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Competitive Super Smash Bros. Melee Discussion Thread

The local players are organizing a TBH6 viewing party Saturday, and Sunday I make the trip down to Irvine for work. Hoping to hit up SSS (If it's happening?) and possibly other local tournaments that week.


Junior Member
Who do you guys think is gonna win TBH6? I've been going back and forth between Armada, Mang0, and Hbox, and I just don't know. Could M2K come in and steal it away from them? Will someone outside the top 6 (Plup???) make huge waves? Or will Leffen surprise everyone and win with Mewtwo?

So many great storylines going into this tournament, none more important than who the winner will be.


Who do you guys think is gonna win TBH6? I've been going back and forth between Armada, Mang0, and Hbox, and I just don't know. Could M2K come in and steal it away from them? Will someone outside the top 6 (Plup???) make huge waves? Or will Leffen surprise everyone and win with Mewtwo?

So many great storylines going into this tournament, none more important than who the winner will be.

I'm feeling Armada or SFAT (I really feel like this could be the first non-God major win seeing how he played at Shine). Maybe HBox.
Who do you guys think is gonna win TBH6? I've been going back and forth between Armada, Mang0, and Hbox, and I just don't know. Could M2K come in and steal it away from them? Will someone outside the top 6 (Plup???) make huge waves? Or will Leffen surprise everyone and win with Mewtwo?

So many great storylines going into this tournament, none more important than who the winner will be.

well I know what ISN'T happening!
My predictions:

Everyone expects Armada vs Hbox grands because memes

Leffen shows up, loses to Plup's Sheik while playing green Fox

M2K lands a ken combo and everyone gets hype

Mango tweets the letter A followed by PogChamp and proceeds to make it to top 8 in winners

if (smasherArmada == firstPlace) { firstInterview(smasherArmada, "getting real tired of your shit leffen"); }


Unconfirmed Member
My predictions:

Everyone expects Armada vs Hbox grands because memes

Leffen shows up, loses to Plup's Sheik while playing green Fox

M2K lands a ken combo and everyone gets hype

Mango tweets the letter A followed by PogChamp and proceeds to make it to top 8 in winners

if (smasherArmada == firstPlace) { firstInterview(smasherArmada, "getting real tired of your shit leffen"); }

It's not really "because memes," expecting the two best players to make it to grand finals makes sense.


I think the Big House is going to reflect recent consistency. It's M2K or Armada, I think.

M2K has been winning tournaments where SFAT does well and weeds out other gods for him. That's not to say he can't beat HBox or Mango, just that he's less prone to lose to a non top 6 spacie. He's too consistent.

Armada does not lose to non gods + Leffen. If he meets SFAT before the other gods can get cleared out, then M2K's job gets a lot harder. Armada just needs to survive Mango and HBox if they're having a good night and I think he takes it.

Mango has been too inconsistent and HBox is out in the middle of nowhere with trash internet and no scene. I don't expect a win from either of them.


Feels like it's a complete toss up for Armada/Hbox/Mango. My gut is saying Armada this time though.

What I'm really hoping to see though, is for SFAT or Plup to put Armada into losers. I love the little storyline where up and comers take out all the top players, and Armada is usually the last one left to beat.


I'm rooting for M2k.
I always root for m2k
I hope Leffen makes it to TBH. I don't expect him to take out any of the gods, but I want him to get back in the US scene asap. Before the visa problems he felt like the only one that could consistently beat/threaten Armada.


I'll give it a shot but who knows what will happen with this hurricane about hit.

Cool, let us know when it's live.

I'll be in New Mexico for a tournament called Salty Juans. I go every year because I love the NM community. Really wish it wasn't during TBH6, but I'll just have to watch vids.
Cool, let us know when it's live.

I'll be in New Mexico for a tournament called Salty Juans. I go every year because I love the NM community. Really wish it wasn't during TBH6, but I'll just have to watch vids.

A lot of the SoCal PM groups are going to Salty Juans. It sounds super fun, especially with the Hot Air Balloon festival nearby!

Sadly I'll be in Irvine so I couldn't go.


Any word on if Leffen is gonna make it?

Someone on reddit said that he said on Snapchat that he is. Also he just switched back to playing Fox at the weeklies he goes to.

Also I went to my first local in a while a few days ago and it was pretty big/fun. And Prog was there for some reason (I'm in NorCal).


Alright guys I'm about to post the OT I'll update this post with the link. Just bookmark it until it opens on Friday. I will have a mod lock it for me until then since I won't have power due to the weather here.

thanks friend, stay safe!


Alright guys I'm about to post the OT I'll update this post with the link. Just bookmark it until it opens on Friday. I will have a mod lock it for me until then since I won't have power due to the weather here.


Here it is
Thanks for making it. It's been a while since I was hardcore into Smash, and now only really check in during EVO. The thread should be made by people still actively following the scene more than me.


M2K needs to use that as fuel to fuck everyone up

he will probably forfeit and go emo because he thinks he deserves to be seeded higher
M2K needs to use that as fuel to fuck everyone up

he will probably forfeit and go emo because he thinks he deserves to be seeded higher
That's so 2015, he's gonna get dropped to losers early in Smash 4 and drop out of it and focus on Melee, which gets everyone's hopes up only for them to be dashed when he gets eliminated in Melee ;)


I don't know, Hbox, Armada, Mango, and Leffen all being above him makes sense.
Leffen is the only one that M2K (right now) could justifiably be seeded above. As much as I love M2K, his results just aren't better than any of those other 4; Leffen should only be seeded lower since he's out of practice. Even still, I think 4th and 5th seeds would be projected to run into eachother anyway.

Btw, if you guys missed, Leffen did confirm for TBH6. But he's not planning to compete in singles (at least not seriously). Crews will probably be more hype with him there though.


I think it's been too long since we've seen Leffen meaningfully compete to rank him above an M2K that's coming off two major wins.

Results are results. Doesn't matter that Leffen decided to go all Mewtwo that one time or that HBox and Mang0 choked against SFAT.


That seems like a bad idea. I value stability and have no idea what it takes to keep up competitively though. I'm glad he's happy and I hope this works out for him.


Unconfirmed Member
That's pretty crazy. You go to school, get a degree in chemical engineering, work an internship and get a job in your field, train for months...

And then quit.

He can likely get by on Smash, but damn that is a huge step down to do what he loves.

M2K also seems to be seeking other opportunities.


I watched a bit of the vod, this is what i got

  • He realized how much he loves playing Melee and how hard its for him to do what he loves while working full time.
  • He tasted gold and he wants to stay there.
  • TL is gonna give him a monthly check, that plus twitch subs money should be enough (still way less money than what he gets now)
  • He recently learned how to code and really likes it, so he wants to become a developer in the future, he is doing a career switch.
  • He is going back to Florida, and gets to spend more time with his GF and family.


I know this isn't the actual reason he stepped down but I'm interested to see him use his new free time to lab a solution to the playstyle SFAT showed at TBH6. Because it honestly looked kind of unbeatable.


it's probably a matter of:

work a 9-5, monday to friday in something that's boring and grindy and isn't all that fun... but for lots of money


work your own schedule, you're your own boss, doing your favorite thing in the world that you are the best in the world at... for less money

I'd choose the latter any day. No point in having more money if you aren't enjoying your life and feel like most of your time is going towards a boring job.

I know this isn't the actual reason he stepped down but I'm interested to see him use his new free time to lab a solution to the playstyle SFAT showed at TBH6. Because it honestly looked kind of unbeatable.

I will never doubt Hbox. Mango's fox looked like it was unbeatable against Puff too... then he figured it out. Same with Armada's fox.

Leffen and Sfat look like his next big objective, lets see how he handles it.
my main melee local is now doing saturday monthlies! i get a melee fix that doesn't require dragging myself someplace after work!

I know this isn't the actual reason he stepped down but I'm interested to see him use his new free time to lab a solution to the playstyle SFAT showed at TBH6. Because it honestly looked kind of unbeatable.

I'm sure he and crunch are already talking about it. Well, maybe not yet. There's probably an emotional recovery window after a heartwrenching loss before one can watch the VODs without feeling like crap.


it's probably a matter of:

work a 9-5, monday to friday in something that's boring and grindy and isn't all that fun... but for lots of money


work your own schedule, you're your own boss, doing your favorite thing in the world that you are the best in the world at... for less money

Plus he had to take a red-eye back after tournaments and work the Monday right away. That sort of schedule must have been so draining.


Not Melee but apparently HBox is picking up Smash 4 as a serious game too

I imagine this will be short lived. He said he wants to make Puff viable in that game. It's like trying to make Kirby viable in Melee. Not happening.

Plus, if M2K takes a performance hit for playing two games, there's no way Hbox'll fare any better.

As a Puff main in Smash 4, nothing would make me happier than him pulling this off, sort pessimistic on the prospects though.
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