The two biggest things that stand out are 1) use video editing instead of a full video of raw footage
The two biggest things that stand out are 1) use video editing instead of a full video of raw footage, and 2) volume leveling.
(I'm also, personally, not really a fan of the whole "need camera" thing. I don't need to see someone to hear their voice.)
Nice voice though, from the bit that I heard. That's essential for any type of commentary.
"This gif makes it slightly more obvious how it works, since both of these moves are physical attacks. Basically, you need to physical PS a move that does < 3 and then I think whatever your shield gets hit by afterwards will get powershielded"
Referenced GIF
I think the main thing is that you NEED to use the physical PS shieldbox (which is larger and outside the projectile reflect PS shieldbox, which is the smaller circle)
Wish we had this when I was in school. We had the best, 3rd-ish best, and 10th or so best players from my state attending at one point, along with probably 3 or 4 average players (like me) we coulda subbed in wherever. I think we would have done well. At least I can always still hope to see all our local colleges do well.
Just a reminder if you're in the U.S. your college may already be starting up a roster for The Melee Games.
Wish we had this when I was in school. We had the best, 3rd-ish best, and 10th or so best players from my state attending at one point, along with probably 3 or 4 average players (like me) we coulda subbed in wherever. I think we would have done well. At least I can always still hope to see all our local colleges do well.
I'm glad I've never had an experience with rotten no bathe smash stereotypes.
I mean everyone in my locals weed it up out on the porch but even then nothing has been invasive for me to even notice while playing.
Loooool. I like the pop off, but it's so incredibly awkward immediately. He instantly turns it down after the scream, looks strange.M2K with the biggest pop off after winning over Duck. Screamed so loud you could hear it on the stream.
Loooool. I like the pop off, but it's so incredibly awkward immediately. He instantly turns it down after the scream, looks strange.
I started driving an hour and half to go to weeklies because my locals use to smell like sewage.
Haha, gotta live lift while you got it. I've never been one to pop off much though, mostly because I don't do too much winning. When I do clutch out a really tight set though, I tend to stick to an understated fist pump.I went 1-2 at a Fresno Quarterly yesterday.
But you're damn right when I got called for my first match I went "OH YEAH LET'S GOOOOOO" As loud as I could.
Go hard or go HOME.
I went home two games after that one.
CenCal has the problem in the summer where even if you wash up before a tournament it's like 4-5 hours of brackets in 100 degree heat outside and like 80 degree heat inside even with AC.
It's brutal. Everyone smells of sweat.
This project looks pretty cool:
It's a platformer named after a Melee mechanic. From the description, sounds like it implements air dashing and the Melee style slide that happens as you air dash into the ground.
This project looks pretty cool:
It's a platformer named after a Melee mechanic. From the description, sounds like it implements air dashing and the Melee style slide that happens as you air dash into the ground.
They revealed the first character design: of which, has there been any info on the Project M dev teams project that was announced/teased a while ago? It was by Wavedash Studios or something.
Do it!signing up for smash the record
should probably play melee... it's been a while
Speaking of which, has there been any info on the Project M dev teams project that was announced/teased a while ago? It was by Wavedash Studios or something.
Wavedash is a separate thing, but they did hire(?) StrongBad over the summer giving them 2 former PM devs I think.
The PM team probably doesn't actually have a their own game in the works, based on comments and actions from most of the former team they just went their separate ways. Some just went back to Brawl modding (and now Smash 4 modding).
Could Shine be the tournament we see next non-god after Leffen win a major? Probably not, but this top 8 looks ripe for upsets. Hbox gonna ruin the fun though.
He's always kept it close vs Hbox, and afaik only recently has SFAT been able to beat people like Plup, M2K. He could possibly do it.I predict SFAT sends HBox to loser's finals but then HBox makes a run through losers and clutches things out in grand's against all odds (Kappa).
I would not be surprised at all if Plup wins.
I think he said he wants to play shiek and fox, with samus as a pocket does anyone know why plup is playing fox? has he come out and said why?
from what I recall, he's been able to beat every other player with his sheik or samus, or at the very least come suuuuuuuuper close. just seems totally unnecessary to me.
What the hell was that combo @_@