Think S2J had a little too much to drink between top 32 and top 8.
Hax just isn't at Mango/Armada level
Hbox/Mango GFs, raise your hand if you're shocked /s
He hasn't been playing much at all has he? It's impressive he did as well as he did.
I came in here to ask if anyone else was crazy impressed at how well Hax has been doing considering he's effectively been out of the game for an eternity. If his hands hold up and he can get some sleep, I can see him becoming the next god slayer.
I think it says a lot that HBox isn't popping off when he beats Mango anymore.
lol just the last tournament he popped off like he won the lottery. I didn't watch this but this would've been literally the first time. "anymore"? What's to say he won't do it the next tournament?
Unfortunate for me that I got into competitive melee only starting in Paragon 2015. My love for it is already dying and smash 4 isn't any better.
I think it says a lot that HBox isn't popping off when he beats Mango anymore.
lol just the last tournament he popped off like he won the lottery. I didn't watch this but this would've been literally the first time. "anymore"? What's to say he won't do it the next tournament?
Unfortunate for me that I got into competitive melee only starting in Paragon 2015. My love for it is already dying and smash 4 isn't any better.
Hax just isn't at Mango/Armada level
I think that's just because it wasn't very exciting or surprising. None of HBox's sets with other players this tournament were very close from what I saw, I don't think even he was that surprised.
"Jiggs is taking over. 666XX is what we're dealing with. Our only hope is Prince Abu" - hax$
lmfao best interview I've seen in awhile.
Screw the haters, I think Mango Marth has potential. It just needs a lot of practice.
It makes sense too, since Mango's said in the past that he legitimately thinks that Marth is the best character in the game.
Ayy Mang0 admitted Hbox is a respectable wiener
His Marth is dope
On stream his Marth goes ham, but using him in winners semis during a game 5 situation is ridiculous. Like he said he just makes it harder for himself.
Short hop double laser with fox is hard
It is. I just gave up trying to do it with the button, and just use the stick. So then the only thing to it is short hopping with the stick. Which isn't too hard if you have controller that's pretty crisp and responsive.Short hop double laser with fox is hard
Short hop double laser with fox is hard
Short hop double laser with fox is hard
slide your thumb from the edge of the y button to the b button, instantly press the b button again. Repeat. It's rhythm more than anything.
In a world where sliding your thumb from b to x to jump-cancel shines is a thing, sliding from y to b should be easy.
How do people slide their thumb from b to x over and over anyway!? Sliding your thumb over the a button is fine but once you arrive to x your thumb just clashes with it. I mean, the x button is way to high for that to work. Eventually, it starts to hurt. And people do it hundreds of times in to time.
Why had the y and x buttons to be so high? :/
I'm gonna try that.
Last few days I've been getting ready for EGLX, I've been doing nothing but Fox in training mode. Trying to get the movement down. I've accepted 20xx, friends. I'm a Marth/Fox main now :|
I'm gonna try that.
Last few days I've been getting ready for EGLX, I've been doing nothing but Fox in training mode. Trying to get the movement down. I've accepted 20xx, friends. I'm a Marth/Fox main now :|
I'm gonna try that.
Last few days I've been getting ready for EGLX, I've been doing nothing but Fox in training mode. Trying to get the movement down. I've accepted 20xx, friends. I'm a Marth/Fox main now :|
Why? We've been seeing a lot of good Sheiks lately, I think it's been strongly proven that she's as viable as the other top characters at the highest level.
Do they have any intelligence to speak of, or just tech skill? Some of the PM CPUs had some great tech skill, but they couldn't do much of anything with it and SD'd with half their stocks.
A shame they killed it right as they were bringing a second AI/CPU programmer in.
Has anyone played the new 20XX 4.0 cpus? They are insane. They move fast as hell, do frame perfect everything, edgeguard, mangle, etc.
It's honestly pretty crazy.
i've only seen them techskill themselves to death on fourside. I've heard them described as "if the most technical player in the world were lobotomized." They definitely don't adapt or attempt conditioning or anything like that.
Hard to describe all the changes made here. I wrote an insanely large assembly function to make CPU characters use advanced techniques in natural situations, quite randomly. It's not a 100% AI rewrite, but more of an extension to the default AI that overrides vanilla button inputs whenever certain criteria are met.
A small list of added techniques include: shielding, dashdancing, shffl'ing, wavedashing, ledgedashing and other ledge options, spacies shining and lasering, and more.
Spacies are the only characters with new code for recovering. All other characters recover as they normally would. Spacies will side-b (shorten too), and up-b sweetspot, mangle, M2K angle, etc.
I threw in a few Debug Menu options for changing the CPU's propensity to shield, as well as techchase defense options to make a CPU always spotdodge/roll after teching/getting up.
CPUs are actually fun now and provide a whole different type of challenge! A lot of their actions are frame perfect so you can learn a lot from them as well. It is important to note that I am not trying to make an unbeatable "year 20XX" AI; I just want them to be (generally) good and fun to play against. The AI is still quite rough and needs touching up in a lot of places, so I title this as "Phase 1". The 20XX 3.02 in-game toggles for making P2 perform actions are still not in this build, although the new AI makes some of those things obselete. I knew I was going to write a new AI framework at some point, and adding action spamming and what not back in will just hook into this new framework.
True, but they get by a lot just on pure tech. I had to play way faster against them.
I've been dancedance upthrow upair KO'd by fox, properly edgeguarded by fox, they actually try to recover and abuse the shit out of ledge invincibility and just general frame perfect stuff.
Achilles wrote a bit about it on reddit:
There is more at the link:
Replays almost never work anyway. On most stages they end up desynced after about a minute.Wish 20XX and 20XX TE were one thing. It's a hassle making an ISO for the training pack. Plus having two 20XX mods is kind of confusing.
But really the only thing I specifically like about TE is the ease of setting up, with it loading with a disc and a memory card. And I guess the replay function is cool but I haven't used it.