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Concord Previews


Sure they can lower it, but you'll never be able to one-shot someone or two-shot for that matter. So when you lose more than half of your team vs a full team, it's always game over. In a Valorant or CS you could always be that player that just outsmarts the other team and still kill them with well placed shots, I don't see that ever happening in a game like this.

And it will be less tactical as well, the only tactic that works is to keep your team together.
Haven't played the game, but I assume you can still outsmart the other team.

There's also persistent deployables that allow people to plan ahead as game-modes are dynamic, as per the devs.
Rn it's rather difficult to really comment on it ourselves, but it is an issue that was addressed in at least 1 preview.

And I assume they can always just add a respawn-timer if no-respawn doesn't work.


Gold Member
My takeaway...

Firewalk said "Hero shooters are big. Projectile based weapons are more fun than hitscan. Let's make a projectile based hero shooter."
It also looks like they're going to add a bunch of arena based modes and follow the analytics on which modes are most popular. Smart move as it gives them room to grow in the right direction.

So your saying they just made Lawbreakers again?
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I don't like hero shooters. The only one that was ever any good was R6 Siege if you could call that one.

Buying the first Overwatch was my greatest regret when it comes to game purchases. Good thing I bought Doom (2016) with it at the same time.


Ngl those graphics look clean af.

I really don't mind the UI. I don't know what the complaints seem to be about. The game has a rather clean look in general.

MTX will be for cosmetics only.

It's already going to be a bit of a sell for a game like this to be $40 when others like it are F2P. So this was a good call on their part.


I really don't mind the UI. I don't know what the complaints seem to be about. The game has a rather clean look in general.
Yeah, I'm pleasently surprised by the look of the UI.
Maybe because I expected much worse.

I think it's just the character designs that are really ehhh....


Yeah, I'm pleasently surprised by the look of the UI.
Maybe because I expected much worse.

I think it's just the character designs that are really ehhh....

Some of them are really good. Like, the five characters we were introduced to as the main crew? Great design spread there. Everyone else is just so bland by comparison. Like, they had a personality budget and blew most of it on the first five.


Gold Member
You can precisely mesure the dumbing down of society by calculating how much competitive fps have been slowed down compared to the high speed fps from 20 years ago like CS or Unreal tournament.
20% slower means 20% dumber, 30% slower means 30% dumber, etc.
I let you do the maths im too afraid of the result.
Some of them are really good. Like, the five characters we were introduced to as the main crew? Great design spread there. Everyone else is just so bland by comparison. Like, they had a personality budget and blew most of it on the first five.
The same is true for all of these games. Overwatch and Siege are the only ones that have recognisable characters. Even Valorant which is reasonably popular has a lot of characters that I'm like who the fuck are they.


That PS Access video is exactly why I hate these corporate previews. The lady starts by saying she normally never plays competitive FPS games.

What good is your opinion then if your frame of reference is literally zero?
It would be hilarious as fuck if Fatal1ty were to play this game while talking about his Quake 3 days. I hope Sony make a video like this at some point.


That PS Access video is exactly why I hate these corporate previews. The lady starts by saying she normally never plays competitive FPS games.

What good is your opinion then if your frame of reference is literally zero?
Because they also market it for casuals.


The same is true for all of these games. Overwatch and Siege are the only ones that have recognisable characters. Even Valorant which is reasonably popular has a lot of characters that I'm like who the fuck are they.

Yeah. It's definitely something I can't take from Overwatch. The character designs hardly ever feel repetitive. You really never mistake who you're looking at. Even a new player can instantly tell the difference. They also all have things about them that just pop out at you. Most of the characters I've seen for Concord just lack that pop. That defining feature. If you know what I mean. Hopefully future characters will be given a lot more personality.


Yeah. It's definitely something I can't take from Overwatch. The character designs hardly ever feel repetitive. You really never mistake who you're looking at. Even a new player can instantly tell the difference. They also all have things about them that just pop out at you. Most of the characters I've seen for Concord just lack that pop. That defining feature. If you know what I mean. Hopefully future characters will be given a lot more personality.
Overwatch truly took advantage of that "Pixar" look in the best way possible


Not sure if this has been posted already, but a Japanese channel uploaded some raw gameplay apart from them being terrible, the footage doesn't seem that bad at all. Game does seem kinda slow though:

It looks like a worse Destiny (A lot of old Bungie devs here) but with Overwatch + Marvel cringeness. Idk, I want the angle from people who are very into shooters for an informed opinion on this. From everything shown so far, it looks bland.


It looks like a worse Destiny (A lot of old Bungie devs here) but with Overwatch + Marvel cringeness. Idk, I want the angle from people who are very into shooters for an informed opinion on this. From everything shown so far, it looks bland.
Well, in two weeks everybody gets to try it for free, so might as well check it out yourself.


Snake Oil Salesman
It sounds like many of the gameplay criticisms so far are things that can be fairly easily adjusted if the feedback against them is substantial. A lot of it seems like a numbers game. Increase health here. More consistent damage there. Less delay for this ability. Less float for that movement. This ability may be overpowered.

The map layout criticism would be a somewhat more substantial fix. Something they may want to consider in the future is a greater emphasis on bigger differences in character design. Maybe it's just me, but very few characters stood out to me. The big dudes were obvious just for being large. But they would also easily stand out even if they were smaller. Their designs are stark contrasts. I saw a lot of characters that just didn't catch my attention. Like, they started looking the same.

Now, part of that is almost certainly because I'm not familiar with these characters. But there doesn't appear to be anywhere near the difference in color palettes or silhouettes between Concord characters when compared to Overwatch. Maybe my view on that will change with time. But right now, there just look to be too few standout character designs.
In one of the recent interviews, the devs said how important it was for players to identify their opponents and be able to quickly decide whether to fight or flight. I suspect we'll be able to distinguish between the characters much better once we have a few hours into the game.


In one of the recent interviews, the devs said how important it was for players to identify their opponents and be able to quickly decide whether to fight or flight. I suspect we'll be able to distinguish between the characters much better once we have a few hours into the game.

I'm sure that will be the case, but new players need to be taken into account. It's also a matter of aesthetics. People like characters that have instantly recognizable features. Again, Overwatch is fantastic for this. It also helps the game be recognizable when a large number of its characters have eye-catching designs. Too much of what I saw was "human wearing uninspired, generic clothing". I'm sure they have more coming that buck that seeming trend. I just find it unfortunate that such a trend in character design is already there. But, we only have a couple weeks before we'll see a ton more of it.

Also, don't misunderstand me as singing nothing but praise for Overwatch. I find its more recent characters also boring and uninspired lately. Some of their more recent designs are definitely of the "human wearing uninspired, generic clothing". Some of them just feel like they scraped designs off of other characters. It's pretty clear to me that at 40 characters, they're running out of ideas. Which is wild to me because you have a gorilla, a hamster, a dwarf, 5 different robots, and cyborgs of varying degrees. Yet somehow you can only come up with boring humans lately? How do we not have a cyborg dragon from outer space at this point?
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I look forward to previews and reactions from streamers and content creators. Not sure if I trust a lot of the publications too much. Nothing looks too amazing from what I can see, very mediocre and expected stuff.
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I look forward to previews and reactions from streamers and content creators. Not sure if I trust a lot of the publications too much. Nothing looks too amazing from what I can see, very mediocre and expected stuff.
Yep. These outlets are simply ‘access journalism’ and tread carefully with previews for big pusblisher games, especially platform holders.


Im gonna try the beta for sure. Im not usually a PVP kind of player, Destiny, COD/Zombie, Factions I like. Sony rarely makes bad games for me, so will try it for sure.

By the sounds of things most of Neogaf has already played and reviewed the game lol
no youtubers

The first link is of a literal Youtuber.

KF or mobilesyrup?

KF is not a you tuber. KF is as mainstream and corporate friendly as they come, run by a former IGN staffer who got his start working in traditional news media. As far as I'm aware, there were zero actual you tubers allowed to cover this game at this point, only legacy media you tube channels.

Jinzo Prime

KF is not a you tuber. KF is as mainstream and corporate friendly as they come, run by a former IGN staffer who got his start working in traditional news media. As far as I'm aware, there were zero actual you tubers allowed to cover this game at this point, only legacy media you tube channels.
They are really trying to control the narrative on this one. Also trying to squeeze a better score out of the reviews.


Snake Oil Salesman
No thank you. Please kill this off and make amazing single player games that have awesome multiplayer built in
It's funny how you never hear the opposite of this.

Multiplayer gamers never ask for resources to be diverted to a single player campaign.


Had zero interest previously, now tentatively hyped after learning it has Halo's combat flow and is day one on PC. Overwatch can be too frantic, and valorant too glacial. This could be a nice sweet spot for me. Trick will be getting friends to pay the entry fee

Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
Fuck me !! That’s what I thought I had written..
I thought that 😂

The more I watch some previews of this, it doesn’t actually look bad at all. It’s not my thing, but if competitive team based FPS is what you’re in the market for then it maybe will not be so bad. Time will tell, I haven’t booted up helldivers 2 in weeks and I pumped dozens of hours in the first few weeks. The sustainability of this product is what will really matter.
It's funny how you never hear the opposite of this.

Multiplayer gamers never ask for resources to be diverted to a single player campaign.

I think I have to disagree with this. Titanfall 1 didn't have a single player campaign, and Titanfall 2 was a much better product for including it. While I don't think that all multiplayer titles need to have a single player campaign, I also don't feel any multiplayer only games should be released these days without being free to play. There's simply too much competition, and too high of a chance that the game will fail to hold onto a healthy player count.

If you want to charge for your game, you need to match the value of your competitors, and that usually means a good single player or co-op campaign.
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I actually kind of like hero shooters, but this costing money is a non-starter for me. Because then I'd also have to pay the $100 or whatever it is now for the base PSN subscription to play online too. Feels like there will be an inevitable pivot to F2P at some point for this one.

In the meantime I'll probably just try the console version of Valorant instead.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
dead wink martindale GIF
I love that this is a moving gif of basically a still image. It’s unsettling and we should do this more.


This doesnt look fun at all and not free to play.

No more than 2500 concurrent players on steam launch day.. watch it hit 250000 LOL


I think the gameplay looks solid and kind of fun, but I want to see what other modes it will have to offer. I am through with team-based PvP and having to support others as they blame everyone on the team for everything.

I just want to play good old DM or DM-style modes like Gun Game, but it seems like the only new big shooter offering this is CoD, as usual.
As an old UT/Quake player this is what I feel as well. Been many years since I played a fun MP shooter. Though, tbh, I dont even try most of them nowadays.


Snake Oil Salesman
I think I have to disagree with this. Titanfall 1 didn't have a single player campaign, and Titanfall 2 was a much better product for including it. While I don't think that all multiplayer titles need to have a single player campaign, I also don't feel any multiplayer only games should be released these days without being free to play. There's simply too much competition, and too high of a chance that the game will fail to hold onto a healthy player count.
You're probably a SP gamer. I've played with literally millions upon millions of multiplayer gamers and nary a one has been like "You know what would make DotA 2 better? A mode where you play alone and watch occasional cutscenes."

It's never been said once in the entire universe.

If you want to charge for your game, you need to match the value of your competitors, and that usually means a good single player or co-op campaign.
A game for everyone is a game for no one.
KF is not a you tuber. KF is as mainstream and corporate friendly as they come, run by a former IGN staffer who got his start working in traditional news media. As far as I'm aware, there were zero actual you tubers allowed to cover this game at this point, only legacy media you tube channels.
This is a big red flag here.
This is a big red flag here.

The game could be really good (or bad), but Sony is playing it safe/smart here. The discourse around this game is really bad, and allowing anyone other than legacy media to play it before the actual beta is not worth potential bad press from people with preconceived biases. The beta is out in literally 2 weeks. That's the true preview period.
You're probably a SP gamer. I've played with literally millions upon millions of multiplayer gamers and nary a one has been like "You know what would make DotA 2 better? A mode where you play alone and watch occasional cutscenes."

It's never been said once in the entire universe.

A game for everyone is a game for no one.
Nope. I play loads of multiplayer, both competitive and co-op. And while I do think modern multiplayer only games should be free to play, I also will usually avoid buying most single player titles at launch unless they feature competitive multiplayer or co-op. If not, I'm usually waiting for a sale. There are exceptions to this rule for single player games that I feel offer a lot of value.

And isn't DotA 2 a free to play game?


Gold Member
It reminds me of multiplayer games that came along with single player games a few years ago. As a standalone product, I don't see anything that will hold people for long. The characters certainly are not interesting and the maps don't look very appealing either.

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NaughtyDog Defense Force
Having no YouTubers at the preview event is not a problem because the beta takes place in 2 weeks.

Streamers and YouTubers will get their free beta codes and stream live on July 12th.

This is where the game is either going to live or die.
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