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Cops in standoff w/couple in car shoot them dead...turns out the couple was sleeping

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US cops must be the biggest cowards walking this earth, if that situation was threatening to them. Two hours ago I literally had a crazy person yelling in my face about me being part of CIA plan to turn everyone into a zombie and I sent him on his way without even a slight shove.

How big of a pussy do you have to be to join the police over there?


After admitting that the couple was asleep, Butts quickly defended the officers, noting, “Obviously at some point they were conscious because somebody felt threatened.
I knew Mayor Butts looked familiar...


The mayor said the police spent 45 minutes trying to "rouse" them to "de-escalate" a situation?

How the fuck is a situation escalated when one of the parties is asleep?


I will not support the ""All cops are murderers" sentiment that's been going around, being that I'm friends with some cops and they're great people. That being said, it's getting harder and harder to seem like I'm not lying, because cops keep fucking killing innocent people! Seriously, sleeping?? What the hell is wrong with people anymore?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
The mayor said the police spent 45 minutes trying to "rouse" them to "de-escalate" a situation?

How the fuck is a situation escalated when one of the parties is asleep?
Well see the police were on a call, which automatically makes them nervous, but then they see black people and get afraid, which means it has become a life or death situation. At that point there is no way to even evaluate the situation until the black people are dead or got beat up trying to comply before being put into handcuffs. As we have seen in many videos, even the dead ones have to be cuffed before the situation can be evaluated.
I will not support the ""All cops are murderers" sentiment that's been going around, being that I'm friends with some cops and they're great people. That being said, it's getting harder and harder to seem like I'm not lying, because cops keep fucking killing innocent people! Seriously, sleeping?? What the hell is wrong with people anymore?
I have never seen that sentiment anywhere. I have seen ACAB plenty, though.


US cops must be the biggest cowards walking this earth, if that situation was threatening to them. Two hours ago I literally had a crazy person yelling in my face about me being part of CIA plan to turn everyone into a zombie and I sent him on his way without even a slight shove.

How big of a pussy do you have to be to join the police over there?

Ignoring the power tripping and massive systemic problems with the police in the US. There is one big reason they really do have for being more jumpy then police in other countries. Gun ownership. No other developed country has a situation where every person a police officer interacts with might be carrying a lethal weapon. That has to affect this to a degree.


Ignoring the power tripping and massive systemic problems with the police in the US. There is one big reason they really do have for being more jumpy then police in other countries. Gun ownership. No other developed country has a situation where every person a police officer interacts with might be carrying a lethal weapon. That has to affect this to a degree.

Except even with that there is documented proof of the police giving less leeway or none at all when confronting a suspect who is black vs one who is white.
What in the actual fuck!? 7 kids lost their parents because of the idiocy of these cops...

Something BETTER happen to the people involved. I'm going to hold on to that hope, as this it just too damn much...


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Ignoring the power tripping and massive systemic problems with the police in the US. There is one big reason they really do have for being more jumpy then police in other countries. Gun ownership. No other developed country has a situation where every person a police officer interacts with might be carrying a lethal weapon. That has to affect this to a degree.
1) I'm not sure that's true. Gonna need proof that no other countries have considerable gun ownership.
2) Then don't be a cop if you can't handle it.
I should really stop reading OT. Every other day I see one of these stories, and I further lament just how poor our policing system has become in general.


Ignoring the power tripping and massive systemic problems with the police in the US. There is one big reason they really do have for being more jumpy then police in other countries. Gun ownership. No other developed country has a situation where every person a police officer interacts with might be carrying a lethal weapon. That has to affect this to a degree.
Then make body armour mandatory. The US has more guns than people and cops still wear a shitty cotton shirt as their main protection. Beat cops in other countries, with far fewer weapons per capita, routinely wear protective vests when out on patrol.

Mr. X

How big is that while black list? I think we have everything covered ending in getting shot or arrested now.


I'm not going to address the extreme hyperbole is this thread but this whole story doesn't make sense. How the officers thought they saw a gun is beyond me. How you can't tell the subjects in a car aren't moving for 45 minutes is beyond me. Now this should be a case where BLM gets behind and national attention is given more so than the Michael Brown shooting. This seems clear cut the officers completely fucked up.
Most likely.

The sad thing is, if the cops learned about that, the driver would be going away for DUI. If I were a cop, in that situation, I would offer to drive them home, thank them for recognizing their impaired state and pulling over before they hurt anyone, and let them know that they shouldn't let it happen again.

That's what a cop should be. Not someone who fishes for people to incriminate themselves. Not part of an institution which tears families apart and wrecks lives because people stumble along the way of trying to be a good, law abiding member of society. Songs like "Fuck the police," drawings like the one by that child with the cops killing black people, those are symptoms of a police force that is not acting as a force of good, that has earned the distrust of a community.

People criticize the police force because they don't want to be neglected by society. not out of hatred, but a yearning for love. So when a community riots, when people block highways and light rails, it needs to be seen as a cry for help, not a crime to be elimited through negative reinforcement and punishment.

This is a nice theory and all but driving home drunk drivers to be nice is not smart. If you drive them home and then they decide they want to go back out to grab some food/go see a friend/etc and then they get in an accident or drive over someone it's on record that you had encountered them, knee they were DUI, and still let them go home and gave them an opportunity to drive their vehicle again. DUIs are not something to be taken lightly.


Whoever fired their weapons on the sleeping innocent people have to sentenced to jail.

If these clowns walk free.....fucking christ :(


"I feared for my life" is a phrase that really needs to be tossed out of our legal system as a proper defense or heavily reworked or restricted.

Behold! The scariest thing our American police could come across!

Old ladies. Sleeping couples. 12 year old children. Just the sight of them makes an endless string of cops fire and shout "I feared for my life!"

I want to crack a joke, find some sort of levity to a dark situation and a miserable feeling of helplessness and hopelessness...

But I got nothing. Nobody watches the watchmen. Police investigate themselves and find themselves innocent of any wrong-doing. Politicians stand by their police rather than their citizens. People with even the slightest of misdemeanors have their mistakes brought up YEARS later and paraded around as justification that "they were angel" as folks JUSTIFY their deaths for the grievance of being a flawed human being (like the rest of us).

We march. We protest. We riot. We petition. We plead. We beg.

... And then we die. And it's so unimportant and so common that that death gets lost in a sea of other pointless, meaningless deaths that meant nothing and changed nothing.

I feel like the only thing a black person can do at this point is just say "I'm sorry" to the world for being born the way they are, sorry to the victims for not changing things, and sorry to their kids that the world still will at some point view them as subhuman and expandable, no matter how smart, beautiful, or talented they are.

And I'm just so sorry nobody in charge has the heart to do anything about it.

1) I'm not sure that's true. Gonna need proof that no other countries have considerable gun ownership.
It's not even close.
Ignoring the power tripping and massive systemic problems with the police in the US. There is one big reason they really do have for being more jumpy then police in other countries. Gun ownership. No other developed country has a situation where every person a police officer interacts with might be carrying a lethal weapon. That has to affect this to a degree.

People don't realize this because they probably assume cops are right wing nutjobs but most cops I've spoken to are in favor of gun control. It would make all of their jobs tremdously safer.

It doesn't excuse this level of jumpiness though. If you find yourself in abject terror every time you approach a PoC during your duties to the point that you fear for you life during every encounter then you need to reassess your career choice and find another job. I know that's a very difficult prospect because for most cops that's probably the best job they could ever get but it's not worth the damage that you can do to yourself, your profession and your community when you let your fears make life/death decisions for you.

TL:DR version: If PoC scare you then don't go into law enforcement.

I once had a dangerous job and realized that I was just too easily distracted and lacked the focus to continue doing it. Eventually I would have been careless and gotten myself/someone else killed. It was a really difficult decision at the time but I left that profession and started working in IT and I've never been happier.


Homeland Security Fail
I'm not going to address the extreme hyperbole is this thread but this whole story doesn't make sense. How the officers thought they saw a gun is beyond me. How you can't tell the subjects in a car aren't moving for 45 minutes is beyond me. Now this should be a case where BLM gets behind and national attention is given more so than the Michael Brown shooting. This seems clear cut the officers completely fucked up.

This is a nice theory and all but driving home drunk drivers to be nice is not smart. If you drive them home and then they decide they want to go back out to grab some food/go see a friend/etc and then they get in an accident or drive over someone it's on record that you had encountered them, knee they were DUI, and still let them go home and gave them an opportunity to drive their vehicle again. DUIs are not something to be taken lightly.

The timeline seems to be:

-The two parents fall asleep in the car after a night out.
-Someone calls 911 to report them.
-Cops roll up and see a gun (while they are sleeping).
-Cops surround the area.
-Parents are shot.
I sat for a good 5 min open mouthed after reading that, i just don't understand

Firstly who felt threatened by two people in a car and thought they'd best call the cops(yeah they were black so voodoo or some shit right?)

What did the police officers do when they got there? surely standard procedure would be to approach the car? and if a lone officer felt threatened, have several officers approach from several angles? At which point surely any non blind person could see two sleeping people?

Assuming they didn't? They set up a cordon and did what? shouted from a distance to get out of the vehicle?

I just don't know how anything could lead up to a group of police officers not being able to see two sleeping non moving people in a car FOR 45 MINUTES!! and then execute them with assault rifles?

Basic Police procedure cannot have been followed
Was there even a gun?
how can you see a gun in a car and not see them asleep?

i just WHAT? This has to be either wrong or its was a group of corrupt cops who executed some people and then fabricated the worst cover story of all time!

seriously at this point surely a federal agency should be coming in and disbanding such an inept police force and arresting them en mass?

What the actual fuck next? Two dead (black) people in a car and a similar 'stand off' resulting in them shooting corpses?


Wait, usually in a standoff police are shouting orders making all types of noise... How did this couple sleep through 45 minutes of a 'standoff' especially in a car. If there was a standoff like the standoffs I've been at, there are k9s barking, spotlights being shined into the car, sirens of cars responding, yelling/loudspeakers giving orders. Or did they just surround the car silently expecting the couple to just come out? Doesn't make sense to me. Is there any footage anywhere of this standoff?


How was the car suspicious? What does that even mean? How are they in a 45 minute standoff -- of nothing happening -- and decide "well, maybe we should shoot at them now"? How do they "know" she had a gun, but not know the people inside are fucking asleep?


Except even with that there is documented proof of the police giving less leeway or none at all when confronting a suspect who is black vs one who is white.

That is absolutely true. Racism is a huge problem for the police in the USA. Just saying, even the occasional good cop is gonna be jumpy when the USA is the only country on the planet with more then one gun per person. 112.6 guns per 100 people in the USA. Its insane.

It's not even close.

Its actually even higher then that now. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/10/05/guns-in-the-united-states-one-for-every-man-woman-and-child-and-then-some/


Ignoring the power tripping and massive systemic problems with the police in the US. There is one big reason they really do have for being more jumpy then police in other countries. Gun ownership. No other developed country has a situation where every person a police officer interacts with might be carrying a lethal weapon. That has to affect this to a degree.

You know what? They weren't conscripted to be cops. They chose to. "Danger" comes with the job description. If they can't deal with the "danger" they should quit and be something else. Preferably a job where being a coward doesn't cost lives.
How was the car suspicious? What does that even mean? How are they in a 45 minute standoff -- of nothing happening -- and decide "well, maybe we should shoot at them now"? How do they "know" she had a gun, but not know the people inside are fucking asleep?

It contained black people.


That whole concept is morbidly hilarious.

"Wake up so you can tone down your aggression!" -----------> Two people dead.

Were they snoring aggressively? Are one or both victims known violent sleepwalkers? In how many situations does waking someone up de-escalate something?

Reads like this to me...

Cops: Hey black people, *draw guns*

People: zzzzZzzzzz

Cop 1: Ummm...They're not resisting. What do we do?

Cop 2: Shit idk.

People: zzzzzzzZzZzz

Both cops: Fuck it *guns fired repeatedly *


You know what? They weren't conscripted to be cops. They chose to. "Danger" comes with the job description. If they can't deal with the "danger" they should quit and be something else. Preferably a job where being a coward doesn't cost lives.

You're not wrong. I did mention the systemic issues and who is hired as police is a massive problem, but if you want to fix the police system in the USA, one of the plethora of issues you need to address is the ridiculous amount of firearms in the country.

Then make body armour mandatory. The US has more guns than people and cops still wear a shitty cotton shirt as their main protection. Beat cops in other countries, with far fewer weapons per capita, routinely wear protective vests when out on patrol.

Seems completely logical. So it will never happen.
Wait, usually in a standoff police are shouting orders making all types of noise... How did this couple sleep through 45 minutes of a 'standoff' especially in a car. If there was a standoff like the standoffs I've been at, there are k9s barking, spotlights being shined into the car, sirens of cars responding, yelling/loudspeakers giving orders. Or did they just surround the car silently expecting the couple to just come out? Doesn't make sense to me. Is there any footage anywhere of this standoff?
The news report says the couple were not conscious. Seems obvious to me this was no naturally occurring sleep,something knocked them out. Looking at the picture of the scene, the car is in driving lane on the street, not by the curb, so that explains why the cops were called in the first place.

Theres still a ton of questions about why they were killed by a literal firing squad though.


Then make body armour mandatory. The US has more guns than people and cops still wear a shitty cotton shirt as their main protection. Beat cops in other countries, with far fewer weapons per capita, routinely wear protective vests when out on patrol.
but then they wouldn't be able to fear for their life any more


This is beyond ridiculous. I can't really see how anyone should be allowed to wear a badge or own a gun after making a mistake such as that.
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