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Concord Previews


Gold Member
dead wink martindale GIF


Snake Oil Salesman
VGC said the TTK is about 2x of a Call of Duty but all the videos I'm seeing look 5x.

I don't play Cod very often though. Can anyone take a look at the gameplay and see what's closer?

Edit: You need about 5 - 6 headshots on a character with a pistol to down them. Isn't CoD typically 1 headshot?
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Snake Oil Salesman
I've watched a number of these previews. The standouts are...

The commentator actually tries to criticize the GAMEPLAY with specifics.

Lots of extended gameplay clips. Many of the previews just splice together big action 2 - 4 second clips.

My takeaway...

Firewalk said "Hero shooters are big. Projectile based weapons are more fun than hitscan. Let's make a projectile based hero shooter."
It also looks like they're going to add a bunch of arena based modes and follow the analytics on which modes are most popular. Smart move as it gives them room to grow in the right direction.


I have to be honest, the destiny/Halo vibe from the movement has me intrigued, Definitely will play the beta, it's free and you get to play it in its optimal state, that being before tiktok kids find a meta and become sweatlords and make the game ultimately boring.


Looks much better than expected and it seems it's very much like Destiny's Crucible. Which is great.

TTK might be a bit too much and gameplay maybe a bit too slow, going by the footage, but maybe it's not so bad.

I'm not even that bothered by the art style, looking at the videos.
So, I remain cautiously optimistic.
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Props to whoever in the team pushed for adding a Killzone style "chirp" when you kill another player. It was always super satisfying and I don't know why more games didn't copy that.
The gameplay itself looks decent, I like the sort of floaty movement and all the comparisons people are making to Destiny PVP.

The visual style is still incredibly off putting though
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I've watched a number of these previews. The standouts are...

The commentator actually tries to criticize the GAMEPLAY with specifics.

Lots of extended gameplay clips. Many of the previews just splice together big action 2 - 4 second clips.

My takeaway...

Firewalk said "Hero shooters are big. Projectile based weapons are more fun than hitscan. Let's make a projectile based hero shooter."
It also looks like they're going to add a bunch of arena based modes and follow the analytics on which modes are most popular. Smart move as it gives them room to grow in the right direction.

It sounds like many of the gameplay criticisms so far are things that can be fairly easily adjusted if the feedback against them is substantial. A lot of it seems like a numbers game. Increase health here. More consistent damage there. Less delay for this ability. Less float for that movement. This ability may be overpowered.

The map layout criticism would be a somewhat more substantial fix. Something they may want to consider in the future is a greater emphasis on bigger differences in character design. Maybe it's just me, but very few characters stood out to me. The big dudes were obvious just for being large. But they would also easily stand out even if they were smaller. Their designs are stark contrasts. I saw a lot of characters that just didn't catch my attention. Like, they started looking the same.

Now, part of that is almost certainly because I'm not familiar with these characters. But there doesn't appear to be anywhere near the difference in color palettes or silhouettes between Concord characters when compared to Overwatch. Maybe my view on that will change with time. But right now, there just look to be too few standout character designs.
Am I the only one who thinks it looks quite fun?
I think the gameplay looks solid and kind of fun, but I want to see what other modes it will have to offer. I am through with team-based PvP and having to support others as they blame everyone on the team for everything.

I just want to play good old DM or DM-style modes like Gun Game, but it seems like the only new big shooter offering this is CoD, as usual.


Does modes where you don't respawn even make sense in a game like this? The time to kill is so high that you never stand a chance when it's 1v3 for instance.
Maybe they'll adjust it based on beta feedback?

Just looking at it, I thinkt they already should lower TTK a bit and speed up movement.

No respawns make it more tactical though.
Maybe they'll adjust it based on beta feedback?

Just looking at it, I thinkt they already should lower TTK a bit and speed up movement.

No respawns make it more tactical though.
Sure they can lower it, but you'll never be able to one-shot someone or two-shot for that matter. So when you lose more than half of your team vs a full team, it's always game over. In a Valorant or CS you could always be that player that just outsmarts the other team and still kill them with well placed shots, I don't see that ever happening in a game like this.

And it will be less tactical as well, the only tactic that works is to keep your team together.
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