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Construction of world's tallest statue begins in India

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And yet there are statues of him everywhere. Ugly people do things worth commemorating. Shocker.
Yeah, but Churchill isn't one of them.
He wanted to go to war with everyone, all the time, yeah, he was right about Hitler, but while a broken clock is right twice a day, he managed to be right only once.

Other then that, his achievements are making nice speeches and turning the complete and utter clusterfuck that was The Battle of France into a British PR triumph while pinning it on them cowardly french (who happened to cover the British asses while they were hightailing it in Dunkirk).
Oh, and he also wrote an amazingly flattering biography of himself, I guess that's something.
They aren't nearly big enough to be offensive. I want a skyscraper-sized Churchill, looking as old and curmudgeonly as possible, to compete with India.
If you're going to piss Indians, might as well put this quote of him there - "I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion".
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