Haven't played the game, but I assume you can still outsmart the other team.Sure they can lower it, but you'll never be able to one-shot someone or two-shot for that matter. So when you lose more than half of your team vs a full team, it's always game over. In a Valorant or CS you could always be that player that just outsmarts the other team and still kill them with well placed shots, I don't see that ever happening in a game like this.
And it will be less tactical as well, the only tactic that works is to keep your team together.
There's also persistent deployables that allow people to plan ahead as game-modes are dynamic, as per the devs.
Rn it's rather difficult to really comment on it ourselves, but it is an issue that was addressed in at least 1 preview.
And I assume they can always just add a respawn-timer if no-respawn doesn't work.