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Console game cases and those seal...thingies that are under the plastic


Just for future reference, because it came to mind as I was looking through the stacks and racks of games at the mall yesterday:

What's the deal with games and the DVD cases being sealed shut with the "pull here..." stickers? (I'm not asking that in the way that Jerry Seinfeld would.)

Gamecube games generally don't have the cases sealed beyond the shrink wrap, which makes discerning new and used pretty difficult, but there are two different kinds of cases; PS2 games are always sealed under the plastic. Right now, I'm 1 for 2 with the XBox. My (as far as I know) new copy of Panzer Dragoon wasn't sealed, Burnout 3 was.

Is there a system? Does it depend on the publisher?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
ALL PS2 and XBOX games have a seal. The PS2 stickers obviously have a label with the title of the game printed on it, while the XBOX stickers do not. If your copy of Panzer did not have a sticker, it was not a new copy...


The bad news: That sucks.
The good news: At least I didn't open PDO yet.
The really good news: I like writing stern letters to people who deserve to be yelled at.

(Oh, and apparently, word of advice to everyone: The copies of PDO that buy.com is selling are apparently used.)


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
I think their there so you won't be able to take the game out without leaving a mark. For example, when I got Super Mario Sunshine I was able to stretch the plastic seal around the case enough to let the disc slip out. Had I wanted to I could have easily taken the empty box back and gotten a full refund for it since the shrinkwrap was still intact.


Link316 said:
EB and Gamestop's trademark :D

'Tis why I don't shop there unless I'm looking for a used game - which is pretty fucking rare - or I'm picking up a game on the release date.

I don't trust the monkeys that run those places to be honest about what they're selling me.


works for Gamestop (lol)
For some reason, I've started to collect those sticker things for my PS2 games this year, just to see how many games I bought this year. So far, I have 15 of them...shit I bought a lot of games this year
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