99
PAPER GIRLS #1 $2.99
0 items priced 'Please Inquire':
End of BuyList


Steph Batgirl #24:


I really loved this book. Hope Steph gets her own ongoing again. Thanks for recommending it, Serp.

Depending on which goober was drawing Batman and Robin at the time this was either the best or second best Batman title on the stands


Junior Member
Man, please wait at least until we have the book before we make conclusions, ok?
I'm just saying that the Kree DNA she got from Captain Marvel may end up saving her, if she still has said DNA. Though according to the panel, she ended up exposed to the Mist as a result of her going into said Mist head-first to save a fellow mutant. And there isn't really any room for context in terms of the panel, unless the whole story is just some elaborate hoax by Deadpool (which I doubt). That aside, why feature Rogue right on the cover if she's gonna be bed-ridden for a good chunk of it (unless this is near the end of the first issue)?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Great news; the fewer Mutants running around, the better. Bunch of degenerates.

I didn't read anything after Sixis, does Rogue still
have Wonder Man trapped as a part of her, or did that get worked out?

Wonder Man is still inside her in Uncanny Avengers after Axis

Can you blame him? :3


Previewsworld.com and keep up to date with solicitations on comicbookresources.com each month is your best bet.

Thank you Poodlestrike and Messi.
Forgive my stupidness but where do you go on the comicbookresources.com site to see the latest solicitations? Is there a certain link/button I click on or do I need to search it?
Depending on which goober was drawing Batman and Robin at the time this was either the best or second best Batman title on the stands

Oh yeah I definitely agree. These two books really capture why I love the Batfamily. Any issue with Steph and Damian was a blast to read. I really enjoyed the random one-off issues, like the ones with Supergirl and Klarion. Just good, fun comics.

I'm gonna finally order Absolute Batman Inc. when the Multiversity HC comes out so I think I'll reread Batman & Robin before I read that. Probably my single favorite Batman series if I had to pick one. Loved it so much.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Is the current Black Widow creative working on any ANAD book? I really like this series


Is the current Black Widow creative working on any ANAD book? I really like this series

Edmonson is on Red Wolf, and people have been trying to get him in the doghouse since it was announced for various non-writing related issues, so his continued employment may or may not last much longer.

Phil Noto is doing Chewbacca, and seems to be transitioning more into Star Wars stuff in general than Marvel cape ongoings (he was doing the illustrations for the Force Friday novels and stuff too), I don't believe he's currently on an ongoing.

So, both are still doing Marvel work, but it seems like they're not working together right now.


Can you elaborate?

He's been getting a lot of flak for...something, from other figures in the industry. No one has really clarified what he's actually done, specifically, because apparently no one is willing to report on it.

Last thing I heard, there were stories of sexual harassment and being a shit to work with in-general, but nothing substantial enough to defend journalists if they called him out and he took them to court for it, thus the hesitance to actually blow the lid on this.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Thats a lot of vagueness. Im not saying its not true, but the vagueness is annoying. Of course people wouldn't randomly make shit up (even if its vague as shit) so the dude is probably at the very least an asshole.

Oh well, Widow is still a dope book :/
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